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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: MAXYOURFRIEND
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:87834445
  • *Discord Name & ID: MAXYOURFRIEND#2992
  • *Timezone: US CDT
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:

*Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics):
Despite serving in the Union's name, the Liquidator's militia wasn't entirely supported. Lauritz is amongst those who were arrested for anti-civil behavior following the uprising in D-47, most likely because Lauritz was amongst the Liquidators who resisted the relocation of the battalion, leading to his relocation.

*Character Name: Lauritz Rask

*Brief summary of the character: Lauritz has kept himself together, despite everything. He may be working off-world, but his twisted belief in the Union somehow keeps him going. He keeps his head high and does the work assigned to him, assuming that one day he might regain freedom through this.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
I think a character who still holds loyalty and hope for the Union would be an interesting inclusion in this RP, a character who isn't anti-union and works dogmatically for the Union would be a nice addition to the other characters who work with those who may be more anti-union and only work for themselves. I also just like the idea of Ceres in general, and considering that I already have some knowledge relating to the Liquidators I want to play a character whose ideology I already know how to play while engaging in this new and unique setting.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Uncle
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:76288420
  • *Discord Name & ID: uncle#9534
  • *Timezone: GMT-5
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for
: Serviceman

*Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics):

His hobby as a tinkerer finally caught up with Hank. It'll be hard to say what broke the camels back.. Was it the tools confiscated? The materials illegally owned? Or perhaps the unauthorized modification of the housing block's laundry machines to stop that horrible.. Horrible banging noise.. Who can really say.
  • *Character Name: Hank Bower

  • *Brief summary of the character: Hank, much as his name implies is a old crusty wrench wielding son'of'a'gun. Working as a maintenance tech in the stars may seem like it would be very different from life on earth.. But reality is often disappointing, or in hanks case, isn't. Go there, fix that.. Hank the toilet ain't working.. Hank a Worker accidentally jettisoned himself and now an entire pod is dead.. You know, the usual. Hank's there to fix it. The way he sees it, the Union keeps him working the same job he did before occupation, so ain't no reason to fight that now.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Playing as a old crusty space mechanic? I mean the only thing better would be an old crusty space trucker. It'd be a great time.
--- Section Three (Optional) --- // Some of this is copy and paste from my old app as my life hasn't changed.
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm a engaged, ex-army turned college student in the US of A. Not much else to say really, I like games?

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Depends on the definition of "new". I've been here for around a month at this point.

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Starting to know some people. Mostly inside my squad.

  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Half-life as a whole has always fascinated me, I remember playing the first game and being amazed by (at the time) incredible animations. Further into Half-Life 2, I became enthralled by the world. Everything seemed "Fleshed out" so to speak, I remember spending literal hours in the plaza section (hey I was a kid when it came out, don't judge) staring at the technology and scanners. I was too young at the time to understand the story further than face value, but as I grew the overwhelming feeling of dystopia opened doors for me to start wanting to roleplay in it. Leading me to here many years down the line.

*Edited for some cleaning.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: J.D. "Rookie"
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:139631753
  • *Discord Name & ID: brush him#9578
  • *Timezone: Mountain Timezone
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
Vindico Administrator
*Character Name: Kennedy James Manning
*Brief summary of the character: Kennedy Manning, son of David and the heir to the wealthy Manning Industries. A capitalist at heart, conniving, brilliant, cold, calculating.
*Why do you want to play this character?: This character is not only perfectly fitting for this role, but excellent given the circumstances, and is also exceptional with his flexibility. It's also an opportunity for me to demonstrate one skill I like to boast about - public speaking by administrative characters. I believe I have much to contribute with this character.
Full Backstory (Optional): The story of Kennedy Manning begins three mere years after his birth, in which his father, David Manning, states plainly and simply...

"This child will be my successor."

As he grew up, he would be taught to dress prim and proper, given the proper tools to study, improve himself, and, in the ultimate run, to represent his father's company. He was taught to kill or be killed, that it was a cut-throat world, and that in the long run, nothing truly mattered except survival. In the long run, the strong would trample the weak - and that was life.

He was sixteen when his father sent him off to a boarding school abroad - a city in Massachusetts known as Black Crystal City. That would leave him at the ripe old age of eighteen, having barely dipped his toes into a management board at that city's branch of Manning Industries, and having barely started to pay tuition for the four-year college he planned to attend...

...when the sky cracked open and blue lights filled the sky, and in a matter of minutes, creatures of xenotheric nature were pouring through molestations of reality by the hundreds, then the thousands, then the tens of thousands, and then the millions. By the time it was through, humanity had taken enough losses to make ample space for the visitors. Only several billion lives remained. That number seemed so huge, and yet so small when the tolls concluded.

Manning was huddled in with his classmates on that day. There was no hope for their survival, not unless they surrendered - how could they know that, though? The city could not yield as the world had yielded, hours after Breen had declared submission to the Combine. Not unless they had someone willing to wave the white flag. But they were all too prideful, or too weak, or too afraid.

And so Kennedy was the one to stand up.

His footsteps echoed across the empty halls. The marble turned to stone as he crossed the threshold, and the doors swung open as he stepped off into the gathering storm of super soldiers. In one hand he waved simply a flag. A LITERAL white flag. In the other was simply air, palms open and visible, that the invaders could see easily who was declaring the surrender of the city.

Grotesque figures approached him - like slugs. Just one, though. It listened to what he had to say, and unhesitantly, he gave the response.

"The city of Black Crystal submits. We yield to you now."

The beasts closed in. One of them pointed towards an armored carrier which ferried him to city hall. There, he was introduced to the requirement to make this fact known. The City of Black Crystal had to submit. And for that to happen, the MAYOR had to submit. His name was Mayor Crowley, and as Kennedy burst down the door with his father's magnum and eyes filled with hatred, he declared simply that he "would not be dragged into hell along with the rest of the cowards."

Crowley recoiled and submitted. He belonged with them, and, in a moment, he would BE with them. The city had a tight-knit intercom system which Kennedy had intimate knowledge of how to operate - his father having raised him the way he did. His fist came down on the announcement button, and he repeated the phrase he had rehearsed in his mind. Each of the super soldiers that surrounded him made certain that he would hold true to his claim, but now he held no fear - for they were just like the monsters he was so intimately hand-in-hand with.

"Do not resist. They will not fail. Submit now. You will be protected."

The soldiers likely could not understand him, but they understood his tone, and the seriousness in his voice. Pure conviction. The skies darkened further as the shadow of the Combine loomed over their city, and he was the catalyst to quite literally sell them all out.

Perhaps many years later, he would be seated at a desk within that city which he sold out. Perhaps he would not care that he was unlikely to see his family again. perhaps the thought found his mind, and he took the liberty of not paying attention to it.

And at that moment, a folder would be tossed haphazardly on his desk by a busy ordinal of the Combine. Understanding the gravity of such papers, he would lean forward at his desk and slip it closer to him, flip the booklet until its contents were laid bare, and simply read the word 'CERES'. His answer would be made up on the spot. He would literally be taken to the stars.

What's not to like?

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: No.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yep.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Wouldn't you like to know?


My peers seem to believe from their own experience with your characters that you simply refuse to die in certain P2L scenarios. Which goes against our roleplay standard in some ways, especially for this role. I have no reason not to believe them - though, this event being s2k, avoiding death will be much harder. What do you have to say to those who don't have faith in your abilities?

--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Fiery
  • *Steam ID: My Steam 64 ID 76561198120414264 and my Steam 32 ID STEAM_0:0:80074268
  • *Discord Name & ID: Fiery#1260
  • *Timezone: MST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
*Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics): Due to his anti-social nature the Combine swiftly suspected him of in-action. He was transported to Vindico swiftly afterward.
*Character Name: Jerry Miller
*Brief summary of the character: Jerry Miller is an American man in his 50s with grey hair and brown eyes with a big bushy beard. Jerry used to serve as a janitor for a theater in Kentucky. He has now taken the role of serviceman although he calls himself a custodian. He's an anti-social man that just wants to do his job, but he'll reluctantly assist other workers in their tasks if they ask him.
*Why do you want to play this character?: Playing as a janitor sounds fun. I don't know why, but it feels like it'd be fun.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: I'm a member of the short stories team, the old leader of a group on a semi-serious HL2RP server I used to play, and a beta-tester for a project called Hematolysis.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Many people, friends from old servers, some new folks, and some members of the Short Stories staff.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The environment of the areas you progress through and view.


--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Steffan Gaming™
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:201739431
  • *Discord Name & ID: Steffan Wilhelm#4013
  • *Timezone: GMT/BST (UK)
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for: Worker

*Character Name: Andrew Jackson
*Character Photo:
View attachment 5604
*Brief summary of the character: An angry Texan who's always pissed off, stands at 6 feet exactly. He pushes his opinions on others and he can be regarded as an asshole who looks out for himself and no one else, he also doesn't listen to others unless they agree with him and obviously, he is very stubborn in nature.

*Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics): A Civil Protection member tried to steal his cowboy hat and that arguably was the worst mistake that CP could have made, It sent Andrew into a fit of rage and Andrew punched his face so hard that his mask got blown to bits and Andrew beat him breaking his nose and breaking the bones along his jaw after retrieving his cowboy hat he sat there waiting for more Civil Protection to show up just so that he could boast about his victory only to feed his ego.

