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Sadly, we won't be accepting any Vortigaunt applications unless we get more conscript applications, we have an even number of conscripts and vorts, I want to keep things balanced considering how powerful vortigaunts are. We will accept more vortigaunts in the event we get more conscripts. Sorry
Is it cool if I make a Conscript application as well then, in case the Vort one won't be considered?
Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan
DiscordID: Dog#2267

"What is the point? Why must I go on? Will I ever find her?"

Mathew Silons.
Once a police officer, now nothing more then a lone scavenger in a wasteland full of smog, radiation, and aliens. Mathew Silons was born in 1963, he turns 56 this year. Some would say, he should've killed himself years ago. Should've. The only thing that seems to push him is to find his daughter, wherever she may be. He believes she's alive, in America, right now. Lead by hope, to potentially be hit with a broken dream. It matters not who Mathew was then, what matters is who he is now, the present.
He never vowed to the combine, wanting to escape to south America with his family. If he can find them.. He dons a dark, heavy trench coat and a gasmask with only one filter left, a revolver with 4 rounds. You'd think a man like him would join the Patriots, quite the opposite, the Patriots want him either dead or alive to be arrested. He killed a patriot, believing he was a bandit and refused to compensate for this thus leading to him not only on the run from the combine and the aliens, but the people who he once served before all of this.

Question is, is his daughter alive? Is he wrong, and shes in a combine city? Or is she with a group? He wont know, at least not yet. He searches for answers daily, but food and water is becoming a problem for him, and to add on top of it. He is suffering from an infection in his arm, and is dangerously sick..
Poor ol' Mathew won't last a day in this condition, not like this. He'll need to find medicine quickly.

Disclaimer, I may not be on for the first 3-2 days of the event. I'll be busy this weekend. Expect to see me on the 30th
Alternative Conscript Application
Steam name: albertossic
Steam profile link or ID: STEAM_0:1:64572723
Discord: albertossic

Name: Louis "Cain" Price

Why were you conscripted?: Louis was serving time in a federal penitentiary during the 7 Hour War, and has been drafted into the Conscription force against his will. Not that he had many other places to be...

What useful skills do you have?: A former chop shop goon and small-time crook specialised in "reposessions", Louis is an expert when it comes to breaking & entering in all its forms, be it lockpicking, rewiring electrics, demolitions (at least he thinks so) or good old crowbar-breaching. Sneaking, scouting and smuggling are also right up his alley - it comes with the territory.
He is experienced in the use of pistols and overconfident in his ability to translate those skills into handling his issued rifle.

Backstory: 36-year old Louis had a rough life, and it didn't get any easier when his dad died. The last person to believe in him, his stepmom and older brother having ruled him as a lost cause at a young age.
Barely scraping through high school and with no prospects, life seemed to lead him effortlessly down a career path aligned with one of his few natural talents: taking what isn't his. He spent years on the streets of Seattle, boosting cars, fleecing houses and running illicit goods, whatever he could to contribute his small part to the shadows that darken the alleys of Rain City.

In the year 2000, Louis, then 25 and a respectable name around his block, was incarcerated for the murder of his own brother, Joshua Price. The two had gotten into an argument over Louis' discovery that his brother had been withholding his share of their father's inheritance, claiming that he was the only son listed in the will. Things turned heated, and Louis resolved the argument the only way he knew how to. He was sentenced to 25 years, although his verdict would be cut short when the Combine paid a visit to Washington State Penitentiary. He was relocated, and his life as a conscript began.

Now, that he is returning to what remains of the United States of America, Louis, lovingly dubbed "Cain" by his fellow inmates, is determined to do what it takes to leave this miserable section of his life behind and become his own man once more. It has been suggested to him that if he lives through this campaign, he would be eligible for "Priority Citizenship" in one of the East Coast cities, even though he's not sure what that means. But on the other side of the continent, something else is calling him as well - Seattle. He sees it in his dreams, abandoned, ransacked, yet at the heart of something different, something new. With every day on the assignment, he can feel his urge to delve into the lost City of his youth and reign over its remains grow stronger. He doesn't know which coast's calling he will answer yet, but one thing is clear: This is his last mission as a conscript.
13 Patriots:

