Welcome to Willard Networks!

Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

CHARACTER SIGNUPS: CHAPTER FOUR SUB-PLOT: 'A Dark Interval: Everywhere & Nowhere'

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Either that's a mistake, or it beckons me to wonder "what if..."
Anyway, you might want to fix these small typos. Alas is the next issue where upon reading, it honest to god looks to me like this entire backstory doesn't appear an ounce serious.

This has been REJECTED, and you can either edit the same post and make something better with a credible summary, or create a new character.
I got reminded of this scene after reading that
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Equinox
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:55536652
  • *Discord Name & ID: Equinox#6379
  • *Timezone: CST
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: N
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): N/A
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): N/A
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Akthyn'Kull
  • *Brief summary of the character: A vortigaunt at the age of 1421, Akthyn'Kull is a vortigaunt of ill intent for those that inhabit Earth. With a keen hatred (but not an aggressively hostile) stance towards human kind, he finds them to be a lowly, dim, and disgusting species. He has brown skin with splotches of grey in some parts that sports many wrinkles and signs of weathering, from years of surviving among the wilderness of Earth and quite a few conflicts with humans. He has no interest in the welfare of humanity. Akthyn'Kull has a moderate understanding of Swahili, having lived in Africa, but knows only a very basic amount of English.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: The event offers an opportunity for such a character to exist, and I want to dabble in a vortigaunt who not only doesn't trust humans, but outright hates them. I do not intend on just going on a murder rampage, but I want to see how such a roleplay would go down, an anti-human vortigaunt being thrown into what might be an incredibly unconventional situation along with a bunch of human.
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to):
Akthyn'Kull, known as the "Noble Hunter of Zhur'Kan'Tak" among his kin, is a vortigaunt who was blessed with the memory of the homeworld that was lost so long ago. Among the great tribes of the Vortigaunts, he belonged to a sub-tribe known as the "Zhur'kan", named after the region of land they lived upon within the homeworld's great jungles known as "Zhur'Kan'Tak." This tribe was known by other tribes as a warrior tribe, to which many vortigaunts took a heavy focus in the way of the hunt. Spawned and raised in this tribe, Akthyn'Kull eventually took on the caste of hunter, just as the vast majority of vortigaunts in this tribe did. As the decades passed, he became especially dedicated to this role, honing his skill in the art of combat both in vortal manipulation and in melee combat. A master with the spear, his skill was noted among the tribe, as he fell many dangerous creatures, and brought home great bounties of food. Eventually, he was bestowed by his Shaman the title of "Noble Hunter of Zhur'Kan'Tak". Akthyn'Kull took this title with pride, not out of personal ego, but because it showed his dedication to his own kind, which like most Vortigaunts, was great.

When the Combine invaded, like many hunters, Akthyn'Kull was among the many who aided in the defense of his homeworld. With an intense hatred beyond even that of most vortigaunts, his spear found its way in the hearts of many synths, his manipulation of vortal energy used in terrifying ways as many synthetic abominations fell at his fury. As was fate however, the arrival of the Nihilanth and its brethren saw the inevitable surrender of his own kind, as well as him, a moment which saw his anger only magnified towards those who were not of vortigaunt kind.

Upon Xen, Akthyn'Kull was as many vortigaunts were in the shackles, a lowly factory worker. He despised the Nihilanth as many did, but so far was his hatred that he even refused to join the many pseudo-tribes that had formed beneath their cosmic lords rule, seeing these tribes as false, a simple means of subsistence amidst their enslavement.

When the Nihilanth launched its invasion upon Earth, Akthyn'Kull was quickly placed among the front lines, sent along with billions of own kind to bring the fight to humanity. Akthyn'Kull initially chose not to fight, only trying to flee as he was placed among the jungles of Africa. It wasn't until he felt the slaughter of hundreds of millions at the hands of humans, that his rage ignited once again. It wasn't until after the Nihilanth's death that he began his attacks, recognizing the savior of his kind to be human but showing no remorse to the vast majority that brought only death and destruction to his kind. He and many other Vortigaunts launched numerous attacks on civilizations within Africa. These conflicts were many, and so were his wounds against the unfamiliar enemy weaponry. But he clung to life, and was quick to return to battle once his wounds were healed. Many humans were slaughtered at his claws, many heads taken as trophies of the hunt, a feeling he had missed for hundreds of years.

And for years more, he continued this hunt. But as he continued his crusade, he slowly began to realize that the humans he slaughtered were not as wretched as those he had originally brought vortibolts upon. Others of his own kin began to disagree with his brutality, presenting evidence that, despite their distrust of vortigaunts, they weren't exactly the most hostile of creatures. This, along with the vortessence bestowing upon him the general consensus of many vortigaunts that humans weren't just murderous monsters, began to curb his violent outlook of humanity. Akthyn'Kull continued his violence towards humanity, but would slowly lessen his brutality. Soon enough, he found that only the armed and obviously stronger of humankind were his targets, and eventually, he was only choosing to attack the smaller of groups, especially those who continued to fight against vortigaunt kind.

