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Content Creator


Background information:

On the edge of the frozen precipice, a Combine outpost stands strong against the harsh elements . Populated primarily with scientists sent away on a laborious research endeavour, they are tasked with revealing what secrets may lie beneath the permafrost.

So much time has passed since the initial portal storms invited both mindless threats and others, it would seem like nothing unexpected could develop. What automated and autonomous defenses the outpost maintains has seemed to be needless so far, but there are concerns of tremors around the base...

How can I take part?
In this thread you can post your character. As with all short stories there will be limitations on what characters you can play. In this case there is a player limit of 14

  • All characters must be scientists, though perhaps they may have other goals then the pursuit of science. In most cases, they will have been at the outpost for some time.
  • No characters with criminal or violent backgrounds that would have excluded them from being within such employment.

Event details:

This event is intended to be driven by passive Roleplay conveyed through subtle storytelling and complemented with physiological dread. Players will be confined to one location throughout the experience and should expect choices to heavily impact the outcome of the story. Due to the limited space available a smaller pool of players will be present to ensure the experience is felt for all participants.
This event is best suited for those who enjoy slow burns based around passive RP and storytelling. Combat is likely to be a rarity and should not be expected. The event is best taken with the pace provided - slow and immersed.



The * symbol represents a required filling, below.
Please DO NOT put your answers in bold, as to make the entry easier to read. Failure to do so will only result in me angrily staring at you from across the screen.
Post in this thread

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • *Timezone:
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • Full Backstory (Optional):
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us and we hope to see you there!
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • *Timezone:

--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:


Ivan Molotov

  • *Brief summary of the character:
Ivan Molotov a BRI Scientist from City 3 had been sent into this God-forsaken Outpost after the Death of the Administration. The Heavy Snowfall and the daily Blizzard remind him of his old home in Serbia. His wife died during the 7 Hour war against an Antlion Infestation. Now he is deliberately trying to find or Research an effective weapon to fight those monstrosities.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
Because I was once in the BRI and would love to do some Science RP with other Scientists
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--- Section One ---
*Steam Name: Imperialist That Sneers
*Steam ID: Imperialist That Sneers
*Discord Name & ID: Imperialist That Sneers#0219
*Timezone: EST
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Craig Hendricks

*Brief summary of the character: Craig Hendricks, 35, Originally from Phoenix Arizona worked as a mediocre air-condition repairman up until the time of the seven hour war (Late teens at the time) Eventually joining the CWU out in City 16 Unbeknownst to himself he'd ended up pissing off the wrong person in the CWU's chain of command and managed to get sent to Antarctica of all places to conduct checks on the base's Air ducts and heating which despite having previously received citations by staff for his mediocre at best and abysmal servicing record still manages to some how stick around the facility, Likely due to the fact that there is no real "Law" Out there and the fact that he's not one of the egg-heads he'd managed to survive up until now being a rather large stocky individual, Craig is often seen as the closest thing the Base has to "Security" even though he had been regularly been reminded by Overwatch forces checking in he wasn't allowed officially be called that for some strange reason as a result of the "Pepper spray Incident" of '13 involving a disgruntled co-worker.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I don't think I have the background knowledge or the Skill to play a dedicated scientist and think playing a fuck up of a repairman could be kind of fun and give more opportunities to experience things then where I to otherwise just play a scientist or some other character.
Full Backstory (Optional): Pretty much all you need to know is in the summary.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
Tell us about yourself:
I like long walks on the beach, I like oppressive roleplay....I do palates. And make a mean kimchi chicken sandwich.
Are you new to Willard Networks?: No
Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Many people
What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: I'd say the sheer flexibility of the setting nearly anything can be possible within the framework and the only limit truly is your mind at times (Not discounting status quo)
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: doicarelol125
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:587446841
  • *Discord Name & ID: erja#5676
  • *Timezone: BST
--- Section Two ---

  • *Character Name: David Oprører
  • *Brief summary of the character: He's just a random repairman that was somehow qualified to work at this scientific base. He mainly takes care of the electrical and computer science stuff. Born in 1978, he barely speaks any English but speaks perfect Danish. Transferred from City 17 after having a position in the CWU, he doesn't know why he was located here. Some would say he doesn't even know how to work with electronics. He also sweats a lot of the time too for some reason.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I like playing as clueless characters who don't know what the hell is going on.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan​
  • *Steam ID: ( 💀 I forgor)​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267​
  • *Timezone: EST​
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Shuaa'Kinq​
  • *Brief summary of the character: A tall 6'10 vortigaunt of 476 whos eyes are bright red, his skin appears to be more 'greyish' then most biotics.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Mainly to see how it feels to play a vortigaunt, and to get in some practice on it.

