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  • -- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Belgg
  • *Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:640035445
  • *Discord Name & ID: Belgg#3089 837750974411309100
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Adolfo Weber
  • *Character Role: Prisoner
  • *Brief summary of the character: He is a C17 rebel that managed to escape the city after blowing up an air exchange, but got caught in the way to C24, as his boat sunk and he got stuck in an island, where OTA found him and interrogated him.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: To add development to my character, instead of crating one from cero, i would rather use him, as it perfectly fits the story.
  • Full Backstory:
  • Adolfo Weber was once a citizen of City 17. He used to live a normal life, sleeping in a old building on the Construction zone, until a chineese gang blocked it, therfore leaving him homeless. From that point on forward he tried to regain access to the building protestion outside of the building, until he got beaten up by a man called Saoi. After that he went in an adventure seeking help in the sewers from the rebels. There he met multiple anti-citizens that led him in the "wrong way", making him the rebel that he ended up being. After a while in the sewers, he met a man called Bartek. This man armed him with a semi-automatic pipe rifle. Once armed he was ready to raid that building, until a wise woman called Mabre told him it was a bad idea, and he decided to listen to them, as after all, now he had a place to sleep either way. From that point on forward he developed a good relationship with the rebels, becoming a loyal soldier. After a while, the rebels decided they had to attack the air exchange, all of the sudden he was involved in his first war. The first twenty minutes he was scared to death, to the point of even not wanting to fight. After those minutes of intense fighting, he became confident and shooting without fear. Somehow, he was able to survive the intense hour fight against OTA, and had to retreat in a boat. He saw multiple of his friends die, but he had no time to process... He got in a boat hoping that he could escape... He didn't know yet, but that boat would be his doom. After advancing a few kilometres, the engine started to fail, and the rest integrants of the boat (Pathfinder, Mabre and Sofia) were put in another boat where there was no more space. Then suddenly they heard a combine ship aproaching them and started the engine. Ponzo was now left alone in a broken boat wich he left his equipment on, swimming to the nearest island he could find. Once there, he survived for a few days after OTA found him, detained him by force and interrogated him. Due to him not carrying any equipment on him, he wasn't killed, but instead put in detainment, where he is now.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm rp passionate, i used to rp in World of Warcraft, and then a friend recommended me this server, i saw it and got in love with it, so i joined it and gave it a try. And i can tell you it was a good choice. In this last month(since the start of this month) i have played more than 200 hours to it, and i enjoyed them all.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I started playing at the start of the C17 event, so i would say so, yeah. Even tho i have 200 hours in the server.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I've met multiple people and made friends, so yeah. I wouldn't like to be concrete as to not get people mad that i don't mention them, but yeah.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The lore, i could go into detail but i don't really want to make a 2.000 words essay.

  • --- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan
  • *Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Saoi Yuiao
  • *Character Role: Prisoner
  • *Brief summary of the character: An 6'2 asian gangster.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Saoi Yuiao was sent to a labor camp, so its obvious why I'd want to play as him.
  • Full Backstory: Saoi Yuiaos story no longer matters, what matters is what lead up to him being sent here.
    He joined a asian gang in industrial 17, the 'industrial Continentals', He robbed, and beated people. Till one faithful day, someone killed his beloved cat 'Fang'. Now he went on a head hunt for the man who killed the thing he loved the most, he checked peoples arms and faces, beated the shit out of people for intel. Then one day he tried to rob someone to try and get the bastards attention, civil protection caught him with the stolen CWU hazmat and crowbar, e tried to escape and failed. He had nothing to lose, so he was honest on his intentions, the CP unit decided to 'reward' him for being so honest, and sent him to a labor camp.
can i apply in this event with a character that i want to introduce to the server? i want to be able to play the character also in the main server
none of the characters will be going to the main server afterwards, if you want to participate I’d suggest making a character you don’t expect to use in the main server
  • --- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: MelonHeadzzz
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:128800129
  • *Discord Name & ID: MelonHeadzzz#8446
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: ECHO-13
  • *Character Role: Prison Guard
  • *Brief summary of the character: A faceless soldier of the Combine regime, once a Civil Protector who chose to abandon all that once made them human to become part of the Combine’s infinite breadth, a cog in the eternal war machine. Perhaps they once had rebellious thoughts, but those thoughts exist no longer. They know only service, and they will remain that way until their death.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: With the influx of prisoners in the event, I believe that it’s important to have a decent amount of grunts to ensure that the prisoners in the facility are kept in check. With my Civil Protection and Dispatch background at my back, I believe that it won’t be difficult to become part of the prison guard.
  • Full Backstory: Who they once were matters not, all that matters now is who they are. Their memory has been fully replaced, so too has their mind been conditioned to become a being of pure loyalty and service. ECHO-13 has existed within this facility for as long as they can remember, which is not much. For the time being, there has been little incident in this prison facility, but who knows? Perhaps this could change.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I am a Dungeon Master for TTRPGs by trade, and have been roleplaying for 12 years by this point and have a strong proficiency in roleplaying because of it. I really enjoy worldbuilding and imagining how things in other parts of the world of a universe is, and if I can help to contribute to such developments, I will gladly take them.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No, I have been in Willard Networks for a little over 6 months.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes! I am familiar with lots of people in Willard, and will hopefully make friends in that regard.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: My favorite thing has to be how much of a cosmic horror the Combine is. It is impossible to understand the size of the Combine, how large individual dimensions are, and understand how many there are. Even more wild are the billions of different specializations of soldiers in the Combine’s army and navy there may be. We have seen gunships and dropships, striders and crab synths, but these were only deployed because they would be most effective on Earth. How would the occupation force look on a swamp world? Or in a lava world? It boggles the mind!
--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: Mullet
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:543125129
*Discord Name & ID: Mullet#8928

