Resistance Do's and Don'ts; a PSA


Reble Wrangler
Tired of rehashing the same arguments so I figured id put up a small "Dos and don'ts" so you do not die. This list will continue to be added onto until I get tired of adding to it or I run out of content to cover.

Rebel Do's and Don't List:
  1. Never F3, even with a fake name, unless you are prepared to be known by anyone you F3 even after you take your gear off. This means you must trust them enough not to snitch on you.​
  2. If you are a hidden resistance member, always limit the amount of contacts that know your true identity as a resistance operative. Ensure it is, at most, 3 people so that leakage is low to none should you be ratted out.​
  3. Always have ONE contact that goes to and from slums / sewers that relays you information and that you trust with your life and knows exactly who you are.​
  4. Never have contraband on you unless its for dead drops or operations, or you are willing to throw it away in a panic.​
  5. Try to gain a position of power, however minor it is; you are looked at with less suspicion with a T3 armband or a CWU workers uniform than any random citizen on the street.​
  6. Think about the consequences of every action you take and how it looks to the average citizen before doing it.​
  7. Your enemy is not the Civil Protection, or even Overwatch; it is the grip the Combine and its legions have on the entire planet. Ensure that your actions reflect this or else the Combine will use everything you do that isn't catered to this end goal against you.​
  8. Employ forward operating teams such as radio men when doing any operation; intelligence and the fact that an average citizen is invisible is your strength. Abuse this fact heavily.​
  9. Frontal combat is suicide unless you outnumber the enemy, at minimum, at 1:2 if not 1:3 due to the possibility of having to drag wounded back. Never get into a fight without these odds unless it is a emergency. If so, put everything on the line; retreat is sometimes worse than fighting till the end.​
  10. Abuse traps and misinformation; employ citizens to give false information when they need that information the most but cannot accurately prosecute said citizens due to the urgency of the situation.​
  11. Do not name your store your rebel nickname.​
  12. If you are going to be in the City a lot, ensure your nickname isn't an obvious rebel name; a cute moniker or a in-joke makes sense like Monkey as it can be covered up in casual conversation. L33T KILLER is not.​
  13. Do not wear CP suits unless you have properly deactivated them, or else they will ping you and you will be Civil Protection dinner.​
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Rule number one should be don't trust anybody, ever, ever ever.

Most rebel deaths are their own fault and that's 100% a fact.
Don't: RebelRP being a savage Gordon Freeman that takes on the world and writes the destinity of a so-called Wallace Breen.

Do: Relax, calm down, enjoy the slums. Lay back. Tell stories around a campfire, especially in these /cold/ temperatures. Don't waste energy when it's cold. Hook up with some /Rebel/ mates. Make some plans. Make sure you have enough food and resources to stay away from the city. Laugh and cry about stories told. Only when you're confident enough, only then, should you strike a hit at the opposing force. Not a massive one, they'll notice. Slowly but steady wear them out. Gain resources by doing so and strengthen the rebelion.
Do: attack civil protection as much as you can
Don't: do not not attack civil protection as much as you can
Updated with 2 more points.

This is mainly a survival guide because no matter how good of a roleplayer you are, if you don't follow at least half of these points, you are just going to die from a random snitch or CP sweep.

No one cares about your roleplay as a rebel if your dead.
i'm confused about the F3 thing. if i F3 with a fake name, and change that fake name later, will i be recognized by my new fake name to people who knew me before? or the old fake name? what if i F3 with my real name to people - does that override any fake names i use later? i'd like to be able to adopt a fake name whenever doing illegal stuff and people only know me by that until i take it off
You should think about trials. It has repurcussions to constantly kill rebels and have infightings. Try to keep infighting to a minimum and do have in mind your actions have consequences. Unite the resistance. Be peacemakers. Killing others spreads only hate and doesn't solve problems. Ask everyone for their opinion before killing rebels you just do not like or because of greed. The whole resistance should agree killing somebody if he really misbehaves and not because of a sole opinion of a group or some individual who think their actions are bad. If a rebel chooses to not help its their decision (not risking their life) and not a reason to kill them. You can't force rebels to fight for you to kill cp or sweeps, only take those into fights who are willing to risk their life and have your back in time of need.

