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Radio Bob Approved
Creative Team

In the years following the Black Mesa incident, the United States has been changed beyond recognition by a number of factors. Currently, the US is split into three main sections, the West, East, a Center.​

To the West sits the Xenian Malignance Zone, a massive Xenian infestation that has been growing ever since the Black Mesa incident. This infestation currently covers the west half of the United States as well as all of Mexico and only continues to spread, terraforming all it touches into something completely alien. The malignancy is completely inhospitable to anything not native to Xen, its constant spread has resulted in the loss of countless lives as well as the destruction of City 21.

While this isn't publicly known, a massive kingdom of Vortigaunts has been established within the infestation, these Vortigaunts live a life free from the Combine. As the Malignancy around them continues to spread, they gain more and more territory while pushing the Combine further away. The Vortigaunts living within the Malignancy are ruled over by a Grand Elder, an old and highly powerful Vortigaunt, though little information is known about the Grand Elder.


To the East sits the Combine, whose presence is almost entirely concentrated on the East coast of the United States. The Cities in the US only continue to destabilize as the malignancy continues to spread, destroying all in its wake and striking fear in the hearts of citizens and the administration alike. Recently, the administrations of various cities in the US have begun conscripting portions of their populations to serve in the wastelands in hopes of establishing a line of defense against the malignancy.

In reality, the Conscripts would be annihilated once the malignancy reaches them, the administrations were merely hoping to buy themselves some more time by throwing away the lives of their citizens. Conscription is seen as a death sentence by most citizens, some cities have used this to their advantage by using conscription as a punishment, even citizens who commit minor infractions are at risk of being sent to the wasteland to die.

Hidden within the Combine's cities and the land surrounding them are the Patriots, the largest Resistance group within the US. The group itself was formed by remnants of the US military shortly after the Seven-Hour War and has been fighting ever since, hoping to one day free the country from the Combine's tyranny. Although the group has a presence in every city in the US, its forces are mostly concentrated on the East side of the US.


In the center lies the wasteland, a vast and dangerous place unclaimed by both the Combine and Xen. The wasteland is essentially a no man's land between the forces of Xen and the Combine, both groups wish to push into the wasteland to claim it for themselves. The Combine has been attempting to expand into the wasteland to claim its resources and uncover its secrets, but the expansion of the Xenian Malignancy would render any long-term operation in the wasteland pointless, as the Malignancy would eventually expand into the wastes to destroy anything built within it.

Despite all of the dangers within the wasteland, a few brave souls choose to live there for one reason or another, some people wish to live freely without having to worry about being oppressed by the Combine, and others have no choice but to flee to the wastes, and a select few choose to go to the wasteland to explore the ruins that have been untouched since the cascade.

To the survivors, it isn't a wasteland, it is the New Frontier.

You are destined to end up on the New Frontier, and your actions there will change the fate of the US forever, for better or worse.


- You were once a citizen in City 21, you were lucky enough to have escaped the city with the help of a local resistance group before the city was destroyed. As you left the city, you watched as your home was destroyed by massive Xenian tentacles the size of skyscrapers. You are now with a large group of other refugees guided by members of the Patriots, you have been following the Patriots for months now in search of an old military facility. From what you have been told, the facility you are traveling to will have all of the resources you need to survive.

You do not need to apply to play as a refugee, it is the base faction for the event.

- You are a member of the Patriots, a resistance group formed by members of the US military not long after the war. You were in a cell in City 21, you and your fellow patriots helped evacuate as many refugees as you could before the city was overrun. You are currently guiding the refugees from City 21 towards a place in the wasteland you were told the patriots on the east coast found in old military documents, you have been told the facility will have everything you and the refugees need to survive.

(Note: We ask that if you wish to make your character ex-military you only give them a low-level military background, like having been a soldier. Most high-ranking military members were hunted down by the combine.)

Steam name:
Steam profile link or ID:


What useful skills do you have?

Conscript - You were a citizen living in one of the US cities when you were suddenly detained and informed that you had been conscripted to serve on the Frontier, you were told that desertion would result in the death of your family. You were simply one of the many citizens the administration had chosen to send to their deaths on the Frontier, but before you boarded the transport with the rest of the conscripts, you were ordered to board a dropship with a few other conscripts. You do not know where you are headed, but you know you are going to the same place as the other conscripts.

Steam name:
Steam profile link or ID:


Why were you conscripted? Was it a punishment for a crime you committed, did you volunteer, or were you selected at random?
What useful skills do you have?

(CLOSED) Vortigaunt - You are a Vortigaunt from the Xenian kingdom within the Malignancy, you and a few of your kin have been tasked with scouting the US wasteland to determine if the Combine are continuing to push further into the wasteland. The lives of the countless Vortigaunts in the Malignancy are on your shoulders.

Steam name:
Steam profile link or ID:


Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist?

Questions and answers:

What exactly *is* this event?

This is a sort of "outlands" event, instead of City RP, players will be put in a dangerous wasteland where they will be forced to survive against difficult odds. Our brilliant developer, @gb_ has made some cool systems for players to use in the event, like a farming system so players can grow their own crops. We highly encourage you to explore the map, form groups with other players, and set up bases in the ruins of the old world.

Do I need to apply to participate in the event?

No, the server will be open for anyone to join, the only things you need to apply for are the Patriots, Conscript, and Vortigaunt factions. If you don't want to apply, you can make a refugee character.

How long will this event last?

This event will last two weeks, perhaps a little bit more or less depending on the actions taken by the players in the event.

When does this event start?

The 27th and 28th of October.

Can I bring my main server character over to this event?

No, you cannot. But you are able to use your characters from the Project VENUS or Black Gold events, provided they lived and didn't end up going to City 24.
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Steam name: Divine
Steam profile link or ID: STEAM_0:0:63629212
Discord: ._divine.


Name: Shu'Lupthen'Rah
Age: 90
Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist?: Yes
Shu'Lupthen'Rah... A poor soul spawned in Xen, under the watchful eye of the Nihilanth, his kind's enslaver. It was approximately the year 1929 on Earth when his coil was weaved, and he was brought to life - But a life, it could hardly be described as. The creature was forced from its infancy to slave away in the grunt factories to supply the Nihilanth's army. There was no tribe to form bonds with, no traditions to be kept. Some would describe him as a follower of the Nihilanth, until that fateful day came.

