
Radio Bob Approved
Creative Team



Later this evening the local Combine transmission signals got abruptly cut, causing a massive disarray in transportation and communication. The disturbances have been tracked to originate from a remote location somewhere in the Quarantine Zone up north. Initial scans show very limited human presence disqualifying any organized resistance operation. Due to the constant bad weather conditions in the region, dropship transportation has been canceled, and instead forced the local authorities to rely on more traditional methods. An expedition has been sent to investigate and retrieve whatever had the power to strike so abruptly and on such a massive scale. The lack of any significant support makes it quite obvious that you're either coming back with good news or not coming back at all...

In shadows deep,
where solitude resides,
I find myself alone,
consumed by fears,
A darkness vast,
where light no longer guides,
A trembling heart,
weighed down by silent tears.

Do you hear my voice still?


Expedition Leaders (1/2)
Tasked with leading this death march, you are the most experienced archeologists, detectives, and wayfarers the authorities in City Fifty-Three and City Three could muster. Whether forced or willing, you will have to stay cunning, vigilant, and perceptive, or the entire operation tumbles down like a house of cards. Devoid of any real support from the outside, many lives are at stake, including your own. Find whatever caused the disturbances, and destroy or deactivate it - by any means necessary.
[Players with this role will receive a special Discord channel with additional information]

Civil Protection - "Bastion Proklyatykh" [Whitelist required ONLY for Rank Leader] (6/6)
You are a member of the combined penal force from City Fifty-Three and City Three. Due to the shortage in Transhuman Arm, the leadership has opted to send you in their place. It remains unclear if your task is to actually achieve what is expected of you, or to be the cannon fodder that helps future expeditions understand the danger. With the hangman's noose tied around your family's neck, you are left with no choice but to keep this parade of madmen safe and secure - or in the worst-case scenario, survive long enough to make it out of the Quarantine Zone.

Rank Leader slot: FULL (1/1)
[Players with this role will receive a special Discord channel with additional information]

Intention One-Two-Three slot: FULL (2/2)

Intention Four-Five slot: FULL (3/3)

Expedition Members (2/∞)
Loyalists, workers, medics, regular citizens, and slum scum alike, one way or another you have never mustered up the courage to openly oppose the Combine. Dragged out of your apartment or conscripted willingly, you have been signed to aid this forsaken expedition into the eery and unknown. With no way but forward, you must rely on one another if you hope to see the city landscape again.

Enslaved Vortigaunts [Whitelist Required] (2/2)
A duo of enslaved, not yet nullified vortigaunts. Your oppressors have decided to drag you along into this hell's embrace due to your natural communion with things unnatural to this World. Watched closely and helplessly bound, you must put your trust in the humans alongside you or somehow plan out an escape along with your kin. Your main task is to act as a translator, conduct, and mystic for whatever awaits you. Ever since you stepped into the Quarantine Zone you've felt an unimaginable aura of dread and decay. Something ancient is not happy with your intrusion...

Valley Survivors (7/7)
Quarantine Zone outcasts that took refuge in the Valley. You are familiar with the rules, know what to do and how to survive, yet you lack the manpower or tools to escape its grasp. Seemingly helpless, your situation significantly improves when the expedition shows up. As a collective, you must decide whether to help the newcomers or use them to your own advantage. One thing is certain, you can't risk any internal fights. Others might have lost their minds, but you will make it out yet - you will survive.
[Players with this role will receive a special Discord channel with additional information]


- Section One -

  • Steam Name:
  • Steam ID:
  • Discord Name & ID:
  • Timezone:

- Section Two -

  • Character Name:
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection):
  • Did your character conscript into the Expedition willingly (Vortigaunts & Valley Survivors excluded):
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory:
  • Character's biggest fear:

- Starting time: FEBRUARY 23 & 25 (7:30 PM GMT+1) -

Sixty minutes until Nightfall...

Warning: This Short Story Event advertises itself as horror, it aims to create a feeling of unease and dread. If you are light of heart, it is ill-advised to participate.
This is a NON-CANON event.

This event follows a "one-life" policy. All deaths with IC reasoning will be considered PK.
Your choice afterward is to spectate as the new OBSERVER role.
Bleedout Godmode turned ON.
Healing mid-combat is ALLOWED.
Whitelist restrictions may be lifted if the Event Host deems the individual capable of Roleplaying in sufficient fashion throughout the event.
Repairing armor mid-combat is NOT ALLOWED.
*The one-life rule might be overruled if the deaths are too frequent or a certain threshold of participants is not met. That also means creating an entirely new character if need be.
**Repairing and healing rules can be overruled if the character is considered covered and in a safe spot.
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- Section One -

  • Steam Name: Wraygun
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:168504023
  • Discord Name & ID: Wraygun (both name and ID)
  • Timezone: GMT+1

- Section Two -
Character Name: Kristijonas Žukauskas, STICK-2
Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): Rank Leader
Did your character conscript into the Expedition willingly (Vortigaunts & Valley Survivors excluded): Indeed he has. For he is a unhinged lunatic, living his life in the weirdest possible manner. What else is there to do when your family cohesion is fractured? That is not a rhethorical question. It is a line of thought for Kristijonas, one that he already answered before singing up for this trip.

Whether it was "voluntary" or not, that remains up for the debate: though one thing stands. His checks and balances need to be adjusted. This leave only angered his superiors- for he stands accused as a coward infront of them. Could this mission make him redeem himself in their eyes? Or will this trip truly be a one way?