There were three people I know who stopped infighting and so the resistance as a whole grew and we could do stuff, however with noone stopping infightings, you will further and further split up rebels and cause distrusts, accepts apologies and do apologize to people you may have hurt for your actions. It can end with you with just not seeking revenge, starting the circle again with somebody else hurt. For previous or long forgotten mistakes or actions which have been already apologized for. This as a whole should unite the resistance more instead of resisting each other and killing each other for their actions because it was personal.

Set up a trial system to kill rebels , have a judge, defendant and members of the group attend, get opinion of everybody, killing them as murderers will make you disliked by rebels. Important hear ALL sides and then decide what is the best course of action for those individuals who may lack contribution to the resistance or have done something bad. Do not murder rebels in cold blood. If you like to play a murderer character its fine however but it does split up rebels.
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i'm confused about the F3 thing. if i F3 with a fake name, and change that fake name later, will i be recognized by my new fake name to people who knew me before? or the old fake name? what if i F3 with my real name to people - does that override any fake names i use later? i'd like to be able to adopt a fake name whenever doing illegal stuff and people only know me by that until i take it off

People know you as your fake name if you F3 them with it and have the fake name option enabled. Should you get a new fake name, they only remember you with your OLD fake name UNLESS you F3 them again with the NEW fake name. I believe F3ing people with your real name completely overrides any and all fake names you give.
'Server Announcement': Reduce the amount of snitch rewards there are in the CP ranks.

There are more snitches than there are CP units. It's getting ridiculous. This is the MOST snitches I have ever seen in a HL2RP server. Not to toot my own horn, but I've been around since earthfall was a thing in 2012 and 2013. The snitches in this server are fucking rampant. It has completely killed rebel RP. Not to META anymore than I have, but the past week or two weeks rebel RP has plummeted due to SNITCHES. It is almost non-existent.
'Server Announcement': Reduce the amount of snitch rewards there are in the CP ranks.

There are more snitches than there are CP units. It's getting ridiculous. This is the MOST snitches I have ever seen in a HL2RP server. Not to toot my own horn, but I've been around since earthfall was a thing in 2012 and 2013. The snitches in this server are fucking rampant. It has completely killed rebel RP. Not to META anymore than I have, but the past week or two weeks rebel RP has plummeted due to SNITCHES. It is almost non-existent.

As far as I know, cops can't really do anything to prosecute people (much less PK) if there's no proof. If you're getting punished by CPs after a citizen report, it probably means the CPs caught you with some contraband. Put your contraband away. CPs literally CANNOT PK you for acting suspicious, so you're doing something wrong.

If a citizen tells a CP that you were allegedly doing a crime, and the CP believes the citizen for whatever reason, and the CP investigates you, and you act innocent and have the scripts (or lack thereof in this case) to back it up, there should be no punishment. Suspicion, sure, but not punishment. Citizen hearsay is not enough for CPs to prosecute rebels.
'Server Announcement': Reduce the amount of snitch rewards there are in the CP ranks.

There are more snitches than there are CP units. It's getting ridiculous. This is the MOST snitches I have ever seen in a HL2RP server. Not to toot my own horn, but I've been around since earthfall was a thing in 2012 and 2013. The snitches in this server are fucking rampant. It has completely killed rebel RP. Not to META anymore than I have, but the past week or two weeks rebel RP has plummeted due to SNITCHES. It is almost non-existent.
Loyalty city bro. gotta fuel that propaganda and expose corruption
'Server Announcement': Reduce the amount of snitch rewards there are in the CP ranks.

There are more snitches than there are CP units. It's getting ridiculous. This is the MOST snitches I have ever seen in a HL2RP server. Not to toot my own horn, but I've been around since earthfall was a thing in 2012 and 2013. The snitches in this server are fucking rampant. It has completely killed rebel RP. Not to META anymore than I have, but the past week or two weeks rebel RP has plummeted due to SNITCHES. It is almost non-existent.
Kill them then
'Server Announcement': Reduce the amount of snitch rewards there are in the CP ranks.