    Shuaa'Kinq lived in City-4, not really cleaning the streets, or doing what he was told unless told to by force, and was heavily disliked by the Civil Protection force, and some of the civic populous, one attempt of escape was made but failed in his recapture not even a few minutes after it. Shuaa'Kinq was especially hated by a rank leader in the city.

    News of a expedition to the Antarctic, the Rank Leader decided to punish the vortigaunt a lot worse, before being sent it was beaten before being given to a OTA Delegate and 2 Scientists to a transport ship, beaten and weak. The vortigaunt was told where it was going, and what its job was. Shuaa'Kinq having no real way of avoiding it, sighed nodding not saying a word entering the transport ship.
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: esim boost​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:190762082​
  • *Discord Name & ID: EBoost#8665​
  • *Timezone: EST​
--- Section Two ---

  • *Character Name:
  • Dr. Ladarrell Burns​
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • A shy and close minded African American geologist who slaves away under the Combine. This character has little ties with his colleagues, only working to survive under the Unions grip on his life. He keeps to himself most of the time to focus on his work.​
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • I'd like to try something different from my normal characters I write. A scientist who interacts with little to no one could be interesting when faced when a deadly situation, turning his attitude around in the face of death to save himself.​
  • Full Backstory (Optional):
  • Ladarrell Burns was born in 1968, shortly after the Summer of Love along the bright coasts of the California coastline in the City of San Francisco. A child prodigy, graduating high school at the age of 16 and moving onto college just a year later, Ladarrell was a special case of growing too fast for the best of him. Unable to live out his childhood due to his parent's pressure of building Ladarrell into a prodigy, he kept his head in the books day in and day out. At the age of 17, Ladarrell was accepted into Yale University, moving to New Haven, Connecticut for his life in higher education.​
Book Worm
  • Separated from his parents, Ladarrell still kept his mind focused on becoming greater than ever, studying in his dorm and away from social activities for years. Five years later, Ladarrell Burns graduated from Yale with a doctorate in Geology. The now Doctor Burns moved to New York after graduation, immediately landing a job in the Federal Emergency Management Agency, otherwise known as FEMA.​
  • Dr. Burns worked there for years, focused not on the people of the Agency, but the job at hand. That same mindset kept Dr. Burns in his position under FEMA when the Xen invasion began, the Agency being overwhelmed by work as the alien threats destroyed half of the United States in a manner of years. That all came to an end when the Combine invaded. He along with his colleagues were integrated into the scientific force of the Union shortly after the formation of City 1, being shipped off to different parts of the world to slave away for the Universal Union.​
  • Thankfully for Dr. Burns, slaving away is what he has always done.​
  • For he has one goal. To live.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Been playing the server for a few months and want to try something new.​
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No​
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes​
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The dystopian atmosphere of the Combine. It is a horrific element that no other Universe can match for the scale of the Combine.​

--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: General_Claw64

*Discord Name & ID: General Craw419#9525
*Timezone: GMT+1

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:

Screenshot_20220909-212539_Cut Paste Photos.jpg


*Character Role: Researcher

*Brief summary of character: A Cowardly and Outgoing Middle-aged American Scientist with a Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering and Biology. Otto likes to discuss the wonders of science with his fellow Researchers and takes a prestige interest in Machines and what makes them tick.

*Why do you want to play this character?: I thought I would take a break from making antisocial and antagonistic characters and focus on a Nicer and more humble character.

*Full Backstory:

Early Life

Living a normal life in an apartment block within New York In 1975, Otto Robinson grew up as an A-Grade student, passing his exams and going to college where he graduated with a Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering and Biology by the year 1997. Otto then focused his sights on using his newfound degrees in pursuing his goal at becoming a well known scientist by becoming a Science professor for Harvard University. It took him several years but Otto eventually became a professor of Mechanical-Engineering where he spent the next Two years teaching in the school until that fateful day...

The Future of the World

Otto prefers not to talk about what happened to him during the Initial years of the portal storms and the Combine Invasion...However, all he does state is that it was horrible what happened at would scar a man to his grave...

The year is 2011 and Otto is now 36 year old and moving into the Middle of his life. He worked at the CMU now, somehow retaining his old doctorates as he was now employed as a Senior Doctor in City 16 who continued to study Biology in his spare time, occasionally sparing his knowledge in Mechanical Engineering to help the CWU in Projects they needed it for.