Short (or detailed) character backstory: A local rank leader that decided to take the courage and enlist into what seems to be a one-way trip. This is the best one can do when it comes down to saving your own skins. Trying. For the worst mistake one can do, is to give up.
Character's biggest fear: Fire.
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  • Steam Name: Divine
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:63629212
  • Discord Name & ID: ._divine.
  • Timezone: EST
  • Character Name: Artyom Pechersky, unit C53:i1.UNION-5
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): Civil Protection Command Unit, Intention One
  • Did your character conscript into the Expedition willingly (Vortigaunts & Valley Survivors excluded): No.
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: A Russian-American man born in New York to his Eastern-European family. He learned English through other kids in his run-down motel, becoming somewhat of an obedient child during his stay in America. He was a rule-follower at heart, and cared for nothing but listening. To his parents, the law, and his English tutors. He was seen as a highly intelligent child in his younger years, but slowly losing his patience and cool head as he grew in age. He came to see many friends, and his parents, perish to an attack which occurred against his neighborhood by zealous anti-communist Americans.
His lessons in school became torture, even though he learned English rather fast. He sought one goal: to get revenge. He joined the New York Police Department academy in an effort to learn how to properly defend himself, and maybe even acquire a stable job while he was at it.

His career advanced until one day he realized he would never find the men who caused such anguish to his life… But perhaps he found a new goal when it happened…


Artyom fought fruitlessly for two hours with a small precinct in New York City before they all surrendered, fearing the invaders may triumph and kill them or the civilians seeking refuge inside. They all became slaves of the combine, years upon years of burden and pain. Artyom surrendered his free will, joining the Civil Protection to secure the family cohesion perks - To keep what little family he had left alive. His brothers and sisters, however distant. Rising through the ranks with his police experience and obedience until… The combine forced another burden upon him after he showed mercy on an escaping resistance figure… an ultimatum; have his family cohesion be fractured, his command stripped, and face review by ministry personnel OR be deployed on an expedition with a penal unit. All the while being berated by his command, saying the unit is “where he belongs”, he reluctantly agreed so he would have no doubts that his family wouldn’t be harmed.

Character's biggest fear: Failing his friends, or partners. He doesn’t want to see his fellow units die as his friends, family, and colleagues died before.

- Section One -

  • Steam Name: pro goblin
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:587446841
  • Discord Name & ID: eerja
  • Timezone: GMT

- Section Two -

  • Character Name: Aleksandr Morozov
    Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): Valley Survivor
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: One of the few unlucky survivors still inhabiting the Russian QZ. He'd originally been a random peasant farmer, barely making a living ever since the Soviet Union collapsed. Then, the war came. Entire towns, cities, people he loved were completely eradicated from existence. While scouring the wastelands of the QZ for any supplies, he was suddenly drawn in by IT. IT wouldn't let him out of the valley he'd been trapped in, no matter what. It seems that him and the other 5 individuals may stay trapped here forever.
  • Character's biggest fear: ITs powers, capabilities, and other horrific abominations IT seems to spit out.
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- Section One -

  • Steam Name: cjtn10
  • Steam ID: 76561198090576520
  • Discord Name & ID: cjtn10#0309
  • Timezone: GMT

- Section Two -

  • Character Name: Nataliya Sokolova C-53 i3 HELIX-3
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): I3
  • Did your character conscript into the Expedition willingly (Vortigaunts & Valley Survivors excluded): Conscripted
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: An I3, hailing from the heartlands of Ukraine. Nataliya carries a stern attitude and a hard sense of justice alongside a medical history. Nataliya was drafted to provide care to the expedition, however upon hearing the news Nataliya was beside herself after hearing she was signed up on this potential suicide squad of misfits and ruffians from the city.
  • Character's biggest fear: Antlions and Fast Zombies
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  • Steam Name: MCGSCEFFAAWHETJH55555
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:33130062
  • Discord Name & ID: MCG
  • Timezone: GMT+10
Character Name: Chris Millermen
Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): Valley Survivor
Short (or detailed) character backstory: Chris had always preferred living around the Quarantine Zones, as long as it meant he didn't have to deal with the Combine's oppression. Once a part of a large group of mismatched refugees, he was soon teleported away with less than half of that original group after the Shaman sacrificed himself to ensure their safety, having lost several members during their frantic escape from one of the largest Portal Storms to have ever existed.

They had only just barely escaped that horror which decimated his former home, but he soon realized that where he was transported to next wasn't all that much better. A small refugee camp in some unspecified region, one he didn't know nearly as well, was to be his new home, and he was initially content with that. However, the disappearance of his surviving peers, as well as some of those that had stayed at that camp, shook his confidence in that arrangement. This left him yet again as one of the remaining survivors to have experienced these events. Of course, that was if he was lucky enough to make it outta here.

Character's biggest fear: Forgetfulness, whether it is being left behind, or forgetting someone or something vital or important.
- Section One -

  • Steam Name: The Sniper
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:6533079
  • Discord Name & ID: Kaisler #3325
  • Timezone: GMT+1

- Section Two -
  • Character Name: Richard Travis Wilde
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): One of the Expeditionary Leaders
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory:


The Patriarch of the Wilde Family.

It is more than twenty years ago that his family perished during the evacuation of 2005. His desire to relent and submit to solidify his position was only strengthened by the belief of his dead family. Advancing high within the echelons of the new state, his background as a forensic scientist; a wild roamer in Texas and a hobby for science and nature had made Richard Wilde into a well-established Tier-7 Collaborator, operating over a variety of departments across continental Europe, mostly City 13 and then the cities in Germany due to his multitude of abilities and usages for the regime.