@Marco - Jake Stone

@TheMouths - Mason G. Snake - Venus Veteran

@The Sniper - Johnathan Jacob Wilde

@Gutsy - Blake Rowe

@Curbalas - Richard Drake

@Stanford - Kyle Gibbens

@BrennenW05 - Johnny Hawthorn - Venus Veteran

@afibon - Eduardo Dominguez - Black Gold Veteran

@MelonHeadzzz - Peter McClintock

@Travis - George Coxwell - Black Gold Veteran

@HalfLife2CitizenMale09 - Isiah Poltoff

@Asimo1234 - Maria Molina

@Killian - Virginia Wreather

10 Conscripts:

@Furious - Lance Shaw - Conscripts leader

@AgathaL - Joshua Holland

@Emi - Ember Reed

@villeneuve - Isobelle Hocken

@Dazor - George Zerillo

@adnolug - Mason McGeehan

@Lucaa - Antonio Mancini

@Shady Prism - James Kennedy

@Garratz - Arthur Vasquez

@TheMouths - Mason G. Snake

9 Vortigaunts:

@Tuki - Zoh'kar-than - 400 years old

@Senor Sauce - Ura'Ormdarr'Rut - 542 years old

@JustWats - Vorlan'Ksan - 1248 years old

@Kranky - Lung'Korr-Lih - 1800 years old (was reduced from 2354)

@Neon - Sul'Nethyn Vaan - 1464 years old

@Dr. sandu - Holl'Dan Vahh - 622 years old

@Lord Beckett - Kurr Lilli’Vahh Ni-Turr - 1900 years old (was reduced from 2255)

@Sevens - T'rah-Sha - 1319 years old

@Cengiz - Rah'Lah - 87 years old

2 Refugees:

@ramen - Jebediah Morgan

@Processed_Grain - Alejandro Basilio

Feel free to apply if you haven't already, we haven't set a specific starting date for the mega-event, but it should start sometime next week, I will post an update once we get a set date.
so would I just be a refugee as I do not see my app accepted or has it not been processed yet?
Steam name: FelixPius
Steam profile link or ID: STEAM_0:1:551452307
Discord: felixpius


Name: Callen Callahan
Why were you conscripted? Was it a punishment for a crime you commited, did you volunteer or were you selected at random? Callahan used to be part of the underclass and a skilled pickpocket. One day he was bold enough to pickpocket a prominent loyalist. Unforturnately, his luck ran out after all those years and he was caught in the attempt. He was detained and brought into a cell, in which he had to stay for a few days, waiting for his fate to be decided. After a short period of waiting, the local Administration decided to send him to the Wastelands to become a conscript. Callahan was terrified as he heard what would happen to him, but ultimately there was not much he could do, so he had to accept the decision of the Administration. He was brought to a razor train and shipped off towards the Wastelands.

What useful skills do you have? Callahan was a skilled pickpocket for years, so naturally he was very stealthy. He was also very deceiptive and able to talk himself out of risky situations, which he learned during his life in the slums of City 30.

Backstory: Born into a middle-class family to a firefighter as a father and a nurse as mother in Arlington in 1995, Callens first three years of his life were relatively uneventful. But in 2000 something changed, and the relationship between Callens parents declined drastically. Both his father and his mother slowly drifted into alcoholism and got into loud arguments contstantly. This, of course, also effected the five-year old Callen and he became more and more reserved. His parents didn't take care much of him either as the situation within the family became worse. The addiction of his parently only became worse as the year progressed and Callens father died of alcohol poisoning shortly before Christmas. Callen's Mother gave him to the adoption centre afterwards. He remained there for the following weeks and it seemed that he was happy for the first time after a long while again. This happiness didn't last long unfortunately, as the Invasion of The Combine took place in early 2001. Arlington was one of the first victims of the Combine, as it was pretty close to Washington D.C. Callen fled to a refugee centre with a employeee of the Adoption Centre during the events, but the Combine took control of it after a few days. The inhabitants of the refugee camp, including Callen, were seperated and Callen was taken to a unknown facility, where he had to remain the rest of of his childhood and teenage years. They Combine shipped him to City-30, pre-war Washington when he was 19. For a while, it looked good for Callen and he was living a 'normal life' for the first few years in the city. But due to events Callens can not remember, his mindset changed and he slowly descended towards the underclass. Callen quickly became skilled in deception and stealth and was a succesful thief for some time. Unfortunately, he was caught in the end and shipped of towards the Wastelands to serve as a conscript...
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Steam name: scarletshadowzz
Steam profile link or ID: STEAM_0:1:53394822
Discord: scarletshadowzz