Otto usually worked Night shifts at the clinic, passing the time by reading books which usually were about the The creations of the worlds greatest machines, weither that be from The Industrial Revolution of the Early 18th century Otto found it a most interesting read. Otto the began to draw up schematics of Machines he could build as to better modern day society under The Universal Union. Many of his schematics seemed rather expensive to make or outright couldn't work... however some seemed to be plausible enough to work.

Years passed and it was 2016, One of Otto's cohorts found some of his old schematics hidden away in his folders, they then informed Otto of a trip they heard of that sounds exactly for him and his interests. He heard that he can pursue his ideas of machinery with other Researchers up in the snowy mountains where nobody could interfere while they worked on seeing what lies below the permafrost...Otto immediatly went to accept this offer and rushed to find a transfer ticket.

The Misty Mountains

Its now 2018 and Otto has been working within the outpost safely for almost Two years now, working on his latest project for melting the perma-frost An Omega Drill...
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: doicarelol125
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:587446841
  • *Discord Name & ID: erja#5676
  • *Timezone: BST
--- Section Two ---
View attachment 14239

  • *Character Name: David Oprører
  • *Brief summary of the character: He's just a random repairman that was somehow qualified to work at this scientific base. He mainly takes care of the electrical and computer science stuff. Born in 1978, he barely speaks any English but speaks perfect Danish. Transferred from City 17 after having a position in the CWU, he doesn't know why he was located here. Some would say he doesn't even know how to work with electronics. He also sweats a lot of the time too for some reason.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I like playing as clueless characters who don't know what the hell is going on.
Not of a high enough quality. Denied.
  1. --- Section One ---
  2. *Steam Name: Naked Cowboy
  3. *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:609967792
  4. *Discord Name & ID: Pog#8801
  5. *Timezone: GMT/BST
    --- Section Two ---

  6. *Character Name: Victor Horn
  7. *Brief summary of the character: Victor wants to join the expedition as a way to prove his worth to the benefactors, as he accidentally angered them before but knows he's also of use with his expertise in microbiology. He is also a coward and is much more likely to run from trouble than face it, despite serving in Vietnam.
  8. *Why do you want to play this character?: I've want to see what some scientist RP is like and also what a short story event is like.
    Full Backstory (Optional): Victor was born in 1951 in Tallahassee, Florida to two school teachers. He grew up unusually smart for a kid his age, but no prodigy. When he became 18, he got conscripted to Vietnam and even though he managed to survive, he developed cataracts due to an incident involving an explosion. After Vietnam, he eventually got a Masters degree in Microbiology and became a microbiologist due to his fascination with the different bacteria and diseases in Vietnam and stayed as a Microbiologist till the Combine Invasion, where he was shipped off to numerous other cities, eventually getting a job as a scientist again but it didn't last long, as not much later, he angered the Combine and as punishment, he's been sent to the Antarctic, hopefully his knowledge in Microbiology will come in handy.

--- Section One ---
--- Section Two ---
  • DALL·E 2022-09-09 20.00.06 - A middle-aged female marine biologist with brunette hair..png
  • *Character Name: Lucille Rogers
  • *Brief summary of the character: Lucille Rogers is a middle-aged American scientist with a major in marine biology. She grew up on Rhode Island where she spent most of her time at the beach studying marine life. Once she graduated high school she attended university and receive a Ph.D. in Marine Biology. After receiving her Ph.D. she worked in Antarctica studying marine biology there. So when the Combine invaded she was sent to a new Antarctica base controlled by them. This is where her story continues.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Well, I came up with the idea for the event so of course, I want to play. But specifically, this character because I have a good enough understanding of marine biology to bullshit my way through rping one.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm KP. I like to write sometimes and enjoy coming up with events. I enjoy HL2rp.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: I really enjoy the post-apocalyptic vibe of HL2. Very dystopian with no hope of regaining the planet. It really makes you wonder how Gordon Freeman is supposed to save Earth from them.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Taliazure​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:67985352​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Taliazure#7480
  • *Timezone: UTC+1​
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Elizabeth Carm​
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • Elizabeth Carm is a doctor employed to maintain the health of the scientist and ensure that their numbers dont dwindle.​
  • She has a PHD in family Medicine, from the University of Edinburgh.​
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • From my last characters within the CMU i have fallen in love with medicine and MedRP its something i like, sadly it is time consuming but RP heavy. I love to make part of events and experience them as they introduce awesome side stories.​
  • Full Backstory (Optional):
  • Elizabeth Carm was born in Edinburgh in 1988, her family was part of the medium class, not very wealthy, but neither poor allowing her to pursue education in Medicine. Her Interest for Medicine came from her toys and act as doctor during her childhood, it developed to something she would genuinely find interest and finally pursue as a career.​
  • Although sadly mid way trough her studies disaster struck across the world, the portal storms created a influx of people, specially military into the hospitals, forcing them to conscript Medicine students to start their practices as the war on the XEN started.​
  • But that little war would be nothing compared to when the combine arrived, showing far superiority, conquering the earth in less than a day.​
  • Being a Medicine student and already practitioner, she was found useful to keep around, thus being lucky to not be one of the few that the combine killed off as a start to their dwindle of human numbers.​
  • She was lucky to not be relocated once the citadels and Civil protection started to appear, the Unions not further off being made and settled.​
  • She quickly joined the CMU with her experience, continuing on with her profession, sadly now far apart from her parents unable to show them that she had indeed accomplished.​

