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  1. HOKI


  2. HOKI

    DO NOT say "OCIN, sign out" near OTA.

    DO NOT say "OCIN, sign out" near OTA.
  3. HOKI

    Hierarchy Chart

    Spriggan from elder crools
  4. HOKI

    Until the Next - Day Three Feedback

    It was cool but bleedout godmode made it a bit humorous. I exploded in a tank and was fine after a bandage or two
  5. HOKI

    Until the Next - Day Two Feedback

    We need more OTA. It's far too easy... I'm thinking... 3 squads minimum... sprinkle in some wallhammers and those machine gun ota. Hell add in some elites with a pet hunter each. thanks!
  6. HOKI

    Until The Next

    Application format. --- OOC Section --- Steam Name: hoki Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:435300941 Discord Name & ID: horsephucker --- IC Section --- Character Name: Gerome Gentry
  7. HOKI

    Denied Formation HAZOP 'SHIELD'

    Fellow combine combine mains... Roleplay might be saved if this is accepted... Hopefully these guys get swords too... and power over lore figures like the Minister of Civil Protection... Heil Rebel Skull Devourers!
  8. HOKI


  9. HOKI

    Accepted [Lore Submission] THE KRAH'AUR'NUR

    This is a great post. There is but one problem. You are taking credit for Neighborhood Watch operations. Please remove them from the "miscellaneous screenshots and videos" section or the Staff team WILL be involved.
  10. HOKI

    The esteemed Neighborhood Watch.

    The esteemed Neighborhood Watch.
  11. HOKI

    Interesting how you didn't include the 'again' part. This means the vortigaunt faction was...

    Interesting how you didn't include the 'again' part. This means the vortigaunt faction was ALWAYS SHIT. CMB ON TOP
  12. HOKI

    Make The Combine Great Again

    Make The Combine Great Again
  13. HOKI


    - Section One - Steam Name: hoki Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:435300941 Discord Name & ID: PONI#5845 Timezone: CET - Section Two - Character name: Mike Ponesky Character's role during life: Freedom fighter & Resistance member, Ranch owner (Pre-Combine) How did your character die: Captured by...
  14. HOKI

    Literally me

    Literally me
  15. HOKI

    memesky come back willard needs u

    memesky come back willard needs u
  16. HOKI

    Elder Scrolls Roleplay.

    Elder Scrolls Roleplay.
  17. HOKI

    Hello everypony.

    Hello everypony.
  18. HOKI

    Goodbye Everypony. FIM /)

    Goodbye Everypony. FIM /)
  19. HOKI


    Objectively untrue. I managed to escape after stunsticking 2 OTAs without rp and escape a dozen antlions while on 10 hp.