Shu'Lupthen'Rah arrived on Earth, portaled like many of his kinsmen. Unlike many of his fellow vortigaunts, he had never participated in direct combat due to his almost-constant work in the factories. He was able to strike down multiple unarmed or defenseless humans who stood in his path, but when met with those who readied themselves after the first few attacks, he was unable to finish them off. Shu'Lupthen'Rah was put into a critical state, heavily injured by vast wounds caused by those defending against his actions. He was nigh on dead before the so-called "All-Giver" fell. His captor, his enslaver... Dead.

He sought out more vortigaunts, or perhaps even this planet's native species after one of his kin mended his wounds. Though such a task was not so easy, as the humans now saw his kind as a direct threat. He was attacked yet again, through all of his attempts to speak to them, he knew nothing of their language. His vortigese sounding nothing but aggressive to the creatures who fell victim to his kind's enslavement.

He wanders the American wastes now, avoiding all humans he comes across, generally treating them as if they were hostiles. Sometimes in his immature rage, he attempted to attack humans - The reasons were not known by other vortigaunts or the humans who heard of this, but some branded him a savage. He now served under the kingdom of vortigaunts within the malignancy, 90 in human years. Though he still bears his aggressive nature, and immaturity as a youngling, he always stays close to his fellow vortikind to learn from them - Even if it means working with humans.
Steam name: Meme_Lord_Satan
Steam profile link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198880474222/
Discord: Dog#2267

Name: Zeol'urn-Slu
Age: 400
Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist? No, but I had one previously.

A Red eye glows in the pitch black cave.. Surrounded by many, who go by simple and short titles.. Only 100.. Zeol'urn-Slu, summoned underneath the floating Xenian Islands, away from the alien controllers, and the Nihilanth.. They only know slavery, hate, and anguish above. Thus they stay in their humble abode. The elders whom of which summoned him tell him and the others "We shall not venture above.. We are far down below for they cannot sense us, or hear us.. We unfortunately, cannot let our own come in either, for the vortessence will compromise it.. We must stay hidden."

A life of solitude, fear, and hiding.. But, over the years. They grew curious, they had to know.. Was it all true?... Was there really a horror above.. Zeol'urn-Slu, was a curious vortigaunt, one always wanting to understand its surroundings. And thus, against its elders wishes. It ventured above. They saw beautiful skies, beautiful islands. No horrors, no slavery.. At least, from where they were looking.. When he ventured further in, he noticed what the elders had warned him about. Desperately, he attempted to escape.. But to no avail, the Hulkabin and Alien Controllers got to him. Adding to the list of slaves the Nihilanth has, and thus, his kins lair was exposed to the Nihilanth. Due to this, he was shunned, deemed a traitor among the cave dwellers, and some of their kin. They knew not what to do, they were only curious. Was it truly their fault?

That was up to them to decide.

Years go on, they rarely ever got to speak to their kin other then some who sought pity on them.. However, an alien grunt barks at the vortigaunt. In broken vortigese, it mentions of a portal and forces it to a portal and shoves it in.. In which, they were brought to a hellish landscape, a species it had not known running in terror.. And the faint sounds of the controllers and the glow of its shackles, it could not stop the inevitable.. It then, suddenly, stops. Like it woke up, it remembered nothing of what it did. All it knows, it saw itself standing, and then about to slash a helpless man pleading for help. It ran away, ripping the shackles off attempting to find shelter as quickly as it could. "Where are we.." it spoke, unsure on its surroundings. The vortessence eventually returned to it, speaking to them softly. It had a grasp on where it was, finding its Kin. Zeol'urn-Slu, found its redemption in aiding its Kin in venturing the American landscape.
Zeol'urn-Slu took curiosity on the Human species, attempting to learn their tongue. Often met with hostility, it took to offering gifts. Usually antlion meat, items it found on the planet. And saving 3 humans from a group of antlions. It was then able to speak to a small group of them, and allow them and its Kin to join the group of Humans dubbed the 'Last Hope'. It was indeed a last hope, the Xenian Malignancy proved to be a problem.. Where its kin decided to stay, It followed the Humans, with some of its Kin joining with.

Zeol'urn-Slu did not experience much of the combine invasion, or any of it as a matter of fact. Years go, it has had its fair few scuffles with the combine, and found out of its Tyrannical ways. In the year 2016, it met up with 'The Patriots', deciding to join their cause despite a few weird looks from some of the members. It sees itself today, joined up with a resistance group far from its Kin.

What will his story entail?
Applying for Vortigaunt!
Steam name: Tuki
Steam profile link or ID: Here
Discord: ezequiel4661


Name: Zoh'kar-than
Age: 400
Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist? Yes

Zoh'kar-than was a Vortigaunt spawned into a life of servitude and oppression, as many more of their kin in Xen. For centuries, their existence had been defined by the relentless rule of the Nihilanth. Under the Nihilanth's tyranny, the Vortigaunts were devoid of culture and traditions, falling into a monotone life of servitude. They toiled endlessly in the factories, forced to labor on the production lines, creating the infamous Hulkabin

Then.. the infamous day came, the resonance cascade, vivid memories remaining on Zoh'kar-than's memory... Being teleported into unknown ground with their kin. Zoh'kar-than, like many of their kin, had no choice but to participate in the assault, unleashing chaos upon the facility, working as mere drones for the Nihilanth's plan.

However, Zoh'kar-than was one of their kin to survive, his mind tormented by the Nihilanth's control yet then... Silence, his mind fell into peace. The Nihilanth ultimately slayed by a mere human, Zoh'kar-than finally finding themselves freed from the Nihilanth's control. Yet now they were left alone and stranded on Earth, a world foreign and bewildering to them, Zoh'kar-than's journey took them westward. To the United States, a nightmarish country or what was left of it, with an ever-expanding infestation.

