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Imperator RAD-X

The Supreme Marshal
Staff Member
Server Council


Survivors - 14
@Lost Coast Chanties
@FungletheBungle (Reserved)

Protectors - 6 - FULL
@Donavin Jones

Tribals (Vorts) - 4 (FULL)

@Keyblockor (Reserved)

Unique Characters - 3
@Hiros (Reserved)

@Robert (Reserved)


Section One:

Steam ID -
Discord ID -
Timezone -

Character Format:

However you like. Just state what role you want and make sure you're actually knowledgeable about what you're actually going to be playing as and actually MAKE A CHARACTER, y'know? You'll be judged by the other applicants as well, not just the Short Stories Team, so just bare that in mind.
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Section One:

Steam Name - Meme_Lord_Satan
Discord ID - Dog#2267
Timezone - EST

Character Format:

< : : UNION-9 : : >
< : : Equipment - MP5 - HEALTH VILE X2 - CP RATION X1 - MAGAZINES X4 : : >

< : : [|||||||] [||||] - Born in London England, XX/XX/XXXX. Education - University. Previous relocations - CITY-17 DISTRICT 47. CITY-24. CITY-08. CITY-03. Infractions - 99 Reckless Operation. Intention Rank - 1. UNION-9 - RANK PROMOTION INBOUND : : >

"Was what I was told 7 months ago, then all this happened. Now, many of my units are gone and scattered. Even saying our Benefactors have left us, likely story. They left to see if we are worth the trouble. They are watching us, I know it. We have to prove we are a valuable asset to them for our survival. And I will prove that we are, I just have to regain control over the units.. And take out any traitors that dare stand before us. Long live the Union."

Steam ID - STEAM_0:0:85981754
Discord ID - Justanotherguardthatexists #9241
Timezone - EST


Affiliation: WATERPACKERS(Defunct)
Jonathan Frakes is by all means, a non-conformist. He wears the label with pride, anyone who doesn't like that is a sheep, blindly listening to whatever their shepherd tells them. It was this mindset that would be put into use during the duration of the Combine occupation. First he found friends, made connections. Then he found secure locations, and supplies. Then he started his operation. One of the founders of the Anticitizen group "The Waterpackers", Jonathan Frakes lead one of many "De-purifying" groups among the "Water City" of City 70. Cans would be taken, either from the facilities themselves, or poorly guarded CLC shipments, and sent to various locations under Waterpacker control, where upon they would be cleaned of any contaminants added by the combine, and distributed to almost any who needed them. Citizens, anticitizens, it did not matter, as long as they were not a drone of the Combine. Some had thought this rejection of all but the lowest conformists cruel, but Jonathan was always quick to retort that they had water if they trusted the Combine so much. And so it was for years, water would be taken, cleaned, and given out, all the way until things started to go wrong.

What happened during the collapse is a blur, atleast to Jonathan, but there are things he does remember; the fighting, the evacuations, the journey. It was this journey that he remembers most. Upon the realization that order was collapsing and the Combine were abandoning Earth, Jonathan would gather his loyal followers and attempt to head east, to find someplace safe to wait out the collapse of those he hated so strongly. Yet, things would not go well. From reasons ranging from abandoned Transhumans to wildlife, to rare interventions of what must have been THE DOMINATOR, the group was whittled down one by one. If any Waterpackers remain, Jonathan is unaware of them, what is known, is that their sacrifices won't be in vain. With news of a safe place, he sets out, with nothing but meagre supplies and his pistol, itself a gift from the co-founder of the waterpackers, whose name Jonathan has even now kept only to himself. Once he finds this safe haven, he'll keep it safe, and make sure those who had their loyalties lie to the wrong side are punished...unless he were to change his mind, but baring exceptional circumstances...it's unlikely.


