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PK (Perma-kill):
PKs, otherwise known as Permanent Kill results in the complete removal of a character. They can occur either during a character's death or via relocation. Both lead to the character being unable to be played again.
NLR (New-Life Rule):
NLR, unlike PKs, do not make your character unavailable to play. Instead you can play it but the events leading to your death are forgotten regardless, if gear/skills are refunded. NLR with no refund means exactly that; anything you died with is lost/stolen and cannot be retrieved as per New-Life Rule (with an exception of a CID, a new one will be provided)
Good Faith:
When it comes to PK's, we aim to do them in accordance with ‘Good Faith’, simply meaning PK’s must happen fairly; in accordance to the rules, following policy, honest intent, and respect. We expect PKs to never be a goal, but to instead create meaningful stories and roleplay moments in history. PKs should not always be the first choice and if carried out unfairly, a player may find a character they spent years developing, making relationships, attaining goals, simply to be removed in an instant.Good faith is never black & white when assessing a PK, but more or less an assessment of all the grey areas involved. OOC interference, disrespect, negative or bad intent, shaky foundations and more can all nullify a PK under Good Faith protections. If you're ever in doubt when considering a PK, ask yourself: "If your roles were reversed, do you feel this would be fair and in Good Faith?"
Note : We expect a realistic amount of roleplay and dedication committed to a character before requesting a PK Auth or acting on someone's behalf. This means that one should have at least 14 days of playtime on their character. Owning a character for 14 Days and actively playing the character for 14 Days are two different things. ( Factions like the Civil Protection or Overwatch Transhuman Arm are exempt from this rule. )
What does & doesn’t warrant a PK?
Everyone is subject to the PK Policy and while the majority of deaths will lead to your character's demise, or at least the loss of progress/items; there are still some exceptions that will lead to a NLR w/ refund.The following can lead to a PK:
- Matching the PK by Default Criteria (E.g. Running into combat without care, performing a sweep or even walking in slums with gear for no good reason)
- Meeting the RP Criteria (E.g. You enter a situation that leads to your character's demise due to your own actions)
- Dying in Combat regardless of if you are the Aggressor or Defender, as long as you engage, you are prone to death. NPC deaths are included given the death was reasonable and not buggy.
- Finally, someone makes a PK request against you. (The Combine marking you as a known Anti-Citizen is considered a defacto PK auth).
- Character deaths as a result of crucial levels of suspicion on your character being part of the following list:
- Group
- Cell
- Criminal gang
- Corrupt officialisation
- If your character is unable to prove by any means of manipulation, truth telling or "living as a usefulness" to the Combine, you will likely be met with a swift end.
- CPs cannot just simply execute someone in on the initial basis of their word. If the suspicion and evidence level outweighs a defence - the character is doomed. Note that your character must still be guilty of what they're actually being accused of.
To sum up what doesn’t PK you is simply as follows:
- Accidents, bugs, glitches, etc can’t kill you. Including Event chars that did not intend to wipe you out. You get refunded for these.
- Death by Overpowered / Broken NPCs - ( Though if you ran into it on your own terms that's still a PK. )
- Does not apply to the deployment of synthetics (Striders, hunters, etc) - That's considered a deployment by Overwatch leads.
- That must be appropriate to the threat scale persevered.
- Does not apply to the deployment of synthetics (Striders, hunters, etc) - That's considered a deployment by Overwatch leads.
The Roleplay PK Criteria
Outside of combat, roleplay may simply develop to a point where a PK happens, without there necessarily having been a fight. In this case, there are 2 basic criteria for any roleplay to result in a PK, keep in mind all targeted PK's require a valid PK Request to be made before it can be carried out, below are the reasonings that would usually be able to authorize such, this does not include events, exclusively player versus player interactions. The need for such may be waivered for in the moment/developing situations where it instead defaults to just the Roleplay Criteria.- PK must suit the narrative that a character was involved in. They cannot be forced onto someone or be random. Your character must choose to do (or not do) something that was:
- Decisive in the Narrative for the PK to happen, Important to the Narrative of the PK, and you were aware of PK being a possible consequence..
- Your character was either:
- In a ‘PK by default’ situation.
- Specifically targeted as the result of RP.
- It must matter that it was YOUR character that got PKed and not a random character.
- Valid reasons to target a character include (but not limited to):
- Extensive character development between all characters involved - ‘extensive’ assumes this happened over the course of weeks, if not months.
- Escalating conflict where both sides clearly stepped up the conflict beyond inflicting serious harm
- Retaliation against credible, concrete threats made against your character, where retaliation is vital to survive.
- Revenge killing against characters that have perpetrated equal or worse actions.
