Short Stories Event - City 36

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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Belgg
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:640035445
  • *Discord Name & ID: Belgg#3089 | 837750974411309100
  • *Timezone: GMT+1
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: S10/OWS.SKULL-93
Character Rank: OWS
*Brief summary of the character: Another unit of the endless combine army that will blindly follow what his superiors tell him to do without question and live or die for the union.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I've never actually played as an OTA, but I really love the faction, and I'm willing to do my best and RP something I've never done in the most accurate manner. I'll take it very seriously.

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,



I don't have OTA whitelist but I'd love to get a chance to participate in the event either way, as I said, I'll act just as anyone else with the whitelist and you'll not even notice I don't have it. (If you do, I'm perfectly fine with being removed on the spot, but you won't)

Hello, I'd just like to give some background information on why this was denied (as both a trial game master who has been talking with Cengiz, the GM running this event, and also as an EOW within the OTA faction) past the simple DENIED given to you above.

The OTA faction is arguably the most trusted within the community due to the powerful nature and potential to cause fallout if played incorrectly or maliciously (not that you would necessarily). We hold that trust extremely close to us, as we recognize that it is given with the knowledge that we as a faction will aim to never allow that trust to be abused. This is one of the reasons people without the OTA WL are commonly denied.

In many ways expecting good roleplay from newcomers to the faction who do not possess such a whitelist is unfair as the guides required to understand terminology and correct roleplay are locked within the faction section of these forums- without this knowledge, playing OTA becomes considerably more clunky. This can make coherent roleplay between OTA assets within an event difficult at times, as a newcomer may be slow to communicate information others would easily be able to communicate due to a greater knowledge of terminology.

It is true that in some event cases, the short stories team may veto this decision to not allow people without the WL (such as in Incarcerated)- if you wish to play OTA, then these events are the times when you can do so without needing to possess the whitelist. Unfortunately this event is (at least currently) not such an event.

TL;DR, for this event only people with the WL will be accepted (at the time of writing this message).
If you hold an interest in playing OTA, then by all means please apply next application wave: we're always looking for newcomers.

Hope you have a good day/evening, and I'll happily answer any questions should you have any,
- Mullet (Trial GM, WL EOW).
Hello, I'd just like to give some background information on why this was denied (as both a trial game master who has been talking with Cengiz, the GM running this event, and also as an EOW within the OTA faction) past the simple DENIED given to you above.

The OTA faction is arguably the most trusted within the community due to the powerful nature and potential to cause fallout if played incorrectly or maliciously (not that you would necessarily). We hold that trust extremely close to us, as we recognize that it is given with the knowledge that we as a faction will aim to never allow that trust to be abused. This is one of the reasons people without the OTA WL are commonly denied.

In many ways expecting good roleplay from newcomers to the faction who do not possess such a whitelist is unfair as the guides required to understand terminology and correct roleplay are locked within the faction section of these forums- without this knowledge, playing OTA becomes considerably more clunky. This can make coherent roleplay between OTA assets within an event difficult at times, as a newcomer may be slow to communicate information others would easily be able to communicate due to a greater knowledge of terminology.

It is true that in some event cases, the short stories team may veto this decision to not allow people without the WL (such as in Incarcerated)- if you wish to play OTA, then these events are the times when you can do so without needing to possess the whitelist. Unfortunately this event is (at least currently) not such an event.

TL;DR, for this event only people with the WL will be accepted (at the time of writing this message).
If you hold an interest in playing OTA, then by all means please apply next application wave: we're always looking for newcomers.

Hope you have a good day/evening, and I'll happily answer any questions should you have any,
- Mullet (Trial GM, WL EOW).
Thanks, I was already informed about this, still, I don't see how I could abuse or cause fallout in a SS event, as I've stated in my post that I'm ok with being kicked on the first mistake I make, but I'll accept the decision. I was fine with learning the entire terminology in a week, and having it next to me in case, but if I'm not allowed to do so, It's fine.
Thanks for the explanation.
Thanks, I was already informed about this, still, I don't see how I could abuse or cause fallout in a SS event, as I've stated in my post that I'm ok with being kicked on the first mistake I make, but I'll accept the decision. I was fine with learning the entire terminology in a week, and having it next to me in case, but if I'm not allowed to do so, It's fine.
Thanks for the explanation.
I'd argue if you applied to be an event-only CP, you'd probably have a better chance, but with it being WL only its still unlikely. Like Mullet said, jumping straight into an event with a heavy focus on combat, as someone who's never RPd in either faction is hard without knowledge of codes, terminologies, and so on. Even with it open next to you, and reading it all a week prior, its different when you say a wrong code, or have to look down at your phone or open steam overlay to look, then suddenly get ambushed. Some newbie CPs it takes more than a week before theyre comfortable with all the codes and terminologies, and even then most have it open in the background.