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Section One:

Steam ID - N/A
Discord ID - Imperialist That Sneers#0219
Timezone - EST
Character Format:
Character Name
"Victor-7" Malcolm Reeves Never the Victor
Character Alignment Protectors



Childhood: Formerly an Orphan turned Civil Protection renegade, Malcolm Reeves was born initially sometime unbeknownst to himself even, Born in the interperiods sometime at the end of the 1990's and the early 2000's Malcolm grew up essentially raised by the state in the care at first of the US government and later under the watchful eye of the combine administration who had raised him completely indoctrinating him with the ideals of the combine ideology of transhumanism having no real compass outside of the combine nor any other family.

Adulthood at age 18 he had been indoctrinated and prepared for a career as a frontline Civil Protection recruit with the eventual goal of being someday transhumanized. Unfortunately for Victor-7 many units had noticed his arrogant attitude a trait he'd carried through childhood having no real solid family building Victor-7 often had lashed out at other students and many units in his new assigned city (City One) had taken notice upon reviewing the ground unit's files that they were an Orphan this would be used by MANY units to hold over his head as he were some kind of "Freak" Or outcast some had even begun to spin rumors that the unit had murdered their family and burned the residence to the ground eventually gaining him several falsely given nicknames which would result in the unit getting several MMR's which would curiously work in his favor...

The Incident...
following several MMRs and a years of dedicated service Eventually advancing to intention three after...a few district relocations later the ground unit one-day was caught in the crimson storm one day on a standard patrol in the region whilst deployed with several other units in an APC During an investigation just outside the city in Upstate newyork the Unit named "HAMMER-5" was ambushed by an outland insurgent cell somewhere off the road by an Improvised explosive device which managed to destroy and immobilize Hammer-5 being cut off from command by some mysterious interference Victor-7 followed by several units began a long deadly trek by foot back home to City-01 Desperately attempting to re-gain contact with dispatch or Overwatch braving the outlands which up until this point had been believed to be a death sentence due to the high concentration of xenian fauna and insurgents eventually reaching the edge of the city, It was found that after the week long trek many of the original group of 4 CPs had begun acting "Different" Few had begun murmuring about something in their head...one had even snapped and needed to be disarmed, And what's more is there was still no sign of dispatch the outer city defenses were abandoned though clean? as if all of their useful equipment was moved somewhere else after roughly 48 hours of waiting the group had still no rescue and the decision to split up was made.

Roughly two weeks after the decision was made to split up upon regrouping within the city It had become VICTOR-7's mission to regroup with Civil Protection having no other form of family mentally Civil Protection was all that he had, Until they came - Initially it was believed that the city had fallen to Insurrection though curiously it had been seen that majority of the transhuman garrison of City 1 had been displaced elsewhere outside of the city (Likely to Citadel 04) after a week of cautious travels it became clear though something wasn't right that there wasn't a "Critical" Insurrection, It also became clear that dispatch either didn't exist anymore or was turned off eventually V-7 managed to blend in with a group for half of a week getting somewhat of an idea regarding the situation around them rumors of "Facility-6" had been floating around about a final site of refuge which was believed Civil Protection was moving towards, Galvanized by this new revelation the lone Isolated unit decided to embark on a journey in-search of such a place moving through various market places and shanty towns.
Section One:

Steam Name - Omega
Discord ID - Omega#5347
Timezone - EST

Character Format:
The Forsaken Captain
Formerly C1:CpT.HERO-800


HERO-800 used to have a real name. A real face. A real job. A real life. All of that is gone now, and has been for a while; though it's too prevalent to be wiped with MMR. Through this pain, however, came his best work, a ruthless machine who would kill whoever he saw fit for his "Benefactors"... oh what a fool he was. After the Cataclysm, and the Crimson Mist spread far and wide, the... things 800 gave up his entire being for left. Without a second thought, or any offer or opportunity to be saved with them, just... left to squalor. This broke the finely oiled machine they had crafted with the Captain, the moment Dispatch cut ties and signified they truly weren't coming back. He forsook the mission he had dedicated the last decade and a half of his entire life to, leaving his Units to fend for themselves and attempt to fill the void of power he left when he went solo. The crazed Captain has decided this was the straw that broke the camels back, that he would live up to his name the Exctinctionists donned upon him before leaving him and the rest of their experimental plaything called humanity to rot. He would become a Hero.