Name: Miranda Oweller
What useful skills do you have?: Medical, firearm knowledge
Backstory: Mrs. Miranda Oweller was born on July 13th, 1969. She would join the military right before Operation Desert Storm, being made into a nurse at the ripe age of 16 years old. According to her, she only joined the military because of her low grades and struggling to keep up in school. She had little expertise in treating wounds, but was given time to be taught by the other nurses that were brought into a similar position. Her superiors took interest in her blossoming skills as a new nurse, learning a lot quicker than most. Though she did not agree with most in the military, she fall in love with one man, who she would end up marrying directly after the operation. While her marriage with him would last long, the man he married, Robert Oweller, was killed during a portal storm. He was torn to shreds by a Bullsquid, which Miranda would kill using a shotgun they held in the attic of their house. She would remain in the military during a time of peace, though would not be brought into battle often... until the Seven Hour War. She was brought back into serving, and would once again act as a nurse. Despite her older age, she would be just as good as she was before the war started. During the final moments of the war, she would escape to a military bunker with other grieving military members. Unfortunately, she was captured by Combine soldiers, and brought into City 21 to be imprisoned. Now she's as uncertain as anyone else during the escape from the city... low on weaponry, supplies, and food. Only God knows what's next for her.

You are a member of the Patriots, a resistance group formed by members of the US military not long after the war. You were in a cell in City 21, you and your fellow patriots helped evacuate as many refugees as you could before the city was overrun. You are currently guiding the refugees from City 21 towards a place in the wasteland you were told the patriots on the east coast found in old military documents, you have been told the facility will have everything you and the refugees need to survive.

(Note: We ask that if you wish to make your character ex-military you only give them a low-level military background, like having been a soldier. Most high-ranking military members were hunted down by the combine.)
Patriot Application

Steam name: Omega
Steam profile link or ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ReallyOmega/
Discord: agemorb


Francis "Pastor" Marion Anderson

What useful skills do you have?
"Well, I was a heavy machine gunner back in 90, 91, during the Gulf War, then after that I was our unit's Chaplain... so add preaching to that list of skills. And, I know it ain't a skill, but go ahead and add my love for Jesus onto the skill list. You see, even before the Combine's invasion our boys on the frontline needed Jesus to help them stay strong. I believe the same can be said for the Patriots. Sure, we have America in our hearts and mind... but do we accept the Lord in our soul? It's an important question to ask, and it's even more important to know that no matter the answer, God still loves us...
I also used to grow pot- after my time in the Marines. Me and the fellas would smoke a few joints after congregation. Good times. Good times that need to happen again."

Born on April of 1969, in Manning, South Carolina, Francis spent most of his childhood in the rural town, playing and hunting like most of the boys his age. Not too much of note happened as he grew up, being the son of a Preacher and a postal worker, his childhood is not much of a source of tragedy. However, the moment Francis turned 18 he joined the Marine Corps, only three years later being sent into Operation Desert Storm- the Gulf War. The Machine Gunner for his platoon, Francis saw horrors in the war. Some necessary, most not. The war lasted until 91, Anderson being there throughout the whole thing, and when most expected his spirits to be at his lowest, he was only emboldened. The experiences he had there only reinforced his faith in the Lord, causing his last few years in service to be as his Unit's Chaplain. Finally leaving the Marines in 96 as a Sergeant, going back home to Manning to Preach in his father's church until the Combine invaded, causes Francis, as well as a few of his friends, to head westward. Eventually joining up with the Patriots, and setting forth into the New Frontier.
Alternative Conscript Application
Steam name: albertossic
Steam profile link or ID: STEAM_0:1:64572723
Discord: albertossic

Name: Louis "Cain" Price

Why were you conscripted?: Louis was serving time in a federal penitentiary during the 7 Hour War, and has been drafted into the Conscription force against his will. Not that he had many other places to be...