His life was his devotion to the Occupant, those who had given him everything. Filling a gaping void in his own traumas. For had it not been he? Who had left them that night ahead, in belief that the evacuation busses would make it in time to pick them up He hadn't been the greatest father, despite his genius.. mostly neglecting them before the war with his interests and life taking priority. Sometimes, he’d think about them... drinking his fancy wine and food, unlike those below. It wouldn't be long however, that the news suddenly dropped.

The appearance of his family had caused a rockade, due to his *apparent* daughter being designated a malingant and an Anti-Citizen in City 24 due to active terrorism against the new state. Angry, either at the loss of his status and his legitimacy within this new hierarchy... then the news of his youngest son, his death in the former United States. His son, designated as an "Anti-Citizen" was transported to an unknown location after a failed attack on a Combine facility and was bound on the razor trains - only for him never to make it there. Labled as dead in the train accident; the status of Richard Travis Wilde had begun to fall from grace.

Being the first to sign himself up, despite his still rather high-rank - he couldn't gamble for it to hold unless proven otherwise. All the while, the thoughts began to gnaw at him, pondering upon his children's sudden appearances after believed them to be dead. Was it all a ploy by rivals? Or had it been a lie? A lie told over and over again, for him to believe... no matter the case, he'd re-establish his prestige and honour with this expedition and then... perhaps seek after these imposters that claim to be his children.

  • Character's biggest fear: Realising he had abandoned his family.
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  • - Section One -

  • Steam Name: boots
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:194599358
  • Discord Name & ID: @swaats
  • Timezone: GMT London
- Section Two -

  • Character Name: Jan Underwood
  • Role: Civil Protection i2
  • Did your character conscript into the Expedition willingly: Not at all. A string of promotions and transfers through the districts and outposts of Sector 10 have somehow put this functionary into the criteria of 'qualified'. Meeting the scrutinized conditions for the expedition, and not knowing the full details or even the exact location of the mission, he yearns. Hoping for the best, it will be an easy-going guard job, watching over the barren snowlands or perhaps a fun day in the field. A hard lie. He knows it too well. It's always a catastrophe waiting to happen, one torn with one end or the other, he hasn't caught the worst end of the stick yet, and lives to see another day.

  • Character backstory: Originally from Sector 10, Jan has been translocated from outpost to outpost. Abiding by his duty, his attempts at keeping it all together have been nigh impossible, wearing on his mental. The ultimate strings of promotions have landed him trekking the lengths of the Iberian quarantine zone. The long northern border is over 1000 kilometers long, and he has walked at pace every single meter of it. Weathered to the elements, he endures the worst. The expansion broke him.

  • Character's biggest fear: Humans


  • Steam Name: Eviction Notice​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54479615​
  • Discord Name & ID: evictionnotice​
  • Timezone: GMT​

The Merchant
A Valley Survivor

All I've known, all I am- is this damned zone. Time's a lost concept, each day blending into the last. I've seen many come in search of refuge- only to find the one thing they've forever been running from was awaiting them here, their final end. Something lingers amongst this land, a true evil that haunts those who set foot within...or perhaps it's merely my imagination? No- an entity most malevolent in design could not be cooked up by a mere troubled-mind.

I won't allow this place to consume me as it has done the others who have seeked my aid; my failure won't be for naught, their lives won't be for naught. More are arriving, I have seen them coming within my visions as I struggle my eyes shut in the looming nights. A pilgrimage, an expedition, an opportunity for me and the souls who remain to finally have an out from these cursed fields. The zone may have its fill of the invaders, though it will find that those it has toyed with are about to slip through the talons of fate- I assure you all.

All I have to fear is the darkness- aslong as I am sheltered, it shall not harm me.
  • Character Name: C-53 i3 HELIX-21
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): Civil Protection i2-i3-i4 (Up to the game masters)
  • Did your character conscript into the Expedition willingly (Vortigaunts & Valley Survivors excluded): Conscripted
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: Raised with a heritage tracing back to the bustling streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina, exuded a no-nonsense demeanor and a fierce dedication to justice. Being born in a tight-knit community where values of integrity and responsibility were paramount, he did not think twice when the union took control of the earth and wanted to take part in the "justice" system, or at least what he thought would be...
  • Character's biggest fear: Fire

- Section One -

  • Steam Name: Wraygun
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:168504023
  • Discord Name & ID: Wraygun (both name and ID)
  • Timezone: GMT+1

- Section Two -
Character Name: Kristijonas Žukauskas, STICK-2
Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): Rank Leader
Did your character conscript into the Expedition willingly (Vortigaunts & Valley Survivors excluded): Indeed he has. For he is a unhinged lunatic, living his life in the weirdest possible manner. What else is there to do when your family cohesion is fractured? That is not a rhethorical question. It is a line of thought for Kristijonas, one that he already answered before singing up for this trip.

Whether it was "voluntary" or not, that remains up for the debate: though one thing stands. His checks and balances need to be adjusted. This leave only angered his superiors- for he stands accused as a coward infront of them. Could this mission make him redeem himself in their eyes? Or will this trip truly be a one way?

Short (or detailed) character backstory: A local rank leader that decided to take the courage and enlist into what seems to be a one-way trip. This is the best one can do when it comes down to saving your own skins. Trying. For the worst mistake one can do, is to give up.
Character's biggest fear: Fire.
  • Steam Name: Divine
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:63629212
  • Discord Name & ID: ._divine.
  • Timezone: EST
  • Character Name: Artyom Pechersky, unit C53:i1.UNION-5
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): Civil Protection Command Unit, Intention One
  • Did your character conscript into the Expedition willingly (Vortigaunts & Valley Survivors excluded): No.
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: A Russian-American man born in New York to his Eastern-European family. He learned English through other kids in his run-down motel, becoming somewhat of an obedient child during his stay in America. He was a rule-follower at heart, and cared for nothing but listening. To his parents, the law, and his English tutors. He was seen as a highly intelligent child in his younger years, but slowly losing his patience and cool head as he grew in age. He came to see many friends, and his parents, perish to an attack which occurred against his neighborhood by zealous anti-communist Americans.
His lessons in school became torture, even though he learned English rather fast. He sought one goal: to get revenge. He joined the New York Police Department academy in an effort to learn how to properly defend himself, and maybe even acquire a stable job while he was at it.