Now, he wanders the Crimson Mists brought by The Cataclysm, armed with his trusted shotgun and machete- helping those in need in a vain attempt to appease what the Combine had turned him into.
Section One:

Steam Name - Omega
Discord ID - Omega#5347
Timezone - EST

Character Format:
The Forsaken Captain
Formerly C1:CpT.HERO-800

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HERO-800 used to have a real name. A real face. A real job. A real life. All of that is gone now, and has been for a while; though it's too prevalent to be wiped with MMR. Through this pain, however, came his best work, a ruthless machine who would kill whoever he saw fit for his "Benefactors"... oh what a fool he was. After the Cataclysm, and the Crimson Mist spread far and wide, the... things 800 gave up his entire being for left. Without a second thought, or any offer or opportunity to be saved with them, just... left to squalor. This broke the finely oiled machine they had crafted with the Captain, the moment Dispatch cut ties and signified they truly weren't coming back. He forsook the mission he had dedicated the last decade and a half of his entire life to, leaving his Units to fend for themselves and attempt to fill the void of power he left when he went solo. The crazed Captain has decided this was the straw that broke the camels back, that he would live up to his name the Exctinctionists donned upon him before leaving him and the rest of their experimental plaything called humanity to rot. He would become a Hero.

Now, he wanders the Crimson Mists brought by The Cataclysm, armed with his trusted shotgun and machete- helping those in need in a vain attempt to appease what the Combine had turned him into.

twenty first century schizoid man
Steam ID - STEAM_0:0:506620259
Discord ID - YungJenkins#7899
Timezone - EST

The cave is riddled with writing and scribbles along the walls of the end…
What once were considered ramblings now turned true. The world had come to an end as he knew it.
Jacob rose from his bed, packing his things and preparing his gas mask filters and gave them a test run. After writing in his journal and leaving one last marking in the cave, he sets out to the wasteland of what is now considered to be The Old World.

Jacob is a simple man. He is pretty forgetful, only really remembering his first name. Everyone kept calling him Jacob, so he stuck with the name and forgot his old one. He’s been living off of scraps he could find in abandoned cities and towns, often hiding out in caves where the beasts and the bad people couldn’t find him.
He doesn’t trust anyone, anyone except for himself. The only thing keeping him from going insane is his journal, allowing him to have a conversation with himself in his own little world. His dreams are the only safe haven that he could just barely reach. Suicide is an option, but he’s religious. He doesn’t want to disappoint God, and so he continued fighting like a soldier. His fighting could lead to his end, or his success.

He continues exploring throughout the wastes in search of a way to make a good living out of it. He doesn’t want to keep moving anymore, he doesn’t know how many more acres of sand and mist that he could endure. He doesn’t remember what happened before the mist took over or what his life was before the wastes, though he focuses on the future. He sees a civilization with himself as the ruler.
He trusts only but himself.
Section One:

Steam ID - N/A
Discord ID - Imperialist That Sneers#0219
Timezone - EST
Character Format:
Character Name
"Victor-7" Malcolm Reeves Never the Victor
Character Alignment Protectors


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Childhood: Formerly an Orphan turned Civil Protection renegade, Malcolm Reeves was born initially sometime unbeknownst to himself even, Born in the interperiods sometime at the end of the 1990's and the early 2000's Malcolm grew up essentially raised by the state in the care at first of the US government and later under the watchful eye of the combine administration who had raised him completely indoctrinating him with the ideals of the combine ideology of transhumanism having no real compass outside of the combine nor any other family.

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Adulthood at age 18 he had been indoctrinated and prepared for a career as a frontline Civil Protection recruit with the eventual goal of being someday transhumanized. Unfortunately for Victor-7 many units had noticed his arrogant attitude a trait he'd carried through childhood having no real solid family building Victor-7 often had lashed out at other students and many units in his new assigned city (City One) had taken notice upon reviewing the ground unit's files that they were an Orphan this would be used by MANY units to hold over his head as he were some kind of "Freak" Or outcast some had even begun to spin rumors that the unit had murdered their family and burned the residence to the ground eventually gaining him several falsely given nicknames which would result in the unit getting several MMR's which would curiously work in his favor...