Also this event allows some players to bring their main server CP/OWS chars, which brings a risk of PK. Something that seems like a minor mistake to someone could completely wreck somebody who's made it all the way to i1.

I doubt thats the reason for it being WL only, but with main server characters potentially at risk of getting PK'd, the stakes are pretty high for some.
I don't want any part in whatever this argument is, but. I think you guys might've accidentally forgot my app for the event on the previous page, it's the very last one.
On a more serious note, has the time been determined or is it TBA? Kinda hope it gets changed to Saturday & Sunday, but thats just me.
Posting this for @Leon since he has problems posting.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Leon
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:100448039
  • *Discord Name & ID: Leon#8660
  • *Timezone: GMT+3
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---
*Character Name:
Character Rank :
*Brief summary of the character:
A standard overwactch unit, scar-47 is one of many that being transhumanced. Used to be one of the ordinary people and now have turned into a gear in the big operation machine that called the combine. Scar-47 as any other unit places the mission as the first priority. That what he is made for and his other delegates too.
*Why do you want to play this character?:
wish to prove my abilities as an overwatch unit and gain some experience while at it to improve myself

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

- @Leon -
It says above the player roles available; the time could change still.
Oh sorry, I meant the actual time of day that it'll start, but that might be thinking ahead since there's still the possibility that the date will change. I know a lot of people have talked about that already, so ill just be ready for when it's all decided and ready.
Oh sorry, I meant the actual time of day that it'll start, but that might be thinking ahead since there's still the possibility that the date will change. I know a lot of people have talked about that already, so ill just be ready for when it's all decided and ready.
Oh, yeh, with regards to that… no. No exact time yet. Judging by the normal formula it’s always around 7pm GMT. I’d expect it plus/minus an hour or two on this.

No promises tho.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Apollo7771FO3​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:40787669​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Nezoose#5231​
  • *Timezone: GMT-6​
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]​
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]​
--- Section Two ---​

*Character Name: C36:RL.ROLLER-0
Character Rank : Rank Leader
*Brief summary of the character:



“My brothers die, by the ruling hand”







Writings of the vile rogue-bound anti-administration vessel

A survivor of the Administration's headcrab shellings

The command behind countless block sterilizations

Protector of his collaborators

*Why do you want to play this character?: To play a rogue-esk character, a completely new idea to me.​

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

Steam: dog (im doggy)
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47854840
Discord: rey.jazzy#2356
Timezone: GMT-8 | California, US

Bans/Punishments: N/A
Prev/Current BL: N/A
Prev/Current WL:
- CP (Civil Protection)
- OTA (Overwatch Transhuman Arm)

Are you in the short stories Discord?

Is this character from the main server?

Character Name:

Character Rank:

Summary: Just another faceless, inhuman and bastardized soldier of the Combine's brainwashed military. He possesses just as many memories of his past life as any other member of similar position, that being absolutely none--he's been stripped of his humanity and majority of whichever traits or attributes deemed useless in the battlefield, following the orders of his superiors alone and without question. This is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of what horrors one may be subjected to if they dare to oppose the indomitable force that is the Universal Union, and subsequently the Combine at large.

Reason: I've just recently been accepted and placed on trial for the OTA faction, and seeing as the main server isn't going to be opened for at least another week or so, this could be my first opportunity to get accustomed to the role. As such, I haven't been able to actually create the character yet--but I'm hoping things play out in my favor. I've also never participated in an event before, unless you count the Beijing one which I believe went by the name 'Under Red Skies.'

Terms and Conditions:

By placing my forum account's name below, I hereby agree to the following...

Should my character be removed from the event, the associated GM reserves the right to not appeal this punishment. This event may not be used as an excuse to harass or act on personal OOC issues with other players. Breaking the rules or disrupting the event in any way, shape or form will result in your removal from the event, and all rules in regards to Fear RP must be respected. You will be playing a role in an important event which has a major effect on the WN storyline's continuity and a serious disposition must be maintained at all times. As such, this is a purposeful and serious series in terms of tone and content within. Finally, the GM reserves the right to administer punishments and manage the event as they desire.