As they ventured further west, Zoh'kar-than couldn't escape the images of destruction and suffering they had witnessed during the Nihilanth's assault on the facility. The screams of humans and the deafening sounds of gunfire echoed in their mind, a constant reminder of the role they had unwittingly played in that cataclysmic event. The guilt and shame gnawed at their consciousness, and it was as if the Nihilanth's malevolent presence still lingered, a dark shadow that refused to fade.

But as they journeyed on, something miraculous happened. The memories of Black Mesa began to lose their grip on Zoh'kar-than's mind. The Nihilanth's control over them, once so absolute, started to wane. It was as if the death of the Nihilanth had severed the last tether between them and the oppressive influence of their former master. Gradually, Zoh'kar-than found moments of peace amidst the turmoil.

With newfound clarity, Zoh'kar-than continued their westward trek, determined to find a place where they could truly belong. They encountered the ever-expanding infestation that had overrun the United States, a land now teeming with alien flora and fauna, where remnants of human civilization clung desperately to survival. It was a nightmarish country, a reflection of the twisted consequences of the resonance cascade.

Amidst this bleak landscape, Zoh'kar-than stumbled upon a group of Vortigaunts, their fellow kin who had also found themselves stranded on this alien world. It was a moment of profound relief and joy. Here, they were finally among those who understood the agony of their past and the longing for freedom. In the midst of the encroaching Xenian Malignancy, these Vortigaunts had managed to carve out a life for themselves, free from the oppressive grasp of the Enslavers.

Together with their newfound kin, Zoh'kar-than embarked on a life of resistance against the Combine and the Xenian Malignancy, forging a path in the inhospitable, ever-changing landscape of the West.
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Steam name: Señor Sauce
Steam profile link or ID:
Discord: senorsauce


Name: Ura'Ormdarr'Rut
Age: 542
Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist? Yes
Spawned shortly after the arrival of its Kin to the planet Xen, Ora'Ormdarr-Rut knew nothing of enslavement. Its tribe lived deep within Xen, hiding away with expert nomadic tactics. The enslavement of its Kin was a distant thought, a memory only as deep as the Vortessence allowed. Though they took the opportunity to free their Kin when it came, due to the strength of the Nihilanth and its forces, they struggled to survive as it was, and could not make this a priority. As some escaped Elder Kin had learned the Xenian language and taught it to all members of the tribe, they were a strong group that was capable of utilizing Xenian life to their advantage. This tribe had a fascination with Xenian life as it served as a protector, food source, blood/materials for rituals, and induction into their war ranks in some cases. Ora'Ormdarr-Rut had a special attachment to Antlions, particularly the warrior kind as it felt these creatures were similar to itself in many ways; strong hunters who are destined to fight for their species. Similar to great migrants of human history, these Vortigaunts used Antlions and other Xenian life as livestock and hunters as they travelled. Through careful choice of which battles to take and where they may run, this tribe was able to narrowly escape the clutches of the Nihilanth repeatedly.
During The Resonance Cascade, the tribe decided it would be better to hide on a new planet where most of its Kin would be, capable of working more efficiently in a place that was far from the hold of its previous Captor, the Nihilanth. So, the tribe ran for Earth through the portal storm, ending up in the Mid-West of the United States. Pushing further West to cement themselves inside the already familiar and growing Xenian infestation, they worked to expand the region that it held so the Combine and its forces had no choice but to leave the tribe alone.. It is here where this tribe and many others formed an alliance- the formation of the Great North American Vortigaunt Alliance- at least, this is what many humans called it. Here, the Kin would spend time fighting back relentless waves of Combine forces for their new home, and attempting to grow it larger all the same. Total Xenian control of the planet would spell victory for the Alliance, as the Vortigaunts and their 'pets' could live free of Combine control, and the only price to pay is the loss of humans- though not favored as this tribe often used humans for information or knowledge, it was a worthy sacrifice for the price of total freedom for all Vortigaunts.

The few humans who were capable of living in the hostile wastelands had shared knowledge of the Combine Distribution Facility, Number 8- or as they called it, the Heart of Slavery. Though the alliance had largely remained inside of the infestation fortress as it had little reason to venture outside, the Vortigaunts decided that was their next target, and the Antlion-spirited warrior Ora'Ormdarr-Rut jumped at the opportunity to assist in the expansion of their Xenian home- to cripple the Facility was to claim the continent, and so this warrior would set out to do just that.
Conscription Application:
Steam name: LeGashrod
Steam profile link or ID: Discord: legashrod


Name: James Cooper

Why were you conscripted?: Before the 7 hour war James Tried to join the military but only went as far as setting foot in a military school. So he was not a real soldier and that fact saved him from the first big wave of conscription... But it seems that the combined began to be so desperate for conscripts that they started to look even into the ones who did not even make it out of basic training...

What useful skills do you have?: James learned to hunt in the Alaskan wilderness with his father and has good tracking and survival skills.

Backstory: James was born in Fairbanks, Alaska in 1985 and lived a pretty normal life with his family... While growing up, he sometimes went hunting with his father who showed him survival and hunting tricks.
He did not really leave Fairbanks for the majority of his life, so when he got 18 years old he decided to join the military to have a change of scenery and help the government defend the country against the portal storms. He passed all the recruiting tests without too much effort and got sent into a military school on the East coast. When he got there, something big happened... The humanity discovered the existence of the combines through the 7 hour war. Luckily James wasn't affected because he was not even a recruit at the time, but it meant that he had to leave the school and learn to live with the new regime that will soon be set up by the winners of the war...
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<:: File Number#68257::>



Conscription Application:

Steam name: Cengo
Steam profile link or ID: STEAM_0:1:113942347
Discord: cengo62


Name: Artyom Smirnov

Why were you conscripted? Was it a punishment for a crime you committed, did you volunteer, or were you selected at random?

Artyom Smirnov lived in City 3. He was falsely accused of helping the Soviet Reclamation Force during the Missile Attack. Sadly, the Overwatch Forces had no real Evidence at hand against him, so they simply relocated him and forced him to join the Conscripts.

What useful skills do you have?

