Resistance Do's and Don'ts; a PSA

Rebels will not and do not act, at all. Partly due to the system's in place, their general attitude but more importantly how the staff deal with it.

People expect rebels to achieve great feats and do more then S2K but when it boils down to it, at the end of the day those feats require admin intervention and said admins are biased to the Combine faction.

- Resurrecting themselves under a different name after being assassinated and having their assassination be be done by staff. Going as far as to attend their own character's funeral.

- Solutions being bottle-necked in a fashion that is intentionally against them in a GM environment, With the consequences spiraling into a forced state where the person dies, not allowing for alternative solutions.

- CPs and general Combine players NOT having any consequences to their actions, specifically, death. They either get NLRed or PKed but restored in rank under a new name.

- The crafting system being a complex clusterfuck with a billion components of components with the resource gathering to be slow, tedious and rewarding a Play to Win playstyle rather then Roleplaying for you rewards. Roleplaying to bond and connect with the loot being a sidegrade.

At the end of the day, It boils down to the staff and when you call them "script whores" and other names while you have systems in place that bog down and destroy any and all effort made by them and cockblock most events for favored factions there won't be any action from rebels or vortigaunts.

While this is a PSA for the do's and don't s for rebels and this post being slightly off-topic, the intention I feel that this post has feels like they think rebels already do not know these things when they are actively aware but are afraid to act because of the above. I don't expect to be favored or liked for holding a belief in this fact but this is true and is an active problem.
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- Resurrecting themselves under a different name after being assassinated and having their assassination be be done by staff. Going as far as to attend their own character's funeral.
@Chaos Incarnate

The person in a Faction Lead position will keep this position when they die, because it's almost entirely an OOC leadership position. Their role extends far beyond their character, for understandable reasons. The server would die if faction leads kept dying and they'd have to be replaced by people who are simply not up to the task.

The CWU Director felt tired of their character, and wanted a fitting ending to it. They wanted a fresh slate for their new character, one which matched the harsh leadership the CWU was taking. A good choice, and very fitting for the path CWU management took. Respectable.

- Solutions being bottle-necked in a fashion that is intentionally against them in a GM environment, With the consequences spiraling into a forced state where the person dies, not allowing for alternative solutions.
While I can't speak about this personally, I have not noticed this being the case. Sure, GMing could improve at times, but that's because the vast majority of it is reactionary. Someone can simply not account for every possible scenario, and will have to improvise it. Some of it may not make sense, or be unintentionally unbalanced towards one side. It is what it is. If you have any specific complaints about events, post constructive feedback in one place, or just tell the GMing admin.

- CPs and general Combine players NOT having any consequences to their actions, specifically, death. They either get NLRed or PKed but restored in rank under a new name.
This is just a lie. Whenever a CP dies under the CP PK criteria, their characters gets PKed, they lose ALL of their Sterilized Credits (which may take ages to get, since you get only 3 a day if you're lucky) and they get deranked by one (e.g i3 to i4) and will have to stay that rank for at least one week minimum. Their new chararcter will have a different (maskless) name, and may or may not have the same tagline if they want them to.

- The crafting system being a complex clusterfuck with a billion components of components with the resource gathering to be slow, tedious and rewarding a Play to Win playstyle rather then Roleplaying for you rewards. Roleplaying to bond and connect with the loot being a sidegrade.
There have already been countless steps taken to combat this, and getting materials to craft is way better right now. You should have seen it months ago if you think this is bad. I do agree there are some dumb things about it, such as some crafting requirements not making much sense.
Even if they do get PKed, it doesn't prevent them from just starting over with another faceless officer maxed out in the same set of skills.

It's a gamemode issue, You either man them manually like a GM, forcing them to be NPCs or you'd treat them like actual characters and temp-dewhitelist or add a timer on each character death. Like dying once and having a week long ban until you can create another CP.

This idea is bizarre, and makes me sigh every time it gets brought up.

CP's get the same amount of skill points as any other character would, leveling one single skill up to level 20 if they put all their skill points into it. Hardly a maxed out a skill, don't ya think?

Secondly, a whitelist is an out-of-character thing you receive after you have proven to be competent enough to play a character in Civil Protection after writing a succesful application, one which is completely OOC by the way. Having your whitelist, an OOC measurement of competence be removed because your character died completely IC makes absolutely zero sense. It's dumb, it removes the point of a whitelist.

IC actions, especially ones inflicted by others on your character, should NEVER affect your whitelist. It makes no sense for it to do. Keeping them from making a new character for a week is even weirder. There's not a high amount of active CP's currently. What if there's a big rebel attack and they all die? There'd be no CP's left.

I appreciate how vocal you are, but you are out of touch.
Omfg can yall stop turning every thread I make or comment on into a CCC thread about rebels.

This is a Do or Dont's list, not a "REBELS SUCK".

We all know rebels suck both IC and OOC, thats a done and dusted topic and even now I am still trying to improve rebelRP. But please stop turning every fucking thread into this shit.