What useful skills do you have?: A former chop shop goon and small-time crook specialised in "reposessions", Louis is an expert when it comes to breaking & entering in all its forms, be it lockpicking, rewiring electrics, demolitions (at least he thinks so) or good old crowbar-breaching. Sneaking, scouting and smuggling are also right up his alley - it comes with the territory.
He is experienced in the use of pistols and overconfident in his ability to translate those skills into handling his issued rifle.

Backstory: 36-year old Louis had a rough life, and it didn't get any easier when his dad died. The last person to believe in him, his stepmom and older brother having ruled him as a lost cause at a young age.
Barely scraping through high school and with no prospects, life seemed to lead him effortlessly down a career path aligned with one of his few natural talents: taking what isn't his. He spent years on the streets of Seattle, boosting cars, fleecing houses and running illicit goods, whatever he could to contribute his small part to the shadows that darken the alleys of Rain City.

In the year 2000, Louis, then 25 and a respectable name around his block, was incarcerated for the murder of his own brother, Joshua Price. The two had gotten into an argument over Louis' discovery that his brother had been withholding his share of their father's inheritance, claiming that he was the only son listed in the will. Things turned heated, and Louis resolved the argument the only way he knew how to. He was sentenced to 25 years, although his verdict would be cut short when the Combine paid a visit to Washington State Penitentiary. He was relocated, and his life as a conscript began.

Now, that he is returning to what remains of the United States of America, Louis, lovingly dubbed "Cain" by his fellow inmates, is determined to do what it takes to leave this miserable section of his life behind and become his own man once more. It has been suggested to him that if he lives through this campaign, he would be eligible for "Priority Citizenship" in one of the East Coast cities, even though he's not sure what that means. But on the other side of the continent, something else is calling him as well - Seattle. He sees it in his dreams, abandoned, ransacked, yet at the heart of something different, something new. With every day on the assignment, he can feel his urge to delve into the lost City of his youth and reign over its remains grow stronger. He doesn't know which coast's calling he will answer yet, but one thing is clear: This is his last mission as a conscript.
Steam name: FelixPius
Steam profile link or ID: STEAM_0:1:551452307
Discord: felixpius


Name: Callen Callahan
Why were you conscripted? Was it a punishment for a crime you commited, did you volunteer or were you selected at random? Callahan used to be part of the underclass and a skilled pickpocket. One day he was bold enough to pickpocket a prominent loyalist. Unforturnately, his luck ran out after all those years and he was caught in the attempt. He was detained and brought into a cell, in which he had to stay for a few days, waiting for his fate to be decided. After a short period of waiting, the local Administration decided to send him to the Wastelands to become a conscript. Callahan was terrified as he heard what would happen to him, but ultimately there was not much he could do, so he had to accept the decision of the Administration. He was brought to a razor train and shipped off towards the Wastelands.

What useful skills do you have? Callahan was a skilled pickpocket for years, so naturally he was very stealthy. He was also very deceiptive and able to talk himself out of risky situations, which he learned during his life in the slums of City 30.

Backstory: Born into a middle-class family to a firefighter as a father and a nurse as mother in Arlington in 1995, Callens first three years of his life were relatively uneventful. But in 2000 something changed, and the relationship between Callens parents declined drastically. Both his father and his mother slowly drifted into alcoholism and got into loud arguments contstantly. This, of course, also effected the five-year old Callen and he became more and more reserved. His parents didn't take care much of him either as the situation within the family became worse. The addiction of his parently only became worse as the year progressed and Callens father died of alcohol poisoning shortly before Christmas. Callen's Mother gave him to the adoption centre afterwards. He remained there for the following weeks and it seemed that he was happy for the first time after a long while again. This happiness didn't last long unfortunately, as the Invasion of The Combine took place in early 2001. Arlington was one of the first victims of the Combine, as it was pretty close to Washington D.C. Callen fled to a refugee centre with a employeee of the Adoption Centre during the events, but the Combine took control of it after a few days. The inhabitants of the refugee camp, including Callen, were seperated and Callen was taken to a unknown facility, where he had to remain the rest of of his childhood and teenage years. They Combine shipped him to City-30, pre-war Washington when he was 19. For a while, it looked good for Callen and he was living a 'normal life' for the first few years in the city. But due to events Callens can not remember, his mindset changed and he slowly descended towards the underclass. Callen quickly became skilled in deception and stealth and was a succesful thief for some time. Unfortunately, he was caught in the end and shipped of towards the Wastelands to serve as a conscript...
Steam name: Lord Cutler Beckett
Steam profile link or ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198091356047/
Discord: lordbeckett.