Artyom Smirnov was never capable of handling Tools or other Equipment that were needed to work with Metal. He was better at helping people. He was a Doctor once before the Old World collapsed, but he simply refused to treat the people who worked alongside the Combine. will this way of thinking now change when one of his Conscripts Comrades gets injured? It remains to be seen


Artyom Smirnov lived in City 3. He didn't think much of the combined occupation after the 7 Hours. He was separated from his Family and Wife. He had no children of his own but was planning on having a son with his Wife. After he was relocated to City 3, was he forced to work inside a Metal Factory. He hated the stench and Tools that needed to be used to bend the Metal to its form. He hated his Job and the Small Apartment that he lived in with other people, so one day, he simply refused to show up for Work in the Factory he was working for. He was accused of working for the Soviet Reclamation Force; his absence was noted in his File, and he was quickly Relocated and forced to join Combine Conscripts.

Steam name: AGA_
Steam profile link or ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Agadie/
Discord: real_agatha

Conscript Application!
Joshua Holland

Why were you conscripted? Was it a punishment for a crime you committed, did you volunteer, or were you selected at random?

Joshua Holland was (un)luckily selected after being recommended for conscription by his superiors in the hospital.

What useful skills do you have?

Joshua Holland worked for the underfunded and under-equipped citizen branch of the Medical Union in City-70 prior to his conscription. By trade, he was a nurse.


Life before the Combine was a blur for Holland. A college drop-out that never stood for anything in his mundane yet pathetic existence, drifting around purposelessly in his home state of Michigan. To the naked eye, it appeared that Holland was destined to a life without meaning, which was definitely the case until the Combine took over.

Holland was herded into Detroit following the occupation. Life was miserable for every common citizen in City-70, a city that was insanely overcrowded and severely lacking in terms of resources. And in here, not wanting to suffer the same woes as the common water plant or industrial workers of City-70, Holland devised a plan to improve his own living situation - by joining the local Medical Union.

Utilizing buzzwords, common tropes from fiction and dialogues he remembered from TV shows before the war, Holland faked his way into becoming a nurse for the local hospital. Surprisingly, Holland performed adequately with what little resources and knowledge he had, quickly becoming a darling for impoverished patients.

This however, drew the ire from his superiors. Distrusting the "new guy" who was not an "elitist" in the medical institution, information regarding his actual credentials finally reached his managers, which just so happens to coincide with the time he was conscripted as a "field medic".
Steam name: 0xNiklas
Steam profile link or ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198810137281/
Discord: 0xNiklas™#5967


Name: Georg Stewart.
Why were you conscripted? Was it a punishment for a crime you committed, did you volunteer, or were you selected at random?:
He volunteered to be conscripted, there was no reason to. He had nothing to do in his life and thus joined the Conscripts to serve their purpose.
What useful skills do you have?: He was an athletic, thus having a good amount of stamina and endurance.
Backstory: Born in Texas, this man doesn't hold anything of a story. His origin comes from England, as his family are immigrants. He was an athletic in local Olympia games, until the combine came. He volunteered to become a conscript, considering his regardless interest in in the Military.


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<:: File Number#40380::>


Conscript Application


Steam name: Solstice
Steam profile link or ID: STEAM_0:1:93210022
Discord: emim


Name: Ember Reed
Why were you conscripted? Was it a punishment for a crime you committed, did you volunteer, or were you selected at random?

Ember Reed, shockingly, volunteered from the masses of City One for service within the forces being deployed to the Xenian Malignancy Zone and American Wastelands.

What useful skills do you have?

Ember Reed's primary beneficial attributes to her service as a conscript are of a kind less materially tangible, but instead of a type that originate from her disposition. She is a driven and dedicated individual, dramatically determined to accomplish tasks set before her, a trait originating from long years as a laborer meeting quotas and accomplishing specifically outlined tasks.


Ember Reed was born in Eastern Oregon just before the turn of the century, to a loving and dedicated family of her mother and father. The first and only child of Cody Reed, a retired United States Marine, and his wife Megan Reed, a retired Navy Corpsman, Ember was the culmination of two long bloodlines of Veterans to the United States Armed Forces. Proud of their service and proud of their nation, she was immersed from her earliest memories in the immense pride they felt for the glorious nation they called home, their infectious love for their homeland and their ideals of service to their nation. A promising childhood for a happy youth, with loving parents that were dedicated to see her succeed was, however, turned astray naught but a few years after her birth, when the Black Mesa facility caused a resonance cascade, and the world was plunged into the abject horror of the portal storms.

Escaping just barely with their lives in the disorganized, panicked and haphazard evacuation of the Western, and soon Midwestern states, Ember and her family arrived in New York State. Shaken by their experiences in withering the portal storms, and the rapidly decaying situation of the world, they found themselves amidst a flood of humanity, the unfortunate souls who, like them, had lost their homes to the alien scourge devastating the planet. To their credit, her parents held on hope, aiding fellow refugees however they could, and steadfastly sticking to the deteriorating patch of land that they had begun to occupy, rather than join the masses fleeing on boats and aircraft east, to Europe. Dreadful years on years passed, and the situation didn't improve. Rationing struck, the flag changed to reflect a formal cut off of the fallen Western states, rationing worsened, the overcrowding of what cities were left never seemed to ease, and in this backdrop of squalor and suffering, Ember watched on, oblivious in her youth to the true extent of terror it represented. Her parents, however, did not know that luxury, as they sat on the sidelines, unable to do anything as the nation they had sworn an oath to, and served diligently, as their own parents had before them, was brought to its knees by a threat beyond even what they could comprehend, and the world they knew crumbled away.

Three short years was all they had before the grim realities of the portal storms brought with them an even darker truth, and the reaching claw of the combine descended to claim earth as its own. Across the world militaries stood to defend their lands and people, and just as quickly were swept aside. In Europe, France and Germany fought on, at their most extreme Bundsewehr stood even after the cessation of hostilities the world over. Yet, this meant nothing, for from the crowded sprawl of mankind that Ember and her family dwelled within, all they could do was watch as the beleaguered soldiers, marines, airmen and sailors of the United States armed forces, exhausted after three hard years of war against an ceaseless alien tide attempted to combat a technologically and numerically superior force that had arrived without warning. The slow death of the United States had been averted, by the swift decapitating strike of the combine. Their people, their nation, the liberties and ideals they had sworn to and they had held out hope would live were gone, and it didn't even take the full seven hours.