- Reasons such as: Personal dislike, verbal insults, vague/uncredible threats, wanting items or money, someone stealing your items, assaulting you or a friend without lethal force or suspicion all do not count towards a PK. This includes killing someone merely over being Rebel or Loyalist.
PK by default criteria
The following is a list of actions or criteria which will get you PK’d by default, regardless of the specific character being targeted or not.- Some event characters and/or Combine Characters holding important IC positions
- CP Overseer, High level CA and Overwatch characters (Good faith applies)
- CCA / Tier 7 Commended Citizen are also included into PKs if assassinated under any circumstance that allows them to be killed.
- With guards, it would means the important character will be 'downed' to allow for MedRP or capture. They can be executed if guards fail to save the important member. It refers to combat rules in this regard.
- If without guards and reduced to bleedout or assassinated in a way without involving combat, the character will be PK'd.
- Suicide or Sacrifice that is roleplayed, where you willingly die. Running into danger and/or lack of fear also applies even when the danger isn’t another player, such as a NPC or some sort of deadly environment (Gas, fire, etc)
- Execution / Punishment by Combine Factions such as Amputation, for which crimes where the character has actually committed all crimes accused of.
- Appropriate evidence to confirm a level of appropriate relation to the crime / the investigation must be provided by the Combine player. Without, NLR will apply.
- Expeditions or other Outside-Main settings will always lead to a PK, unless prior exceptions are agreed upon by PK Managers / ET Leads.
- This includes deaths that occur in the Outlands and Mod-Box events, along with deaths that occur on the Expedition or Short Stories server.
- Deaths that occur during cross-server transfers and fall under that server's PK/NLR policy (Such as transfers from the Main to French server, for example)
- Anywhere else not previously included that is purely an 'event-only' area.
Combat PK Criteria
Deaths during or immediately following combat (S2RP or S2K) qualify for a PK in the below circumstances:
1. The Aggressor, instigator or start of a fight, AND / OR any person targeted in the fight, if the Roleplay PK Criteria is met.
- For S2K Fights, there must be roleplay between the attacker and targeted person preceding the fight to meet the Roleplay PK Criteria. (Does not apply to combine-rebel interactions.)
- To be targeted, the attacker should at the very least know the person they are targeting, have had multiple Roleplay interactions with them, and be able to recognize them right before or during the attack, or alternatively gotten a approved PK Request. (Does not apply to combine-rebel interactions.)
- In all situations both the Defender and the Attacker is subject to a PK no matter what.
1. All sweeps, Retaliation/Reactionary no longer require a city-wide alert.
-If you died but were not involved in any way and did not engage the sweep, a NLR no refund will be granted.
-If you died but were not involved in any way but engaged the sweep in any way, this will fall under a PK.
2. All Civil Protection deaths during a sweep, Retaliation or Reactionary will result in a PK.
-This does not include Shotcops, which fall under a NLR No refund with a demotion corresponding to the rank.
- ( i1 & i2 command units get demoted to i3 | i3 get demoted to i4 | i4 & i5 don't get demoted )
Environmental PK Criteria
Environmental hazards present on the server are as dangerous as any enemy or player one might face, and players are expected to treat them as such. Dying from environmental causes will automatically result in a PK, regardless of the circumstances leading to the death. Any exception to this will be clearly listed below. PK reasons include, but are not limited to, the following situations:- Dangerous Locations: Regions like the Outlands and Sewers are hazardous by nature, and any deaths occurring there, whether due to NPCs, environmental factors, or hostile conditions, are considered valid PK reasons. Possible conditions that may fall under this category are:
- Dying from inhaling toxic gases or other forms of environmental poisoning. E.g. dying from staying in the sewers too long and having a too high level of spores.
- Fatal injuries resulting from being struck by fast-moving or large mechanical objects, such as trains, cranes or where any deliberate or incidental contact with physical objects that directly led to the character’s demise. However, accidental prop related incidents do not count toward a PK.
- Falling from a great height due to negligence or poor judgment, resulting in fatal injury.
What doesn't warrant a environmental PK?
An environmental situation that will not result in a PK is when your character is forced into death through no fault of their own. If your character dies due to another player’s actions without prior PK authorization, the death will not count as a PK and will be voided. This serves to preserve the already existing points of Good Faith and Roleplay PK Criteria.
Additional Notes:
*When it comes to factions, please do keep in mind that if a character's death OOCly affects the Faction's stability, an auth can be made to the appropriate FL for the new character to start at the same or higher position their previous character was before they were PKd.*OOC roles do exist - meaning they are not limited to IC function. In this event, a new character can be made following a discussion with relevant FL and/or any of the following entities: Server Council, Appeal Managers and PK Manager.
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