His career advanced until one day he realized he would never find the men who caused such anguish to his life… But perhaps he found a new goal when it happened…


Artyom fought fruitlessly for two hours with a small precinct in New York City before they all surrendered, fearing the invaders may triumph and kill them or the civilians seeking refuge inside. They all became slaves of the combine, years upon years of burden and pain. Artyom surrendered his free will, joining the Civil Protection to secure the family cohesion perks - To keep what little family he had left alive. His brothers and sisters, however distant. Rising through the ranks with his police experience and obedience until… The combine forced another burden upon him after he showed mercy on an escaping resistance figure… an ultimatum; have his family cohesion be fractured, his command stripped, and face review by ministry personnel OR be deployed on an expedition with a penal unit. All the while being berated by his command, saying the unit is “where he belongs”, he reluctantly agreed so he would have no doubts that his family wouldn’t be harmed.

Character's biggest fear: Failing his friends, or partners. He doesn’t want to see his fellow units die as his friends, family, and colleagues died before.
- ACCEPTED as i1 -

- Section One -

  • Steam Name: pro goblin
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:587446841
  • Discord Name & ID: eerja
  • Timezone: GMT

- Section Two -

  • Character Name: Aleksandr Morozov
    Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): Valley Survivor
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: One of the few unlucky survivors still inhabiting the Russian QZ. He'd originally been a random peasant farmer, barely making a living ever since the Soviet Union collapsed. Then, the war came. Entire towns, cities, people he loved were completely eradicated from existence. While scouring the wastelands of the QZ for any supplies, he was suddenly drawn in by IT. IT wouldn't let him out of the valley he'd been trapped in, no matter what. It seems that him and the other 5 individuals may stay trapped here forever.
  • Character's biggest fear: ITs powers, capabilities, and other horrific abominations IT seems to spit out.
- Section One -

  • Steam Name: cjtn10
  • Steam ID: 76561198090576520
  • Discord Name & ID: cjtn10#0309
  • Timezone: GMT

- Section Two -

  • Character Name: Nataliya Sokolova C-53 i3 HELIX-3
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): I3
  • Did your character conscript into the Expedition willingly (Vortigaunts & Valley Survivors excluded): Conscripted
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: An I3, hailing from the heartlands of Ukraine. Nataliya carries a stern attitude and a hard sense of justice alongside a medical history. Nataliya was drafted to provide care to the expedition, however upon hearing the news Nataliya was beside herself after hearing she was signed up on this potential suicide squad of misfits and ruffians from the city.
  • Character's biggest fear: Antlions and Fast Zombies
- ACCEPTED as i4 or i5 -
  • Steam Name: MCGSCEFFAAWHETJH55555
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:33130062
  • Discord Name & ID: MCG
  • Timezone: GMT+10
Character Name: Chris Millermen
Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): Valley Survivor
Short (or detailed) character backstory: Chris had always preferred living around the Quarantine Zones, as long as it meant he didn't have to deal with the Combine's oppression. Once a part of a large group of mismatched refugees, he was soon teleported away with less than half of that original group after the Shaman sacrificed himself to ensure their safety, having lost several members during their frantic escape from one of the largest Portal Storms to have ever existed.

They had only just barely escaped that horror which decimated his former home, but he soon realized that where he was transported to next wasn't all that much better. A small refugee camp in some unspecified region, one he didn't know nearly as well, was to be his new home, and he was initially content with that. However, the disappearance of his surviving peers, as well as some of those that had stayed at that camp, shook his confidence in that arrangement. This left him yet again as one of the remaining survivors to have experienced these events. Of course, that was if he was lucky enough to make it outta here.

Character's biggest fear: Forgetfulness, whether it is being left behind, or forgetting someone or something vital or important.
- Section One -

  • Steam Name: The Sniper
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:6533079
  • Discord Name & ID: Kaisler #3325
  • Timezone: GMT+1

- Section Two -
  • Character Name: Richard Travis Wilde
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): One of the Expeditionary Leaders
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory:


The Patriarch of the Wilde Family.

It is more than twenty years ago that his family perished during the evacuation of 2005. His desire to relent and submit to solidify his position was only strengthened by the belief of his dead family. Advancing high within the echelons of the new state, his background as a forensic scientist; a wild roamer in Texas and a hobby for science and nature had made Richard Wilde into a well-established Tier-7 Collaborator, operating over a variety of departments across continental Europe, mostly City 13 and then the cities in Germany due to his multitude of abilities and usages for the regime.

His life was his devotion to the Occupant, those who had given him everything. Filling a gaping void in his own traumas. For had it not been he? Who had left them that night ahead, in belief that the evacuation busses would make it in time to pick them up He hadn't been the greatest father, despite his genius.. mostly neglecting them before the war with his interests and life taking priority. Sometimes, I'd think about them... drinking fancy wine and food, unlike those below. It wouldn't be long however, that the news suddenly dropped.