The Incident...
following several MMRs and a years of dedicated service Eventually advancing to intention three after...a few district relocations later the ground unit one-day was caught in the crimson storm one day on a standard patrol in the region whilst deployed with several other units in an APC During an investigation just outside the city in Upstate newyork the Unit named "HAMMER-5" was ambushed by an outland insurgent cell somewhere off the road by an Improvised explosive device which managed to destroy and immobilize Hammer-5 being cut off from command by some mysterious interference Victor-7 followed by several units began a long deadly trek by foot back home to City-01 Desperately attempting to re-gain contact with dispatch or Overwatch braving the outlands which up until this point had been believed to be a death sentence due to the high concentration of xenian fauna and insurgents eventually reaching the edge of the city, It was found that after the week long trek many of the original group of 4 CPs had begun acting "Different" Few had begun murmuring about something in their head...one had even snapped and needed to be disarmed, And what's more is there was still no sign of dispatch the outer city defenses were abandoned though clean? as if all of their useful equipment was moved somewhere else after roughly 48 hours of waiting the group had still no rescue and the decision to split up was made.

View attachment 18614
Roughly two weeks after the decision was made to split up upon regrouping within the city It had become VICTOR-7's mission to regroup with Civil Protection having no other form of family mentally Civil Protection was all that he had, Until they came - Initially it was believed that the city had fallen to Insurrection though curiously it had been seen that majority of the transhuman garrison of City 1 had been displaced elsewhere outside of the city (Likely to Citadel 04) after a week of cautious travels it became clear though something wasn't right that there wasn't a "Critical" Insurrection, It also became clear that dispatch either didn't exist anymore or was turned off eventually V-7 managed to blend in with a group for half of a week getting somewhat of an idea regarding the situation around them rumors of "Facility-6" had been floating around about a final site of refuge which was believed Civil Protection was moving towards, Galvanized by this new revelation the lone Isolated unit decided to embark on a journey in-search of such a place moving through various market places and shanty towns.
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but then you remember you was banned from short stories 😦

Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:113942347
Discord ID Cengiz#4268
Timezone GMT+1




<:: Welcome to Overwatch Central Intelligence::>
<:: Submit Login Information::>

User: Overwatch-Unit Confirmed
Password: *******************

<:: Accessing File::>
<:: Accessing CITIZEN-FILE-563234::>




[ Character Summary ]

Artyom Melnikov was an Ordinary Citizen living in City 1. He was used to being often relocated and didn't mind seeing the other cities of the Combine. "Another Day, Another Relocation," he always said. Though his hometown was Moscow, known as City 3, he hadn't seen his home for years now. He was a Hunter before the 7-Hour war, hunting on the Local & Xen Wildlife. He knew how to butcher different Xen Creatures to harvest their delicious meat. After the 7-Hour war, he gave up on his old occupation as a Hunter, and the Combine wasn't allowing People to Hunt for their own food with weapons. So he made a living while working in one of the thousands of facilities & factories that the combine possessed. At some point during his life in City 1, did he come across a rare opportunity, an opportunity to escape from City 1. He took the chance and ran for his dear life, hoping the Outlands & Wilderness around City 1 would welcome an Old Hunter. He came across many different & Abandoned Houses that he looked through, hoping to find either food & Equipment that he could use.

Now Many Years after his Escape from City 1 into the Outlands, did he stumbled across a small Combine Civil Computer in an Abandoned House. To his surprise, this Old Computer was still Working and Repeated the following Message to him


<:: This is a message sent to all Civil Computers, Terminal uplinks, and Broadcast stations... :>>
So he made the decision to quickly return home and grab the Necessary Equipment needed for this Journey, his beloved Rifle & Hunting Equipment. During his journey, he met a Soldier formerly working for the Combine. They briefly spoke to each other and agreed to Team up for this Dangerous Journey to find Facility 6.