Forum Name:


Posting this for @Leon since he has problems posting.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Leon
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:100448039
  • *Discord Name & ID: Leon#8660
  • *Timezone: GMT+3
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---
*Character Name: SCAR-47
Character Rank : OWS
*Brief summary of the character: A standard overwactch unit, scar-47 is one of many that being transhumanced. Used to be one of the ordinary people and now have turned into a gear in the big operation machine that called the combine. Scar-47 as any other unit places the mission as the first priority. That what he is made for and his other delegates too.
*Why do you want to play this character?: wish to prove my abilities as an overwatch unit and gain some experience while at it to improve myself

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.
I hereby agree to the following terms,

- @Leon -


--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Apollo7771FO3​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:40787669​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Nezoose#5231​
  • *Timezone: GMT-6​
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]​
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]​
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: C36:RL.ROLLER-0
Character Rank : Rank Leader
*Brief summary of the character:



“My brothers die, by the ruling hand”







Writings of the vile rogue-bound anti-administration vessel

A survivor of the Administration's headcrab shellings

The command behind countless block sterilizations

Protector of his collaborators

*Why do you want to play this character?: To play a rogue-esk character, a completely new idea to me.

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,



The Event will be Delayed by 1 Week

New Date: 28.01.2023 - 29.01.2023

The event will start at 7 pm GMT
Last edited:
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan​
  • *Discord Name & ID:​
  • *Timezone:​
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]​
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]​
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Raas Kook / Wrench.
Character Rank : Biotic Conscript.
*Brief summary of the character: A 6'0 Biotic Conscript, mainly used as a ammo carrier, and engineer.
Shackled or Unshackled, up to cengiz.

Raas Kook, a Vortigaunt of the age of around 61, and a height of 6'0
It accepted its fate under the combine, seeing fighting it to be in vain. So, it took up to loyalty. It had taken a interest in the Militant Arm Arteria, however it never got the chance to join.
Then, lately in 2018. It was offered a chance, after it gained its docile status in City-24.
Thus, it was recruited as a worker and engineer for the OSF, gaining a nick name. 'Wrench'.
Now, it sees itself in City-36 along side OTA and Civil Protection. A group of which, it hoped to avoid being near.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
I've always wanted to play as a vort in the OSF, and I did have one in the roster. Just never got around to using them, so I'd like to make a OSF vort, mainly for OSF related events.

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.
I hereby agree to the following terms,
Donavin Jones.​
Last edited:
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: 0xNiklas
  • *Steam ID: forgot
  • *Discord Name & ID: 0xNiklas™#5967
  • *Timezone: GMT -1 ( I think? )
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Nikolas Volpis
Character Rank : OSF Recruit
*Brief summary of the character: One of the many OSF Conscripts. Finds his way to rise or leave the OSF
*Why do you want to play this character?: Out of spite.

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: General_Claw64
  • *Steam ID: 76561199149030942
  • *Discord Name & ID: Craw419#9525
  • *Timezone: GMT
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ Maybe ]
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Stanley
Character Rank : Rock
*Brief summary of the character:
*Why do you want to play this character?: He is a Rock

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Omega​
  • *Steam ID: idk​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Omega#5347​
  • *Timezone: EST​
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ]
--- Section Two ---*Character Name: Douglas Arnold
Character Rank :
*Brief summary of the character:
Douglas Arnold is the cliché gun loving American that everyone sees in the media. Except this guy just wants to shoot at things that move. Joining the OSF he had shown his superiors that he needed little to no training when it came to his rifle. From shooting to cleaning, the man knew what he was doing.
*Why do you want to play this character?:
This would be his first mission, and it’s perfectly in line with his reason given for joining the OSF in his application.

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: ThomasK​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:120901350
  • *Discord Name & ID: ThomasK110#0550​
  • *Timezone: GMT.​
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Nicole Jackson

Character Rank: OSF Private

*Brief summary of the character:
Nicole Jackson is an OSF soldier with only a small taste of warfare, and she yearns to get back into a combat zone to prove that she is capable of serving the Combine and not just serving as a bullet sponge.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
Nicole Jackson is my only active character as she has an actual purpose, I have another but he literally has no goals at all. Nicole Jackson also has a backstory that I have written that explains her motives, etc. The OSF is also a faction I am extremely passionate about, and I very recently failed horrifically in Operation Frostbite, and I want to redeem myself ICly to the Combine, and also prove OOCly to myself that I am actually competent enough to be a soldier in the OSF. Finally, given the possible wipe in a few months when V3 releases, I want to do as much as possible with this character to complete her story before that occurs.

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

- ThomasK110 -
--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:


*Steam ID:

FARRON MI CHIAMAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Discord Name & ID:

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:

Paolo Menta

OSF Specialist, marksman

*Brief Summary of Character:
Paolo is one of the most immature, childish, and idiotic soldiers you could meet in the 24th battalion. But all of this is compensated by his great marksmanship and loyalty towards the union. He enlisted in the force just a year ago, but made quick progress and managed to climb the ranks fairly easily. He treats the OSF as his family, considering all the other soldiers as brothers and sisters.