--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: S10/OSL.QUICKSAND-12.
  • *Character Role: Overwatch Squad Leader.
  • *Brief summary of the character: A well-experienced and hardened veteran of the rapid decline of City 24 from stardome to one of the least funded former loyalist cities currently remaining within what humans call "Earth", Quicksand has been temporarily transferred across to the facility along with Ordinal Sundown 4 due to their specializations with regards to protection of specialised locations and persons of importance, and enforcement of regulations upon the Universal Union's fighting forces, to ensure the security of all areas of the prison, and of the Warden, are up to scratch- along with the professionalism of the guarding force posted here. To suit this task they have temporarily changed from their regular OSL armour to the grunt containment suit with additional ceramic plating underneath to blend more with the standard prison guard. Little does this OSL know that this regular, short-lived duty meant to only take two days may take a turn for the hectic...
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Quicksand was my first OTA character since I got my WL when I first joined OTA whilst Hiros was lead, months before he resigned. It's time that Quicksand gets some more glory. Along with this the specialisation traits paired with Quicksand place them as an ideal inspection and quality assurance unit (a mix between MP-esk units and a close protection unit, kinda).
  • Full Backstory: ~ (Omitting, it's long).

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I joined Willard around November of '21 and was soon-after accepted into the Overwatch Transhuman Arm having been lucky enough to join only a bit prior to an OTA application intake. Since then I've remained in OTA, playing an unhealthy amount of it, and I'm partially ashamed to admit very little but it. I've since risen to the rank of EOW and look forward to seeing how the unwhitelisted grunts of this event do alongside my fellow OTA and leads.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: What's Willard Networks again?
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Rad-X knows me a little. OTA know me. Couple of other people know me.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The atmosphere and ambience created by excellent writing and scripting paired with an orchestral backing that can only be described as pure ear candy, punctuated by the beautiful depravity of what the world has become under the Universal Union, whom lesser minds call the Combine.

Sorry for the crude application but I've had to do this on mobile fully due to being on holiday. I will be back within a week so should easily be back in time for the event.

SUBJECT TO CHANGE. I'll inform Kaffee if it is, but I need to get home first.
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  • --- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: A Sneering Imperialist.
  • *Steam ID: N/A
  • *Discord Name & ID: Prefer not to say as usual
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Justin "Taco" Habaro
  • *Character Role: Inmate
  • *Brief summary of the character: Backstory covers it fairly well.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Was offered this as an alternative to being amputated given I was snitched on in Nexus.
  • Full Backstory: Taco was Born to a single mother in 1985 growing up never knowing his father being under the wing of his cousin Juan habaro was his main "Role" Model growing up which unfortunately led to him turning towards gang-life and crimes at a young age being incarcerated as early as age 13 in Juvenile hall after being caught selling crack and heroin in school which later led to his expulsion up until then and ironically despite what had happened Taco had been an upstanding student though it was found his grades were slipping by his teachers who brought the issue up to the administration as he'd been seen as a candidate at the time to be moved into gifted classes which led to the above investigation. Having dropped out of High-school in the late 90's Taco turned to a life of crime full-time up until his cousin friend and father figure Juan "Aztec" Habaro was killed in a drive-by caused during a deal gone wrong sometime in 1998, For years following this he desperately tried leaving the life behind selling drugs to buy himself a ticket out of South-Central to Bakersfield. However despite a rocky two and a half years in Bakersfield it wasn't to last as the portal storms had begun causing him to be dragged back into LA falling back into old habits but using his street smarts to become a dealer of illicit goods and rationed materials like food and other luxuries alike, If you needed something he could probably get it. When the war happened and Humanity had been subjugated this activity had continued as he lay under the radar for some time.
  • --- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Joku
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:226297218
  • *Discord Name & ID: 𝒥𝑜𝓀𝓊#6610
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Alexander Hackney

  • *Character Role: Resistance fighter (I used him to fight in the battle of D47 during the V2 beta)

  • *Brief summary of the character: A Neutral-Evil man, with an oddly charismatic aura. A man who wants to have control of the crowd. He finds violence just as hilarious as upsetting, unless it comes as a disadvantage.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: He is one of my better characters, and I did not get a chance to play him because he got into some minor trouble that lead to his death, before he got the chance to be a main character. I liked him. I'd like to play him again

  • Full Backstory (involving in-game events and experiences to what Willard staff would like to hear :) ):