*Why do you want to play this character?: I want to play this character because he's a complete asshole to everyone he meets I just think it'd be funny icly.

Full Backstory (Optional): As a child, his father would smack him if he did anything wrong, he lived in Houston all his life even through the portal storms, then the union came as his father was killed in action, he watched as the union changed many parts of his life over a short time span, he eventually found himself in Europe, he kind of liked the combine now as he only saw all the exploits he could use to give himself a better life than those around him, he's a cunning man who will stop at nothing to achieve his own interests and they only consist of wealth and power, however, he's recently found a new job as even people such as Andrew must start somewhere, and this new job is his starting point in his hopes to find his ultimate exploits.


--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: -「 Light 」-
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:33353517
  • *Discord Name & ID: Light..#7799
  • *Timezone: BST / GMT
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for: Worker
*Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics): Family member (brother) of C24.DEFENDER-4, who went M.I.A following a bombing incident in 201X, he's here as a bargaining chip if the unit is still alive, despite this, he's as good as abandoned, he's got no use on Earth anymore, prying his eyes into CCA business to find his brother's whereabouts.

*Character Name: Mahmoud Al'Aoufi
*Brief summary of the character: The kind-spirited brother of a missing unit, after pestering the CCA to try and get permission to search for this missing unit he took it upon himself to venture out and have a look, after being caught, he was apprehended and sent off-world so that he couldn't cause any more of a headache for the men at the top.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I am wanting to participate in CERES since, well, the date was moved to the 1st because I asked and it'd be rude to stand that up now wouldn't it? In addition, I'm also wanting to expand the backstory of DEFENDER-4 and the people around him by fleshing out his last remaining family member
Full Backstory (Optional): Having both a distaste and a respect for his brother for joining Civil Protection, Mahmoud searched to find his body or even try to find him alive in the remnants of the bombing, but in doing so disobeyed the command of the local CCA. Because of his status as a missing unit's family member, he was given the privilege of living and was relocated to CERES so that the CCA could get him out of their hair. He's still hopeful his brother is alive and is filled with hatred for the men that lost his brother. He is determined to get back to Earth by any means possible.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • *Timezone:
    BST (Uk)
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:

Serviceman (or worker, as a fallback)

*Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics):

Due to anti-civil nature causing unrest and participating in riots against the benefactors, the combine deemed him dangerous. After searching his home they found many makeshift tools and parts. It is suspected he was smuggling for the rebels, and as such, was swept up and taken off world.

*Character Name:
Michael John

*Brief summary of the character:
A British worker at 27, standing at 6’2 with blue eyes and black hair.
Those who encounter him say he is charming, carrying a smile with him at all times.
Michael worked many Jobs before the combine invasion being skilled at craftsmanship. Since the takeover he was moved many times like all citizens before being left at a city due to the combine forgetting about his existence.
He has missed the old life of making tools and decided to make his skills worthwhile while making a bit of cash, supplying the underground groups in his city with tools crafted from what he can scavenge.
It may have been a random search or a snitch, but Michael found himself arrested after the Civil protection teams searched his home. His fate left unknown

*Why do you want to play this character?:
I enjoy playing as a worker and believe my time in the CWU is proof of that. I believe it would interesting to have a criminal who was supplying the rebels to work off world instead of being executed.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
    I'm British (well...welsh). Listen to music all the time, play games, and uhh..vibes
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
    I have been around for about a month and a half, maybe two months.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
    Yes, I have made a few friends through Willard and also knew a few people before joining.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
    The lore and worldbuilding as a whole.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: MAXYOURFRIEND
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:87834445
  • *Discord Name & ID: MAXYOURFRIEND#2992
  • *Timezone: US CDT
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:

*Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics): Despite serving in the Union's name, the Liquidator's militia wasn't entirely supported. Lauritz is amongst those who were arrested for anti-civil behavior following the uprising in D-47, most likely because Lauritz was amongst the Liquidators who resisted the relocation of the battalion, leading to his relocation.

*Character Name: Lauritz Rask

*Brief summary of the character: Lauritz has kept himself together, despite everything. He may be working off-world, but his twisted belief in the Union somehow keeps him going. He keeps his head high and does the work assigned to him, assuming that one day he might regain freedom through this.

*Why do you want to play this character?: I think a character who still holds loyalty and hope for the Union would be an interesting inclusion in this RP, a character who isn't anti-union and works dogmatically for the Union would be a nice addition to the other characters who work with those who may be more anti-union and only work for themselves. I also just like the idea of Ceres in general, and considering that I already have some knowledge relating to the Liquidators I want to play a character whose ideology I already know how to play while engaging in this new and unique setting.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: AlexMagus
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:171534768
  • *Discord Name & ID: AlexMagus#6330
  • *Timezone: BST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for: Vindico Administrator
Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics): Backstory
*Character Name: Lilith Mordewell
*Brief summary of the character: Lilith 'Lili' Mordewell is a fierce English woman of average stature who speaks the Queen's English. She is 54 years old, but uses her limited makeup and surgeries pre-relocation to make it seem as though she was not. She has a love hate her job, yet fears any failure as well as disappointment from her superiors, so she performs to the best of her ability. She is not what she seems from the outside.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I wish to play this character so I can create roleplay and fun for other people, as well as myself. I enjoy playing characters like Lili, as I understand that they can have a very deep story (as any character can) that can be explored if other characters wish to do so.

I love the thought (and probably will love the execution if I am accepted) of the event, as it is very creative and sounds like it could be a lot of fun if the characters and game masters make it so.
Full Backstory (Optional):

Lilith ‘Lili’ Mordewell was born July 17th, 1960 to her 2 parents, Arthur Languel and Eve Mordewell. Her father was absent, and left while her mother was pregnant, leaving Eve to care for her, as well as Eve’s parents.

She grew up in an upper middle class home in London, her mother working as an ER Doctor so she did not have much time to spend with Lili, meaning she mostly bonded with her 2 Grandparents.

As a result of this, Lili formed a strong bond with her grandmother, Mollie. The 2 usually spent the time they had together playing board games or listening to the same songs on repeat, and she did this for the first few years of her

When she was around 7 years old, her Grandfather, Larry, passed away due to lung cancer. Mollie was obviously distraught, but she persevered through her sadness to continue to assist in care for her granddaughter.

Lili’s mother took all the time she could to be with her daughter, but she could not spare that much time. The family regularly went on day trips, seeing places around London and sometimes outside of it. Lili took particular interest in the many museums of London, and loved going to see them and looking at the history behind many things.

Most of all she loved medical sciences. She always asked questions about medicine to her mother and excelled at biology in school. She wanted to follow in her mother’s footsteps in becoming a doctor. But, if she ever had children, she didn’t want to have to be away from them most of the time.. Though this was an issue that never needed a solution.

She continued to bond with her grandmother and visit museums, while also taking on many other hobbies. Her grandmother taught her how to crochet, cook, and also taught her — to the best of her ability due to her old age — basic hand-to-hand combat moves, though not very many.

She attended Sixth Form and then University, going to the Imperial College London to study Emergency Medicine. She got a job to help support her family and also to help pay her bills.

After studying emergency medicine she applied to the School of Medicine in the Imperial College, earning a place and studying there for a year until she got devastating news.

Her grandmother had been struck by a bad case of pneumonia. Due to her being a pensioner, she was more likely to die due to the disease. Mollie told Lili that because she was likely going to die, she was glad that she got to see her grow up.

Mollie died a few days later from the disease. Eva and Lili planned her funeral, which took place a few weeks afterwards and was attended by a few of Lili’s distant relatives, Mollie’s in-laws as well as Mollie’s friends.

Lili was very sad about the death of her grandmother, and it was said she was never the same afterwards. A few years later Lili graduated Medical School and began residency in a hospital.

Her residency was hard and gruelling but after yet another few years, she had passed the residency and she became a doctor of emergency medicine, working in the ER.

Throughout this entire period, she had never dated or been romantically interested in anyone. She turned down any invites to dinner or to eat out, and no one knew why.

She worked for the rest of her years of freedom in the ER. When the resonance cascade occurred, Lili’s mother was newly retired. Lili continued working in the ER while it was stable, and her mother put herself into a safe space for elderly people during the portal storms.

Lili ensured all lives she could save were saved, and when the combine invaded, she did the exact same. During the seven hour war, she attempted to make her way to her mother but she failed. London was overrun with Xenian creatures, as well as the off-world augmentation force. She had to go into hiding so as not to die herself, and she never knew what happened to her mother.

Upon the full liberation of the Earth, Lili was shipped from city to city, usually working as a CMU member, until she decided to take a job in the Civil Administration. She was first just a secretary and personal doctor to the City Administrator of City 2, yet she was granted the role of Vice Administrator after proving herself capable of the role.

As Vice Administrator she imposed strict laws that prosecuted BIOTICs and benefited loyalists, as well as herself. She acted cold, as if the Lili that had once been many years ago was gone. But truly, she was not. She was still the old Lili, but it was hidden deep, deep down.

The Administrator of the city died the next year in a successful assassination attempt. She was appointed by the Sector Administrator as his successor, and she continued to impose strict, fierce rules. She relaxed some of the harsher laws that were imposed on BIOTICs, yet imposed ones that were even harsher to criminals. Any minor transgression was treated as if it was a major one, especially assault, whose punishment was either death or off-world relocation.