When the Combine invaded Earth, Akthyn'Kull had almost entirely ceased his hunt. When he felt the anguish of his kind once more, and saw the all too familiar metal abominations zipping across the sky, his fury reignited ten fold. His hatred of humanity was still great, but his hatred for the Combine was unparalled. Towns that were under attack by the synthetic beings thought their doom was at hand at the sight of Akthyn'Kull, but were relieved when his hate filled energy was directed at the invaders, a welcome surprise. But as it was on the homeworld, so to did it come to be upon Earth. The Combine found a quick victory upon Earth, and the small town that Akthyn'Kull had assisted fell under a short but brutal battle. The Combine, not able to tell many vortigaunts apart amidst the combat, quickly shackled Akthyn'Kull, who had been rendered unconscious during the intense combat.

But Akthyn'Kull's hatred was greater than his enslavement. Amidst the initial chaos of the occupation, Akthyn'Kull was quick to escape, only remaining in shackles for but a month or so, before he was able to escape with the assistance of his own kind. Losing the Combine, he retreated to the jungles of Africa once again.

It was in these jungles that he had remained hidden, keeping a close eye on the humans who fled through it, and even slaughtering those that entered his territory. But he gladly relished in the hunt once again as he saw humans with Combine insignia upon them exploring the jungles of Africa. Conscript squads feared the jungles, knowing of the vortigaunts within.

Akthyn'Kull was returning to his small coven of vortigaunts with a great bounty, a bounty of 4 conscripted humans, who were to be made into their next meal. Before he reached his camp however, he felt a great deal of sudden fear, an emotion that wasn't that common for him, before his vision flashed a bright white, all left of his existance upon Earth being the bloodied corpses of four humans...

--- Section Four (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: I like HL2RP :)
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: E.L.M.S
  • *Steam ID: https:/steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198242335118
  • *Discord Name & ID: E.L.M.S#0836
  • *Timezone: BST (+1)
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: Y / N
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character):
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character):
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Jerry Gibson
  • *Brief summary of the character: Jerry is a gruff seeming roughly shaved and grizzly voiced man, despite his small size (coming in only around five and a tiddly-bit feet tall) he seems to be surprisingly intimidating, and he has a multitude of crudely drawn tattoos in the forms of various shapes and names scattered across his body but the most eye catching piece of his appearance would be that of the old ruins of an ancient laceration running down his face, from half way up his forehead to the tip of his cheekbone, luckily not seeming to have injured his left eye, which the scar does run across.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I wish to rejoin the story which Willard Networks is taking and make an attempt at steering it with my character's and the rest of the servers character's influences.
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to): Jerry was a nice young boy, always frolicking in his nearby wheat-fields as a child, growing up in rural area. As a young adult he became increasing involved in local politics, forming his own workers party at the age of fifteen, but then it began to turn south and his parents fell gravely ill from a disease which strikes all of us, the disease which clouds our judgement, and destroys our humanity, the disease of Capitalism. So, at the age of seventeen, he ran away from home and went to a big city, there his words were heard and he quickly gained popularity in the local socialist sector. However, then another disaster struck at the age of twenty, when a big by-election was coming up. And Jerry ended up finding himself behind bars quite soon before. Missing the election and being disqualified for his convictions, Jerry found himself being institutionalised and quickly with his beliefs were angering the guards, so they decided to try to kill him at the exact time Jerry's luck had finally sprung and thus the seven hour war began, he managed to escape thanks to the help of a riot his comrades in Orange performed and was picked up by the Combine, a Free-man, and was thrust into the life of a civilian crushed by the oppressing Combine's thumb.
--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I, ELMS am a Lover, Fighter and Master Artist who tries to paint a new Outlook on life one drawing at a time.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Nope
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Pleanty o' fellows.
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?: Crowbars.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Daniels
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:39991588
  • *Discord Name & ID: Daniels#0293
  • *Timezone: GMT+2, I will still be able to play American times.
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: N
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Muhammed Osman
  • *Brief summary of the character:
    A small time pre-war rebel, partner in crime with his friend Ahmad Abu-Kabir, now under the totalitarian control of the combine he faces the darkness with open arms, somewhat irrationally he still holds onto his faith at those times, he believes that is what binds him to the earth.
  • His intentions are clear, he wants to survive and keep his head down while keeping his partner safe and sound.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I believe characters that hold onto their faith are somewhat rare in the HL2RP universe, I enjoy this type of character most as it creates roleplay and is uncommon.
--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I have been roleplaying for a while now, I love these kinds of events. I used to play on the Begotten: CROSSED servers that were kind of like this.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I arrived just before the TN merge.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Not in particular.
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life? : The apocalyptical vibe that no other story gives.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Scott
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:68026780
  • *Discord Name & ID: Scott#7239
  • *Timezone: UK
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: N
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Ahmad Abu-Kabir
  • *Brief summary of the character: Kabir is just what you expect from a man whose lived under oppression his entire life, he is a quick to anger vain man, teamed up with his friend Muhammed Osman he lives on through the dark times that the world came upon, he holds his friends close as to protect them and stands against solitude, somewhat of a collectivist he holds onto his faith and believes there is a better future behind the great darkness.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I really enjoy roleplaying as Ahmad as he is a very religious man, a lot of his actions are driven by his religious beliefs. he may strike people out of his life over petty theoretical disagreements but may also welcome people in very easily when they share opinions and beliefs.
--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I enjoy playing Garry's Mod and getting into new roleplay experiences especially roleplay based around the Half Life series.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Yes, I joined just today.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I was referred to here by Daniels.
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?: The characters that are created within this realm
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