  • Alexander Hackney was born in Ottawa, Canada in 1954 to a rather broken spirited family. His parents did not care for his mentality, and only took care of him physically. They told him the worst of all life advice and the combination of these two things would morph him to the man he becomes. In school, he was decently successful, and only pushed through with his academic skills, his moderately violent behavior holding him back. He made it to college but quickly dropped out, and lived at home until he was eight-teen and finally thrown out of the household. He never saw his parents again, and neither did he ever intend to.
    He lived his life off of the streets, dumpster-diving, and selling what he finds after cleaning it up a bit, participating in street fights and when there was the rare opportunity was there, drug trafficking. He never stuck with anyone and did these stunts as himself and for the money to continue surviving. Even thoug he lived off of the streets, he maintained his health by not eating whatever he may find thrown out by shops, cleaning himself at gym showers, et. cetera. He did this until he reached the age of thirty, when he finally decided to stick with two thugs who were to his liking, where his anger would come to good use.
    He befriended these men, and made good friends with them, and for seventeen years they did all kind of crime, ranging from mostly petty ones to a few specks of robberies. And then the doomsday fell on him. The trio decided to go on their own ways as the two had families to care for during the coming dark times. Hackney was baffled, and that anger made him push through hell for three years until The Combine arrived and Breen negotiated peace with them.
    In the new world, Hackney realized that these alien fools were not there to care for them, they were there for their own gain, and that the people of Earth were mostly falling for this information. He also realized he is to be a lot more careful now with specialized surveillance, random searches, et cetera. becoming every day occurences. He resorted to his teen-adult ways and lived off of dumpster diving and selling his findings to pawn shops and people on the street, and using people as little meat shields if he were to ever explore anywhere. Nothing changed for ten years, until he was moved in to D47, where, as different as the world was, the place was seemingly under constant unrest. He stayed behind for the first fall of D47 and witnessed the transfers from all around come and help repair the town. He stood in the shadows for approximately a week until he decided that he wants to explore this new and damaged D47. He found himself a Spanish couple, and with them as his 'guards', ventured into the exclusion zones. There he abandoned the Spanish couple, and stayed within the exclusion zone for the remainder of the repairs. And on the last day, before the resistance hit the recently rebuilt town like a train-wreck, he found them and joined their arms and fought. And he fought well. He pushed into the Ration Distribution Center with other stranger fighters and watched as the whole town was conquered, except for the nexus who they failed to push, and that was the 'end' of the fight. He watched as they were slowly being pushed back, and he ran back into the exclusion zones, took off his gear and hopped on the train as it was just starting to move, possibly breaking his leg.
    The train was being sent to a terminal city, where he, after getting his leg healed, was sent to City 2, a town of constant unrest. A perfect place for a man like him. There, he succeeded with his goal of becoming a leader of a group of thugs who he 'falsely' called 'a mob'. They did a couple things and smuggled a few weapons around, but quickly succumbed and dissolved into the rising riots and rebellion in the city, but this time he could not find himself armament in time, thus he decided he is going to get on an evacuation train, which were going to City 17.
  • Back in City 17, he set up shop in a corner one-room apartment where he lived, until he made contact with an outland group of armament dealers, and he agreed to become the city's black market dealer. He stayed within this line of business because he thought of himself as a powerful figure, and as someone who could change the outcome of a next rebellion. But then he was quickly ousted by them for associating himself too much with a local resistance cell, which he later joined and helped. As angry and different as he was, he managed to keep himself in line so that he could gain more votes in the next moves of the cell, and later, due to personal complications with the current leader of said cell, he was voted as a de-facto leader of the cell, where his dreams would come true again. He lead this cell for the few days he could with another man, but eventually his personality and the hounds of angry members it brought with it, catches up to him, and they tried to drug and kill him. But he saw this coming, as he smelled the roofies in the drink he was offered, and walked out with his gun aimed at each of them, running until he was not seen in the City again. If he'd have stayed, he might have witnessed the Vuente family take control and maybe got himself a position there? Who knows.
  • He went unheard of for two years, and only in City 24, he finally showed his face in a bar. His reputation had fallen to zero as he believed all his former friends had died, and most certainly none of them would have ever been or thought of moving into City 24. He resorted to robbing people and this eventually lead to his arrest, and in interrogation what he told the Civil Protection officers about himself reserved him a spot in a combine prison. He was knocked out and shipped off. He thought it was it, and that he was going to die a failure as a man, but no, he was kept alive within this prison facility, where new hope started to shine from the layer of crap that had fallen upon it.

  • (1,103 words.)
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Recently turned eight-teen Finnish feller, sometimes humble. Can't say too much because I'm that generic, but I'm doing alright. Played HL2RP for nearly four years now, always had fun in it.

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Nope, been here since the beginning in December 2020.

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: A lot of people, banned or not, to name; Milky, Ehrenmann2.0, Bluerrey, cheeese, Professional Stupid, et cetera.

  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The setting, the statistics and chronological chain of events, and thinking about it how horrifying it must have been for the people, and the protagonist to experience all that, and the way it is something a lot of people can bond over, pro-combine or not. It's fun.
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  • --- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Darth Vader​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:155946230​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Darth Vader#0680​
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Tarquin Sandu
  • *Character Role: Warden
  • *Brief summary of the character: A harsh, authoritarian commander who rules over his domain with an iron fist. Firm but fair, he has established a reputation for looking out for the guards serving under him and prisoners who co-operate. The corrupt and discontent however can expect brutal punishments at the slightest provocation.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I'd very much like to play a different kind of CCA character for a change. Reginald, my main character, is a zealous fanatic but an administrator and government official at heart, at home behind a desk or broadcast screen. Hawthorne, my i17 Director, was sleazy and corrupt, wanting to make a profit out of everything. Sandu is very different from these two. He holds no love for the Combine yet still carries out his duties to the best of his ability. Like so many in the Half Life universe, he is trying to make the best out of his situation and for him, that is taking care of those he is responsible for as well as running his little fiefdom as efficiently as possible.
  • Full Backstory:
  • "Welcome, I am Colonel Tarquin Sandu, Warden of this prison. In these walls, order triumphs eternal over chaos. Here, the penitent and collaborative are rewarded whilst the unruly and unrepentant are punished. You will find both redemption and damnation in equal measure available to you in my domain. The choice of which you receive is yours, we are watching."

Part 1: Before the War


I should probably start right at the beginning. I was born on August 17th, 1954 in Bucharest, Romania. My father was rarely with us, he worked at the Securitate and was always off doing the regime's dirty work, but when he was home, he would spend every waking minute with me and mother. My mother was a housewife to the core, she'd gotten a job as a secretary for some Party office I've forgotten the name of but our family was always her main concern. Then there was my brother, Remus. The less said about him the better, I wish he'd chosen a different path but family be damned he was going to run off to the West and become a businessman! Didn't matter to him if it nearly tore our family apart and almost cost father his job at the Securitate. Never did learn what happened to him, and I never want to.

Growing up in the 50s and 60s was pretty good for me. It was only later that I came to realize the scale of the horrors inflicted by Gheorghiu-Dej and why none of the other kids at school dared even touch me because of my father's position, but at the time it was wonderful for young me in all his blissful ignorance. I always had a passion for History at school, I was completely shit at everything else but I never really cared too much, getting a position in the Party would have been pretty easy if father kept climbing the ranks of the Securitate. I probably could have easily followed in his footsteps and joined them, but by the time I was old enough to make that choice, I'd become disillusioned enough to not want anything to do with propping up Ceaușescu and his new government.

There was only really one place I could go, I wanted to serve my country and make father proud but at the same time I didn't want to help Ceaușescu, the military was an easy choice. After a few years of officer school, I finally commissioned out as a Sub-Lieutenant (Or a 2nd Lieutenant as it is mostly called nowadays) in 1976. That day was and still is the proudest of my entire life, I still have the picture of me and my fellow cadets celebrating afterwards on my desk down in this hellhole. A reminder of happier times.