The appearance of his family had caused a rockade, due to his *apparent* daughter being designated a malingant and an Anti-Citizen in City 24 due to active terrorism against the new state. Angry, either at the loss of his status and his legitimacy within this new hierarchy... then the news of his youngest son, his death in the former United States. His son, designated as an "Anti-Citizen" was transported after a failed attack on a Combine facility and was bound on the razor trains - only for him never to make it there. Labled as dead in the train accident; the status of Richard Travis Wilde had begun to fall from grace.

Being the first to sign himself up, despite his still rather high-rank - he couldn't gamble for it to hold unless proven otherwise. All the while, the thoughts began to gnaw at him, pondering upon his children's sudden appearances after believed them to be dead. Was it all a ploy by rivals? Or had it been a lie? A lie told over and over again, for him to believe... no matter the case, he'd re-establish his prestige and honour with this expedition and then... perhaps seek after these imposters that claim to be his children.

  • Character's biggest fear: Realising he had abandoned his family.

View attachment 31249

  • Steam Name: Eviction Notice​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54479615​
  • Discord Name & ID: evictionnotice​
  • Timezone: GMT​

The Merchant
A Valley Survivor

All I've known, all I am- is this damned zone. Time's a lost concept, each day blending into the last. I've seen many come in search of refuge- only to find the one thing they've forever been running from was awaiting them here, their final end. Something lingers amongst this land, a true evil that haunts those who set foot within...or perhaps it's merely my imagination? No- an entity most malevolent in design could not be cooked up by a mere troubled-mind.

I won't allow this place to consume me as it has done the others who have seeked my aid; my failure won't be for naught, their lives won't be for naught. More are arriving, I have seen them coming within my visions as I struggle my eyes shut in the looming nights. A pilgrimage, an expedition, an opportunity for me and the souls who remain to finally have an out from these cursed fields. The zone may have its fill of the invaders, though it will find that those it has toyed with are about to slip through the talons of fate- I assure you all.

All I have to fear is the darkness- aslong as I am sheltered, it shall not harm me.

  • Character Name: C-53 i3 HELIX-21
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): Civil Protection i2-i3-i4 (Up to the game masters)
  • Did your character conscript into the Expedition willingly (Vortigaunts & Valley Survivors excluded): Conscripted
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: Raised with a heritage tracing back to the bustling streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina, exuded a no-nonsense demeanor and a fierce dedication to justice. Being born in a tight-knit community where values of integrity and responsibility were paramount, he did not think twice when the union took control of the earth and wanted to take part in the "justice" system, or at least what he thought would be...
  • Character's biggest fear: Fire
- ACCEPTED as i4 or i5 -


Expedition Leader role reduced to 2 max slots.
Discord roles and explanations will be granted in the upcoming week.

Applications are still open.
- Section One -

  • Steam Name: FreeSpy443
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:105184450
  • Discord Name & ID: FreeSpy
  • Timezone: GMT +2

- Section Two -

Todd Kalwiski, an American of hispanic descent, pictured... somewhere.

  • Character Name: Todd Kalwiski

  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): Civil Protection, any Intention depending on event runner choice

  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: Todd Kalwiski is... for a lack of better terms, a liar, deceiver and a trickster. The now thirty five year old man has worked his way through his life only by abusing and taking opportunities. Civil Protection offered such a role, and it even came with elevated social status and power. Very convenient for his style.
Unfortunately... or fortunately if you fell prey to one of this man's scams, shams or swindles, Todd's luck runs out every once in a while, like how when he got sent to the damn penal force cities and assigned to one because of some rat bastard loyalist that managed to report him for some meaningless shit in his eyes (in reality it being a financial crime of some kind that would've kept him and his associates rich for the rest of his life), but that's how he tells it. God knows you can't trust the type of person he is.
  • Did your character conscript into the Expedition willingly (Vortigaunts & Valley Survivors excluded): No, one hundred percent NO. As soon as Todd was notified of his assignment he laughed at the messenger, thinking it was a joke. Reality is, the luck of the swindler might've just run out again, at the "...worst goddamn time" in his own words.

  • Character's biggest fear: Being betrayed. He's still reeling from that one report.
  • - Section One -

  • Steam Name: boots
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:194599358
  • Discord Name & ID: @swaats
  • Timezone: GMT London
- Section Two -

  • Character Name: Jan Underwood
  • Role: Civil Protection i2
  • Did your character conscript into the Expedition willingly: Not at all. A string of promotions and transfers through the districts and outposts of Sector 10 have somehow put this functionary into the criteria of 'qualified'. Meeting the scrutinized conditions for the expedition, and not knowing the full details or even the exact location of the mission, he yearns. Hoping for the best, it will be an easy-going guard job, watching over the barren snowlands or perhaps a fun day in the field. A hard lie. He knows it too well. It's always a catastrophe waiting to happen, one torn with one end or the other, he hasn't caught the worst end of the stick yet, and lives to see another day.

  • Character backstory: Originally from Sector 10, Jan has been translocated from outpost to outpost. Abiding by his duty, his attempts at keeping it all together have been nigh impossible, wearing on his mental. The ultimate strings of promotions have landed him trekking the lengths of the Iberian quarantine zone. The long northern border is over 1000 kilometers long, and he has walked at pace every single meter of it. Weathered to the elements, he endures the worst. The expansion broke him.