*Character Backstory:
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: FelixPiusKiller
  • *Steam ID: 76561199063170343
  • *Discord Name & ID: felixpiuskiller#1603
  • *Timezone:GMT+1
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : YES
  • Is this character from the Main Server : YES
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Felix Poelking
Character Rank : OSF,Private
*Brief summary of the character: A young OSF private,who wants to continue to fight for the union and hopes to be part of the higher-ups someday.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I wan't to take part in more OSF operations.

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan​
  • *Discord Name & ID:​
  • *Timezone:​
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]​
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]​
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Raas Kook / Wrench.
Character Rank : Biotic Conscript.
*Brief summary of the character: A 6'0 Biotic Conscript, mainly used as a ammo carrier, and engineer.
Shackled or Unshackled, up to cengiz.

Raas Kook, a Vortigaunt of the age of around 61, and a height of 6'0
It accepted its fate under the combine, seeing fighting it to be in vain. So, it took up to loyalty. It had taken a interest in the Militant Arm Arteria, however it never got the chance to join.
Then, lately in 2018. It was offered a chance, after it gained its docile status in City-24.
Thus, it was recruited as a worker and engineer for the OSF, gaining a nick name. 'Wrench'.
Now, it sees itself in City-36 along side OTA and Civil Protection. A group of which, it hoped to avoid being near.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
I've always wanted to play as a vort in the OSF, and I did have one in the roster. Just never got around to using them, so I'd like to make a OSF vort, mainly for OSF related events.

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.
I hereby agree to the following terms,
Donavin Jones.​


--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: 0xNiklas
  • *Steam ID: forgot
  • *Discord Name & ID: 0xNiklas™#5967
  • *Timezone: GMT -1 ( I think? )
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Nikolas Volpis
Character Rank : OSF Recruit
*Brief summary of the character: One of the many OSF Conscripts. Finds his way to rise or leave the OSF
*Why do you want to play this character?: Out of spite.

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,


--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: General_Claw64
  • *Steam ID: 76561199149030942
  • *Discord Name & ID: Craw419#9525
  • *Timezone: GMT
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ Maybe ]
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Stanley
Character Rank : Rock
*Brief summary of the character:
*Why do you want to play this character?: He is a Rock

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,


--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Omega​
  • *Steam ID: idk​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Omega#5347​
  • *Timezone: EST​
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ]
--- Section Two ---*Character Name: Douglas Arnold
Character Rank : Private
*Brief summary of the character: Douglas Arnold is the cliché gun loving American that everyone sees in the media. Except this guy just wants to shoot at things that move. Joining the OSF he had shown his superiors that he needed little to no training when it came to his rifle. From shooting to cleaning, the man knew what he was doing.
*Why do you want to play this character?: This would be his first mission, and it’s perfectly in line with his reason given for joining the OSF in his application.

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,


--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: ThomasK​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:120901350
  • *Discord Name & ID: ThomasK110#0550​
  • *Timezone: GMT.​
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Nicole Jackson

Character Rank: OSF Private

*Brief summary of the character:
Nicole Jackson is an OSF soldier with only a small taste of warfare, and she yearns to get back into a combat zone to prove that she is capable of serving the Combine and not just serving as a bullet sponge.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
Nicole Jackson is my only active character as she has an actual purpose, I have another but he literally has no goals at all. Nicole Jackson also has a backstory that I have written that explains her motives, etc. The OSF is also a faction I am extremely passionate about, and I very recently failed horrifically in Operation Frostbite, and I want to redeem myself ICly to the Combine, and also prove OOCly to myself that I am actually competent enough to be a soldier in the OSF. Finally, given the possible wipe in a few months when V3 releases, I want to do as much as possible with this character to complete her story before that occurs.

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

- ThomasK110 -
--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:


*Steam ID:

FARRON MI CHIAMAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Discord Name & ID:

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:

Paolo Menta

OSF Specialist, marksman

*Brief Summary of Character:
Paolo is one of the most immature, childish, and idiotic soldiers you could meet in the 24th battalion. But all of this is compensated by his great marksmanship and loyalty towards the union. He enlisted in the force just a year ago, but made quick progress and managed to climb the ranks fairly easily. He treats the OSF as his family, considering all the other soldiers as brothers and sisters.

*Character Backstory:
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: FelixPiusKiller
  • *Steam ID: 76561199063170343
  • *Discord Name & ID: felixpiuskiller#1603
  • *Timezone:GMT+1
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : YES
  • Is this character from the Main Server : YES
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Felix Poelking
Character Rank : OSF,Private
*Brief summary of the character: A young OSF private,who wants to continue to fight for the union and hopes to be part of the higher-ups someday.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I wan't to take part in more OSF operations.

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:

Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

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