Things started to take a downturn in the 80s, the austerity program was the beginning of the end of the Socialist Republic in my opinion, that's when the dissent started. Being a freshly promoted Lieutenant back then, I felt the affects of it same as everyone else. As things got worse and worse, Ceaușescu started to grip harder and harder. This was exactly why I hadn't joined the Securitate all those years ago, and many of my fellow officers and the men under my command began to wonder if we would be turned against our own people to save that Dictator's hide. I told them that would never happen. I was wrong.

1989 was the final straw for us all. Ceaușescu has practically gone rogue at this point, ignoring all calls from Moscow to reform. He was stuck in his own little world where he could do as he pleased without consequence, it was only a matter of time until the people revolted, and they did. I was a Captain at the time, in command of a company of men recalled to the capital due to the ongoing protests. When things turned nasty, I at first followed command and tried to keep order, whilst I agreed with the protestors in principle, I couldn't just sit back and let the capital fall into chaos. Ceaușescu had to fall, but this was not the way in my mind.

That changed after Milea's death. At the time, we all thought that Ceaușescu had finally gone mad and had him killed for being reluctant to order us to fire on the protestors. Disgusted and realizing that the real cause of the chaos was Ceaușescu himself, I led my men in joining the revolt alongside vast swathes of the rank and file. The Army had switched sides, and Ceaușescu's regime soon fell.

After the revolution was over, I was quickly promoted to Major and assigned command over the battalion my company had previously been a part of, my predecessor having resigned following the fall of the Socialist Republic. For the next 12 years, I served my country and my men faithfully, the revolution had taught me one thing, and that was I had to put my troops first above everything. They relied on me for leadership and guidance and I was responsible for them, I guess that's what made accepting the Combine's offer so easy...

Part 2: Resonance Cascade and the 7 Hour War


The day of what is now called the "Black Mesa Incident" is one that I try to forget, writing about it now is... Hard for me. Even harder than what came next. The Combine Invasion was hell yes, but we had been fighting hell for 3 years before then. But Black Mesa? That was unlike anything we had ever seen.

My battalion was conducting exercises on the coast, all very standard. I was sitting in my tent, wondering what new strategies my company commanders would come up with to best each other as I looked at the map and put myself in each of their shoes. My train of thought was interrupted by a loud screech followed by a thunderous boom. The next thing I remember I being helped up by my adjutant from the ruins of my tent, then I looked up, and saw death. A giant, gaping wound in the sky, with all kinds of strange creatures pouring out of it. We all just stood there in shock for a few moments, unable to comprehend what was happening. That changed when one of the creatures landed near us and leapt on a nearby private's head. I can still hear him screaming when I try and sleep at night, watching helplessly as that thing clawed and drilled into his head. I still blame myself for it, if I had acted as an officer should and not been paralyzed by inaction, maybe he'd still be alive. Maybe...

It wasn't long before we were overrun by those things, they started to swarm out of the ocean before long, a teeming mass of alien horrors that butchered everything in their way. Giving the order to fall back, I retreated my scattered battalion to our base, a few miles from the training area. With communications down, we were cut off and alone. I sent a small team of scouts to try and reach Bucharest and find out what was going on, but otherwise kept everyone safe inside the base. My Captains wanted me to let them take their men to defend the town nearby but I refused, it would have spread us out too far and just resulted in their deaths, we had already lost nearly half our men to the initial attack and we had to stay together. The base was the only defensible location for miles around, I sent a volunteer down to the town to call all civilians to our base where they would be protected but we could offer no escort for them. Many died on the trip to safety, but it meant that my fighting men were at full strength. Strength we would need very soon.

That night, we were attacked by a horde of the aliens. I watched good soldiers get cut down by green bolts of energy, I saw officers I had know for years crushed under the foot of some demonic juggernaut and I saw fallen heroes rise again as twisted mockeries of nature, their corpses enslaved to a parasite. By dawn, I was a changed man. Only two things mattered now, survival and victory. I took the shattered remnants of my battalion and marched on to
Bucharest, along the way we picked up a few refugees and civilians fleeing the hordes that were swarming all over the country. Anyone who could hold a rifle and shoot it was welcome, anyone who couldn't was left behind, we couldn't afford to be slowed down by them. Am I glad I did that? No, of course not. Would I do it again? In a heartbeat. It was the only way.

By the time we reached Bucharest, something had changed in the alien horde. They were no longer a unified force, the different species started to turn on each other and those who remained together lost all sense of co-ordination and strategy, clearly whoever was commanding them had been killed. Regardless, they were still a threat, and the "Portal Storms" as they were now being called had started to ravage the globe. With communications restored, we learnt the awful truth. This hell wasn't just confined to us, it was happening worldwide, the entire planet engulfed in chaos and torment. Hell on earth doesn't even begin to describe it.

With so much of our country overrun by those monsters and with chaos reigning supreme, the only way to restore order would be to regain control of our key military installations and conscript the populace into auxiliary detachments. With most of the general staff missing in action or otherwise out of the city, I took the initiative to secure the city and lead its defense, I had my men set up defensive positions around the capital and dig in, ready to repulse any attack from the aliens. Impressed by my efforts to protect the capital and to maintain order with the limited power I held, the President approached me and granted me the rank of Acting Colonel, signing an executive order which granted me all the power I needed to restore order and stability. Called the "Bucharest Defense Decree" it was also certainly unconstitutional and illegal, but the Judiciary had much bigger things to worry about.

It was during this several month period of anarchy across the country that I turned the capital and the surrounding area into a haven of stability and order. With most of the military out hunting down the alien hordes destroying our country and reclaiming our fallen cities, and armed with the Bucharest Defense Decree, I became the de facto ruler of my own little kingdom. Some may have called me an opportunistic warlord, but I was merely a patriot protecting my country and my soldiers. With martial law in effect, I crushed the doomsday anarchists and other elements of the populace who were further fueling the chaos. It was here I gained valuable experience commanding both Police and Military forces, something that would be noticed later, though I sometimes wish it hadn't.