There are more snitches than there are CP units. It's getting ridiculous. This is the MOST snitches I have ever seen in a HL2RP server. Not to toot my own horn, but I've been around since earthfall was a thing in 2012 and 2013. The snitches in this server are fucking rampant. It has completely killed rebel RP. Not to META anymore than I have, but the past week or two weeks rebel RP has plummeted due to SNITCHES. It is almost non-existent.
Sounds like the resistance just doesn't have popular support if everyone would rather rat them out.
'Server Announcement': Reduce the amount of snitch rewards there are in the CP ranks.

There are more snitches than there are CP units. It's getting ridiculous. This is the MOST snitches I have ever seen in a HL2RP server. Not to toot my own horn, but I've been around since earthfall was a thing in 2012 and 2013. The snitches in this server are fucking rampant. It has completely killed rebel RP. Not to META anymore than I have, but the past week or two weeks rebel RP has plummeted due to SNITCHES. It is almost non-existent.
Maybe they should just be more careful. In a loyalist city with tons of collaborators, hiding your identity and subversive actions are kind of a given.
I mean think about it.

The combine are The Good Guys [TM].

They give you free health care, free food, universal labor (you are never unemployed for longer then a day or two), allow you regulated currency that never inflates beyond a certain point, freedom of religion as long as it is not against the Combine's laws and regulations, they kill the xenian threat both the viral strain (infestation) and the outbreaks (necrotics, exogens, etc), etc.

Meanwhile rebels do not give you health care, they don't hand out food, they do not give out jobs of any kind, their currency is both illegal and unstable as it requires you to go into a hostile area (sewers) to get anything, having a different opinion or seeing something that rebels don't want you to see can get you killed (yes, rebels unironically witness sterilize more than cps). Nor do they kill out zombies or antilions when they come knocking unless its in sewers and they just happen to be there to collect trash.

You have no reason to be a rebel and every reason to be a loyalist in this city. I am talking surface level; the average citizen doesn't know about stalkers, the raping of Earth's resources, the overall Transhuman Arms agenda, etc. And rebels have yet to find a way to expose any of this, so you have no IC reason to resist.

And no, getting beat up by an angry CP isn't much of a reason to resist. It sucks, but there are MUCH worse environments IRL to live in.
In a loyalist city with tons of collaborators

Ngl I think you've just given the rebel population two more solid reasons to not interact with 90% of citizens and continue to just hide to keep their characters alive.

A good reporter is never going to let you know they reported or be stupid enough to wear an armband. Literally any citizen could be watching you or interacting to try and dig up dirt to sell you out and just because they can't usually PK you by reporting doesn't mean the cops they report it to won't be able to put 2+2 together even if turns up nothing and realise the report was probably genuine and so keep an eye on your character.

I really don't understand how rebels can be blamed for being insular and not interacting when one of the bits of advice in this very guide is "don't go around telling more than a few people anything" and the city is filled with potential reporters.

Edit: I fully agree rebels should involve themselves with CityRP. Its how the server survives.
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i think giving rebels more tools to resist, more leeway with the contraband list and fixing the F3 systems inconsistencies would go a long way to help rebel rp. i'd like to see trash spawn in unused parts of plaza too like PCS-1 and on apartment catwalks. give people incentive to move around the map and use uncommon map geography more often.

legalizing toolkits and facewraps (until its used as a facial covering) would also be a good way to facilitate more scavenging opportunities and clandestine rebel activity without being killed by the search happy cops on suspicion charges. facewraps disguising your name would be a game changer against metagame.

if we could break down combine communication technology like request devices to make radios, people could actually communicate with eachother and work together instead of being secular

it'd be cool to see some more tactical items too. things like compasses, ep1 flares, glowsticks, firecrackers, etc. i like it when rebels have an interesting variety of repurposed equipment to contrast the combine's loadout, not just in terms of guns or access to drugs.
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'Server Announcement': Reduce the amount of snitch rewards there are in the CP ranks.

There are more snitches than there are CP units. It's getting ridiculous. This is the MOST snitches I have ever seen in a HL2RP server. Not to toot my own horn, but I've been around since earthfall was a thing in 2012 and 2013. The snitches in this server are fucking rampant. It has completely killed rebel RP. Not to META anymore than I have, but the past week or two weeks rebel RP has plummeted due to SNITCHES. It is almost non-existent.
cope and seethe