Name: Kurr Lilli’Vahh Ni-Turr “The Venerable”
Age: 2255
Do you have the Vortigaunt whitelist?: I had a free vortigaunt before, but not at the moment.
Over two millennia ago, a Vortigaunt was spawned from an elaborate ritual, the chants and incantations of which rang out across the surfaces of the rainforest. The youngling, manifested from the weaving of vortal forces, rose from the massive spawning pool and exuded a calm, tranquil aura. The gray, youthful skin contrasted sharply with the bright, blue eyes. The Vortigaunt, still without a name and only just incorporating the eons of knowledge stored within the Vortessence into its brain, gazed up at the Grand Elder standing on the branch of a huge, towering tree. The elder called down to the young Vortigaunt.

“From this day forward, you shall dedicate your life to the collection and preservation of knowledge. If the old ways are to die, then they shall do so with you! Now go to your meditation, and research the wisdom of the Vortessence. Go!

Kurr gazed up at the High Elder and simply nodded. He then broke into a sprint, galloping over the pools of liquid and past the giant trees. After a short while, he found himself at the base of several, massive trees. Stretching across and supported by hundreds of branches was the Great Library, which contained a trove of thousands of the so-called “Slabs of Knowing.” Such slabs possessed all knowledge ever collected and written down by the Alva’Sari Collective. Kurr wasted no time and began to scale the main tree trunk, eventually reaching the interior of the grand library.

Rows and rows of shelves lined every conceivable space within the library, with the only space being that allowed librarians to traverse between the rows. The shelves themselves were hewn from the hardwood to be found throughout the Es’Penoid Rapids as only the densest and strongest wood was able to support the weight of the innumerable slabs stacked on top of each other., rising all the way to the roof over a hundred feet above. The librarians accessed the slabs through their perfection of Vortikinesis, being able to lift hundreds of stone slabs at once to access a slab on the bottom of the shelf. Kurr, being a youngling and still a novice in the arts of Vortal Manipulation, was assigned by one of the Library Elders to a set of shelves much smaller than the rest. Numerous times, Kurr almost allowed the stacks of slabs to fall over as he struggled to maintain the stacks mid-air. However, he never allowed any to fall.

As the Age of Reason of Vortikind had only just been enacted a few centuries ago, Kurr was privy to millennia of recorded information. A timeline of Vortal history could be found within the uncountable slabs, starting near the very beginning of Vortikind, through the first expansions, the First Kin War, the First Age of Reconciliation, the discovery of the Alva’Sari themselves, the Second Kin War, the Age of Prosper, and finally to the present. While the librarians who inhabited the Great Library were, at least in name, true believers of the ways of the Rok’Shan’Vass, they merely paid lip service to the Grand Elders of the Kay’Basar. Above all else, they were keepers of knowledge, and they generally remained neutral on debates over religious philosophy or tribal politics.

Kurr spent the majority of his life within the Great Library, only leaving a few dozen times over a thousand years to attend important, mandatory rituals. Over the hundreds of years, he poured over the Slabs of Knowing, attempting to put them all to memory in respect to the Grand Elder’s command he was given at his spawning. As the centuries passed other librarians eventually returned to the Vortessence, and Kurr became one of the leading figures within the library hierarchy, helping to train each batch of new librarians sent by the Alva’Sari. He often held classes within the teaching wing of the library, something akin to a university, where he gave lectures to Vortigaunts that traveled from all over the homeworld to learn more about the history and traditions of their species. On the homeworld, Kurr was a renowned and respected teacher, only surpassed in wisdom and knowledge by the Grand Elders themselves. While some of his students even speculated that he may become a Grand Elder himself, Kurr understood he was far too engrossed in his studies to ever dedicate enough time to perfecting the required practices to ascend to Grand Elderhood. Of course, he never would have had time to do so, given what was to happen.