  • Character's biggest fear: Humans
- ACCEPTED as i2 -
- Section One -

  • Steam Name: FreeSpy443
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:105184450
  • Discord Name & ID: FreeSpy
  • Timezone: GMT +2

- Section Two -

Todd Kalwiski, an American of hispanic descent, pictured... somewhere.
View attachment 31257

  • Character Name: Todd Kalwiski

  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): Civil Protection, any Intention depending on event runner choice

  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: Todd Kalwiski is... for a lack of better terms, a liar, deceiver and a trickster. The now thirty five year old man has worked his way through his life only by abusing and taking opportunities. Civil Protection offered such a role, and it even came with elevated social status and power. Very convenient for his style.
Unfortunately... or fortunately if you fell prey to one of this man's scams, shams or swindles, Todd's luck runs out every once in a while, like how when he got sent to the damn penal force cities and assigned to one because of some rat bastard loyalist that managed to report him for some meaningless shit in his eyes (in reality it being a financial crime of some kind that would've kept him and his associates rich for the rest of his life), but that's how he tells it. God knows you can't trust the type of person he is.
  • Did your character conscript into the Expedition willingly (Vortigaunts & Valley Survivors excluded): No, one hundred percent NO. As soon as Todd was notified of his assignment he laughed at the messenger, thinking it was a joke. Reality is, the luck of the swindler might've just run out again, at the "...worst goddamn time" in his own words.

  • Character's biggest fear: Being betrayed. He's still reeling from that one report.
- ACCEPTED as i5 -
(might as well check you too while I'm at it)

- CP Faction Filled -
- Section One -

  • Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan
  • Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267
  • Timezone: EST

- Section Two -

  • Character Name: Achilles Adamos
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): Valley Survivor
  • Did your character conscript into the Expedition willingly (Vortigaunts & Valley Survivors excluded): Nah but he fr with it
  • 1708215571491.png
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory:
  • Achilles Adamos is a man who comes from Greek heritage, he never experienced the 'luxury' of city life under combine rule thus he became quite used to living out in the wild.. This did, unfortunately, have a lot of negatives for him. In one event with someone he wasn't to close with, they ran out of food and it got so bad that Adamos killed his buddy, and ate them. "It used to disgust me.. Now I take pleasure in the taste of my fellow man when it is needed." - Cannibalism. Another thing to know is Adamos is very religious, believing that god will come back and smite the combine down with his chariots like fire, and that even in death he will be glorious. "I do not fear death, for death has grasped me anyway." - Religious Fanatic. Adamos never really shared much of his life, so not a lot is known about him, in fact he rarely engages in social conversation at times. - Anti Social. Thats as far as we know about him.
  • Character's biggest fear: God dying.
- Section One -

  • Steam Name: Soft Melody Vixen

  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:15988465

  • Discord Name & ID: KateTheFox

  • Timezone: MST

- Section Two -

  • Character Name: Angel Lariot

  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): Vally Survivor

  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: Not sure how I got here, Not sure I'll get out, Don't remember much other then bits and pieces of my life. I know I used to be a hard worker, mom and dad had me working.. I was in and out of a hospital a lot... Said it was for my head... I think.. Must've hit my head pretty hard on that last try. I been trying to get out of this god damned place for.... Shit- I don't even know how long. It's gotta be months now. Maybe years? Concept of time is kinda fucked here don't you think? Why am I talking to you... You're probably the best company I have, you don't judge me.. Too much.. The others with my group.. I don't trust them, but they're here for me... Too dirty now to know what it was supposed to be.. The others here, I don't much talk to them, they think I'm odd. Probably cause I don't talk much, but either way, I am another pair of hands to help out. One day we'll escape... I heard rumours of others coming, maybe they can help..

  • Angel is.. For lack of a better word Insane She tends to talk to herself, her stuffed animal or rarely an object of interest. She is a hard worker and does know a fair bit about how machines function, easily able to jerry rig something if left alone for some time, her mind alternates on the spectrum of insanity, she can compose herself to look normal, but in reality she prioritizes herself and her stuffed animal.

  • Character's biggest fear: Losing her stuffed animal the thing that keeps her rooted in reality. Losing her friends who have stuck around for as long as she can remember
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- Section One -
  • Steam Name: ThomasK
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:120901350
  • Discord Name & ID: thomask110
  • Timezone: GMT

- Section Two -
Character Name: Roman Müllner
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): Valley Survivor
  • Did your character conscript into the Expedition willingly (Vortigaunts & Valley Survivors excluded):
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory:
  • "So, I was born in some village in Austria back in the late eighties, I forget the name - never had any problems growing up. Not until... You came, and ripped the world apart, well, not you specifically, but- Oh, how did I end up here? Well, long story short, a series of stupid choices starting about a decade ago when I decided Warsaw, City 14, looked nice. Moved there, lived 'normally' for half a decade, then realised how much I hated life under what I would call 'tyranny'. It only took a couple of hundred credits back then to bribe some Metrocops to sneak you out. I hiked towards this area of the forest, and started breaking into every house I came across on the way. Why here? It was near the 'quarantine zone' I'd heard of, which must've been interesting; turns out it's quarantined for a good fucking reason - I don't feel like going into it.

    Those three? I've met them on the way. That schizo almost shot me when I found her camped out in a shack, thankfully the bitch forgot to load it first. The other two haven't tried killing me, I just found them on the way. They've all been useful - at the very least providing the first human company for over ten months

    I'd not heard anything over the radio for a few days prior to the whole incident. My conclusion turned out to be true, that the communications network went offline. On the day itself, we were camped in an abandoned building, before hearing Metropolice chatter nearby. That was when we knew something had gone seriously wrong. I... I'm not entirely sure what happened next, the pictures kind of morph into one that makes no sense. Can... Can we stop this interview?"