Her parents broke, all their pride and love trampled beneath a loss that threatened to tear them apart, generations of service to the greatest nation in the world reduced nothing. The notion that the United States was weak after all it suffered was anathema to them, the idea that their homeland had faltered ludicrous. And so, instead, to cope with the new realities they could not deny, they bought into the propaganda that soon followed occupation. It was not that they and their own had been weakened by years of strife and war, it was simply that the combine were strong. It was not by their own weakness and refusal to act that the combine took power, it was that the combine was morally correct, they truthfully had come to save humanity. A lie all the easier to stomach when they went from cramped cities and refugee camps, with strict rationing and generalized filth, to the cramped confinement of terminal two, with holding camps and strict rationing, their life not truthfully, ostensibly worse under the combine than it had been under their former national government. These mental gymnastics, and twistings of the truth, were bottled and fed to their daughter, Ember. And so it was, a youth who had experienced all the horrors of the portal storms, the horrors of life as a crisis refugee, and withered the offenses of the seven hour war, would be convinced not at first by propaganda or the deceit of ministries, but by her own parents that the combine was good.

Years later, Ember had truthfully integrated the supposed truths of propaganda into her core, the easiest route in life was easily to accept the goodness of the combine, and now she had grown up with much her life adherent to those very ideas, even as her family was torn apart and sent across the very earth. Ember, perhaps by happenstance, or clerical error by some tired worker for an obscure administrative center, was returned to City One. Returning to the scene of her childhood, now rebuilt by the combine during the renewed retrofits. A dedicated laborer, she lived within the city as a collaborator for a short time, hearing of the growing malignancy that had consumed her childhood and displaced her from everything she had once known, now threatening the lives of the untold thousands, if not millions, that occupied City One. Conscription was placed into effect, and droves of unwitting and unwilling citizens were snatched from their blocks to be serviced as fodder against this threat. Ember was not among them.

Ember was the culmination of two long bloodlines of Veterans to the United States Armed Forces. Proud of their service and proud of their nation, who had been raised under the ideal of armed service as a necessary duty to be fulfilled, and corrupted in the false certainty of the combine's goodness. She was unlike the masses that had been taken from workshifts and snatched from ration lines to be pressed into frontline duty, for she was among the few volunteers to place themselves utterly willingly against the horror of the Xenian Malignancy Zone and American Wastelands.


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Conscript Application
Steam name: villeneuve
Steam profile link or ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ChevroIet/
Discord: villenora


Name: Isobelle Hocken
Why were you conscripted? Was it a punishment for a crime you committed, did you volunteer, or were you selected at random?
Simply put, Isobelle is a hoodlum who's hand was caught in the cookie jar one too many times. She has several orange-tier violations to her name, all earned throughout a time period of one year. The straw that broke the camel's back was a charge for civic disunity, which she got conscripted for and sent to the wasteland.
What useful skills do you have?
Hocken is an able bodied, young woman with a great eyesight. Her use in the field is usually in some sort of scouting position, as she prefers to be constantly up and about instead of remaining in one place. Determination is not her strength - seeing as she has a metaphorical gun to her back - but her willingness to do anything her superiors ask of her, just to survive.

Born to Harrier and Jasmin Hocken in Detroit in 1999, Isobelle's future was cut down from the very start. Just as she began to develop herself and grow into a person, Earth was annexed by the Combine. Her mother was killed in the violent chaos that came with the sudden invasion, while Harrier struggled to cope with such a tragic loss.

With each year, his mental condition worsened. By 2010, he had become a shell of a man. Nothing but a saddening vegetable who mumbles to himself and occasionally bats an eye to his daughter. Troubled by such a disturbing sight, Isobelle distanced herself from him and her home, choosing to be in the company of a few other, similarly dysfunctional kids.

As the children grew, so did their unaccountable habits. Over the years, they had grown from a friend group to a small gang of petty thieves and dealers. They cared little for work or others, they were satisfied as long as their pockets were filled with whatever items they've managed to steal from an unsuspecting soul. The Civil Protection paid little heed to them, usually tasked with more important issues than juvenile troublemakers.

By 2019, however, the circumstances have changed. Long gone are the days of impenetrable walls and peace on the streets. Long gone are simple re-educations for orange violations. The Malignance zone had begun to encroach onto the wasteland separating it City Seventy and its sister cities. Like hawks, the authorities scanned the city for any potential offenders - with violators, no matter the offense, getting shipped off to serve in the hundreds.

After a particularly tiring day of stealing, Isobelle visited one of the bars in the industrial zone. Liberally using the few credits to her name, she became visibly inebriated - stumbling out onto the street and mumbling incoherent nonsense. It did not take long for an officer of the Civil Protection to take notice, thus tacking a charge of improper function onto the woman. However, after seeing the violations to her name, he took her in for conscription...

[-Name: Lieutenant George Zerillo-]

Status: Random Selection-]

Designation: Vehicle Support Specialist-]

Zerillo's story began in the bustling neighbourhoods of Brooklyn, where the aroma of Italian cuisine filled the air, and close-knit communities were bound by shared heritage and dreams of a better life. Growing up in such an environment, he learned the importance of family, loyalty, and resilience from the Mafia families that had long been a symbol of his community. Despite facing discrimination and adversity due to his heritage, Zerillo held onto these values, shaping his perspective on life.

When the Combine invasion shattered his world, Zerillo lost contact with his family and friends, a void that haunted him through the chaotic days that followed. The horrors of war and the brutality of the invasion stripped away the innocence of his youth, forcing him to adopt a survivalist mindset. In the harsh realities of the occupied United States, he realized the need to fend for himself and protect his people, values deeply ingrained in the Italian immigrant spirit.


Zerillo's resilience and resourcefulness caught the eye of the Combine authorities, leading him to be drafted into their conscript army. Unlike many others who were thrown into the front lines, Zerillo found himself in a specialized vehicular training program. This stroke of luck afforded him a relatively safer position, shielded from the worst of the battles that raged across the country. His expertise behind the wheel and quick thinking became his weapons, his vehicle an extension of himself in the fight for humanity's very survival.