The Age of Apocalypse and the intervening servitude to the Nihilanth is mostly a blur to Kurr, with his memories of that period clouded by the trauma and subservience forced upon him. Of the few memories he retains, the most vivid is the destruction of the Great Library. A Combine vessel, damaged in the battle against the Vortigaunts, careened off course and plowed straight into the library’s structure, generating a monumental implosion that erased eons of collective knowledge. Kurr, having escaped the compound just a few moments before, remembers looking at the destruction. While he was distraught at the carnage, he was content by the fact that most, if not all, of the knowledge of the slabs was stored safely in his mind. The Grand Elder’s words ring true to him even now, for he knows what will be lost to Vortikind, and returned to the Vortessence, when he inevitably passes to the next plane of existence.

After his liberation from the Nihilanth and subsequent stranding on Earth, Kurr joined the collective of Vortigaunts who took residence in the growing Xenian Malignancy, holding a niche as one of the few remaining purveyors of knowledge and teachings. However, such a hostile environment has little use for a historian, with the largest efforts being exerted in hunting and defending their newfound homeland. The Elders who now lead these Vortigaunts included Kurr in the expeditionary force to be sent out to the Wasteland. Old and decrepit by Vortigaunt standards, Kurr was seen by many in the tribe as a drain on resources, simply waiting for his physical death. Such beliefs were of course known to Kurr as no Vortigaunt is able to effectively lie to another. They had no desire to anyway, of course. Being over two-thousand years old, Kurr is due for his crossover to the next plane regardless.

To them, sending Kurr out to the Wasteland could provide the adventuring Vortigaunts a useful tool in forging cultural connections with the foreign humans. And, if he were to meet his end out there, it is all for the better. As he prepares to venture out of the Malignancy and toward the New Frontier, Kurr recounts the life he has led, and resolves that if he were to die somewhere, the Wasteland would be the place to do so. After all, Kurr is a collector of knowledge, and the Wasteland gives him the opportunity to make new discoveries about a foreign, sentient species, as well as a totally novel planet.

Whatever the case, Kurr was to die as he lived: a teacher, a scholar, and a pioneer.

you arent keeping the character btw. You should repost this for vort app!!! This is fucking epic!

Steam name: Ekrell
Steam profile link or ID: Discord: Ekrell
Role: "Patriots" Member (Medic)


"Zerwij kajdany, połam bat! A mury runą, runą, runą i pogrzebią Stary Świat!"

Name: Julia "Adrian" Kwiatkowska


What useful skills do you have?: Julia has studied medicine at an unofficial training camp in Nowobrzeg, while she isn't qualified to perform any major surgeries herself, she is well-trained for providing extended field aid. She also knows how to handle light firearms, having been a part of a paramilitary organization for a handful of years. Finally, when not attending the hospital tents, Julia helped the scouting and scavenging party - learning how to navigate around an unknown terrain and survive out of natural scraps.

Backstory: Born in post-communist Poland, Julia from the very beginning lived in a radical political belief. Before she was born, her grandfather was taken away into Soviet custody, sparking up an aura of feverous hate in her entire family. It was no wonder then, that already in her childhood she was enlisted into numerous anti-communist camps and meetings. Julia adapted, easily molded, and manipulated due to her young age. One such camp was hosted by an old surgeon, who mostly illegally taught them the art of unconventional medicine. Actual studies were a scarce resource back then, and her family couldn't afford them - so Julia had to settle on the unofficial experience. Seeing no future for herself other than mundane work behind an office desk, she sought to join a paramilitary political group "Świerszcze", focused on an effort to fight off any leftover communist supporters in the country. Her main duty there was treating wounds, but after a year or so she was taught how to handle a firearm and joined the scouting parties. Eventually, their focus shifted elsewhere - toward America, where an elusive communist terrorist took refuge. The group packed up, and left Poland, though none of them expected that they may never return back...

