ROLEPLAYING REAL, HUMAN EVIL -- Civil Protection Behavior Guide: The Mannerisms of Mundane Tyrants


Really Corrupt

Written By Botulism
Intended for both routine Civil Protection players and aspiring ones.


I am writing this guide because I feel like many Civil Protection players have a fundamental misunderstanding of how real tyranny feels, looks, or acts. Many players have not consumed enough media or seen only poor depictions of what tyranny is really like, so they're either too afraid to go all the way or go too far in what I'd consider a stupid direction. Some players aspire not to push for tyranny at all, and make their Civil Protection characters openly lax or apathetical. While this is completely allowed within the ruleset of Willards that prioritizes role-player freedom and choice, I do not believe it fits the setting we want to convey and I also don't believe it helps in character and setting development.

Your first priorities in playing a Civil Protection Officer should involve creating a realistic and believable oppressor, while riding a muddied line between realism and fun for all, given it results in sensical RP.
Try to have it be fun and entertaining to read, put constant effort into what you write, treat every player as if you're personally roleplaying for them while also not giving any mercy to their characters. If you're going to execute a guy? Make it flowery, detailed, and fun and grim as hell to read, while paying some service to their character.
I've found the years-old cliches of Civil Protection guides are frankly just made to stifle new players' ambitions, and to keep them from pushing the setting to its' maximum potential. They contain cliches like recruits having to be citizens in suits that are startled by everything that goes on around them. The people who wrote these guides considered it 'human' to act this way, while I disagree. They wrote the guides this way to do a hard-turn away from the robocops that they had to deal with in the first few years of HL2RP's existence, not feeling a thing and using the "<:: Haha. ::>" emoji whenever they beat up citizens at random.

Neither of these outcomes are preferable. Neither of these characters accurately convey the kind of person that would join Civil Protection. These are both parodies.

At this point in time of your character's enlistment in Civil Protection, they've been through sixteen years of the most violent, disgusting occupation in human history. They've seen massacres, public executions, beatings, skirmishes and riots and conflict and mental breakdowns and famines and mass-arson and EVERYTHING you could think of that would go on in a complete breakdown of social order like this.

Now, you ask yourself: "Would my character join Civil Protection out of genuine care for the people, OR genuine love for the Combine?"

No. You're a man from the age of twenty to sixty who joined for a variety of reasons, not including any of those.
Maybe you're a cynic who just needs the extra cash, and beating up a bunch of innocent people with your stun-baton doesn't bother you none. Maybe you're a genuine sociopath who will make this job his religion, and the suffering of others your way of prayer. Maybe you're a biting opportunist who hated getting beat-down, and now enjoys the advancements his position of authority has.

Whatever you are, you're a pathetic, mundane, power-tripping fascist of a human being who knew going in that you'd become a stun-baton brandishing life extinguisher and species-traitor.

The next part will establish some ground rules of the Civil Protection mindset, and will be primarily OOC-based, save for the first few lines.










Even regular, normal cops in dystopian societies kept meticulous amounts of paperwork. North Korean, Soviet and Nazi policemen wrote tickets, citations for citizens to see, and had a bureaucratic system to keep track of what they were doing.

You have none of that. At most, you keep records of what people have done in your PDA system. The cities in Half Life 2 are cruel parodies of actual real life cities with functioning economic systems and real, working politics. At most, you have a puppet Ministry that every Civil Protection Officer would massacre if they made a decision that none of them liked.

You're not here to protect citizens, and if you do any protecting, it's more akin to a slave-master's foreman protecting his employer's property than anything out of actual care.

So what are you here for?

You're here to keep the 'peace' until mankind dies. Heresy and being against the Combine is a crime worse than death. Citizens are in essence pure slaves of the Combine and you should treat them as such. The primordial gameplay loop of HL2RP was to keep your head down until you were pushed into rebellion or killed, and not enough characters are being pushed to the brink. Several citizen characters play along, actually having trust in the Combine system, believing that a bunch of alien tyrants will save their lives because the admins out-of-character wouldn't allow them to die otherwise. What greater betrayal against the roleplaying setting is that?