When the country was at last secured (On paper at least) and the Bucharest Defense Decree ended, my position as a Colonel was confirmed by high command and I was awarded several medals for my actions. Whilst I wasn't exactly a popular figure among the masses for what I had done, the military, police and government were very grateful, and assigned me as the Military Governor of the newly designated "Capital Region" all part of a country-wide re-designation into 'Regions' to reflect the new landscape.

My three years as Governor were wracked with constant unrest, civil strife and several open revolts. The situation steadily declined as the portal storms ripped more and more of the Earth apart and the aliens, now called 'Xenians' continued to be a constant threat. In response, I launched crackdown after crackdown, adopting a 'Carrot and Stick' approach which worked very successfully. Some might say I acted as a tyrant then, abusing my power to oppress the people and muzzle dissent. The simple fact is, it was all for the greater good, without my harsh measures the Capital Region would have fallen to lawlessness and despair. As the saying goes "You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs" and this omelet was critical to the survival of my country.

The 7 hour war was, and still is, a blur for me. I was called to the Presidential palace along with the general staff and every senior official in the city. I assumed it was a meeting concerning the sudden surge in violence and size of the portal storms, and I was right, in a way. Just as we were being shown blurred images of strange vessels emerging from great rifts in space right beside our planet, the first wave landed.

This attack with simply there to probe out defenses, test our mettle and see how many forces they would need to commit. We pushed them back, just, with half of Bucharest burning after an hour of fighting. I was deep underground in a bunker by this point, directing my forces as best I could. The second wave was the true assault, and it ended all hope of victory. In under 30 minutes, my proud Capital Army was reduced to small isolated pockets of survivors, Bucharest was reduced to rubble and the Combine had barely even started.

The President tried to sue for peace with his cabinet, but they were turned to ash by a dark energy cannon without so much as a second thought. I sent out an order for all remaining forces to flee into the countryside and abandon the cities, the war had been lost the moment the first Synth entered our atmosphere. The remaining few hours of the war felt like days, I was sitting numbly in a bunker surrounded by support staff as I listened to my fellow Governors and other Military offices go silent one by one, each city falling in rapid succession to the last. When Dr Breen's voice came over the airways and announced the peace treaty, I felt only sorrow at what we had lost, and what we will never get back.

Part 3: The Combine


Me and all the other survivors from Bucharest were herded together in a big detainment camp just outside the city. I had tried my best to save as many of my people as I could, but I had failed. Picking me out from among the crowd, one of the Synths marched me up to a command tower overlooking the quickly-assembled camp. I expected an execution honestly, these bastards were ruthless, no sense leaving any potential leaders alive right? After all, was that not the reason the President and his entourage were slaughtered?

What I didn't expect was a job offer. The Combine's master AI, Overwatch, couldn't manage all the individual processing facilities alone, and seeing my record as a proven administrator, it wanted me to manage this camp. Seeing no alternative and perhaps a way to help my imprisoned countrymen from the inside, I accepted, and became one of the first members of the CCA.

In those early days, administration was simple. I sat up in my command tower, gave direction and management as well as ensuring everything ran smoothly. I tried to make life easier for the people interned there, really I did. But when I went down to tell them of what I wanted to do, they nearly killed me for being a 'Traitor' to humanity. Of course, not everyone felt that way, mostly surviving policemen and a few soldiers but there was a sizeable chunk of normal civilians who saw that collaborating with the aliens was the only way we could survive, just like Dr Breen had said. These individuals would go on to join an early version of the Civil Protection established to keep order as Overwatch gradually phased out the Synth Legions for an occupation force.

Soon, the processing camp was turned into a labour hub. The newly designated 'Citizens' under my authority were rebuilding Bucharest, now renamed "City 27" With the newly formed 'Civil Protection' under my command I quickly began enforcing a similar version of my rule whilst Acting Colonel in defense of Bucharest. I didn't really notice how these new rules were a lot harsher than before until now, its only in reflection that I realize how much crueler and frequently used the stick was, and how rotten and seldom given the carrot had become. But that is the price of change, we live in harsh times, and harsh measures are required to see that we come out of this intact.

Whilst I had become harsher towards the average citizen, the same could not be said for Civil Protection and the very first 'Loyalists' who were starting to crop up. The genuine fanatics were just maniacs, but most had simply seen the wisdom in collaborating to survive. It was these kindred spirits that I swore to protect and defend as best I could, if the ignorant masses ignore what has to be done then so be it! But they will fall in line and allow us with the vision and backbone to see and do what must be done to lead them onwards.

By the time City 27 was finished, I was looked upon quite favorably by my new overseer, Dispatch, for my efficient administration. I was offered the position of City Administrator but I declined, these were the early days and anything could have happened, in hindsight I am extremely glad I made that choice considering what happened to most of those Administrators following the eastern uprising.

Dispatch then offered me two roles I could fulfil. I could become a General in the MAA or I could become the Warden of a new prison facility. I was starting to get old then, my fighting days were over, the prison job looked interesting enough so I accepted, and that was that. Ever since then I've been down here in my realm of iron bars or getting some well-earned R&R at City 55. I've never gone back to Bucharest, I can't bear to be anywhere near it these days. I choose to remember it how it was, not what I made it today.

Since taking command of this facility, I've always tried to rule firmly but fairly. If a prisoner co-operates and shows a genuine desire to reform, I'll let them move into the nicer parts and see that they get something extra with their daily meals for example. However, if a prisoner steps out of line I'll have them beaten within an inch of their life by my Grunts in full view of everyone at morning roll call, then put on double shifts and reduced rations for a week. If they offend again, the CPRD can have them for all I care. Whilst I have no love for the Combine, the only way humanity can get through this is by collaborating and that is what I try so hard to show those incarcerated here, those who refuse to see this are a danger to us all. You a second chance with me, not a third.