When the group arrived, they were caught completely off-guard by the massive technological and industrial advancement difference. Though they did manage to catch the terrorist they were after, their murderous deed was far from official business. The night after the assassination, the local police force stormed the rented apartments and apprehended most of the members. Julia was among them, thrown into jail to await sentencing. However, her time never came, interrupted by the Portal Storms' sudden arrival. One night, a thunderbolt destroyed some of the prison construction - her cell wall included. A sudden fight between the guards and newly arrived alien forces in the main courtyard gave the perfect opening to flee into the city outskirts. Surrounded by unfamiliar grounds, poorly educated in English, and with a constant hanging alien threat, Julia had to push her survivalist skills to the very brim. She tumbled about as a refugee and escapee until a small military squad found her. It just so happened, that their medic got heavily wounded by a bullsquid and the rest lacked the experience to stabilize him. Julia offered her help, and in turn pleaded to join them, even if it meant returning to the shackles. They agreed and brought her over to the base. There, the commander evaluated her skills and offered a pardon if she agreed to help them with the new enemy.

And so, Julia became a field medic and a scout - serving a country she barely knew for a purpose straight from a fairy tale. Her old ideals still firmly imprinted on her mind. Weeks turned into months, until finally, the Combine Empire arrived. The military was quickly scrambled, and hunted down - the leftover survivors hiding away to create separate resistance cells. Julia became a member of the Patriots. Thoroughly moved by the situation of the refugees, she was very eager to undertake the operation. Her nickname was "Adrian", referencing the way World War II Polish partisans used to call themselves opposite gender to mislead the enemy.
Steam name: delo
Steam profile link or ID: STEAM_0:1:96149868
Discord: delo1127

Patriots application
View attachment 27822
Jerry Erick

What useful skills do you have?
Jerry's family did a lot of deer hunting. Jerry received training from his old man on how to shoot a hunting rifle. His dad would go out with an old rifle tracking deer and other wildlife. He shot his first gun at the age of 7 and got his first kill at 14. At the age of 17, he knew how to forage for food, make a campfire, perform basic first aid, track, hunt, fish, and gut the local wildlife. (survivalist/hunting/basic first aid)
View attachment 27815
Jerry was born in Illinois in the city of Chicago on 11/27/1979. Jerry's family was well off for the time, as they could take many vacation trips to some of the wonders of the United States. He went to New York to visit his grandparents, who owned a small bakery and helped out at the cash register. He learned odd things from around the world and picked up Spanish from one of his friend's families while in middle school, High school life was a confusing time for him as he did not know what to do with his life and decided that become a welder was what he wanted to do with life.

Jerry comes from City 16. He bounced around from city to city a lot before he decided to settle down somewhere and try to make a living. It took almost one year of hard work before he was able to reach orange tier. Sometimes, Jerry just left the city he was able to stash his family's old rifle and would take the time to leave for months on end and hunt Xen life. Out in the wasteland, he witnessed a strange sight a battle between two groups, Combine soldiers and rebels. He recognized the face of one of the rebels as one of his friends from when he was younger. Deciding right then and there, he began picking off soldiers with his hunting rifle. That day, he reconnected with one of his old friends from when he was younger, before the Combine rule. His friend was able to convince him to join the Patriots and use his old hunting skills. Due to his situation, he never returned to his job and disappeared. He began doing what the founding fathers did to the British.....fighting back. For a while, he took on odd jobs here and there, using his skills to scout out new locations. Most of the time, Jerry used his skills for hunting with Vortigaunts. After a while, Jerry decided to give himself a nickname: Buddy.....
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Applications for New Frontiers are now CLOSED, if your app hasn't been accepted yet then assume it was met with a denial. You're still free to play as a refugee.

Event will start either tomorrow (27th) or 28th depending on when we fix some last minute problems. Hope to see you all there! Be sure to join the Short Stories discord to get told when the event is starting. https://discord.gg/ktPrWhV2
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