Devblog #21 - Animation view, attributes, misc, BETA changelog
Thanks to the developers for their fantastic work and support!
Now that we've completed our first BETA we've identified a handful of bugs and have successfully fixed them, all thanks to the helping participation of everyone here! Below are a few new additions but the main chunk of this devblog is in the last section with the the BETA result changelog. I consider the BETA a success with good stability proven and performance assured. Hope you've all had fun exploring the new features!
1. Animation view
When using animations you'll now enter thirdperson and you're able to zoom in/out while you're at it! In addition to the thirdperson animation view we've introduced a couple of new animations for citizens and CPs including the salute as shown on the streamable above. New animations can be found with /actstand 1-4
2. Attributes now show which skill it levels up in char creation
When you select attributes during character creation you're now able to much more visibly see what the affects of selecting certain attributes are. Once you've selected your attributes and visit the "skills" tab you'll notice which skills your attributes affect with the green "attribute levels" text. This is also shown on the skills UI.
3. Misc updates
3.1 Door text visuals
We've updated the visuals of door texts from the previous large blue background and have reduced the text size to make it less of a immersion breaker.

3.2 POS device update
We've updated the POS device for shop owners. You're now able to lock a POS device to your ID card meaning if said device gets stolen the thieves cannot use it unless you've unlocked the device. We've also updated the icons to make more sense and we've added a "show transactions" option, allowing you to browse the latest transactions, complete with a new UI to make it more easy to manage. Each transactions now also requires a "reason" to help tracking.

POS device in your inventory

New UI (a bit outdated on the screenshot) for viewing transactions on the POS device
4. BETA changelog
Now that the BETA has concluded, we've successfully identified a handful of bugs and fixed them thanks to y'all participating during the testing! Thank you all very much for helping in and we hope you've enjoyed the experience! Below is the changelog as a result of the beta:
New features
Implemented a new animation view
Implemented attribute skill level text during char creation
Implemented a transaction system + UI to keep track of credit transactions
Implemented a easy to use admin panel to manage apartments / shops
Implemented a new admin warning system
Added a new combine music radio
Added /med and /itd commands (direct /me's and /it for the player you're looking at)
Implemented temporary admin groups
Implemented temporary pet flags
Updated POS terminal icons
Refactored item stacking
Added new citizen/CP animations
Updated admin ESP with more item information
Improved radio visuals if someone is all caps shouting
Skills that reach max level no longer show a progress bar
CP waypoints no longer last 5 minutes, lasts about 1-2 minutes to reduce cluster on the UI.
Shop terminal UI now informs the player they'll need to pick up their apartment key from the pickup terminal to avoid confusion.
Items now stack upon being given
Improved visual of door texts
Smuggler will now pick a randomized pickup cache
Implemented a clean all death drop check after 5 hours
Gas now scales depending on your HP
Iron sight added for the HL2 SMG
Opening doors during TBC now counts as a move
Lowered bread cooking recipe level requirement
Glasses no longer drop on death (for now)
Fixed housing key bug
Fixed TBC infinite loop
Fixed CP/OTA npc relations (they're no longer hostile)
Fixed CP barricade spazzing out
Fixed TBC bug that managed to spam 8 100 000 lines of error messages
Fixed error caused by butchering
Fixed error with the legs plugin
Fixed a couple of stackable item errors
Fixed gas plugin when attempting to index faction info
Fixed a pickup terminal error
Fixed a bug where you'd respawn at your body
Fixed error with anti-alt detection
Fixed bug with vort beam causing errors
Fixed healing medical error
Dead player ragdolls no longer spam upon death in some cases
Fixed breaching charge radius being far too large
Scanners no longer spawn with physgun
Fixed issue where apartment door texts wouldn't be removed
Fixed spawn ESP not working
Fixed issue where apartments would reset after map restart
Fixed issue where OTA couldn't view their ar2 HD texture
Fixed issue where CPs/OTA didn't have combine arms
Fixed bug with /linkaccount not properly setting the correct rank
Smuggler no longer shows items you're unable to buy
Fixed bug with filters not working properly
Fixed missing "sauce base" item from the cooking item category
Fixed issue with a couple of CP guns not working
A few more TBC errors fixed
And of course more misc bugs/failsafes
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