The Guards here are good lads mainly. The Grunts are a bit aloof, they aren't fully human after all, but they aren't complete robots like the OTA, you can still joke and laugh with them but it always seems like there is just something missing. I feel sorry for them really, and I'll do my best to make sure they get to keep that slice of humanity they have left. The CPs are a mixed bag. Some are much like me, they're just trying to make the best out of a bad situation and have been vilified for it. Others however, joined just for power and status. Thankfully, the latter usually end up getting caught being involved in corruption or some other illegal activity and I have them punished in front of everyone the same as a prisoner, shows that I treat everyone fairly and won't excuse this sort of behavior.

The new batch of prisoners should be arriving soon so I'll bring this to a close. This prison, whilst a small cog in a very large machine, is a cog nonetheless. As long as I keep it safe, secure and running efficiently, then the machine which is humanity will keep on going and keep surviving as best it can. I have failed my people before, I will not fail them again. I am Colonel Tarquin Sandu, Warden and Administrator of this facility. In these halls, order triumphs eternal over chaos. Here, the penitent and collaborative are rewarded whilst the unruly and unrepentant are punished. Both redemption and damnation in equal measure are available in my domain. The choice is the inmates' to make.

I am its Judge. I am its Jury. I am its Executioner.

I am its Warden.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I've been playing HL2RP for a few years now, I mainly prefer to play Combine factions (CCA and CP in particular) but enjoy playing citizen or neutral characters to from time to time, chiefly Vortigaunts.​
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No.​
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes, I know quite a few people.​
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The atmosphere and worldbuilding through the environment.​

  • Dimitri Reznikov

  • "Victory cannot be achieved without sacrifice... we Russians know that better than anyone."

  • *Steam Name: Processed Grain​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:222027191​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Processed Grain#7433​

*Character Name: Dimitri Reznikov

*Character Role: Prisoner

*Brief summary of the character:
Dimitri Reznikov is an Afghan-Russian war veteran, who has been detained and incarcerated twice in his life, seeing and enduring things no man deserves to experience. He has seen people come and go in this prison but no one has been able to break out... Yet.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • Most people are choosing to be either a Prison Gaurd, OTA, or Warden it seems so I want to be a lowly prisoner attempting to lead a prison revolt.

Full Backstory:
Not known [Find out via In character interaction]
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: ECHO-34
  • 1658521341708.png
  • *Character Role: Prison Guard (Grunt)
  • *Brief summary of the character: A newly trans-humanized unit, given the callsign ''ECHO-34''. He dons the standard Grunt uniform with the prison's name signed on the back of it. He has never fired his gun outside of the shooting range, but he's confident in his skills as a soldier. He usually is tasked with food-serving and patrolling the prison, but deep down he knows that if given the opportunity he could do more. His arsenal consists of a standard-issue overwatch carabine and a para-ordnance sidearm.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I'd like to try something new and OTA RP has always interested me, I believe I'd do a fairly good job due to my experience with military RP and the Civil Protection faction. I also really love roleplaying as a guard inside of a prison, and this event ''combines'' both of these motives... So yeah, the perfect event to try out a new RP style and have fun while doing it.
  • Full Backstory: Before his trans-humanization, this unit was a resident in city 11. He was named ''Paolo Mendri'' and was a standard civilian, not an underclass or a loyalist; Just your standard oppressed lost soul. He usually went to the city slums to chat with his friends and maybe have a beer at the local bar...
  • One day while he was speaking with his mates and drinking that nice cold alcoholic beverage, the city 11 OTA forces swept the slums, nobody knows why but it was probably just to clear the city from underclasses... Paolo tried to run, but the units were way faster and stronger than him.
  • They tackled the poor man and knocked him out cold. When Paolo woke up he wasn't himself anymore. Who was he? Where was he? Mendri thought... He heard a beeping come from a strange technological apparatus attached to his head... No not his head, a helmet? Why was he wearing a helm-
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--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: esim boost

*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:190762082

*Discord Name & ID: EBoost#8665

--- Section Two ---
*Character Name: FLASH-11

*Character Role: ‘Grunt’

*Brief summary of the character:
A newly formed quiet and ruthless Overwatch Prototype designed by the Universal Union to act as the arm for its evil dictatorship over the populace. What little freedom this man had in the past is now gone, fully enacting the Combines will upon this prison.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
The Overwatch Transhuman Arm is by far my most favorite fictional group, rivaling those of even the Sith. While the ‘Grunts’ may not be fully transhuman compared to Half Life 2’s Overwatch, they allow me to express more personality than just be a complete robot. I’d like to be involved with this roleplay faction for this event so I can dip my toes into how the faction RP’s on the main server. I already know much of the CP radio codes so I think I’ll fit in perfectly.

Full Backstory:

Samual Barker.

Samua Arker…

Sam -Ker..


“Even the memories of my name start to become a distant memory. Who I was seems to just be a whisper of the past, locked behind my brain.”

Samuel Barker grew up and lived a life under the American South, a heavily religious family with ties with the local police of El Paso. A third generation Mexican American along foundations with the local Mormon Church, he was homeschooled for the entirety of his life with little friends. The friends he did have were the ones his father let him talk to, usually religious fanatics from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. When he was not studying, his family placed his face in front of the Bible in hopes he would follow the teachings of the Church. Samuel did not.

At the young age of 16, Samuel was kicked out of his house, shunned by his own family. He was labeled as a ‘defector’ to the Church, unwilling to follow the teachings of his father and worthless to the crazed lineage of his family. Samuel found peace knowing that if he could not be a part of a family, the local El Paso police academy would accept him.

A month before he could graduate from the police academy and start his new life, the portal storms began. Just like everyone else on Earth, his world was turned upside down. News spread quickly from the radio about the disaster at Black Mesa, with El Paso being only a few hundred miles away from the Black Mesa Research Facility, he and the cadets of the academy where one of the lucky few thousand to successfully get evacuated before the bombs fell. Most of his family perished in the bombings of New Mexico, but when he arrived in San Antonio he got a call from his sister who made it out alive.

