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Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

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  1. Bull

    Official V3 Lore Feedback/Questions [Feel free to post here]

    Maybe so, but doesnt that make most of the world beyond (at most) Russia irrelevant?
  2. Bull

    Official V3 Lore Feedback/Questions [Feel free to post here]

    Thats a good point but there isnt really a medium that the world map's lore is told through. Maybe if the World Map was made by a global faction of resistance historians to keep an archive of what was left of humanity, but the way the world map is presented is implied to be an omnipotent...
  3. Bull

    [V3] Asia Rewrites

    That's just a lie, Britain wanted to hold onto the city but was pressured by China to recognise the lend-lease agreement under the threat of being invaded. I edited the writing so that China offers Britain a second lend lease agreement whilst societal collapse and massive damage was taken from...
  4. Bull

    [V3] Asia Rewrites

    what year did portal storms start?
  5. Bull

    [V3] Asia Rewrites

    Hong Kong still remained a massive hub for trade, industry and wealth for the UK. I wouldn't consider this an invasion of Chinese territory, rather British troops occupying the region temporarily to prevent devastation of the city in question before expiring the lend-lease agreement (i did...
  6. Bull

    [V3] Asia Rewrites

    my b, mistake fixed now though
  7. Bull

    [V3] Asia Rewrites

    https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1nek8YvozPPDBAOuyWQ8-ppLgUJXhYRU&usp=sharing City Twelve - Complete rewrite and expansion on surrounding area. Triad of Guangzhou - Replacement of ESIC. City Thirty Three/Terminal Five - Complete rewrite and expansion on surrounding area. City Fifty One...
  8. Bull

    American South Rewrite

    https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1yH7eMD7o7ZurdYlriQ4inrg-ZPT6ysc&usp=sharing American Wastes- Borders modified slightly so that the description ("A large proportion of what was once considered to be the United States of the America") is accurate. City of Houston removed from it, since...
  9. Bull

    [V3] Russia Rewrite

    Thats understandable but this is context that not a lot of people are gonna get, and as you said theres not even that many ppl left that participated in the event.
  10. Bull

    [V3] Russia Rewrite

    Could you elaborate on what made 52's destruction necessary? I thought the Eastern Rebellion was going to be less significant with the ESIC, SRF and United Korean Front all dying in them. And what was the culling in broad terms? Its hard to get a general grasp with the descriptions provided in...
  11. Bull

    [V3] Russia Rewrite

    https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1jjldRLBM3I-xRQZ720BNe3hgyTYSmRI&usp=sharing Rewriting of: City 3 - Not fully edited, SRF and City 3 are already going under total rewrites so unnecessary to do so. More like inspiration to contribute to a better Russia instead of what it should actually...
  12. Bull

    Official [Cities Info] Read if submitting a City!!!

    When will the V3 World Map be released?
  13. Bull


  14. Bull

    bye guys

    bye guys
  15. Bull

    Accepted thejanitor413/bigdaddboy413 - Event Concept - A Bethesda Tribute

    slab city's awesome, good shit
  16. Bull

    [V3] City Fifty Six - Manchester

    SOCIO-STATUS: ABANDONED(?), UNSECURE FOR NEW RESIDENTS TOTAL POPULATION: <50,000 City Fifty Six was heavily affected by the Portal Storms of the 2000s and even now suffers from massive outbreaks of it. Hit by the Seven Hour War just as hard as the majority of the United Kingdom on the Western...
  17. Bull

    [V3] Bekasi Administration rewrite

    since this is quite a big change I want to see this accepted before it's implemented
  18. Bull

    [V3] Bekasi Administration rewrite

    (this exists as a rewrite for a portion of City Sixty - Jakarta) Declared as an administrative centre of trade import/export during the founding of the city, Bekasi was at first an unremarkable division of Sixty that was chosen by the Combine for carrying out impartial order over the city due to...