In the midst of chaos, he clung to the remnants of his humanity, seeking solace in honest work and the possibility of a better future. Zerillo's determination led him away from the path of crime, despite the tempting allure of easy money in those desperate times. He dreamed of finding love, of building a family in a world torn apart by conflict. However, the invasion dashed those dreams, leaving him with a regretful taste of what could have been.

Now, Zerillo is a changed man, guided by the harsh lessons of survival. He has become pragmatic, understanding that the old world is gone, replaced by a landscape marred by xen flora and alien creatures. In this new reality, he has embraced the idea of self-preservation above all else. Every day, he witnesses the loss of lives, the extinction of entire bloodlines, and the rapid decay of civilizations. Yet, he clings to the hope that amidst the chaos, a new culture can emerge, a new life can be built, and if fate allows, a planet can still be called home.

Haunted by the memories of his past and driven by the need to secure a future, Zerillo navigates the harsh terrain of the American East with a gritty determination. He is a survivor, a symbol of resilience in the face of unimaginable adversity, and in his heart, he carries the legacy of his people, vowing to preserve their heritage even in the bleakest of times.

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"I don't recall allowing these fucking aliens to LIVE! Kill those fucking Aliens!" - True American Patriot

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What useful skills do you have?:




"I remember that ride, down in Texas. Best time of my life!"



Yeah! YEAH!

The First Hour

"All I want for Christmas is to Kick Your Ass!"

'Tis was a cold Christmas morning. The birds were howling, the dogs were chirping. Just like every other fuckin' morning. Though, I got the talent to make banging music with the Midnight Riders! So there I was. In the Bar at 6AM, drinking one with Dusty. Then my glass fell on the floor, lousy yankee! I punched some random guy in the face! How in the hell am I meant to ROCK if I can't get my fucking beer! I heard another glass hit the floor.

"What the fuck is that!" I heard someone shout.

"It's clearly an alien" Dusty stated.

"You ain't got a brain? That's you on a Friday night!" I quipped, laughing after said remark.

"H-ho-holy shit!" I could hear the piss running through the coward's pants. I thought drinkers were tough, clearly this guy's incontinence is a result of poor upbringing and lack of ambition. We laugh at those pissed scared at some- random alien shootin' beams across the streets. Then, something clicks in my friend's Dusty mind.

"JAKE! Let's get to the BUS! We gotta get the BOYS and the guns!"

Without saying another word, I hopped out the bar stool and ran outside! I dug into my pockets, moving past countless cigarettes and some tissues and pulled out the car keys! Into the bus we went, turning the key and igniting the engine! I slammed my foot on the pedal, switching the gear-box on manual because I'm a badass!

Around the block I went! Moving to the RIDIN' HOTEL, kicking down the doors and gettin' Smitty and Ox on the BUS! Fucking aliens were everywhere! Traffic was insane!





Despite their begrudgingly obvious dissatisfaction and blatant anger with the renowned bus being crashed by JAKE the lover, they continued onwards! I led the RIDERS to THE GUN STORE! The door was locked, yet numerous people were trying to get in! I reached into one of my boundless pockets littered all over my million dime leather jacket made from some badass cow hide. I pulled out a gas lighter, grabbing a firework from Smitty! I lit the firework! Directing it towards the fans hounding at the door of the 'MIDNIGHT RIDERS TOY SHOP'!

"Get off my fuckin' property!" I shouted, my bellowing voice of absolute domineering power enact fear into their hearts.

I watched as the firework go fly and crash into the wall! The crowd stared at me, as if I did something stupid. BANG! The firework went off, and the crowd scattered and gave me passage for the MIDNIGHT RIDERS!


We started grabbin' all the grenade launchers, snipers, shotguns, rifles that we could carry! Got ourselves some nasty laser sights as well. Armoured up and ARMED! By the time I got outside, we had to get moving! I saw those alien ships pass over the sky, our own fighter jets clearly surpassing them in speed! That's America for you!

After jacking some unlucky loser's car, I drove, smashed, crashed numerous cars on our path to wherever the fuck I wanted to go at the moment. Boom, boom! I looked in the rear mirror, fucking aliens were shooting laser beams at us!

"Fucking stormtroopers! At least they got shit aim!"
We fired back, our own shots being just as abysmal, as one would expect from a car moving at over sixty MILES per hour! Especially on an off-road path!

I swerved and dodged their shots, some inevitably hit the car, and goddamn. I turned the car into a massive river! SPLASH! I kicked out the door, I obviously wasn't wearing a seatbelt because I'm badass! Yeah! America! Me and the boys got out of our jacked cars, and used the current to escape our pursuers! We lost most of them guns, they all got jammed or something. Me and the boys still had those trusty AR-15s! OORAH! America!

They never caught us! Nah! I met up with some of my fans wanderin' the woods, hunting them boars and such for meat! I always told them that we needed to go camping! The folks told us about some kinda 'Combine' Band. New Challengers? They ain't gonna rock as bad as us.

To the Midnight Ride!

(A picture of me holding a badass SPAS-12)

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Steam name: justwats
Steam profile link or ID: STEAM_0:1:609543053
Discord: justwats


Name: Vorlan'Ksan
Age: 1248
Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist?: No

Vorlan'Ksan emerged in the world during the aftermath of the successive wars of kin, his first breaths drawing in the arid essence of Duvan'Merda after return from their spawning pilgrimage. His early memories were painted with hues of orange and brown, reflecting the unique landscape and his own darker hide. As a descendant of the region's prominent armorers, his juvenile hands were soon introduced to the age-old traditions of shaping metals and crafting intricate lariats. Each swirl of desert wind seemed to whisper ancient tales, and the shimmering mirages held visions of distant lands and epochs of long-forgotten elegance.

Guided by the wise Takar’Io, Vorlan'Ksan was nourished on tales that spanned both the age of peril and prosperity. His mentor, a beacon from a tumultuous past, shared sagas of the Kay'Basar's return to tradition, the unwavering spirit of the Sha'Gani, and the diplomatic strides of the El'Tuk and Alva'Sari. As the narratives unfolded, a distinct insatiable curiosity marked Vorlan'Ksan's adolescence. While many in Duvan'Merda were engrossed in their trades, Vorlan'Ksan found himself irresistibly drawn to the more adventurous tales, particularly those of Aldu’Ragnak's expeditions and the undying spirit of exploration they embodied.