  • Now She moves to the Antarctica, excitement to see such a marvelous place, while still able to exert her profession, just far away from Civil Protection and their grasp.​
--- Section One ---
*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:80074268
*Discord Name & ID: Fiery#1260
*Timezone: MST

--- Section Two ---
*Character Name:

Echo Sidero Laskaris

*Brief summary of the character:

: Current Physical Analysis :
Caucasian, Greek in ethnicity.
Dark but rich tanned skin.
Short dark-red hair.
Height of 5'7.
Weight of 131lbs.
Wiry, athletic build.
Note 1:* The subject demonstrates an impressive daily routine of combined fitness and hard labor on any maintenance that needs to be done.


: Current Mental Analysis :
Bored and uncaring but not inattentive in duties.
Disappointed with events at the research base.

Note 2:* The subject seems to maintain a jovial disposition even if not with friends, although the subject especially maintains a jovial disposition with friends. The subject seems to take on a half-sarcastic, half-mock-jovial personality around individuals she does not get along with.

Note 3:* Extremely hardworking and busily active in both their duties and self-appointed past-times.

Adventure-seeking and curious.
Note 4:* While the word "adventure-seeking" may be an overstatement, Echo, most certainly is fascinated by all sorts of events. It's my personal counsel to attempt to keep her away from hazardous or secret projects researchers at the base are working on.

Note 5:* In both joking and prodding ways can, Echo, be sarcastic. This may result in difficulty getting along with other personnel, but it may also result in the opposing factor. No particular counsel.

Tactile, Cunning, and Resourceful.
Note 6:* While the words "Tactile" and "Cunning" may be associated with a roguish or combative element this is not the case with, Echo. What I mean is that she has clever solutions to problems, and a well-thought-out and planned schedule


: Current Self-appointed and Combine Appointed Duties :
Maintenance of all equipment on-site along with other mechanical workers.
Maintenance of all provided vehicular assets on-site, unknown if other workers have been assigned.
Maintenance or labor of other unsaid tasks.
Assisting science personnel in their research, ONLY if requested.
Daily fitness exercises across the base through jogging.

Note 7:* Echo, will spread out a variety of past-times among these priority schedulings. Although, multiple of these priority schedulings do occur within multiples of the day along with these past times resulting in an equal amount of distractions and hard work.


: Overview and Other Undiscussed Counsel :
Echo, by all means, is a well-to-do fit for a maintenance worker on-site. While I think they could cause some minor issues, no major ones will occur. I recommend leaving her on-site, she has proven to be a valuable asset at the base, in being a hard worker, tactile planner, and a resourceful individual in finding tasks that won't end up in her finding a door getting slammed in her face or getting in major trouble.

*Why do you want to play this character?:

I love abandoned arctic base events because of watching the 'Thing' which is my first true horror movie. I decided I wanted to play a more tough character yet one that has difficulty getting along with people and therefore has to self-rely if anything goes wrooooong, and even more so to rely on others that she doesn't get along with if necessary.

Edit: I have time to actually finish this dang application which I thought I wouldn't be able to. YAY!

Full Backstory (Optional):

Mechanic, maintenance worker, CWU. They all mean the same thing to Echo, a grease monkey that's picking up others' slack for better or for worse. She can't even remember how long she's been doing the same jobs under different names, all she knows is that it's a monotonous hell. Then, she saw it, an application for a base in the Arctic. A solution to her problem, and a potentially exciting one at that. She was tired of working in the factories, either being the worker or the foreman and now she had a potential job located in one of the least explored places on the planet to this day! She could also get far, far away from anyone she's screwed up because of her job too...

