Devblog #30 - Customization & Fixes
The following is a list of things we've changed.
NOTE: I might miss some things here, so if I do, let me know and I'll update this post!
I'm sure you all will be glad to know that we've spent a lot of time fixing some of the bugs and other instability issues which caused a lot of frustration these last few months. These bug fixes are large and all encompassing.Bug Fixes
I know some of you all (including myself) struggled with some issues that involved sometimes loading up with the wrong inventory, having credits removed, shop owners getting locked out of their own stores, and so on. Well, these fixes should help solve those problems. Here is a list of some of the changes:
- Small bug in item labels item. (Aspect)
- Fixes to shops and apartments (Fruity)
- Huge CID fix (Fruity)
- Fixes to existing clothing items (Fruity)
- Fix some bugs related to apartments (Fruity)
- Gun damage balancing fixes (Asimo)
- Medical items can now be picked up (Kawasaniac)
We now have a gesture menu which allows you to quickly do emotes (such as pointing in a direction).Gesture Menu

Credit (Naast)
I've changed zip ties so that you can now drag people who are zip tied.Better Zip Ties
You can also put a bag on someone's head which will black out their screen.
Original suggestion by Hiros
Credit (M!NT)
We've added tons of new clothing items. This is because we made our materials compatible with recoloring. This means that with one material, we could have millions of different color combinations. So, we've added over 230 new clothing items. This includes tons of new clothing for citizens, suits for CCA, labcoats, and honestly too many things to list. Here is list of one section of the additions:Clothing and Hair Update!

NOTE: It is very easy to add more!
IMPORTANT: When you first load up any pre-existing characters when we reopen the bodygroups will be set to 0. Un-equip then re-equip your clothing items.
We also added tons of great looking hair options (with lots of colors)!

For old chars: When you load your character for the first time you will see a menu allowing you to update your hair.
IMPORTANT: Turn on antialisasing or else the hair won't look as good!

Credit (Atle, Fruity, Kawasaniac)
- The /unstuck command now has a 'reason' field, which will require players to state why they used the command. Ex: "Got stuck in a prop." (Miliviu)Miscellaneous
- Added "Item Label" which is a label you can use to set the name and description of an existing item. (Aspect)
- Add command for admins to be able to set the 'player spawn' anchor (where you spawn in while you wait to load your character in order to reduce crashes while joining). (M!NT)
- Add Class A & B IMS amphetamine drug items (from an ongoing IC event). (M!NT)
- Add separate BMD faction. (Aspect)
- Add confirmation request to the paper tearing action. (Aspect)
- Add /ToggleVortalSensing which enables/disables Vortal Sensing for Vorts. (Aspect)
- Make doors 'remember' passwords. (Aspect)
- Allow Cremators to jump and crouch. (Aspect)
- Allow one final /me in death screen. (Aspect)
- Allow i2's and i1's to use /MassReward. (Aspect)
- Make some weapon sweps useable in crafting. (Naast)
- Add /defaultlanguage command. (Naast)
- Add configurable cool down timer to trash searching. (M!NT)
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