Samuel and his sister Bethany lived life in shelters along the San Antonio city wall for the entirety of his life under the era of the portal storms. His new police life was stripped from him by the disaster, yet it still lingered every waking moment on what he could do to turn things around for them. He learned to live for himself and his loved ones in the San Antonio slums district, yet he respected the rule of law from his teachings of the past. In the few years he had in the slums, Samuel and Bethany became pioneers in building shelter for the ones in need around the area, teaching those who could not fend for themselves how to survive in this new world.

It was only a few years later that his life would change once again. In 20xx, the Combine invaded humanity. In just a mere 7 hours, the Earth fell to its knees from an already weakened state from the previous portal storms. San Antonio was a hotbed of synth activity, Striders crushing any form of dissidence with pure annihilation, the last religious fanatics that threw Samuel away being impaled by the almighty Universal Union. Yet by some miracle, the small tight knit community he built was untouched.

Just weeks after the Combine came, he and his sister along with tens of thousands from San Antonio were sent out to Terminal Nine in Cuba for the process of being transferred to Europe for the reintegration process. America was deemed a wasteland. Soon, Samuel’s life in El Paso would just be a distant memory.



“I remember being overjoyed to support the Universal Union in this new life in City 57. My sister held my hand as I entered the Nexus, applying for the position of Civil Protection. Her tears, they would be only temporary. For my work was for the people, just as the police force of old was to El Paso. Who wouldn't want to join?”

A man wanting change in his life is good one would say. But Samuel wanted to go further beyond a simple job in the Metropolice. After months of working in City 57 under the MPF, he signed up for the Transhumanization process to reap the benefits of the Universal Union.

And reap he shall.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
Tell us about yourself: Been playing this server for a few months now and like it, want to try something new.

Are you new to Willard Networks?: Nope

Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes

What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Overwatch Transhuman Arm and the Synthetic Biotech they have to offer to science fiction.
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Arthur Lock
  • *Character Role: Prisoner
  • *Brief summary of the character: A rulebreaker stuck in the 50s Greaser era who does whatever for his advantage.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I want to play this strictly just to cause chaos, I know I will probably be killed by the guards very quickly; but from looking at the apps very seriously (Scrolling to see the names) I feel there is a loose cannon to cause chaos.
  • Full Backstory: His story changes from person to person, either he's a fatherless kid who grew up in a wrong neighborhood or any of the other stories he's given. He's likely to give you a sob story if you get to know him, but all those that know him all know of the same man with a different story. What can be confirmed is that he's a hooligan and will act with his best outcome in mind.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Not really but I don't play the server a lot
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: A bit yeah
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: It's like 1984 but cooler
  • --- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name:
  • n0n@23dk@k
  • *Steam ID:
  • STEAM_0:0:533046748
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • I don't have Discord
--- Section Two ---

  • [A photo of Belle when she was younger. The time when it was taken is unknown]

  • *Character Name:
  • Rosabella Ashby
  • *Character Role:
  • Prisoner
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • - Her charm is like a beautiful rose but once you see her virtuosity it will sting you. -
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • she has a unique and romantic story, but in another server that I sadly never got to develop her, so I think now is my chance for everyone to know who Belle is.
    I want to re-bring her, for people to know her story here.
  • Full Backstory:
  • [I wouldn't like to talk about Rosabelle, find it IC-In Character, that way it's more fun!]
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  • --- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan
  • *Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Saoi Yuiao
  • *Character Role: Prisoner
  • *Brief summary of the character: An 6'2 asian gangster.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Saoi Yuiao was sent to a labor camp, so its obvious why I'd want to play as him.
  • Full Backstory: Saoi Yuiaos story no longer matters, what matters is what lead up to him being sent here.
    He joined a asian gang in industrial 17, the 'industrial Continentals', He robbed, and beated people. Till one faithful day, someone killed his beloved cat 'Fang'. Now he went on a head hunt for the man who killed the thing he loved the most, he checked peoples arms and faces, beated the shit out of people for intel. Then one day he tried to rob someone to try and get the bastards attention, civil protection caught him with the stolen CWU hazmat and crowbar, e tried to escape and failed. He had nothing to lose, so he was honest on his intentions, the CP unit decided to 'reward' him for being so honest, and sent him to a labor camp.
LMAO if they accept both of our posts its gonna be funny


sic semper tyrannis
thus be to tyrants



Silvio's hand hurt. A slurry of swears in Italian came from the office. He stopped writing.

It was Day 157. It'd nearly been half a year.
This was his punishment. This was his prison.

The Tyrant of Rome had finally been toppled. Years of slaving away, building his Empire, solidifying his ideology. Gone in an instant.
Whisked away and enslaved, Silvio served the Combine Empire as a Warden in a faraway prison encampment.
It was here that he managed and wrote. Prohibited himself from stepping foot out or making contact.

Casto yearned. Rome stirred.
He heard them shouting his name.

The Tyrant would die in this prison.


  • --- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Merlinsclaw​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:63717084​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Merlinsclaw#1751​
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Silvio Casto​
  • *Character Role: Warden or Prisoner​
  • *Brief summary of the character: A tyrannical, avant-garde, Warden who's stuck in this prison himself. He rules with an iron fist to those who aren't sympathetic to himself personally.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I think it's a more interesting avenue to pursue than what happened.
  • Full Backstory: Silvio Casto was a bureaucrat that came to power in City Thirty-Two, Rome, in the early days of the Occupation. He developed the ideology of Futurism into a political force that eventually took over and transformed Rome. After years he sought to expand the influence of his City across Europe. This effort failed and eventually crashed down upon him, resulting in City Thirty-Two being largely purged of his influence. Casto was presumed dead in an orchestrated coup d'état but instead was transferred, as a punishment, to be Warden of a Prison Colony.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I do crazy shit.​
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No.​
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes.​
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Where the setting of Half Life can be taken is what I enjoy most about it. Take for example the wild-west setting of America, where ranchers tame bullsquids, headcrabs, and houneyes and Transhuman Rangers go from ranch to ranch laying down the law on their synthetic horses while human and vortigaunt bandits alike spar with them in the desert. It's where you can take the setting that interests me.​