She did indeed have trouble convincing the interviewer that she was a right fit, but she managed to slyly infiltrate past his rather attentively concerned issues with her by admonishing him she could be put on a trial period of whatever you want between let's say a week and three months, and in no less time was she in an aircraft being carried off to the Arctic, feeling the frosty plains of Antarctica.

At first, she was beyond elated to be located in such an exciting place, even with the by-the-book Combine watching over her and everyone else's shoulders. This, in time, faded sluggishly away due to the annoyance of her co-workers, yet, slowly she became more and more tame either knowing her place or knowing there wasn't anything too extraordinary the scientists were working on.

After she realized her actual circumstance, she became a bored, sarcastic, and relatively moody worker... Some of the other staff urged her to do something that wasn't grumbling about how uninteresting the Artic was, and more so their work. This seemed to their enthusiasm and chagrin to stop the moody attitude and defeat the boredom in some measure, yet also encourage her to start being to their annoyance, awfully jovial, sarcastic, curious, and something more so to their delight, dynamo.

Now as the days in this Arctic box continue, she gets ever more antsy and ready for even a honey covered dropped of action, even if isn't considerable in length.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
    At an ever-increasing pace have I been gaining more skill with vocabulary and role-play which in turn leads me to continue to gain skills in role-playing and be less the person that goes, "Oh, that's kinda attention-tracking I don't want to do that." and more the "Attention is good, playing your character like that is interesting and even the people that don't want attention will appreciate you for doing so." As for personality, that's for others to gleam I say. Not for me to say, yet I did say something here!

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No, I've been here for at least half a year.

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
    Multiple individuals, some players, some short-stories staff, and some old friends from other communities.

  • What's your favorite thing about Half-Life?:
    In every single world, stories of all types can be told, locations of all types can be seen, and adventures can be experienced everywhere even if only through the computer. Half-Life I love because it's a unique dystopian science-fiction universe, and despite all the hopelessness, humanity continues to fight, continues to be happy, and continues to even be free in some situations outside of the Combine's cities. So many things I like about Half-Life and many things I don't, but I like them more than not.
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--- Section One --
  • *Steam Name: John Rico
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:10716370
  • *Discord Name & ID: anfibon#3828
  • *Timezone: GMT -3
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Igor Brusilov
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • The vital handyman of any scientific expedition, a man of few words but plenty of muscle. Igor has been a part of Combine survey teams for ages, earning himself a reputation as the ideal auxiliary for any team of scientists: well educated and trained for jobs where muscle is needed as much as wits, a man who does not shy away from danger, environmental or otherwise, too proud and fixated on keeping his reputation so as to reject an order, and too stubborn to give up once he sets off to complete a given job.

  • Brusilov arrives to the far north not thinking much of his new assignment, the scars from years of freak accidents and close calls ensure he is immune to such kinds of anxiety, but will the dangers lurking beneath the ice finally break the man's relentless will, or will he risk his life to safeguard his reputation once more? Would he die to protect his teammates, or is his attraction to life-threatening danger purely narcissistic?

  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • I enjoy playing a good side character, and since I wouldn't trust myself with science roleplay in order to play an actual scientist, I think my best option is to complement the rest of the characters through a helper kind of role.
Full Backstory (Optional):
  • While Brusilov's resumé is well-known by his colleagues, his actual past is shrouded in mystery. Slow to build relationships and hence with few reasons to share his history prior to the Seven Hour War, Igor's past co-workers have pieced up together a spotty timeline with what little information the stubborn man allowed them: Brusilov was a student in the engineering field from somewhere in Eastern Europe, otherwise he wouldn't have the necessary knowledge to solve half the issues he faces on a regular basis; though the portal storms and the war most likely cut short any fledgling career he might have had if he had even graduated from college in the first place.
With the Combine, he found a way to start his frustrated career anew, for better or for worse, the ambitious man had his second chance; and with no known surviving family, Igor only has his job and reputation to look after, and his behavior and personality are clear consequences of it.
  • The rest are simple theories or uneducated guesses...
  • *Steam Name: The_Grass_Man
  • *Discord Name & ID: The_Grass_Man#6549
  • *Timezone: GMT+2, Italy
  • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • *Character Name: Giuseppe Corona

  • *Brief summary of the character: Giuseppe is a curious and smart young man, with a desire to learn and discover. He's a friendly and genuine guy that would put his heart and soul into any project he and his team will work on... That is until he finally gets promoted and escapes the rank of trainee.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I've played this character on many SCP RP servers, in the role of a researcher. He's always been the comedic relief of the group and it has always played out well, so I don't see why it wouldn't over here.
  • Full Backstory (Optional):
  • 1662775307921.png

  • ''Born into a middle-class family in the late nineties, Giuseppe never really had a chance to properly bond with his parents; As he was re-located into one of the ECHELEON, or as he calls them EC-HELL-EON, camps at the age of six.