In the warmth of Duvan'Merda's sun, Vorlan'Ksan absorbed the wisdom of reason when unity redefined society, marking the dawn of their modern era. Yet, with every lesson on their collective strength, Takar’Io's voice would also echo cautionary tales of the potential pitfalls of arrogance. With these stories coursing through him, Vorlan'Ksan became witness to the bridge between the past and the promising future, poised to navigate the evolving landscapes of the civilization he grew with.

Yet, even as the old-world tales inspired him, Vorlan'Ksan was firmly rooted in their tradition. He became renowned in his region for his faculty in smithing, specifically for integrating old-world designs into them. Each piece he created told a story, hinting at the rich tapestry of his existence and exposing the connection of timelines to the past.

1696349957195.pngGrowing up, children of the Duvan'Merda were often regaled with tales of the Vulda'Mas, the aerial predator that dominated the northern skies. While most considered it folklore, Vorlan'Ksan believed the stories of the ancestral myth. Instead of seeing it as a threat, the ancient Vortigaunts believed that the Vulda'Mas were deeply connected to the Vortessence, much like them. This spiritual link was evident in how it hunted, always in sync with the desert's rhythm, taking only what was necessary and maintaining the fragile equilibrium of the ecosystem. The Vortessence did not discriminate between predator and prey; it flowed through all, uniting every entity in its vast, intricate web.

These creatures were believed to hold the key to understanding the ancient migratory patterns of his kin, even blazing the path for many routes that Vortigaunts utilized in pilgrimages between regions. Encounters with the Vulda'Mas were seen as spiritual tests, pushing Vortigaunts to connect deeper with the Vortessence and understand its teachings. It was believed that a true master of the Vortessence could stand amidst the Vulda'Mas and not be seen as prey but as an equal integral to the universe's grand design. Respect for the Vulda'Mas wasn't rooted in fear but in understanding and mutual recognition. Whenever Vorlan'Ksan traversed the rocky terrains and spotted a shade of Vulda'Mas in the distance, he would pause, close his eyes, and resonate with the Vortessence, acknowledging the creature's role and sending energies of respect and peace.

One day, a dark cloud descended upon his hearth as the tides of the old world became subjugated, as many of its kind, including Vorlan'Ksan's ancestors, were forcefully uprooted from their homes and thrust into rigorous combat. The tools they once used to craft intricate armor and trinkets were repurposed for warfare. The martial might overshadow the once-celebrated artistry they were forced to embody. The history of his folk is stained by the echoes of their struggle; the now enslaved fighters, their hands, which once shaped beauty, now shackled in chains of war, serving the Nihilanth's malevolence and philosophy. While many Vortigaunts from other regions might have forgotten or dismissed the past, the scars of this era remained deeply etched in the collective memory of its people, serving as a reminder of the sacrifices made and the resilience of the spirit.

1696350781455.pngAs the realities of the Vortigaunt world shifted post-Nihilanth, Vorlan'Ksan's expertise in crafting became invaluable. While considered mere myths now, the legends of his own reminded him of what qualities to ground himself in. In the face of adversities, during his kind's attacks on the scientific facility, he lost his most valuable mentor Takar'lo, the foreshadowing message precursor to the attacks the sage mentioned to Vorlan'Ksan, warning of his death, guiding him to continue his legacy as he passed his relics and spear.

Vorlan'Ksan's journey into the New Frontier is driven by two core principles - discovery and solidity. Just as Sage Takar’Io once ventured against the wishes of the Kay'Basar, Vorlan'Ksan seeks to understand the new world, drawing parallels with the ancient tales of his homeland. Armed with armor and trinkets that carry the weight of his history and the spirit of his mythos, Vorlan'Ksan steps into the unknown, ready to face challenges and perhaps, in time, become a legend himself.
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Steam name: TheNewz
Steam profile link or ID: STEAM_0:0:174058743
Discord: TheNewz#7806








(I added some feats to flex on people, don't take it too seriously.)
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Steam name:
Processed Grain
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Lieutenant General Joseph Hailstone "Boomer"
"The Knife and Fork General of the Patriots"

View attachment 27142
"I'm Lieutenant General Joseph Hailstone of The United States Army"

What useful skills do you have?

"I'm the damned Picasso of Tactical Genius. I guarantee you that I would have won us Vietnam against those damned Jungle Gooks if I was in charge instead of that idiot Abrams. I garnered several medals during that shit show in Yugoslavia and was a Three-Star General in Kuwait. I saved the residents Colorado Springs from those Alien fucks. If there was anyone fit to lead these band of Greenhorns it'd be me."

"Pfft - My story? Take a seat, it may take a while."
It really wouldn't.


Joseph Hailstone, an ex-Lieutenant General of the United States Army, has had a somewhat uncertain career in the Armed Forces. Born in 1949, in Bakersfield, California. He attended a Military Officer academy before being sent to Vietnam in late 1971. He stated that he had won several battles on the South-Central coast of Vietnam with his "Cunning Genius". According to his fellow members of the Officer Corps, he was a 'Tactical Savant' who only achieved success due to the NVA's shortcomings. Nonetheless, he received a promotion to Lieutenant Colonel of the Army for his actions in Vietnam.

He preformed similarly in the Yugoslav wars, if not with a bit more prowess. He earned both medals up the ass from some slight nepotism as well as plenty Non-Judicial Punishments involving local women on base from time to time. This would all change during the Gulf War, wear he spearheaded several units in the invasion, ending up in multiple promotions that got him to the rank 1-Star Brigadier General of The Army.

Post-Black Mesa Incident / The Seven Hour War

"A shit show of Apocalyptic Proportions" Hailstone called it. He was assigned to oversee several divisions in charge of Territorial Defense in the Mid-West/South-West United States. In The Battle of Colorado Springs in 2002, he was able to manage one of the few victories after the Black Mesa incident by the US Military. He lured a group of around 7,000 extraterrestrial-shitheads into the South-End of the city before unleashing a "Pincer-Movement". The nickname 'Hailstone Boomer' was given to him for his heavy use of setting C-4 explosives in the target area. Though some of his compatriots complained that he used unnecessary force and sacrificed part of the city in an unneeded trap. None of it matters though, as a month later the city was overrun and decimated by Portal Storm.

