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Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

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  1. Kinglightning07

    CITY ADMINISTRATOR Ludwik Zieliñski, City 14 - "The Architect"

    Ah yes, naming the city administrator after the first name that popped into your head just.... only spelt different
  2. Kinglightning07

    No more then 40 characters

    No more then 40 characters
  3. Kinglightning07

    Don't drink it, there's something in it... that'll make you forget it, I don't even remember why...

    Don't drink it, there's something in it... that'll make you forget it, I don't even remember why I joined Willard....
  4. Kinglightning07

    oh no.......

    oh no.......
  5. Kinglightning07

    thank you

    thank you
  6. Kinglightning07

    Tonight on willard: >rain and lots of it >people ignoring my scene texts half of the time >CP's...

    Tonight on willard: >rain and lots of it >people ignoring my scene texts half of the time >CP's telling me to cope >donator status again >wants a zombie swep >players banned from impulse make up 3/4s of the servers community
  7. Kinglightning07

    Official DEVBLOG #23 - The "Combat and Rebellion" update

    Yo this is the best update we've had since the release of the server :smug:
  8. Kinglightning07

    Tonight on Willard: >Nobody gives a fuck about my loyalism >Some guy kicks two people in the...

    Tonight on Willard: >Nobody gives a fuck about my loyalism >Some guy kicks two people in the nuts >Snark shit everywhere >Some game show with no Ron >I'm a fast headcrab now
  9. Kinglightning07

    Twitch's guide on how to survive in the QZ

    true, I think the infection system in the game might be a bit broken, originaly, I thought it was an actual effect from when you got too close to xen fauna or got hit by a zombie, but instead it depends on how high your roll is to see how infected you are, well done Atle..........
  10. Kinglightning07

    Twitch's guide on how to survive in the QZ

    Well you can’t really tell if they’re covered in xenian infection OOCly because there is no model for it, and if you clearly can’t see it OOCly then you obviously can’t see it ICly, and basically, what I’m saying is you have no way of telling if there is infected on it, like with real germs, the...
  11. Kinglightning07

    Twitch's guide on how to survive in the QZ

    The problem with this is that, it’s likely that they were killed by a zombie unless it’s in front of a turret, but logically if they were killed by a zombie then that likely means that the supply’s they have and their body itself is likely covered in xenian infection, which you touching will...
  12. Kinglightning07

    Suka Blyt!!

    Suka Blyt!!
  13. Kinglightning07

    Official Devblog #21 - Animation view, attributes, misc, BETA changelog

    Well technically, the CPs do sort of use the same bones as citizens (I think) since the CPs are really just citizens with the armor on, that being said, I’ve noticed that you seem to (in some ways) change your model and animations entirely when you put the helmet on, so I don’t really know
  14. Kinglightning07

    Announcement Beta #2 - "The Forgotten Settlement" - 25.06.2021

    That kind of makes sense actually, hmm
  15. Kinglightning07

    Announcement Beta #2 - "The Forgotten Settlement" - 25.06.2021

    Ok, but none of this progress and story will cross over to the official release, right?
  16. Kinglightning07

    Announcement Beta #2 - "The Forgotten Settlement" - 25.06.2021

    wait so is this gonna have actual RP in it? cause this doesn't make sense to me, is it just to test the server but this time it's RP? or are we still doing what we did in the first test which was no RP and could test anything out no matter what?
  17. Kinglightning07

    Official Devblog #21 - Animation view, attributes, misc, BETA changelog

    Oh cause I was hoping they fixed the CP animation where when you walk or run as a cp you have your fist up in the air, this is because valve never made an animation for the CP running without anything in its hand