Lili ensured that the CMU and CWU were performing at maximum effort, and when the directors were found to be incapable, she shipped them off-world. She ensured the CMU was working alongside the Combine Research Directorates, and if they weren’t making progress they had their loyalty rank stripped and were forced to work extra time.

Any and all anti-civil behaviour was an immediate execution, even if in public.

Lili got the offer to work on a very secret off-world project. She was offered a position as the Administrator, and told that if she was to accept, she must act without prejudice and fulfill the quota, else she would be replaced by her ‘superiors’, of which she knew virtually nothing of.

She accepted.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I began playing HL2RP a few years ago and I’ve played it ever since. I enjoy playing most citizen factions or citizen based factions (CMU, Civil Administration, etc) and like exploring roleplay paths that I haven’t before.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I began playing a month ago but I had played the beta tests before that, and as I mentioned I started playing HL2RP a few years ago.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes. A lot of people. Some of them are people I haven’t met in other communities, but a lot are. To name a few I’ve met in other communities are Atlas, Mullin, Ocean Man, Joku and quite a few others.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: In Half-Life roleplay it is the possibility. There is endless possibility of who your character is, what they are, what they do.. generally in half-life is how it’s set. I love the dystopian feel and aura to it, how it feels when you play it.
My peers seem to believe from their own experience with your characters that you simply refuse to die in certain P2L scenarios. Which goes against our roleplay standard in some ways, especially for this role. I have no reason not to believe them - though, this event being s2k, avoiding death will be much harder. What do you have to say to those who don't have faith in your abilities?
I will not clog up the applications chat with my reply, but will instead DM it to you on Discord.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: vertix
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:58254963
  • *Discord Name & ID: vertix#9343
  • *Timezone: CST (GMT-6)
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for: Off-world assigned member of the Overwatch Transhuman Arm

*Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics): Not applicable.

*Character Name: Benito Gonzalez

*Brief summary of the character: A member of the Overwatch that served in the Texas National Guard. He was captured shortly after the Seven Hour War and forcefully conscripted into the MA-A.

*Why do you want to play this character?:

I am an OTA main at heart, and playing as one of its members is enjoyable to a great extent.

I have devoted a scary amount of time learning how OTA works -- from their speech patterns, AI tactics, and every single OTA lore thread I could find on communities that I’ve played on. I’ve played as and commanded every OTA “class” and understand their strengths and weaknesses in different situations.

I think OTA has been criminally underused in most HL2RP servers. It makes sense, however, because OTA are often seen as the “endgame” enemy for rebels to take on. Gunships, helicopters, and striders tend to be a disaster for HL2RP, so OTA have to be substantially buffed in order to give the rebels a reasonable challenge. Regardless, I believe my passion for the faction is one of the main reasons I should be chosen for OTA over other candidates.

Playing in an off-world setting is something I have never done before, and I believe it's a fresh opportunity for me and others to explore.
Last edited:
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Sups,gg
  • *Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:573971238
  • *Discord Name & ID: ShiroOgotaUltimateAttorney #0593
  • *Timezone: UTC (GMT-8)
  • --- Section Two ---

    *Role you're applying for: Serviceman
  • Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics): His Violations were Anti-civil behavior and and non cooperating
    *Character Name: Andriel Roberts
    *Brief summary of the character: A British man is a 5'1 has a bullet scar on his stomach His Lazy and Nice he once lived in city 18 but got relocated to city 45
    *Why do you want to play this character?:Because I always want to be a Bald guy in the short stories event
--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: UkBongos
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:143602278
  • *Discord Name & ID: UkBongos#4566
  • *Timezone: BST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:

*Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics): 404, Riot (Taking part in Anti-Combine protests), 148, Resisting Arest, 105, Obstructing Protection (Withholding information about resistance hideouts) and 245, Assault on HVT (Attempted to attack Ron Goodfella during the previously mentioned Anti-Combine protest)

*Character Name: Emma "CJ" Elstone
*Brief summary of the character: Being born just shortly before the portal storms that had ravaged the world, Emma grew up in a cold, bitter and unforgiving part of The Outlands, just outside the borders of City 24. She was raised by her father, who was an active member of the resistance group known as "The Four Lions" Since the very start of her life, she was taught to idolise resistance members and her fellow man, and look down upon those who have co-opted themselves into the vast and evil Combine empire.

After her father died from an Antlion attack on their camp, Emma was ultimately lost. She wandered the Outlands, starving and coming close to death numerous times. Some by creatures that infest the area, some by her own hand... She had nowhere to turn other than the nearby urban center, City 24. Giving into society and ultimately intergrating herself into it, she quickly became a pain in the ass for Civil Protection in the area, as she would cause various amounts of trouble for the sector's police force. She joined an underground resistance group and began operations. For her father? For her own self-benefit? It didn't matter to her. What mattered, is that she had a purpose -- one that she felt was her calling.

After this group started a protest against the Combine in Victory Street, charges on her profile was racked up quickly, warranting an amputation -- especially after she attempted to harm Ron Goodfella, one of the most coveted members of Civil Administration Board in City 24. However, she was tagged by Vindico Industries as a potential canidate for their off-world project. She was kept in a cell inside The Nexus for a few days before being moved to a mysterious train, forced to board it. Little did Emma know that her life was about to get very, very interesting...

T R A I T S & F L A W S

SURVIVALIST: Having grown up in the outlands, her father taught her the basics of survival, how to live off the land, how to hunt, so on and so fourth. Her experience could be crucial if she is to survive on her own in an alien world.

ABOVE-AVERAGE STRENGTH: Proficent with melee weapons due to her hunting experience, Emma is capable of holding her own in a fight. Somewhat stronger than other citizens due getting the nutrition she needs from her time in The Outlands.

HOT-HEADED: Without much of a social circle growing up, Emma didn't really learn past the basics of social interaction. As such, she is prone to anger and lashing out whenever someone says something she doesn't like, or when she doesn't get her way.

RECLUSE: Having initially grown up away from civilization, Emma could be classified as a recluse, and that much would still be clear today. Often hiding away from her peers due to mistrust and resentment.

*Why do you want to play this character?: I feel like this character is interesting, and is someone Vindico Industries would choose for their off-world project. This character could go through some major development during this event, and that is something I'd like to achieve.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: I'm CsBongos, I've been an active community in Willard Networks ever since the first beta. I am an experienced roleplayer with over 4000 hours in Garry's Mod.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Not at all, like I mentioned previously, I've been an active participant in the community ever since the first beta.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I know a few community members from other Garry's Mod communities, and have built decent relationships with new faces.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The atomsphere, lore and worldbuilding. Lore is something Valve, in my opinion ultimately neglects, at least in terms of delivering it to the player. That is why I like HL2RP so much, as the community members take it upon themselves to flesh out and expand the Half-Life universe in new and interesting ways.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Petski
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:17461532
  • *Discord Name & ID: Petski#8585
  • *Timezone: GMT+2
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
*Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics):
Participation in an anti-union riot & uncivil behavior
*Character Name: Perry Corndriver
*Brief summary of the character: An Englishman with a small stature, standing at 4'11 feet tall. He is bald and sports a small beard. His main personality traits are that he is short-tempered & hateful of authority (will of course listen if a OTA points an AR2 at his face). Fast on his feet, as when push comes to shove, he'd rather run than fight. He was living in city 35 when he got picked up and transported off-world. 35 years old.
*Why do you want to play this character?:
To experience harsh work environments off-world in roleplay, having a fun time with friends and strangers alike.
Full Backstory (Optional):

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: 6500+ hours on Garry's Mod and still counting. Most of this time was spent on Warhammer 40K servers, both as a player & developer. I enjoy experiencing new roleplay opportunities with friends and new faces alike, and i assume this will be one of those experiences.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I've been playing since launch-day of this version.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I know a few people and made some friends, but i am arguably still pretty new to the community.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The theme & designs of everything from the Combines architecture to rebel-made contraptions like Dog. I'm also a sucker for the story.
(WIP - I'll remake the whole application later)

--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Ekrell
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:179035858
  • *Discord Name & ID: Ekrell#2591
  • *Timezone: GMT+2

    --- Section Two ---

    *Role you're applying for:

    *Character Name: Nahh'lugh (BIOTIC-44567)

    *Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics): (missed this point WIP)

    *Brief summary of the character:
    A calm, collected matured vortigaunt (around 600 in years). They have been serving the Combine for quite a while now thus adapting to the new surroundings fully. They haven't given up completely yet, still hoping for a day of reckoning to come. They often experience bursts of strange behavior, spitting out their vort nonsense.

    *Why do you want to play this character?:
    I see this as an opportunity to try out a vortigaunt character in this special set-up scenario. There are various interesting interactions ahead of me for sure, especially if all three vort slots have been filled out. It can also help me sharpen my vortigaunt roleplay skills for the main server!

    Full Backstory (Optional): -

    --- Section Three (Optional) ---

    (Yes, I copied it from my previous application, why wouldn't I? :smug:)
    • Tell us about yourself: I'm a huge fan of serious roleplay, especially HL2RP. I've been playing Garry's mod since early 2017 (3200+ hours) - mainly on the roleplay servers. Thanks to them I got motivated to sharpen my English skills and overall creativity. Other than that I'm also a total maniac when it comes to tabletop roleplaying games such as DnD or Warhammer.

    • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I'm playing it since mid-beta.

    • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I know a fair share of people. Most folk will recognize me by my IC nick "UNION-6" or "JURY-0" depends if you're up to remember the good old times.

    • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The outstanding atmosphere and this feeling of despair in the air. Storytelling is also really great - especially when it comes to the side factions and lore.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: AlexMagus
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:171534768
  • *Discord Name & ID: AlexMagus#6330
  • *Timezone: BST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for: Vindico Administrator
Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics): Backstory
*Character Name: Lilith Mordewell
*Brief summary of the character: Lilith 'Lili' Mordewell is a fierce English woman of average stature who speaks the Queen's English. She is 54 years old, but uses her limited makeup and surgeries pre-relocation to make it seem as though she was not. She has a love hate her job, yet fears any failure as well as disappointment from her superiors, so she performs to the best of her ability. She is not what she seems from the outside.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I wish to play this character so I can create roleplay and fun for other people, as well as myself. I enjoy playing characters like Lili, as I understand that they can have a very deep story (as any character can) that can be explored if other characters wish to do so.

I love the thought (and probably will love the execution if I am accepted) of the event, as it is very creative and sounds like it could be a lot of fun if the characters and game masters make it so.
Full Backstory (Optional):

Lilith ‘Lili’ Mordewell was born July 17th, 1960 to her 2 parents, Arthur Languel and Eve Mordewell. Her father was absent, and left while her mother was pregnant, leaving Eve to care for her, as well as Eve’s parents.

She grew up in an upper middle class home in London, her mother working as an ER Doctor so she did not have much time to spend with Lili, meaning she mostly bonded with her 2 Grandparents.

As a result of this, Lili formed a strong bond with her grandmother, Mollie. The 2 usually spent the time they had together playing board games or listening to the same songs on repeat, and she did this for the first few years of her

When she was around 7 years old, her Grandfather, Larry, passed away due to lung cancer. Mollie was obviously distraught, but she persevered through her sadness to continue to assist in care for her granddaughter.

Lili’s mother took all the time she could to be with her daughter, but she could not spare that much time. The family regularly went on day trips, seeing places around London and sometimes outside of it. Lili took particular interest in the many museums of London, and loved going to see them and looking at the history behind many things.

Most of all she loved medical sciences. She always asked questions about medicine to her mother and excelled at biology in school. She wanted to follow in her mother’s footsteps in becoming a doctor. But, if she ever had children, she didn’t want to have to be away from them most of the time.. Though this was an issue that never needed a solution.

She continued to bond with her grandmother and visit museums, while also taking on many other hobbies. Her grandmother taught her how to crochet, cook, and also taught her — to the best of her ability due to her old age — basic hand-to-hand combat moves, though not very many.

She attended Sixth Form and then University, going to the Imperial College London to study Emergency Medicine. She got a job to help support her family and also to help pay her bills.

After studying emergency medicine she applied to the School of Medicine in the Imperial College, earning a place and studying there for a year until she got devastating news.

Her grandmother had been struck by a bad case of pneumonia. Due to her being a pensioner, she was more likely to die due to the disease. Mollie told Lili that because she was likely going to die, she was glad that she got to see her grow up.

Mollie died a few days later from the disease. Eva and Lili planned her funeral, which took place a few weeks afterwards and was attended by a few of Lili’s distant relatives, Mollie’s in-laws as well as Mollie’s friends.

Lili was very sad about the death of her grandmother, and it was said she was never the same afterwards. A few years later Lili graduated Medical School and began residency in a hospital.

Her residency was hard and gruelling but after yet another few years, she had passed the residency and she became a doctor of emergency medicine, working in the ER.

Throughout this entire period, she had never dated or been romantically interested in anyone. She turned down any invites to dinner or to eat out, and no one knew why.

She worked for the rest of her years of freedom in the ER. When the resonance cascade occurred, Lili’s mother was newly retired. Lili continued working in the ER while it was stable, and her mother put herself into a safe space for elderly people during the portal storms.

Lili ensured all lives she could save were saved, and when the combine invaded, she did the exact same. During the seven hour war, she attempted to make her way to her mother but she failed. London was overrun with Xenian creatures, as well as the off-world augmentation force. She had to go into hiding so as not to die herself, and she never knew what happened to her mother.

Upon the full liberation of the Earth, Lili was shipped from city to city, usually working as a CMU member, until she decided to take a job in the Civil Administration. She was first just a secretary and personal doctor to the City Administrator of City 2, yet she was granted the role of Vice Administrator after proving herself capable of the role.

As Vice Administrator she imposed strict laws that prosecuted BIOTICs and benefited loyalists, as well as herself. She acted cold, as if the Lili that had once been many years ago was gone. But truly, she was not. She was still the old Lili, but it was hidden deep, deep down.

The Administrator of the city died the next year in a successful assassination attempt. She was appointed by the Sector Administrator as his successor, and she continued to impose strict, fierce rules. She relaxed some of the harsher laws that were imposed on BIOTICs, yet imposed ones that were even harsher to criminals. Any minor transgression was treated as if it was a major one, especially assault, whose punishment was either death or off-world relocation.

Lili ensured that the CMU and CWU were performing at maximum effort, and when the directors were found to be incapable, she shipped them off-world. She ensured the CMU was working alongside the Combine Research Directorates, and if they weren’t making progress they had their loyalty rank stripped and were forced to work extra time.

Any and all anti-civil behaviour was an immediate execution, even if in public.

Lili got the offer to work on a very secret off-world project. She was offered a position as the Administrator, and told that if she was to accept, she must act without prejudice and fulfill the quota, else she would be replaced by her ‘superiors’, of which she knew virtually nothing of.

She accepted.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I began playing HL2RP a few years ago and I’ve played it ever since. I enjoy playing most citizen factions or citizen based factions (CMU, Civil Administration, etc) and like exploring roleplay paths that I haven’t before.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I began playing a month ago but I had played the beta tests before that, and as I mentioned I started playing HL2RP a few years ago.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes. A lot of people. Some of them are people I haven’t met in other communities, but a lot are. To name a few I’ve met in other communities are Atlas, Mullin, Ocean Man, Joku and quite a few others.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: In Half-Life roleplay it is the possibility. There is endless possibility of who your character is, what they are, what they do.. generally in half-life is how it’s set. I love the dystopian feel and aura to it, how it feels when you play it.

Putting this Vindico Administrator app on pending , as I will for other applications for the same role. All will be considered and examined, and one will be decided in the coming days. So apply soon if you think Vindico Administrator is for you. Of course - you can apply for another role if you get denied.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Sups,gg
  • *Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:573971238
  • *Discord Name & ID: ShiroOgotaUltimateAttorney #0593
  • *Timezone: UTC (GMT-8)
  • --- Section Two ---

    *Role you're applying for: Serviceman
  • Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics): His Violations were Anti-civil behavior and and non cooperating
    *Character Name: Andriel Roberts
    *Brief summary of the character: A British man is a 5'1 has a bullet scar on his stomach His Lazy and Nice he once lived in city 18 but got relocated to city 45
    *Why do you want to play this character?:Because I always want to be a Bald guy in the short stories event

Application is overtly short, and the English is subpar.
--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: UkBongos
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:143602278
  • *Discord Name & ID: UkBongos#4566
  • *Timezone: BST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:

*Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics): 404, Riot (Taking part in Anti-Combine protests), 148, Resisting Arest, 105, Obstructing Protection (Withholding information about resistance hideouts) and 245, Assault on HVT (Attempted to attack Ron Goodfella during the previously mentioned Anti-Combine protest)

*Character Name: Emma "CJ" Elstone
*Brief summary of the character: Being born just shortly before the portal storms that had ravaged the world, Emma grew up in a cold, bitter and unforgiving part of The Outlands, just outside the borders of City 24. She was raised by her father, who was an active member of the resistance group known as "The Four Lions" Since the very start of her life, she was taught to idolise resistance members and her fellow man, and look down upon those who have co-opted themselves into the vast and evil Combine empire.

After her father died from an Antlion attack on their camp, Emma was ultimately lost. She wandered the Outlands, starving and coming close to death numerous times. Some by creatures that infest the area, some by her own hand... She had nowhere to turn other than the nearby urban center, City 24. Giving into society and ultimately intergrating herself into it, she quickly became a pain in the ass for Civil Protection in the area, as she would cause various amounts of trouble for the sector's police force. She joined an underground resistance group and began operations. For her father? For her own self-benefit? It didn't matter to her. What mattered, is that she had a purpose -- one that she felt was her calling.

After this group started a protest against the Combine in Victory Street, charges on her profile was racked up quickly, warranting an amputation -- especially after she attempted to harm Ron Goodfella, one of the most coveted members of Civil Administration Board in City 24. However, she was tagged by Vindico Industries as a potential canidate for their off-world project. She was kept in a cell inside The Nexus for a few days before being moved to a mysterious train, forced to board it. Little did Emma know that her life was about to get very, very interesting...

T R A I T S & F L A W S

SURVIVALIST: Having grown up in the outlands, her father taught her the basics of survival, how to live off the land, how to hunt, so on and so fourth. Her experience could be crucial if she is to survive on her own in an alien world.