  • --- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: ryebredd
  • *Steam ID: uhh you know the thing
  • *Discord Name & ID: ryebredd#1125
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Isma'il al-Ghumari
  • *Character Role: Prisoner
  • *Brief summary of the character: A French-African doctor. Member of a resistance cell in the sprawling City 6. He was captured during a raid on one of his leader's safehouses. Even in a place like this, his immutable warmth shines on despairing souls.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: To balance out Prisoners vs. Guards, mostly.
  • --- Section One ---
  • Steam Name: Matt
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:45618191
  • Discord Name & ID: -Matt-#5806
--- Section Two ---
  • Character Name: ECHO-66 (once known as Ishaan Patel)
  • image_2022-07-19_234810271.png
  • Character Role: Prison Guard (Grunt)
  • Brief summary of the character:
  • A grunt, previously employed with the Civil Protection in City 45 before it fell, now Transhumanized & relocated to a facility at an unknown location tasked with guarding a prison​
  • Why do you want to play this character?:
  • I was introduced to Willard Networks a while back, but somehow 'Short Stories' slipped my grasp, and I never learnt about it. Once I was told about it and found the discord, I was floored. I've been playing HL2RP since 2013 and no server had anything like this provided for any community I've been apart of. I like having a proper lore built for me, and the world map helps wonders. I mainly want to play this character because of the story I was able to tailor for him, and in hopes I can continue that in an actual physical form. I have previously Roleplayed in other servers as Civil Protection, and I've had from what I can recall at least two OTA characters fleshed out from Citizen>MPF>OTA. I wouldn't mind doing some RP similar to that again as the past few years my main focus has been Citizen/Soft Anti-CitizenRP.
  • Full Backstory:
  • ECHO-66, once known before Transhumanization as one Ishaan Patel, was a Civil Protection Unit in City-45 sometime after the war, assisting in the fight against the ESIC. He would barely make it out alive, taking a few bullets in the process while he watched many around him fall. Even through the fight, he still helped evacuate the remaining populace he could find from the City before it was over-run and destroyed.
  • After the incident, he transferred the custody of what remaining Citizens he had left onto a train bound for another city due for them to be processed and placed accordingly. Ishaan, the i2 Civil Protection Unit who's gone through it all, was then moved to be Transhumanized, wiping his memory of anything significant before being utilized further in the field. ECHO-66's first deployment after being transformed was still in India, assisting in the hunt of any remaining Survivors & the ESIC. This went on for some time, before he was eventually put on a train, and moved to an unknown location to be readily available to guard a prison and the people inside.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • I'm a 22 y/o avid Roleplayer. I've been on Garry's Mod SeriousRP since 2013, ranging from HL2RP to FalloutRP. When I'm not playing video games & RPing, I like to screw around with my 95 Jeep Wrangler, which quite literally has emptied every pocket of any cash I have. It's a fun toy, and a lot of fun to drive.
I have two dogs, one little 5 month old puppy mutt, and another 8 year old German Shepherd Pitbull. Both of which are great, might I add. Not much else exciting about me, honestly.​
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No, but new to the Short Stories side of things.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • I am familiar with a fair bit of people IC, but only know of a few OOC. One being Mr.Mann and another being Saoi Yuiao (Donavin Jones)
  • Most others I've only been able to meet IC, and have had no interactions OOC.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
  • The oppressive atmosphere creates a lot of 'sad times', and overall the sad times creates a lot of RP.
  • You can visit other types of RP, and get a lot of different types of interactions. FalloutRP is more based upon trading and larger group events, whereas Half Life is more passive based, allowing people to RP as a whole range of things with some control, while still having some real struggle added onto it. Overall, the Half-Life universe, even though would be very fucked up to actually live in, is probably one of my most favorite stories in most of the SP games I've played. Still need to setup my living room so I can finish Half Life: Alyx as that a lot of fun to play.
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  • --- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: MelonHeadzzz
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:128800129
  • *Discord Name & ID: MelonHeadzzz#8446
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: ECHO-13
  • *Character Role: Prison Guard
  • *Brief summary of the character: A faceless soldier of the Combine regime, once a Civil Protector who chose to abandon all that once made them human to become part of the Combine’s infinite breadth, a cog in the eternal war machine. Perhaps they once had rebellious thoughts, but those thoughts exist no longer. They know only service, and they will remain that way until their death.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: With the influx of prisoners in the event, I believe that it’s important to have a decent amount of grunts to ensure that the prisoners in the facility are kept in check. With my Civil Protection and Dispatch background at my back, I believe that it won’t be difficult to become part of the prison guard.
  • Full Backstory: Who they once were matters not, all that matters now is who they are. Their memory has been fully replaced, so too has their mind been conditioned to become a being of pure loyalty and service. ECHO-13 has existed within this facility for as long as they can remember, which is not much. For the time being, there has been little incident in this prison facility, but who knows? Perhaps this could change.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I am a Dungeon Master for TTRPGs by trade, and have been roleplaying for 12 years by this point and have a strong proficiency in roleplaying because of it. I really enjoy worldbuilding and imagining how things in other parts of the world of a universe is, and if I can help to contribute to such developments, I will gladly take them.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No, I have been in Willard Networks for a little over 6 months.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes! I am familiar with lots of people in Willard, and will hopefully make friends in that regard.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: My favorite thing has to be how much of a cosmic horror the Combine is. It is impossible to understand the size of the Combine, how large individual dimensions are, and understand how many there are. Even more wild are the billions of different specializations of soldiers in the Combine’s army and navy there may be. We have seen gunships and dropships, striders and crab synths, but these were only deployed because they would be most effective on Earth. How would the occupation force look on a swamp world? Or in a lava world? It boggles the mind!

Actually a, somewhat, good Transhuman app 👍
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