  • His entire childhood was spent on books and learning everything he could before being re-located god knows where, but he was fine with that, Corona loved reading and learning more than anything else, but well... There really weren't any hobbies available for him other than those two.

  • After his, very joyous and totally not traumatizing, graduation he was commended by his instructors to be transferred with the role of trainee to one of the many UU's research facilities scattered around the world. This was one of the rare things he got out of those hellish camps as he found true friends and an actually useful goal to follow. But he'd really prefer to ACTUALLY research something instead of delivering coffee to his fellow scientists..''
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: landon
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID: Landon#2591
  • *Timezone: CST
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Qhin'qruds - "Quinn"
  • *Brief summary of the character: A Vortigaunt handyman authorized to rid of their collar for this operation, the job serving as their big break that'll finally decide if they're fit for a managerial position within City 17's Civil Workers Union.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I believe it would be a nice concept to be able to roleplay as a Vortigaunt leaning on the more loyal side of the Union, and I believe that this environment would be cool for some neat interactions playing as such a faction character.
  • Full Backstory (Optional):
    Qhin'qruds was spawned deep within the Ooz'Merian realm, to a minuscule tribe in stark contrast to the gigantic and expansive world he had found himself within. Due to such a demand for hunters, Qhin'qruds were quickly assigned a more commander role for the small garrison of hunters-- sending pockets of them out in strategically-placed missions to capture and lure prey for consumption. The tribe had just barely been able to sustain itself, living day-by-day with fears of perishing from starvation in the next. Finally, the inevitable had occurred, and a large portion of the tribe had fallen ill due to a super-evolved extraterrestrial plague that ravaged the areas in which they inhabited. Most of their members had slowly died off or became too sick to provide for the group, and the tribe had ultimately crumbled.

    Qhin'qruds had fortunately gotten the better end of the stick, still being inflicted with the virus, but not as drastically as many of the others. However, the issue had been that he was now stranded in the wilderness-- no tribe to assist him, and he was overall miserable, exhausted, and weak from sickness. Over the next few days, he had crumpled to his knees, accepting his fate-- when he was found by a squadron of the Nihilanth's militia forces, the Hulkabins. Qhin'qruds' nauseated brain had mistaken their capturing of him as rescue and believed that they were transporting him to be rejuvenated back to health. He had in fact been healed, just enough so that the virus was quelled and he was barely alive, then shoved within a cramped factory.

    They instructed him to begin working, and having no other choice, he did as told. Qhin'qruds worked day and night, to the verge of almost going unconscious, but continued pushing onwards— believing that he owed it to the Nihilanth due to the ‘kindness’ they had shed upon the Vortal being. Having been manipulated entirely, he was devastated when the Nihilanth had fallen— and he was ejected into Earth via portal storms. He felt like all the work he had done, building strange machines in the factories, had all been for nothing since he was back at square one. Lost, alone, and defeated.

    Eventually, though, he was quickly found by the Combine once they invaded the atmosphere. He surrendered to them, feeling a sense of deja vu. He quickly conformed to their rules, and soon found that they were probably his best gig yet. He had much more food, and spacious living quarters trumping any of his previous occupations yet. He was more leaning on actually assimilating into their culture, unlike his many stubborn peers, and quickly got himself a job in the Civil Workers Union once he was able to settle down in City 17.

    Over the span of many long years, he was slow to be promoted due to his biotic status, and it was a grueling and little-rewarding journey. However, after finally clawing tooth and nail through all the prejudice and hate, he managed to just barely scrape together an unsteady job as Supervisor for the City Restoration division. However, the scrutiny from the Combine threatened the solidity of his position. They decided to put his loyalty to the test and whisked him away to the research operation where this very event takes place. Now, assimilated under the collaborative name of “Quinn”, he faces removal from the job he worked ever so tirelessly to achieve if things were to go south.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: landon
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: no
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: yea
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: the different alien organisms are cool
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Hayden
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:22038366
  • *Discord Name & ID: Hayden#7667
  • *Timezone: UK
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Alexei Petrovich
  • *Brief summary of the character: Alexei is a veteran researcher, having reached the limits of what research he can perform with the limited technology the outpost provides, he mostly spends his time either assisting others in their research, or updating his journal.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • Full Backstory (Optional):
    • wwaba.jpg
    • "Baah... проклинать this cold..."