ABOVE-AVERAGE STRENGTH: Proficent with melee weapons due to her hunting experience, Emma is capable of holding her own in a fight. Somewhat stronger than other citizens due getting the nutrition she needs from her time in The Outlands.

HOT-HEADED: Without much of a social circle growing up, Emma didn't really learn past the basics of social interaction. As such, she is prone to anger and lashing out whenever someone says something she doesn't like, or when she doesn't get her way.

RECLUSE: Having initially grown up away from civilization, Emma could be classified as a recluse, and that much would still be clear today. Often hiding away from her peers due to mistrust and resentment.

*Why do you want to play this character?: I feel like this character is interesting, and is someone Vindico Industries would choose for their off-world project. This character could go through some major development during this event, and that is something I'd like to achieve.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: I'm CsBongos, I've been an active community in Willard Networks ever since the first beta. I am an experienced roleplayer with over 4000 hours in Garry's Mod.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Not at all, like I mentioned previously, I've been an active participant in the community ever since the first beta.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I know a few community members from other Garry's Mod communities, and have built decent relationships with new faces.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The atomsphere, lore and worldbuilding. Lore is something Valve, in my opinion ultimately neglects, at least in terms of delivering it to the player. That is why I like HL2RP so much, as the community members take it upon themselves to flesh out and expand the Half-Life universe in new and interesting ways.

Good effort on this one, I enjoyed it too. See you Ceres-side.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Petski
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:17461532
  • *Discord Name & ID: Petski#8585
  • *Timezone: GMT+2
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
*Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics): Participation in an anti-union riot & uncivil behavior
*Character Name: Perry Corndriver
*Brief summary of the character: An Englishman with a small stature, standing at 4'11 feet tall. He is bald and sports a small beard. His main personality traits are that he is short-tempered & hateful of authority (will of course listen if a OTA points an AR2 at his face). Fast on his feet, as when push comes to shove, he'd rather run than fight. He was living in city 35 when he got picked up and transported off-world. 35 years old.
*Why do you want to play this character?: To experience harsh work environments off-world in roleplay, having a fun time with friends and strangers alike.
Full Backstory (Optional): None.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: 6500+ hours on Garry's Mod and still counting. Most of this time was spent on Warhammer 40K servers, both as a player & developer. I enjoy experiencing new roleplay opportunities with friends and new faces alike, and i assume this will be one of those experiences.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I've been playing since launch-day of this version.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I know a few people and made some friends, but i am arguably still pretty new to the community.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The theme & designs of everything from the Combines architecture to rebel-made contraptions like Dog. I'm also a sucker for the story.

I definitely remember seeing your profile pic on a warhammer 40k server before, perhaps multiple. Enjoy the short story bro.​
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Neonity
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:55099154
  • *Discord Name & ID: Neonity#0001
  • *Timezone: GMT+2 (CEST)
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
*Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics):
Possession of resources.
*Character Name: Michelle Davicha
*Brief summary of the character: A skilled smuggler and courier, she's swift and knows how to get around places. Despite that, she keeps to herself, unless you pay her.
*Why do you want to play this character?:
I feel like playing as a stealthy and shy character that opens up further the more she gets to know you sounds fun.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm a long-term roleplayer, and have done so in Garry's Mod along with other games for over 7 years now.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes, plenty of people.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Lore and world-building for sure.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Neonity
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:55099154
  • *Discord Name & ID: Neonity#0001
  • *Timezone: GMT+2 (CEST)
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
*Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics): Possession of resources.
*Character Name: Michelle Davicha
*Brief summary of the character: A skilled smuggler and courier, she's swift and knows how to get around places. Despite that, she keeps to herself, unless you pay her.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I feel like playing as a stealthy and shy character that opens up further the more she gets to know you sounds fun.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm a long-term roleplayer, and have done so in Garry's Mod along with other games for over 7 years now.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes, plenty of people.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Lore and world-building for sure.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: [REDACTED]
  • *Steam ID: [REDACTED]
  • *Discord Name & ID: [REDACTED]
  • *Timezone: UTC +1

  • --- Section Two ---

    *Role you're applying for:
*Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics): Miscount status on account of being an outcast. As well as clear signs of being mentally unhinged.
*Character Name: Sarah "Skunk" Collins
*Brief summary of the character: A miscount who evaded the combines detection for some years. 5'6 woman with red hair and an Irish accent. Mentally unhinged and not afraid to get dirty. In fact, would probably prefer it.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
This was one of my two characters during Willards the original release. I want to consider it something of an epilogue, as her story was cut short. As it stands she could not survive in Willard as it is currently, so I might as well provide the character some closure.

Full Backstory (Optional):
Her backstory is her family was originally visiting Switzerland when all hell broke loose and the combine regime assumed control. With both parents dead as a result of the seven hour war she went into hiding, surviving in the mountains and eventually moving into the sewer network to avoid detection, as she hardly trusted how depressed people looked being walked around by skull-mask wearing military. Somehow her body managed to acclimate to the toxic underground, within reason. There were of course areas even she dared not venture. But as a result of her close proximity to horrible filth down there she had begun to smell putrid and developed something of a resilient immune system. This lasted for some years until she found a way into the City-24 network, which at the time was largely free of xenian spores. She eventually coined the nickname "Skunk" for herself as a result of her horrendous scent being something of a defense mechanism that dissuaded predators from going near her. At least when she was otherwise was not rushing at them with an axe to cook up a tasty meal.
Eventually the district she was occupying became contaminated with infestation and the region became evacuated. As a result of her being an undocumented human in Combine Society she was forced to make her way down deeper into the sewer network, braving the dangerous ecosystem that was growing out of control. It was an ordeal to escape the area, but she managed such.
For a year or two all was going splendidly. She hunted, she ate, she made a few friends who would later be gunned down. All was going perfectly. Until she noticed a piece of freshly baked bread resting conspicuously upon a pristine plate on the floor of a sewer canal. Now, she was not one to simply ignore free food and her stomach acted before her common sense, thus she walked over to her effortless prize. Unfortunately for her it turned out this was an elaborate ruse, a bait. Several overwatch units lept out of nowhere and surrounded her in that moment. The loaf of bread was still dangling from her mouth as they knocked her out. When she came to... Well...

"So this is off-World relocation. Yeah, I kind of didn't expect this."

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
Last edited by a moderator:
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: [REDACTED]
  • *Steam ID: [REDACTED]
  • *Discord Name & ID: [REDACTED]
  • *Timezone: UTC +1

  • --- Section Two ---

    *Role you're applying for:
*Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics): Miscount status on account of being an outcast. As well as clear signs of being mentally unhinged.
*Character Name: Sarah "Skunk" Collins
*Brief summary of the character: A miscount who evaded the combines detection for some years. 5'6 woman with red hair and an Irish accent. Mentally unhinged and not afraid to get dirty. In fact, would probably prefer it.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
This was one of my two characters during Willards the original release. I want to consider it something of an epilogue, as her story was cut short. As it stands she could not survive in Willard as it is currently, so I might as well provide the character some closure.

Full Backstory (Optional):
Her backstory is her family was originally visiting Switzerland when all hell broke loose and the combine regime assumed control. With both parents dead as a result of the seven hour war she went into hiding, surviving in the mountains and eventually moving into the sewer network to avoid detection, as she hardly trusted how depressed people looked being walked around by skull-mask wearing military. Somehow her body managed to acclimate to the toxic underground, within reason. There were of course areas even she dared not venture. But as a result of her close proximity to horrible filth down there she had begun to smell putrid and developed something of a resilient immune system. This lasted for some years until she found a way into the City-24 network, which at the time was largely free of xenian spores. She eventually coined the nickname "Skunk" for herself as a result of her horrendous scent being something of a defense mechanism that dissuaded predators from going near her. At least when she was otherwise was not rushing at them with an axe to cook up a tasty meal.
Eventually the district she was occupying became contaminated with infestation and the region became evacuated. As a result of her being an undocumented human in Combine Society she was forced to make her way down deeper into the sewer network, braving the dangerous ecosystem that was growing out of control. It was an ordeal to escape the area, but she managed such.
For a year or two all was going splendidly. She hunted, she ate, she made a few friends who would later be gunned down. All was going perfectly. Until she noticed a piece of freshly baked bread resting conspicuously upon a pristine plate on the floor of a sewer canal. Now, she was not one to simply ignore free food and her stomach acted before her common sense, thus she walked over to her effortless prize. Unfortunately for her it turned out this was an elaborate ruse, a bait. Several overwatch units lept out of nowhere and surrounded her in that moment. The loaf of bread was still dangling from her mouth as they hey knocked her out. When she came to... Well...

"So this is off-World relocation. Yeah, I kind of didn't expect this."

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
Last edited by a moderator:
I am rescinding my application for Vindico Administrator in favor of a different character likely more fitting for the event.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: J.D. "Rookie"
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:139631753
  • *Discord Name & ID: Resi1ience97#9578 (newly changed)
  • *Timezone: Mountain Timezone
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
*Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics): Insubordination to Overwatch superior officials.
*Character Name: Miguel Francis Larez
*Brief summary of the character: Formerly a metropolice officer of City 8, he refused to amputate an anti-citizen and her daughter, even going so far as to help them escape judgment. For this, he was immediately sent off-world, without much hope of seeing the blue sky ever again.
*Why do you want to play this character?: Miguel was formerly a wrench jockey and a sufficient worker. As an operative on pipes and other such nonsense, Miguel is an excellent candidate for a low-level worker on a conquered dwarf planet.
Miguel was born in Pure Mountain, Maine, to a family that had migrated from the city of Cancún. Warm and dry - but also, expensive. And with the circumstances as they were, remaining seemed to be anything but an option.

