Of Our Heaven and Earth - feedback


Radio Bob Approved

Today was a test day, not the main event, there was some quirks and iffy parts, and RP seemed rushed but the main purpose of it all was to test out the combat system and see qualms and positives.

That being said, it was a prequel, once the initial confusion over system ended, it was fun to fight for me.

Please leave feedback, both on this as a prequel, but suggestions to make the combat easier to work with, rp and understand!

Anything helps!

ALSO, there was like 6 lore pieces to read all across the map, hope ppl saw em​
I loved the hp Mechanic, I felt the bonuses on your class was a tad overpowered since samurai had plus 10 to their role.

But my Quartermaster was soo OP. I made two peasants flee after I broke their spears, I knocked down a guy and suddenly his friend jumped on me, so I was like "STAWP" and he did so I could honourably put the guy down. I then slew a samurai who was about to kill my other samurai.

So I got two kill and two flees.

Top that
I had fun, but rolling generic sucked, because when you roll low, it's a fault of RNG/luck and not even your lack of skill. Imo we should be rolling attributes and/or skills. Skill levels are also reduced based on hunger and thirst, which also adds to the realism in a way.
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Lots of fun, a genuinely good Short Story.

My favorite part was when the cook (me) killed Lord Asa.
I loved the hp Mechanic, I felt the bonuses on your class was a tad overpowered since samurai had plus 10 to their role.

But my Quartermaster was soo OP. I made two peasants flee after I broke their spears, I knocked down a guy and suddenly his friend jumped on me, so I was like "STAWP" and he did so I could honourably put the guy down. I then slew a samurai who was about to kill my other samurai.

So I got two kill and two flees.

Top that
I was that guy! Not to mention the crit stick incident!

Anyway, at first, I thought the filter was iffy. I got used to it, but it took me aback for a sec. Horde combat is also really messy because there's like 20 messages going off at the same time so it's hard to read rolls, and all of that. I liked the passive before hand.

Was a really fun event overall, and I hope that some of the kinks in the main event get sorted out!
The event was very fun, though I do have some questions.

If you roll a one, but you have roll bonuses, do you still lose 3hp? same with if you roll a generic 100 with no buffs but someone with more roll bonuses still rolls a 99, who'd win?

Are you able to strike multiple people with a /me?

If you lose a roll, no matter the action, will you always lose 1hp?

/me swings
/roll 26
/it hits his head with the back of his sword (-1hp)

Can I also suggest an [ENCIRCLED] or [OVERWHELM] bonus?
For example, if 3 or more people are attacking a single person, the larger side gets a +10 roll bonus.
I had fun, but rolling generic sucked, because when you roll low, it's a fault of RNG/luck and not even your lack of skill. Imo we should be rolling attributes and/or skills. Skill levels are also reduced based on hunger and thirst, which also adds to the realism in a way.
Also, rolling attributes would be even more unfair, considering the samuai will have +35 skill roll in melee and people with guns may have +30 as well depending on their character.
Generic rolling is the best way to balance it.
The event was very fun, though I do have some questions.

If you roll a one, but you have roll bonuses, do you still lose 3hp? same with if you roll a generic 100 with no buffs but someone with more roll bonuses still rolls a 99, who'd win?

Are you able to strike multiple people with a /me?

If you lose a roll, no matter the action, will you always lose 1hp?

/me swings
/roll 26
/it hits his head with the back of his sword (-1hp)

Can I also suggest an [ENCIRCLED] or [OVERWHELM] bonus?
For example, if 3 or more people are attacking a single person, the larger side gets a +10 roll bonus.

The bonus sounds like a good idea.

You can strike multiple people in one /me if you're being engaged by multiple people, though, you must roll an individual amount for each fighter.

And yeah, you kinda lose one hp anytime you fail a roll, but it's likely to change.
Also, rolling attributes would be even more unfair, considering the samuai will have +35 skill roll in melee and people with guns may have +30 as well depending on their character.
Generic rolling is the best way to balance it.

We can simply scale down the bonuses, to none.