    "Who am I?" The man snorts, clearing his nostrils. "Alexei. I study the stars. Astronomy -- not -- astrology."
    Alexei has spent many years at the Alaskan outpost, being one of the first who was sent there to perform research for his benefactors - in reality, thrown aside to what many assumed would be his death, with astronomy not providing much for the Combine to gain from. Regardless, much to his own surprise, he's survived so far.
    "метель... Give it up."
    The years he's spent at the outpost have not been without tribulation. With his research often needing him to stand under the stars, fighting the chill that his labcoat and flare could hardly keep at bay had cost him two of his fingers - his left hand's ring finger, and middle finger. With that, and the constant dull ache that frostbite had burrowed into him, his sanity had also left him.
    "AAHH- сука!"
    Whilst he has retained his faculties, Alexei still grows older and feebler with every passing day. Ruminating endlessly on his prior successes and achievements, mumbling to himself in Russian, or just trundling in the snow around the outpost, Alexei is in no way the man he used to be.​
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm a member of Short Stories :) And I like to play Elite Dangerous.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: A few people yes
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: How malleable the story is, and how good it is as a base layer for other narrative adventures.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: HaDeZ0rd​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:60793691​
  • *Discord Name & ID: HadeZord🍋#4568​
  • *Timezone: GMT+1​
--- Section Two ---
  • Character Name: scire'omnya​

  • Brief summary of the character:
    An extremely quiet vortigaunt Elder... Only seen speaking if spoken to first, and even then he has to believe it's worth it to talk about, his skin is surprisingly clean of scars, implying subservience... Or at least he may want you to think so...
    (I'll ask the staff in the event if Im accepted what he can look like)​

  • Why do you want to play this character?:
    There is a VERY big amount of potential for some very drastic and unique events to take place by having a vortigaunt present in the only place on the lore map with access to Extract...

    Full Backstory (Optional):
    Having fallen in greece, now known as city 38, after the resonance cascade he found himself being secluded in the Vonnigan Ghetto, but contrary to the vast majority of his brothers which offered petty resistance that offered them nothing in return... Scire bid his time... After all there is no psychological trait that applies to vortigaunts more than patience... After years of feigned subservience to the regime, years of proving is own skills and proficiencies... He was moved from the Vonnigan ghetto, and accepted as a BRI scientist... He had been allowed inside an institution with dozens upon dozens of confidential files with potential ways to entirely anhihilate is opressors... and as his mind travelled trough the possibilities... A warning came in, An expedition to antartica for research purposes, Scire was quick to grasp the opportunity... Why is this an opportunity you ask?

    Antartica is the only place on Earth currently documented that has an antlion hive complex enough where Antlion Larval Extract can be produced

    To his human co-workers
    A nightmare

    To Scire'Omnya
    The start of his crusade for retribution
    Or His death...
    Both lead to freedom
    He would win either way
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Someone who has mainly played within the vortigaunt WL for most of his time in the community, I've grown to love the process of Roleplaying one c:
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Been around here for 6 or 7 months or so
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes Im familiar with most people around here
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The world they created, how it's so vast and filled with potential yet just vague enough to let your imagination run rampant about the intricacies of it
--- Section One ---

Steam Name:
Steam ID: 76561198355274960
Discord Name & ID: AlessioDoomBoy#4859
Timezone: BST

--- Section Two ---

Character Name:
Marco Esposito
Brief summary of the character: An Italian worker with low scientific skill who does the jobs that are too time-consuming, dangerous, or, more than likely, boring for the scientists to do. That being said, he isn't stupid or even un-academic, having a major in literature, a minor in philosophy, and being a successful science fiction writer before the Seven Hour War.
Why do you want to play this character?:
I was planning to make a vortigaunt app, but I see there's a bit many of them so I decided to make this instead. A similar type of character, who would likely get along quite well with the vortigaunts on-site but has a seperate layer of depth to him.

Full Backstory (Optional):

Marco was born in Naples, Italy. He was the oldest out of his many siblings, and quickly picked up a job as a teenager to help support them. Despite this, Marco also had the highest academic success out of all his brothers and sisters, ending up as the only one out of any of them to attend university.