    Pretty centre-ground when it comes to emotional stability, Roman is someone who doesn't give much away at a first glance. He's reluctant to even discuss his fears with his friends, but he has a number of them. He's not the most intelligent person around - would someone with a functional brain attempt to enter a quarantined zone unarmed? However, he does have a bit of mechanical skill, and thinks he knows how to use a firearm. In short, he's an introvert with a stiff upper lip, about half a brain and some knowledge he acquired from workshifts half a decade ago.

  • Character's biggest fear: The thought of his only friends dying.

Don't trust the trees.
Mornings are a reminder.




guh guhg guh.jpg

Julias Przybylski
Born inside the suburb areas of Poland, he'd lose his parents to the relocation attempts of the Combine, ditching the first waves they'd do for the last man and woman. For years, he farmed on a small plot of land for his own gain using what he got in order to feed himself; Yet when the soil started to worsen during the Winter seasons, only he could start scavenging for whatever he could get his hands on with the problem of going further and further away to get anything.

Going into a forest with old remnants of roads was the first thing he saw - hiding inside the barely standing houses and wishing the best inside the depths of attics was the last. Nobody knows how long he's been inside this area, but he walks the still growing forest with the stares of... them. Some wander with him, but his eyes remain on the prize, of the way of getting away from the things that lurk for him and live outside the place.

"Me? Same thing every day, it never ends. I walk a path, turn a corner, hope there isn't a dog there waiting. Time isn't a theory anymore, it's a clock on a wall that dwindles every day like an alarm. You own nothing and the things here expect you to be happy with that, probably explains Angel."

Roman Müllner
[Look Up]

"The straightest and the least weirdest out of these guys, we could've found worse."

Angel Lariot
[Look up]

"Absolute Nutter, but can help us when needed. We'll have to take the risk with her and that stuffed animal inside her bag- W-where'd she even get a thing like that from?"

Achilles Adamaos
(@Donavin Jones)

"The Uhh... maybe he's Jesus? The more he spouts about the man, the more I believe him almost."

- Section One -
  • Steam Name:​
  • Fallizs​
  • Steam ID:​
  • i aint got a clue​
  • Discord Name & ID:​
  • Fallizs​
  • Timezone:​
  • GMT​
- Section Two -

  • Character Name:​
Julias Przybylski
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection):​
Valley Survivor
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory:​
  • Look up brah​
  • Character's biggest fear:​
The Darkness​

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- Section One -

  • Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan
  • Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267
  • Timezone: EST

- Section Two -

  • Character Name: Achilles Adamos
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): Valley Survivor
  • Did your character conscript into the Expedition willingly (Vortigaunts & Valley Survivors excluded): Nah but he fr with it
  • View attachment 31275
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory:
  • Achilles Adamos is a man who comes from Greek heritage, he never experienced the 'luxury' of city life under combine rule thus he became quite used to living out in the wild.. This did, unfortunately, have a lot of negatives for him. In one event with someone he wasn't to close with, they ran out of food and it got so bad that Adamos killed his buddy, and ate them. "It used to disgust me.. Now I take pleasure in the taste of my fellow man when it is needed." - Cannibalism. Another thing to know is Adamos is very religious, believing that god will come back and smite the combine down with his chariots like fire, and that even in death he will be glorious. "I do not fear death, for death has grasped me anyway." - Religious Fanatic. Adamos never really shared much of his life, so not a lot is known about him, in fact he rarely engages in social conversation at times. - Anti Social. Thats as far as we know about him.
  • Character's biggest fear: God dying.
- Section One -

  • Steam Name: Soft Melody Vixen

  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:15988465

  • Discord Name & ID: KateTheFox

  • Timezone: MST

- Section Two -

  • Character Name: Angel Lariot

  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): Vally Survivor

  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: Not sure how I got here, Not sure I'll get out, Don't remember much other then bits and pieces of my life. I know I used to be a hard worker, mom and dad had me working.. I was in and out of a hospital a lot... Said it was for my head... I think.. Must've hit my head pretty hard on that last try. I been trying to get out of this god damned place for.... Shit- I don't even know how long. It's gotta be months now. Maybe years? Concept of time is kinda fucked here don't you think? Why am I talking to you... You're probably the best company I have, you don't judge me.. Too much.. The others with my group.. I don't trust them, but they're here for me... Too dirty now to know what it was supposed to be.. The others here, I don't much talk to them, they think I'm odd. Probably cause I don't talk much, but either way, I am another pair of hands to help out. One day we'll escape... I heard rumours of others coming, maybe they can help..

  • Angel is.. For lack of a better word Insane She tends to talk to herself, her stuffed animal or rarely an object of interest. She is a hard worker and does know a fair bit about how machines function, easily able to jerry rig something if left alone for some time, her mind alternates on the spectrum of insanity, she can compose herself to look normal, but in reality she prioritizes herself and her stuffed animal.

  • Character's biggest fear: Losing her stuffed animal the thing that keeps her rooted in reality. Losing her friends who have stuck around for as long as she can remember
- Section One -
  • Steam Name: ThomasK
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:120901350
  • Discord Name & ID: thomask110
  • Timezone: GMT

- Section Two -
View attachment 31286
Character Name: Roman Müllner
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): Valley Survivor
  • Did your character conscript into the Expedition willingly (Vortigaunts & Valley Survivors excluded):
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory:
  • "So, I was born in some village in Austria back in the late eighties, I forget the name - never had any problems growing up. Not until... You came, and ripped the world apart, well, not you specifically, but- Oh, how did I end up here? Well, long story short, a series of stupid choices starting about a decade ago when I decided Warsaw, City 14, looked nice. Moved there, lived 'normally' for half a decade, then realised how much I hated life under what I would call 'tyranny'. It only took a couple of hundred credits back then to bribe some Metrocops to sneak you out. I hiked towards this area of the forest, and started breaking into every house I came across on the way. Why here? It was near the 'quarantine zone' I'd heard of, which must've been interesting; turns out it's quarantined for a good fucking reason - I don't feel like going into it.