There are many times when I'd let my citizen character get willingly arrested because I thought "This is Willards, there's no way they'll publicly execute, stalkerize, etc. my character like in an old-fashioned server. They'll just arrest me, give me a beating, and let me go." When that was what I believed my character should've been given in a dystopian setting.
And they did just that!
I think I would've appreciated a good death in at least one of those scenarios.
We must ALL embrace the PK, and anyone who whines about that should remember the gamemode they chose to voluntarily play on.

In that essence, we need to fulfill roleplayers expectations of what a dystopian system acts, feels, and thinks like. Civil Protection doesn't give a damn about citizens and even it's own boys if they fuck up. I remember a hostage-taking scenario a few months ago where the Captain actually tried to negotiate with the rebels instead of just sending all his men in and killing the rebels at the potential cost of losing a few of his own, including the two cops taken hostage. Russian Communists during the war with Nazi Germany weren't even that nice. If you were captured by the enemy? Whether you lived or died, there was no real care. You were to be punished, imprisoned, executed, and in rare cases rehabilitated, all for your cowardice.

BEFORE I GO TO PART 3, I will include a small writer's note here:
While I believe that historical inspiration from the horrors of Nazi Germany is good for creating an oppressive character, I've chosen to take imagery mostly featured from historical atrocities committed by Communist nations like the Soviet Union. I've heard that a few goody-two-shoe 'ed combine mains are keen to claim the Combine are Communistic in nature and thus believe that makes them somehow 'better', but I wanted to directly dispel this in my writing by showing that all authoritarian, totalitarian, etc. Regimes are disgusting in nature. People say you shouldn't take this so seriously since it's just a game, but it's a serious roleplaying game where we're supposed to portray real people with real hopes and dreams, and you should always work to improve your writing no matter what it's for.



You do NOT get paid for standing around.

While in-game, no matter what, you get 20 credits with every ration. Realistically, why would you get paid for just standing around and beating up a few people every now and then? While flagged, you should ALWAYS be doing something that contributes to the oppressive environment. You're here to assist in citizen player's character development while also forwarding your own. If their character doesn't fit the environment, do not be afraid to kill them, as this will assist in the development of other characters.

If there's a workshift, why stand around on the streets? Go to that workshift and beat up anyone who doesn't conform. When I was doing my last cop, a Civil Worker was causing a tiny bit of a ruckus, so my cop beat him continuously; this worker was practically running away from my cop while he was just trailing him slowly throughout the building. Eventually, my cop put him in bleed-out, and the Civil Workers were pleading him to stop; he did, since it amused him to watch the Civil Workers rush the guy away to the CMRU while being rather distressed. This was memorable, tyrannical, and no doubt very dystopian. This event definitely happened somewhere at a real life labor camp in a dystopian country.

Until the CMRU changes and surgeries actually start failing, the stakes are already low, so why not up them even more?

Your character should ideally love his job. As of right now, Civil Protection has no real direction save for continuously patrolling, so why not create direction for your own patrol-team? Decide to sweep an apartment, perform a mass-search, force citizens to gather people for watching a mass execution, and engage in corrupt, realistic acts. Hoard alcohol and drugs for your own personal use, execute members of the Ministry and disloyal units (publicly, even, for effect) who think they can stop you, make deals with the Black Market, and more.

Why bother with one-man assassinations that single you out? If you get your whole patrol-team together, tie up and de-uniform a Unit you don't like, and make every citizen watch as you blow the fucker's brains out, doesn't that legitimize the whole thing? So what if your boss doesn't like it, can he really fight you all?




Never let yourself get singled out, by either your own superiors or rebel forces. Cops in real life stick together. When one of them commits a wrong and an outside force attempts to judge them for it? They quickly turn from law-enforcement to thugs and attempt to intimidate or force that outside force to submit. In a dog-eat-dog environment like Half Life 2, I doubt Civil Protection would stop at that, they'd go straight for eliminating that force.