So, he was born with a right the rest of his family and his older brother Nicol did not have - citizenship by birth. Attending a school was easier - registering for tests was simpler. Obtaining a license was quicker, and getting a degree in mechanical tech was remarkably simple. By the time he turned twenty-two, the world seemed all right.

Well. Except for the looming threat of the Combine, of course... not to mention the mysterious absence of his grandmother.

Pure Mountain has a certain fame as one of the safer places of the world - it is shielded by its namesake from the "impurities" of the Combine, although there are certainly other reasons why it has its name. Still, he yearned for one thing beyond the walls of the city. His Abuela.

Somewhere in those cities lied the answer - where had she gone, and what had become of her? Was she lost to the wastes that used to be America?

Miguel set out to have this question answered. Not long after, he was faced with bad news and good news. The bad news was that he was pinned down, knee to spine, arms contorted by patrolling cyborgs with great red eyes and dense-ass power armor. The good news is that they were very polite when he asked, a few months later - now dressed in a warm blue clothes and clearly oblivious to the nightmare that had unfolded around him - where could he find Marianna Larez?

Ever the riddlers, these gas-mask clad tyrants offered him only the calmest, warmest response. "If you join Civil Protection, you might just find out."

Nah. Fuck that.

He asked someone else, in a different city he was relocated to. They gave a very different answer - "They say if you join Civil Protection, you might see your family again."


And so he inquired with a fanatic loyalist. "Your family? Your family! To be reunited with such petty needs! Simply subsume! Join Civil Protection!"


Perhaps it was worth asking. Couldn't hurt, right? He won't HAVE to abuse citizens on a daily basis.

"You'll have to abuse citizens on a daily basis."


He pretended to be in complete agreement. They must've bought it. Two months later, he found himself in jackboots and a warm, snug jacket - and he was given his first reward of the year. A photograph. It was the first he'd seen of her in seven years. Seven years... Abuela Marianna, staring back at him, a nervous smile on her face, in that beautiful dress she wore, posing for the officer taking the photograph anxiously.

They had promised him one simple thing - that for as long as he maintained complete subservience his family cohesion would be preserved. His Abuela would be safe and his other relatives would not be inquired of.

Unless, of course, he was pushed far beyond the edge. Many times he came close. Sometimes he questioned if the life of his Abuela was worth the lives of the people he was oppressing. And one day the answer to that question came to him like a shot to the gut.


Bursting down the door and stomping through like a Grim Reaper, he reached for his sidearm and raised it. The foul pistol's barrel got thoroughly acquainted with the face of a screaming child. And it took long, long seconds for Miguel to really piece it together. The time it took for him to really... understand. The pause in his blood, the silence in the room.

The little girl was held tightly by an old woman. She must've been sixteen, maybe fifteen; the woman must've been in her sixties. Decrepit and holding onto nothing but her own offspring. Whatever crime that had been accused to them suddenly became irrelevant to Miguel. For in the face of this woman, he saw his own beloved Abuela Marianna.

Now the answers had come to him so quickly.

The rank leader told him to pull the trigger. And with his eyes shut and his heartbeat stemmed, he did.

His superior gasped softly, and then... collapsed. Mere seconds later he heard the all-too-familiar flatline that he had been accustomed to in the time he watched his comrades die in fields of headcrab-sponsored gore.

Miguel's hands shook, and then he pulled the trigger again, this time executing the window. He heard the old woman and her daughter pleadingly shout thanks to him, incapable of saying enough. Miguel accepted none, simply preferring to stand there over the body of his leader as Overwatch closed in.

They would never know that he was the leader's killer. Only that a shot was fired and that the rank leader had soon flatlined. Though as Miguel shovels coal into the furnaces of Ceres, perhaps he will wish that he had admitted it. For his failure he was delivered to the shuttles transferring unfortunates to the dwarf planet. He wonders now if it was all worth it.

Then he picks up the shovel again.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: araskes
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:512655607
  • *Discord Name & ID: araskes#2639
  • *Timezone: BST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
*Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics): Conspiracy, Inaction, possession of illegal contraband. etc.
*Character Name: Salvatore Gambino
*Brief summary of the character: Italian-American man with black hair and a clean shaven face, bit of a resting bitch face too. He was abroad before the portal storms happened on some business with the Russian mafia, which resulted him getting stuck in Russia during the portal storms. Worked alongside the long-haulers and the SRF, before heading to the KROT facility. There he broke away from the group and made his way back to a nearby city, where he joined a close-knit rebel cell. He worked with them for a year or so, before getting caught.
*Why do you want to play this character?: Bringing this character back from SS, seeing as he survived the events of that. Would like to get some sort of closure for him yet again.
I am rescinding my application for Vindico Administrator in favor of a different character likely more fitting for the event.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: J.D. "Rookie"
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:139631753
  • *Discord Name & ID: Resi1ience97#9578 (newly changed)
  • *Timezone: Mountain Timezone
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
*Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics): Insubordination to Overwatch superior officials.
*Character Name: Miguel Francis Larez
*Brief summary of the character: Formerly a metropolice officer of City 8, he refused to amputate an anti-citizen and her daughter, even going so far as to help them escape judgment. For this, he was immediately sent off-world, without much hope of seeing the blue sky ever again.
*Why do you want to play this character?: Miguel was formerly a wrench jockey and a sufficient worker. As an operative on pipes and other such nonsense, Miguel is an excellent candidate for a low-level worker on a conquered dwarf planet.
Miguel was born in Pure Mountain, Maine, to a family that had migrated from the city of Cancún. Warm and dry - but also, expensive. And with the circumstances as they were, remaining seemed to be anything but an option.

So, he was born with a right the rest of his family and his older brother Nicol did not have - citizenship by birth. Attending a school was easier - registering for tests was simpler. Obtaining a license was quicker, and getting a degree in mechanical tech was remarkably simple. By the time he turned twenty-two, the world seemed all right.

Well. Except for the looming threat of the Combine, of course... not to mention the mysterious absence of his grandmother.

Pure Mountain has a certain fame as one of the safer places of the world - it is shielded by its namesake from the "impurities" of the Combine, although there are certainly other reasons why it has its name. Still, he yearned for one thing beyond the walls of the city. His Abuela.

Somewhere in those cities lied the answer - where had she gone, and what had become of her? Was she lost to the wastes that used to be America?

Miguel set out to have this question answered. Not long after, he was faced with bad news and good news. The bad news was that he was pinned down, knee to spine, arms contorted by patrolling cyborgs with great red eyes and dense-ass power armor. The good news is that they were very polite when he asked, a few months later - now dressed in a warm blue clothes and clearly oblivious to the nightmare that had unfolded around him - where could he find Marianna Larez?

Ever the riddlers, these gas-mask clad tyrants offered him only the calmest, warmest response. "If you join Civil Protection, you might just find out."

Nah. Fuck that.

He asked someone else, in a different city he was relocated to. They gave a very different answer - "They say if you join Civil Protection, you might see your family again."


And so he inquired with a fanatic loyalist. "Your family? Your family! To be reunited with such petty needs! Simply subsume! Join Civil Protection!"


Perhaps it was worth asking. Couldn't hurt, right? He won't HAVE to abuse citizens on a daily basis.

"You'll have to abuse citizens on a daily basis."


He pretended to be in complete agreement. They must've bought it. Two months later, he found himself in jackboots and a warm, snug jacket - and he was given his first reward of the year. A photograph. It was the first he'd seen of her in seven years. Seven years... Abuela Marianna, staring back at him, a nervous smile on her face, in that beautiful dress she wore, posing for the officer taking the photograph anxiously.

They had promised him one simple thing - that for as long as he maintained complete subservience his family cohesion would be preserved. His Abuela would be safe and his other relatives would not be inquired of.

Unless, of course, he was pushed far beyond the edge. Many times he came close. Sometimes he questioned if the life of his Abuela was worth the lives of the people he was oppressing. And one day the answer to that question came to him like a shot to the gut.


Bursting down the door and stomping through like a Grim Reaper, he reached for his sidearm and raised it. The foul pistol's barrel got thoroughly acquainted with the face of a screaming child. And it took long, long seconds for Miguel to really piece it together. The time it took for him to really... understand. The pause in his blood, the silence in the room.

The little girl was held tightly by an old woman. She must've been sixteen, maybe fifteen; the woman must've been in her sixties. Decrepit and holding onto nothing but her own offspring. Whatever crime that had been accused to them suddenly became irrelevant to Miguel. For in the face of this woman, he saw his own beloved Abuela Marianna.

Now the answers had come to him so quickly.

The rank leader told him to pull the trigger. And with his eyes shut and his heartbeat stemmed, he did.

His superior gasped softly, and then... collapsed. Mere seconds later he heard the all-too-familiar flatline that he had been accustomed to in the time he watched his comrades die in fields of headcrab-sponsored gore.

Miguel's hands shook, and then he pulled the trigger again, this time executing the window. He heard the old woman and her daughter pleadingly shout thanks to him, incapable of saying enough. Miguel accepted none, simply preferring to stand there over the body of his leader as Overwatch closed in.