This desperate defense would persist until 2004, when things went from bad to worse. In the months prior to the Seven Hour War, the government was in complete shambles as
George W. Bush proclaimed emergency powers and began to interfere with internal affairs. General Hailstone had been pestering the D.O.D for years at this point over supply issues and was in a command tent about 40 miles east of the Kansas City Warzone when he got the news of the "Third Opposition". The following is a historical recreation of him receiving the news.


"The fuck do you mean we "surrendered"?"

Post-'Ascension' / Present

Joseph Hailstone issued himself a "On-field promotion of necessity" to Lieutenant General of Three-Stars almost immediately after the announcement of the surrender of Earth. With the help of the remnants of the Department of Defense and other Generals, they organized their forces into "The Patriots".

Fast forward to 2019, General "Boomer" Hailstone is personally leading a rag-tag Patriot Cell of City-21 (or what's left of it) into the Mid-Western Frontier to rescue the citizens of Seattle.

"God Bless America, and may God Bless his Patriots."

I should have included this in the main post, but we won't be allowing characters with military backgrounds.

When the Combine took over, about 99% of the US military was conscripted into the combine and transhumanized. The patriots were formed by the 1% that managed to evade capture, the surviving members of the military are high up in the patriots' chain of command.

The majority of the patriot's forces are just citizens who want to overthrow the Combine, just like every other group. I really should have included that, sorry for the confusion

After discussing it with Rad, I'll allow characters that have a low-level military background, like soldiers. We still won't be allowing those with high level military backgrounds considering the combine would have hunted down most of them
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Simple Minutemen of the Cause

Steam name: The Sniper
Steam profile link or ID: STEAM_0:1:6533079
Discord: Kaisler#3325



Johnathan Jacob Wilde

What useful skills do you have?

"Skills? Fuck .. it has really come to that? I remember before all of this, me as a kid. Used to hang around the basketball course, dreaming big and loud. Dreaming about being something and someone. Used to be a rockerboy, playing the chords like a maniac. Now I've traded the guitar for the gun. Ain't too much of a difference, you just have to know which strings to pull and it will go by itself. Guess I should praise my Texan up-bringing and the 2nd Amendment for that. Born and raised by the gun. After they came, well... ain't gonna do me good to dwell on it. The States we grew up in? Well, it ceased to exist the same moment they came. Our lives uprooted and destroyed. Like I said, ain't gonna dwell on it... but sometimes, you wonder what you would've become if it weren't for all this.

When the relocations started and the split had already begun; I was forced to survive by myself, y'know? Like so many others. Fell in with smuggling. I was good at it, y'know? Wasn't that much of a security back then like now.. the chaos of the occupation made sure of that. Moved everything, from guns to medicine; tobacco and hell, even live animals. For a moment, it felt like there was more freedom out there than it had ever been. But, it was an illusion. Made me pick up the wrench too, need cars to travel the distances and the wastes of the ol' states? Hell, gonna need a ride if you even thought of traversing that. Guess that's why they relied on idiots like me. Those who had nothing to lose and was ready to just go at it. Living on my own I guess, had formed me. Ain't too sure if it was anything I ever wanted, but.. can beggars really be choosers in this world?"-


-"Youngest in the family, whatever good that ever made me. Born in the state of Texas, before the dissolution of the old states. Lookin' back at it now, ain't that much that ever changed. Somehow it feels like this is how it was always supposed to be, no matter the choices we had back then. Like figures of clay, we are molded by our surroundings without any control of it all. When they came, well.. hell broke loose. Like small ants in an enormous colony, they concentrated us into these camps. Refugee Zone 3454, District 7. New York has seen prettier days.. but it was there they split us up. Whole family disintegrated after that. Took my older sis' and brother, haven't seen them since.. dad had already left, hell.. something even tells me he did it voluntarily."-

-"In the end, they took mom. Left alone, I drifted around.. wouldn't be long until we orphans numbered into the thousands. Some of us went out, most of us didn't. Ended up doing whatever we could to get the day around, building a new family in this world of hell. It fucked me up good, left to rot .. but it molded me into the man I was supposed to be. Didn't take long after that until we started doin' runs with others; traversing terrain deformed and mutilated by our Occupants. Should have been in school, instead I was knee-dip in shit like so many others. Didn't take long after that until many of us joined 'em. The Patriots... a ragtag bunch, an idea.. and so much more. It was everything. It became family.. a reason to live. An expectation of seein' the light at the end of the tunnel, something that would reverse everything and restore it all to normality. It never became normal. Been like this many years now; some days, I even wonder if its worth it in the end. Y'know what it is that keeps me going? Strange to say it, but it feels like - it ain't all lost. It feels like, those I've lost are still out there; somewhere... and if I were to give up now, I'd give up on them and everyone else that depends on me. It's just one more run, like every other run... but something tells me, this is it. It means something.."-

(I'll delete once I have the answer)

So.. Does my character break the rules in any means ? (As said in the background of my conscript application, he was not really military personnel as he did not even do basic training so I hope I'm good in that regard)
The majority of its members are.

I think it'd make the event a bit more interesting that instead of some generic rebel leading the patriots, it'd be some Egotistical Ex-General who promoted himself to Three-Stars during the 7 hour war. Not to mention, this guy isn't apart of some stupid "Ex-Special Forces Black Ops CIA SEAL TEAM 6 Kill team" but in reality can barely shoot a gun, especially due to his age.
After discussing it with Rad, I'll allow characters that have a low-level military background, like soldiers. We still won't be allowing those with high-level military backgrounds considering the combine would have hunted down most of them

Sorry for all of the confusion.
After discussing it with Rad, I'll allow characters that have a low-level military background, like soldiers. We still won't be allowing those with high-level military backgrounds considering the combine would have hunted down most of them

Sorry for all of the confusion.
I have deleted the general from the thread, thanks for clearing it up.
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