The more Civil Protection Officers YOU have by your side, the more things you can do together as a faction. As the saying goes, three men make a tiger. If enough of you are together, you can effectively push the fabric of the City to favor your way and your desires, after all, outside of Overwatch, you're the only ones allowed to possess weapons. Like the in-real-life French Foreign Legion and dystopian police forces, organizations quickly break way into clique-like systems and cadres all fighting for their own piece of the pie. If your clique is so brave, they can even go political and hire groups of citizens to terrorize and kill loyalists or civil workers, all in the name of the Combine!
The possibilities are endless!

Will this provoke citizen and civil worker players to rebel? YES.
Is this a good thing? ALSO YES.

OOCly, you are meant to inspire characters to rebel or keep their head down in a permanent bow. Once you realize your potential, you can really make people interested in rioting against you.



The Shawshank Redemption

Schindler's List
The Way Back (2010)
Come And See
1984 (Movie)


The Gulag Archipelago
The Black Book of Communism
Night (Elie Wiesel)

Totalitarian Governments and their Law Enforcement all around the world.

The Great Purge of 1937-1938, the NKVD/KGB and their internal affairs in the Soviet Union.
The Holodomor (The artificial famine created by Communists in Soviet Ukraine) and the Holocaust

What does your Civil Protection Officer act like? Could it be improved in a realistic way to where he is still human, yet very dedicated to making the lives of those around him worse?

What are their distinct mannerisms? Could some of these be changed? Could they have real emotions, real fear, and a lot of likeability while also being horrible people?

Do they have an archetype? Do they have an arc? Keep in mind that you don't need either of these to have a successful character, but considering whether or not you should have them is a good idea.

All-in-all, find your niche in roleplaying a Civil Protection Officer and exercise it to perfection -- your goal should be finding your niche while also making sure it makes sense with what you're trying to roleplay; a cruel human being.

Make your character fun to go up against, and not in a way that requires you to be a pussy and give mercy to your foes. If your cop didn't commit evil acts on a regular while remaining a relatively normal person deep-down, they would cease to be believable. A true Civil Protection character isn't a scaredy-cat good cop or a no-emotion evil cop, it's somewhere in the middle.

Still horribly evil nonetheless, but with a human face under all that evil.


To have 'humanity' is neither a good or a bad thing.
Jesus Christ was a human, and so was Pol Pot.
Your Civil Protection character can be a human while also being a disgustingly evil person, and that is a good thing.
It is UP TO US to make the dystopian roleplaying experience what it is, and I'd love you guys to join me in furthering that atmosphere.
The essence of dystopia is getting punished for a crime you never committed.

That's all, I'm probably going to edit this a fair bit. Any suggestions or notes you may leave in the comments. Thanks for reading!
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Jesus Christ was a human, and so was Pol Pot.
Jesus was God not a human

This whole thread reeks of pseudo-intellectualism and Reddit philosophy especially after looking at your media suggestions. These sort of threads never produce anything meaningful regardless since the average cop is not going to read something in-depth like this. Large servers like these are built on systems that are meant to facilitate roleplay and suggesting philosophic points to people to try to change their roleplay habits is never going to work and is more self-serving than anything.
By what authority do you, Botulism, make these claims and assertations? Are you even a member of the Civil Protection faction? Adding onto this point, why should every CP character conform to your expectations of how it should be played? Isn't part of a RP server having creative ideas and not making cut and paste characters? I don't think a post like this is beneficial whatsoever to this server.

Anyone else notice the exuberant amount of Holocaust references? I don't like the underlying pseudo-religious subtext in this message, and I don't think it had any value even if you wanted to make the aforementioned point regarding Civil Protection.
By what authority do you, Botulism, make these claims and assertations? Are you even a member of the Civil Protection faction? Adding onto this point, why should every CP character conform to your expectations of how it should be played? Isn't part of a RP server having creative ideas and not making cut and paste characters? I don't think a post like this is beneficial whatsoever to this server.

Anyone else notice the exuberant amount of Holocaust references? I don't like the underlying pseudo-religious subtext in this message, and I don't think it had any value even if you wanted to make the aforementioned point regarding Civil Protection.

As a reminder, we are playing Half Life 2, which is built on similar premise of the holocaust. It's literally derived from the Nazi Regime it's just a futuristic version. See: Armbands, Gas Chambers, Oppressed Society based on class. I mean, duh.