    Those three? I've met them on the way. That schizo almost shot me when I found her camped out in a shack, thankfully the bitch forgot to load it first. The other two haven't tried killing me, I just found them on the way. They've all been useful - at the very least providing the first human company for over ten months

    I'd not heard anything over the radio for a few days prior to the whole incident. My conclusion turned out to be true, that the communications network went offline. On the day itself, we were camped in an abandoned building, before hearing Metropolice chatter nearby. That was when we knew something had gone seriously wrong. I... I'm not entirely sure what happened next, the pictures kind of morph into one that makes no sense. Can... Can we stop this interview?"

    Pretty centre-ground when it comes to emotional stability, Roman is someone who doesn't give much away at a first glance. He's reluctant to even discuss his fears with his friends, but he has a number of them. He's not the most intelligent person around - would someone with a functional brain attempt to enter a quarantined zone unarmed? However, he does have a bit of mechanical skill, and thinks he knows how to use a firearm. In short, he's an introvert with a stiff upper lip, about half a brain and some knowledge he acquired from workshifts half a decade ago.

  • Character's biggest fear: The thought of his only friends dying.

Don't trust the trees.
Mornings are a reminder.




View attachment 31280

Julias Przybylski
Born inside the suburb areas of Poland, he'd lose his parents to the relocation attempts of the Combine, ditching the first waves they'd do for the last man and woman. For years, he farmed on a small plot of land for his own gain using what he got in order to feed himself; Yet when the soil started to worsen during the Winter seasons, only he could start scavenging for whatever he could get his hands on with the problem of going further and further away to get anything.

Going into a forest with old remnants of roads was the first thing he saw - hiding inside the barely standing houses and wishing the best inside the depths of attics was the last. Nobody knows how long he's been inside this area, but he walks the still growing forest with the stares of... them. Some wander with him, but his eyes remain on the prize, of the way of getting away from the things that lurk for him and live outside the place.

"Me? Same thing every day, it never ends. I walk a path, turn a corner, hope there isn't a dog there waiting. Time isn't a theory anymore, it's a clock on a wall that dwindles every day like an alarm. You own nothing and the things here expect you to be happy with that, probably explains Angel."

Roman Müllner
[Look Up]

"The straightest and the least weirdest out of these guys, we could've found worse."

Angel Lariot
[Look up]

"Absolute Nutter, but can help us when needed. We'll have to take the risk with her and that stuffed animal inside her bag- W-where'd she even get a thing like that from?"

Achilles Adamaos
(@Donavin Jones)

"The Uhh... maybe he's Jesus? The more he spouts about the man, the more I believe him almost."

- Section One -
  • Steam Name:​
  • Fallizs​
  • Steam ID:​
  • i aint got a clue​
  • Discord Name & ID:​
  • Fallizs​
  • Timezone:​
  • GMT​
- Section Two -

  • Character Name:​
Julias Przybylski
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection):​
Valley Survivor
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory:​
  • Look up brah​
  • Character's biggest fear:​
The Darkness​


Now, I know this is above the Valley Survivors limit, but I couldn't reject one of them seeing how they all applied as a group.



  • Steam Name: Muho
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93977537
  • Discord Name & ID: Muho
  • Timezone: +1

  • Francois Guillaume de Tesseraque

  • The "Doc" conscripted himself as a medical professional and surgeron.

  • François Guillaume de Tesseraque, usually called “Doc”, is a French doctor who has lived in London for around 10 years, teached medicine at the university there and pursued his profession as a surgeon. In an experiment, he transplanted a cat's brain into the body of a dog for the first time in human history, but both animals died. He is the author of the standard medical work “Des corps”, speaks fluent French and Latin and enjoys fishing in his free time.

  • His biggest fear is Failure.

  • (epic cool medic RP that wont be 10h and actually professional (im a nurse and i write quick))
- Section One -

  • Steam Name: IZABAD | HT.S |
  • Steam ID: 76561198055527251
  • Discord Name & ID: IZABAD
  • Timezone: CST

- Section Two -

  • Character Name: Sergei Fedotov.
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection): Expedition Member.
  • Did your character conscript into the Expedition willingly (Vortigaunts & Valley Survivors excluded): No. Sergei was randomly picked out of a crowd in a block inspection by chance. Barely managing to ditch his radio in time. With no chance of escape, he had to play into his cover story and undergo whatever bullshit the Combine had for him. Thinking "Just play ball, I'll be back in no time." as he was dragged off.
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: Sergei Fedotov had a promising future in the Russian FSB. Not due to any sort of exceptional skills but to his father's connections to what was the KGB. Frantically attempting to meet HUGE parental expectations for his own life, he followed the plan set in motion. One all orchestrated by his dictator of a father. Sergei stumbled now and again with following through but he did just bearly manage.
  • The seven-hour war and the death of his family found Sergei trading one authoritarian figure in his life for another, the Combine. Living between constant relocations he finally managed to return home to City 3, Moscow. Conscripted into creating the mega-dome that now protects the city from the horrors outside. Soviet Reclamation Forces attempt to attack the city daily from within via partisan attacks and with how seemingly successful they have been, many join their ranks. Sergei however is a little bit of a coward, never joining as a fighter but opting as a meager spy to the S.R.F. Reporting on the local Legion, 'Upsilon' and its activity. With such an act, maybe he could make his dead father proud, right?
  • Character's biggest fear: Failure.
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