Marco moved to America with only a basic handle of English and very little money to his name to attend a prestigious university that had accepted his application. He had made the decision to major in literature and minor in philosophy. The first few months were the most difficult - as Marco had to learn the language at the same time as studying, and the language barriers created issues, especially in a literature course. This lead to Marco's social life suffering as he worked hard to keep up with his classmates. Marco soon returned to Italy once he had his degree.

Living with his parents again, Marco had returned to his family and began working on writing his first short stories. Supported now by a cast of grateful siblings, Marco was able to concentrate all his energy on his work as a writer without having to worry about a source of income. Happy with the selection of short stories they had seen, a publishing company told Marco they were willing to publish a novel if he wrote one. Marco began working immediately.

Marco's first novel was a complete success, achieving critical acclaim and selling across the country. Enough money had been made that Marco's family never had to work a day in their lives again.

Unfortunately, the seven hour war had happened right after Marco's success, leading him to having lost everything. Marco went through a temporary state of depression, having been separated from his family by the Combine and losing everything he had worked for. But life goes on - and many of his family was still alive. This led to Marco joining the CWU. Marco's hard working nature meant that he could climb the ranks, and in a few years he became the director of the CWU.

One of Marco's brothers had joined Civil Protection, but found themselves unable to cope with the horrific actions a CP has to take daily, defecting. Family Cohesion compromised, someone had to pay. Marco got into contact with a local administrator and begged to be the one to take the fall. Due to the two's close relationship, the administrator cut Marco a deal. Take a job in the Artic, and his family would be safe.
Marco agreed.
--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Eski
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:107993579
  • *Discord Name & ID: Eski#6152
  • *Timezone: GMT +2
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Sebastian Horhola
  • *Brief summary of the character: A marine biologist in past life, now a junior researcher in Xenian biology and bioweapons.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I've always loved the vibe of Black Mesa roleplays and a science station in the middle of unknown territory brings back memories from Xen research expeditions in those old servers. I want to relive some nostalgia and do some very unique roleplay.
  • Full Backstory (Optional):
  • A marine biologist, Sebastian had been born in Finland pre-invasion and had moved to Canada to pursue his career in studying the vast seas. His studies lasted way into his adulthood, and he even opted to go for extra courses to prepare himself. He was 25 when he graduated from the facility he was getting his degree at and went on to assist in research at the Pacific Biological Station.
He would then go on to become an assistant and later on a lead in small-sized projects, only being trusted to work on larger one after a year or so into his employment at the station, leaving the station and the country entirely every three weeks to visit his family back in his home country, Finland. He went to become a successful biologist and researcher... only for all the work to be wiped away.

The combine invasion made everything around the world get shut down, including the station that Sebastian worked in. Like many who didn't want to die, he surrendered and was eventually situated into City 42 before being transferred into City 16 as the Combine recognized his abilities in research.
Within City 16 he would be enrolled into the local BRI laboratory to help them research Xenian lifeforms and their different evolutions. He'd spend his days as an assistant to smaller projects... just as he did when he started his career pre-invasion. His skills granted him a position as a junior researcher which made him responsible for his own research articles and leading said articles.

Recently he was given a great chance to expand his skills and earn himself a promotion into a certified scientist which would allow him to take part expeditions in the future.
Said "chance" was to be relocated into a research facility in the middle of nowhere and be assigned tasks to help with. The period of which he would be there ranged from half a year to two years, so he'd be there for a while.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: I love passive roleplay just as I do any other roleplay. As long as there's enough content and like minded people to be with, it can actually be better than, say, fighting hordes of enemies with your buddies.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Been here for a year now.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Many, I've been here a while and have since settled down into this community.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Xen, it's creatures and many horrors that it brings.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan​
  • *Steam ID: ( 💀 I cant find it)​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267​
  • *Timezone: EST​
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Kristin Guðrún​
  • *Brief summary of the character: A Icelandic man who is of 5'5. Has a tattoo of Icelandic lyric on his forehead reading 'Oh brother, I shall meet you in the skies in death.'​
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Mainly for, A. As a good asset to the science team to go in small spaces. And B, so I can take part in the event.​
  • Full Backstory (Optional):

    Kristin Guðrún was born in 1990, living in what is now known as City-4.
    His life was basic, besides him being huge into books. It was, solitary at best. His big interest of books was about antlions and science.

    However on this fateful day, he was given the chance to 'show true loyalty' in his interest. That being the art of Antlions and Science.
    Seeing no real reason to deny such a offer, and a chance of adventure. Kristin Guðrún gladly accepted.

    He now steps foot on Arctic land.. A land only his ancestors have treaded on.
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