- He is a part of Civil Protection, duh times two.
- Your comment made no benefit to the discussion either, whether you agree or not with some of the points made.

As for what Knight said, the man stands on absolute business. "Large servers like these are built on systems that are meant to facilitate roleplay and suggesting philosophic points to people to try to change their roleplay habits is never going to work and is more self-serving than anything."

The notion of controlling exactly how someone will RP, historically has never worked. Never will in our case. But I do believe the people need to be reminded that we're not police officers, we're guards in an open air prison, build within that boundary and make it good for other people.
Jesus was God not a human

This whole thread reeks of pseudo-intellectualism and Reddit philosophy especially after looking at your media suggestions. These sort of threads never produce anything meaningful regardless since the average cop is not going to read something in-depth like this. Large servers like these are built on systems that are meant to facilitate roleplay and suggesting philosophic points to people to try to change their roleplay habits is never going to work and is more self-serving than anything.
"Jesus was God not a human"

For someone saying I have a redditor's understanding of philosophy, you don't even know what the Trinity is? That sucks. As for it being self-serving, I dare say if I influence atleast ONE person to change their roleplay for the better, I've done my job. If I haven't? So what? The joy of this wasn't to preach, it was to establish my mindset when I play a Civil Protection character. Y'know what I mean?

Also, saying something reeks of pseudo-intellectualism is so /lit/. Next you'll be telling me to read the Greeks first 😂
By what authority do you, Botulism, make these claims and assertations? Are you even a member of the Civil Protection faction? Adding onto this point, why should every CP character conform to your expectations of how it should be played? Isn't part of a RP server having creative ideas and not making cut and paste characters? I don't think a post like this is beneficial whatsoever to this server.

Anyone else notice the exuberant amount of Holocaust references? I don't like the underlying pseudo-religious subtext in this message, and I don't think it had any value even if you wanted to make the aforementioned point regarding Civil Protection.
You didn't like the amount of holocaust references? Good. Half Life 2 is a human holocaust and for the comfortable minded should be moderately disturbed, while I hope the disturbed are moderately comforted by reality.

I did not mean this in any way that would glorify past tyrants and totalitarian regimes, but rather to remember them and for the rebel players, have joy in fighting against them. I have family that personally were killed during the holocaust, with my Russian Jewish ancestors fleeing to Argentina to avoid nazi prosecution, experiencing toil under Peron, then coming here to the United States. I only say this to strangle the idea of me idolizing any of these regimes in the crib, as I find it ridiculous that anyone would even assume such out of me.

I've been playing HL2RP on and off since 2014, and I really love delving into the lore of totalitarian regimes in science fiction and real life, out of that, I base my authority in writing on such. I've played two Civil Protection characters in Willards so far and I've played numerous outside of it. I find the realism and the grit of the retail version of Half Life Two to be insanely fascinating, not just as a roleplay setting but also out of a study of people, their lives, and their actions, no matter how good or bad.

Roleplay is indeed supposed to be about freedom, but Half Life 2's world is fundamentally about being anti-freedom. Civil Protection, in other words, is not a faction where freedom should thrive. It's a disgusting group of species-betraying fascists and once the Uprising wins, they should all be brutally executed. Until then, we should seek to convey them as they realistically would be, evil, yet so very human.

I'd love to respond later with more, but I'm currently at work right now. Thank you for replying, even if you disagree!
Jesus was God not a human

This whole thread reeks of pseudo-intellectualism and Reddit philosophy especially after looking at your media suggestions. These sort of threads never produce anything meaningful regardless since the average cop is not going to read something in-depth like this. Large servers like these are built on systems that are meant to facilitate roleplay and suggesting philosophic points to people to try to change their roleplay habits is never going to work and is more self-serving than anything.
Botulism already mentioned it but Christ was 100% Human and 100% God. We sorted this heresy out in 451 and still we have people thinking otherwise on a roleplaying internet forum.
Botulism already mentioned it but Christ was 100% Human and 100% God. We sorted this heresy out in 451 and still we have people thinking otherwise on a roleplaying internet forum.
Thank you, LMAO. I've never seen someone be so confidently wrong about something.