They would never know that he was the leader's killer. Only that a shot was fired and that the rank leader had soon flatlined. Though as Miguel shovels coal into the furnaces of Ceres, perhaps he will wish that he had admitted it. For his failure he was delivered to the shuttles transferring unfortunates to the dwarf planet. He wonders now if it was all worth it.

Then he picks up the shovel again.

Interesting backstory...

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: araskes
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:512655607
  • *Discord Name & ID: araskes#2639
  • *Timezone: BST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
*Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics): Conspiracy, Inaction, possession of illegal contraband. etc.
*Character Name: Salvatore Gambino
*Brief summary of the character: Italian-American man with black hair and a clean shaven face, bit of a resting bitch face too. He was abroad before the portal storms happened on some business with the Russian mafia, which resulted him getting stuck in Russia during the portal storms. Worked alongside the long-haulers and the SRF, before heading to the KROT facility. There he broke away from the group and made his way back to a nearby city, where he joined a close-knit rebel cell. He worked with them for a year or so, before getting caught.
*Why do you want to play this character?: Bringing this character back from SS, seeing as he survived the events of that. Would like to get some sort of closure for him yet again.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Black Flag
  • *Steam ID: N/A
  • *Discord Name & ID: Black Flag #2823
  • *Timezone: EST(US)
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
*Character Name: Dagger-2
*Brief summary of the character: Moon Base OTA soldier.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I love the Overwatch Faction and this setting is very intriguing. Iron Sky kind of vibes, I dig it.
Made it.
--- Section One ---
*Steam Name: Daniel | Error 410
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name & ID: Hiros#4906
*Timezone: GMT +2

--- Section Two ---

=- OTA -=

*Character Name: PAYBACK-85 as OWS or FLATLINE-02 as EOW

*Brief summary of the character: Enormous overwatch soldier, a veteran some can say being deployed in multiple combat scenarios, such as D47 or such

*Why do you want to play this character?: Kind of want to expand my OTA's story we can say, for how long he managed to survive, bring RP

// phone, sorry for formatting
Made it as reservist.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Oi Susy!
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:14434287
  • *Discord Name & ID: Oi Susy!#8157
  • *Timezone: GMT +3
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
*Character Name: FLATLINE-45
*Brief summary of the character: Newer Overwatch Soldier, recently admited into the force and asigned a task to keep an eye on the workers. Used to be a Civil Protection Officer, who showed some dedication. This is his first task asignment.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I always wanted to give OTA a try, considering that it is a rare for me to try the Soldier roleplay, always playing as Cops. 10-11 years already ... And I always stick to my moto - to try something else every time.
Made it.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: SirOutcast
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:33754365
  • *Discord Name & ID: SirOutcast#4805
  • *Timezone: US EST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:

*Character Name: OWS.ECHO-41

*Brief summary of the character: They're a rank and file trooper that stands at six feet on the dot donning the gear necessary for their assignment. Their actual experience level would be low intermediate, having been mostly deployed on non-combative sweeps into urban centers. Perhaps offworld assignment to a backwater astral body protecting workers from themselves may be a blessing in disguise.

*Why do you want to play this character?: I want to experience, at least in small part, what OTA is like on Willard. I played a bit of OTA at the end of TerraNova and have basic knowledge of how they operate. This would be a good way to get experience on how the faction operates here for whenever applications would open up for the main server. Plus, soldiers are pretty neat, even neater when they're in space.
Did not make it due to problems with the whitelist :yudodis: (be angry at @FungletheBungle)

*Steam Name: Wraygun
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:168504023
*Discord Name & ID: Wraygun#4650
*Timezone: GMT 2+


--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
Overwatch Transhuman Arm, namely for the role of an elite overwatch soldier.
*Character Name: S10/EOW.SUNDOWN-03
*Brief summary of the character: An elite combine soldier, clad in impeccable white armor only contrasting with its red, visual orb; his posture is kept stiff and firm; his white regalia contrasts with his red-eyed helmet.
*Why do you want to play this character?: Mainly because of the setting, and simply because I wish to explore the obscure side of the Overwatch Transhuman Faction. It is of utmost importance to me, that the faction is being represented in an orderly and disciplined fashion. This is ensured by maintaining constant communications between all of the squad members, as well as maintaining a chill atmosphere, with a strong sense of professionalism. Furthermore, I express a particular interest in the elite overwatch soldier. Paired with this unique setting, this would be an ideal place to participate and utilize my already-existing knowledge.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: No.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Not at all! I've been here for approximately a year (possibly more) and I certainly plan to stay here for long! I do consider myself a seasoned player in this community due to the sheer amount of time I've spent with this community.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
    • With plenty of players that I've met in other communities, as well as people who are holding an important leadership position regarding faction management.
Made it.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Sheepyk
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:197565079
  • *Discord Name & ID: Sheepyk#6088
  • *Timezone: BST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for: OTA
*Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics):
*Character Name: OWS.STINGER-71
*Brief summary of the character: An average OTA unit, is wearing the usual armour seen by the local transhuman force. His armour is immaculate despite its history.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I love playing OTA and would always hop on board a chance to play it. OTA primarily guard on the main server and due to such I have become accustomed to doing so, any chance to widen my experience as OTA is a good one
Full Backstory (Optional): (as per usual I am having difficulties thinking of a detailed backstory due to the role being OTA I hope this doesn’t paint me lazy or effortless I just can’t think of anything.)

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I’m a 17 year old from Scotland that does nothing with his life despite go to school, watch YouTube and Steven universe, play gmod, sleep and eat.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: wouldn’t say so no
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yep a good few people now
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The story telling and the combine itself the way valve did it was legendary, I love the idea of the combine and it’s lore, it is all just great to me.
Did not make it but will receive a reserve spot for next event.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Spine
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:45936739
  • *Discord Name & ID: Spine#8384
  • *Timezone: GMT+2
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
*Character Name: OWS.SAVAGE-9
*Brief summary of the character: Moon Base OTA soldier.
*Why do you want to play this character?: It was very endearing to be part of the overwatch faction in the past event. I wish to join up as well to furthermore help managing it.
Made it as reservist.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Dej
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:68827315
  • *Discord Name & ID: ShockyC#0978
  • *Timezone: SGT (GMT+8)
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
*Character Name: ORD.RAZOR-09
*Brief summary of the character: An Overwatch Transhuman Ordinal transferred Off-World to Ceres to ensure the Quotas and Stability at preserved.
*Why do you want to play this character?: Overwatch fun, we will airlock malcompliant individuals. I will be there to help the EOW's and any other OTA member keep operations running smoothly, additionally I've been wanted to play OTA on Short Stories for a while now.
Made it.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Darth Vader
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:155946230
  • *Discord Name & ID: Darth Vader#0680
  • *Timezone: BST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:
*Character Name: OWS.DAGGER-14
*Brief summary of the character: An average soldier of the Overwatch Transhuman Arm assigned to Ceres to perform security operations and ensure the compliance of the convict workforce.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I want to play as OTA in Ceres for multiple reasons. Firstly and most basically I simply love playing OTA. Be it escorting the CCA Higher-ups around the city or participating in sweeps of the sewers I enjoy every inch of OTA RP on Willard and always jump at the chance to further play as them in events.

Secondly, I relish the opportunity to play as OTA in this rather unique scenario. Typically our role in events and on the main server is fully combat oriented and as such this would be a wonderful change of pace and allow me to perform much more passiveRP as OTA. Which I always love to do. I feel that OTA could have a very interesting dynamic with the workers that they preside over, with the workers being happy to have OTA protect them from the various hazards present on the asteroid but also terrified of them. Knowing full well that they will happily execute them all if they get the slightest whiff of a revolt and will have no qualms about issuing harsh punishment on those who fail their quotas.

Finally I also find the whole premise of Ceres fascinating and completely different from anything I've done in HL2RP before. Offering a very unique experience to partake in with the faction I enjoy playing the most.
Did not make it but will receive a reserve spot for next event.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: vertix
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:58254963
  • *Discord Name & ID: vertix#9343
  • *Timezone: CST (GMT-6)
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for: Off-world assigned member of the Overwatch Transhuman Arm

*Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics): Not applicable.

*Character Name: Benito Gonzalez

*Brief summary of the character: A member of the Overwatch that served in the Texas National Guard. He was captured shortly after the Seven Hour War and forcefully conscripted into the MA-A.

*Why do you want to play this character?:

I am an OTA main at heart, and playing as one of its members is enjoyable to a great extent.

I have devoted a scary amount of time learning how OTA works -- from their speech patterns, AI tactics, and every single OTA lore thread I could find on communities that I’ve played on. I’ve played as and commanded every OTA “class” and understand their strengths and weaknesses in different situations.

I think OTA has been criminally underused in most HL2RP servers. It makes sense, however, because OTA are often seen as the “endgame” enemy for rebels to take on. Gunships, helicopters, and striders tend to be a disaster for HL2RP, so OTA have to be substantially buffed in order to give the rebels a reasonable challenge. Regardless, I believe my passion for the faction is one of the main reasons I should be chosen for OTA over other candidates.