There won't be bonuses as you will simply have your stat such as firearms or strength increased
Day 1 - Hanjiro Tabata 'The Starlight Samurai'
Kills: - 1 random peasant soldier wannabe that chose his words poorly

Honestly I don't have complaints as the event managers can't really control whether people show up or not. Good atmosphere and GM attendance. Sucks I couldn't do much though since a good chunk of the day was spent waiting for people to show up for the speech.
Leopoldo Felipe
Kills - N/A

Day 1: Made some sales and chilled, though literally, NOBODY wanted to buy weapons 'cause they already had them. Passive roleplay was fun and dandy, no complaints on that end. Interested for day 2.
Leopoldo Felipe
Kills - N/A

Day 1: Made some sales and chilled, though literally, NOBODY wanted to buy weapons 'cause they already had them. Passive roleplay was fun and dandy, no complaints on that end. Interested for day 2.

Alot of the unarmed peasants didn't show today :(
Name: Gabriel O'Dreary
Killed: Sakurai's dignity in a spar (he lived)

I had fun. the passive was great and I sparred a fella

also some goofy ahh merchant drama
Hanjiro Tabata
Takaku-Tobu commander, the planner of the great takeover of the castle, martyr

The lead-up to the duel

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The distraction duel. As the two fight, the rest of the Takaku move into the mines and take control of the undefended enemy town.
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The advantageous beginning. The Sword-Saint falters.

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The ruse is detected. Soldier are ready to shoot down the Takaku commander

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As the Sword-saint nears defeat, his allies dishonorably attack the Starlight Samurai from behind. Miraculously, he avoids all damage and flees.

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As the Starlight samurai flees, he runs into a pair of enemies just in the woods outside of the occupied enemy town. Enraged, he takes the fight to them but is quickly surrounded by reinforcements. He's soon shot to death by muskets and arrows, landing one final blow to his nemesis in the midst of the chaos. His last stand did allow his allies to fire volleys of arrows into the enemy.

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After the Starlight Samurai's death and defilement, his enemy, the Sword-Saint, heavily injured from his foe, approached the Takkabu clan and offered himself for a Seppuku. The Lord of the clan agreed, and dealt the beheading blow.
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Both champions of each clan lie dead, both beheaded.

Overall, amazing day 2 of the event. My only gripe is that there wasn't much time to do much. I had plans to gather poison to put on my blade but was promptly cut short as we had to immediately head off to war. 9/10

other random screenshots

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Only joined because you guys were missing some people, ended up as a samurai who lead his men into battle.
Event was awesome...
Lord Kuroda - 2/3 kills - now Lord Kuroda the Unkillable (after getting shoved off the castle walls)

Couldn't make day one but got a good portion of two and all of three. I appreciated the amount of work that was put into the event and was a bit annoyed I missed out on the passive. The battles were balanced but chaotic trying to keep track of HP and who was attacking etc (maybe need skirmishes in different areas). Was a fun and interesting event.
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Hiroshi Agasaki
Kills: 0
Died right as the battle began from a rifle shot or arrow (they rolled a 20)

Going 3 days just to get killed instantly was not fun

I liked the event beside that though, it was neat.
Character: Leopoldo Felipe
Role: Portuguese Merchant
Kills: One Kill, One Assist
Status: Survived
Riches/Stock: 520 Mon, 2 Porcelain Vases, 2 Luxury Silks, 1 Lord Tetsuhana's Last Words Note, 1 Tetsuhana Estate Painting

Day One: Felipe and his entourage had settled down in their new abode at the Bokuso-Chi city, managing to make some sales and start a rivalry with the opposing merchant group. At one point he ended up hiring a new bodyguard. At night, the rival merchant's house burned down and he was pinned for it.
Day Two: Felipe had fled from the Bokuso-Chi settlement and went to the Takaku-Tobu in hopes of making trade with them, managing to pawn off a gun and the remainder of his fish. He and his group explored the old Tetsuhana Estate in the general area, finding two valuable items (the last words of Lord Tetsuhana and one of their paintings). Before they could leave, they were attacked by a crazed wanderer for looting the Estate; but they managed to somberly cut the unreasoned opponent down. Returning back to the Bokuso-Chi on the brink of war, Felipe assisted his fellow Portuguese in hauling barrels of gunpowder to the city.
Day Three: As the two clans united and combated the Oda clan, Felipe assisted in the defense with hopes of gaining a reputation with the clan. He watched his newly-hired guard be cut down by swarming samurais, and in a blind rage, he managed to chop the arm off of the leader of the Oda attack. After being heavily wounded by various samurais, he managed to barely slip out and be found by a monk-- who thoroughly tended to Felipe's wounds. Out of commission, Felipe slept the rest of the combat out by his residence; saddened by the loss of his employee... but still alive to see another day.


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