Playing in an off-world setting is something I have never done before, and I believe it's a fresh opportunity for me and others to explore.
Made it.
Last edited:
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: The Milkman
  • *Steam ID: Later :troll:
  • *Discord Name & ID: Milkman#1598
  • *Timezone: EST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:

*Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics):
This particular biotic is insistently verbally aggressive towards its oppressors and slacks off on its work, although doesn't outright refuse orders or become physically aggressive. As such, it's been sent off world to be someone else's pain in the neck. It still has valuable vortal energies to siphon, afterall.

*Character Name: Lach'gurr-thum'vah

*Brief summary of the character:
This vortigaunt is a victim to fate. Not even hours after the spawning process, either by a defect or a horrible accident, it was severed from the Vortessence. As such, it has lived a quite ostracized and shunned life. Its lack of vortessence meant the instinctual bond between it and its ilk was non-existent. Lach became a sort of hermit where it could, becoming bitter, hateful, and reclusive. During this time was also the beginning of the enslavement by the hands of the Nihilinth. Understandably, this did not alleviate Lach's mindset as it only went down a perpetual spiral of bitterness. It was only inevitable that it would even begin to physically lash out at its fellow vortigaunt, getting into physical scuffles. Though, without the know-how to even cast a simple vort-beam, these battles were often lost as it was easily beaten to submission. This was the final tie to the knot, as at this point the vortigaunt was branded a savage, and was no longer spared even pity by its kind.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
I feel like this is a somewhat unique take on a vortigaunt character, and I'm excited to play this character and see what can become of it. Hell, I even kind of wished I'd had this character in mind when making my main server vortigaunt. Maybe I'll play this character once my current vort gets PK'd or something.

Full Backstory (Optional):


Shortly before the vortigaunt's forced excursion to the Border world, Xen, a particular vortigaunt was spawned from the vortessence. Ironically enough, however, it was promptly ripped from the vortessence soon after. It is unclear whether this action was merely some freak defect in the spawning process or rather a careless accident by the other vortigaunts overseeing the spawning. Either way, Lach had not a conscious thought before the connection was severed. Subsequently, it matured much differently from other vortigaunts, both mentally and physically. It did not know how it felt to be one with the Vortessence. A certain pain of shame came its way every time it had to ask another vortigaunt for their name. Lach could always tell it was the misfit toy, the vortigaunt which could only be spared a pitiful look by the others.


Oh, how his 'kin' looked on with what could only be shame as it only managed to call upon the most primal surges of vortessence; never able to weave it into anything more than a glorified ball of light. However, never mistake Lach for a vortigaunt that wasn't a resourceful one. Instead, it honed its body to build muscle mass, trained in ways of fighting with not only its claws, but with weapons. Stealth and guerilla warfare was his friend, given the lack of being able to utilize his vortal energies for self defense. Although despite this, he was no match for many of the predatory animals of his new home: The Border World Xen. Smaller animals like houndeyes and headcrabs would have to suffice when it came to hunting his own meals. After all, Lach was far too prideful to accept an offering of food from one of his 'brethren.'

It was always a sort of grim enjoyment to Lach, to see the utter puzzled look on another vortigaunt's face as they come face-to-face for the first time. They could not feel him, could not know his true name by a first glance. Although truly it was a laugh short-lived as he was immediately spoken to as if some kind of outcast; as much as the other Vortigaunts tried to mask it, Lach could always see that certain look in their eyes. The one you would give to a stranger whom just bumped into you on the street, or someone who'd made a rude comment. Only a few of these times would Lach's untamed anger lash out and he'd take a swipe at the well-meaning kinsman. Although, only one time was needed before he was truly dealt with as a savage, now that he'd become violent to a fellow vortigaunt. Better off that way, though. Or so he believes.


The Combine finally caught up with them. Naturally, Lach could only turn tail and run for so long until a surgical strike squad was sent to flush him out of his hastily-fashioned den. Shackles were forced upon him, and the one last sense of belonging: his vortal energies, were finally taken away. From then on, in a complete mindset of spite and hate, Lach hap-hazardly completed his menial labor tasks. Though of course, he suffered many bruises and scars on-top of the existing ones from his borderline defiant attitude. However, this vortigaunt still had useful energy to suck out, so death wouldn't come politely knocking on his door just yet. But of course, Civil Protection can be fed up only so much before they eventually ship him elsewhere for hard labor. Ah well, hopefully there aren't any other vortigaunts where he's going.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • I am the Milkman, my milk is delicious.

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • I joined for the first time around the beta, so compared to some other people, yes.

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • Yes ma'am. Especially the chads within DEFENDER

  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
  • Vortigaunts

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us and we hope to see you there!

I can also play as my Overwatch Soldier NOVA-31 if somehow there's a shortage of OTA players for the event, but I'd prefer the vort.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: The Milkman
  • *Steam ID: Later :troll:
  • *Discord Name & ID: Milkman#1598
  • *Timezone: EST
--- Section Two ---

*Role you're applying for:

*Violation(s) resulting in your off-world relocation (Workers, Servicemen, Biotics):
This particular biotic is insistently verbally aggressive towards its oppressors and slacks off on its work, although doesn't outright refuse orders or become physically aggressive. As such, it's been sent off world to be someone else's pain in the neck. It still has valuable vortal energies to siphon, afterall.

*Character Name: Lach'gurr-thum'vah

*Brief summary of the character:
This vortigaunt is a victim to fate. Not even hours after the spawning process, either by a defect or a horrible accident, it was severed from the Vortessence. As such, it has lived a quite ostracized and shunned life. Its lack of vortessence meant the instinctual bond between it and its ilk was non-existent. Lach became a sort of hermit where it could, becoming bitter, hateful, and reclusive. During this time was also the beginning of the enslavement by the hands of the Nihilinth. Understandably, this did not alleviate Lach's mindset as it only went down a perpetual spiral of bitterness. It was only inevitable that it would even begin to physically lash out at its fellow vortigaunt, getting into physical scuffles. Though, without the know-how to even cast a simple vort-beam, these battles were often lost as it was easily beaten to submission. This was the final tie to the knot, as at this point the vortigaunt was branded a savage, and was no longer spared even pity by its kind.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
I feel like this is a somewhat unique take on a vortigaunt character, and I'm excited to play this character and see what can become of it. Hell, I even kind of wished I'd had this character in mind when making my main server vortigaunt. Maybe I'll play this character once my current vort gets PK'd or something.

Full Backstory (Optional):


Shortly before the vortigaunt's forced excursion to the Border world, Xen, a particular vortigaunt was spawned from the vortessence. Ironically enough, however, it was promptly ripped from the vortessence soon after. It is unclear whether this action was merely some freak defect in the spawning process or rather a careless accident by the other vortigaunts overseeing the spawning. Either way, Lach had not a conscious thought before the connection was severed. Subsequently, it matured much differently from other vortigaunts, both mentally and physically. It did not know how it felt to be one with the Vortessence. A certain pain of shame came its way every time it had to ask another vortigaunt for their name. Lach could always tell it was the misfit toy, the vortigaunt which could only be spared a pitiful look by the others.


Oh, how his 'kin' looked on with what could only be shame as it only managed to call upon the most primal surges of vortessence; never able to weave it into anything more than a glorified ball of light. However, never mistake Lach for a vortigaunt that wasn't a resourceful one. Instead, it honed its body to build muscle mass, trained in ways of fighting with not only its claws, but with weapons. Stealth and guerilla warfare was his friend, given the lack of being able to utilize his vortal energies for self defense. Although despite this, he was no match for many of the predatory animals of his new home: The Border World Xen. Smaller animals like houndeyes and headcrabs would have to suffice when it came to hunting his own meals. After all, Lach was far too prideful to accept an offering of food from one of his 'brethren.'

It was always a sort of grim enjoyment to Lach, to see the utter puzzled look on another vortigaunt's face as they come face-to-face for the first time. They could not feel him, could not know his true name by a first glance. Although truly it was a laugh short-lived as he was immediately spoken to as if some kind of outcast; as much as the other Vortigaunts tried to mask it, Lach could always see that certain look in their eyes. The one you would give to a stranger whom just bumped into you on the street, or someone who'd made a rude comment. Only a few of these times would Lach's untamed anger lash out and he'd take a swipe at the well-meaning kinsman. Although, only one time was needed before he was truly dealt with as a savage, now that he'd become violent to a fellow vortigaunt. Better off that way, though. Or so he believes.


The Combine finally caught up with them. Naturally, Lach could only turn tail and run for so long until a surgical strike squad was sent to flush him out of his hastily-fashioned den. Shackles were forced upon him, and the one last sense of belonging: his vortal energies, were finally taken away. From then on, in a complete mindset of spite and hate, Lach hap-hazardly completed his menial labor tasks. Though of course, he suffered many bruises and scars on-top of the existing ones from his borderline defiant attitude. However, this vortigaunt still had useful energy to suck out, so death wouldn't come politely knocking on his door just yet. But of course, Civil Protection can be fed up only so much before they eventually ship him elsewhere for hard labor. Ah well, hopefully there aren't any other vortigaunts where he's going.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • I am the Milkman, my milk is delicious.

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • I joined for the first time around the beta, so compared to some other people, yes.

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • Yes ma'am. Especially the chads within DEFENDER

  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
  • Vortigaunts

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us and we hope to see you there!

I can also play as my Overwatch Soldier NOVA-31 if somehow there's a shortage of OTA players for the event, but I'd prefer the vort.

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