OOC: I would like to start my Journey with Grassman and I would like to own a Hunting Rifle / Sniper Rifle. If that is possible.


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Steam ID - STEAM_0:1:468510009
Discord ID - Anilife#3938
Timezone - EST


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Section One:

Steam ID - https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199055175240
Discord ID -The_Grass_Man#6549
Timezone -GMT+2

One time, a respected soldier of the OSF... Now reduced to just another refugee who manages to live another day by eating dead rats and drinking murky water. He used to be an optimistic and kind kid, but after everything went to shit and the Crimson Mist appeared, his whole unit got fucked over.

He managed to escape, now wandering the city with the hazmat suit he managed to steal and the shotgun he was issued. He's a true nomad, basing himself in a place for one or two days before moving to another location.

During one of his usual travels to fetch some food, he met up with a russian lad named Artyom. The two clicked togheter almost instantly, becoming good friends. And a friend is always useful in times like these...

Thanks to the minimal training the OSF gave him, he managed to survive until now. His ultimate goal is to find other deserted members of his unit and eventually escape with them.



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Section One:
Steam ID -
Discord ID - momentodefallizs#3616
Timezone - GMT


On one day, he was spending time in the City, his temporary home. On one other day, he was at the barracks, a Veteran if it even counts anymore.

Now? A lucky man who struck the imaginary lottery and got away after the entire unit was los- No, Murdered. Rats and Deadly Water is just part of the everyday life. The Crimson Mist took everything that was remotely recognisable, and he is on the constant move to make sure it hopefully never gets him. He's seen it all as he travels the lands.

Cultists of once normal people.
Loyalists still holding onto the Combine Regime.
The Ordinary people who got caught up in it.
The Rebels still believing.
Now, in his beaten Hazmat Suit and Rifle, he hopes to get to a Facility, a new bastion of hope whilst he looks for his other comrades in his Unit, praying to the gods that even some are alive and making their way to it...If the gods are even here anymore.
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Alright. I've cleared this thread. Stick to character apps only and not flood the thread. Please.

Michael P. Gavetti
a proud, god-fearing, checkered suited, hair slicked, cigarette lit, gold-plated new yorker.

Among most fortunate to live long past the expiration of majority life left on Earth - Michael Gavetti, some stray New Yorker. No notable man - he has no glory to claim, no grand act or expertise to be reputed by.

The only recognizable thing the man has ever done was run from his home in a full suit to a Combine evacuation center and was among some of the pictures captured by photographers who made killings off-world depicting the hysteria of those trying to flee the mist. Himself a notable victim of the photographer's greed, snapping a photo of the man frantically begging to be saved, in his fine checkered-wear. Just before the last of those loyal to be chosen to be taken off, went away.

But, whilst others died - men embodying savagery and animalism, like wolves and lions. The roach survived, the rat persisted - endured. Michael was no brave man, but he found gear enough off looting corpses and old stores, robbed folk he had to, and kept on. And his wear of mechanical and futuristic gear to make him safe from death, with the most comical suited costume, the man made some small legend of himself in wanting to be either shot dead or followed by folk, a suited bandit - some triggerman.

With this, Gavetti began hiding, rue'ing the day he decided he wanted to live and deserved it more than any other, his sins have come flown through him seeking reparation for all he's done in the name of surviving.

A no-good man, a no-good name.

He clings to strong men like leeches seeking defense, and shoots them when times get rough. He gathers young souls seeking a leader, and heads toward arduous marches to death. He's consumed by a vicious evil - the evil that is self-preservation, love of thineself. Putting yourself, before your neighbor. Sensible human, without humanity. All who follow him, all who entertain his company.

Are bound to die.

By his hand, or cause of it.

He's a plague.


Section One:

Steam ID - Idk!
Discord ID - bigdaddyboy413#7556
Timezone - EST
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:50764615​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Jak#9400​
  • *Timezone: PST​


NaQuian 'The Snake' Boone

A man of little words.
A man of much action.

NaQuian Boone, formally known as the leader of the Congo Revolutionary Front by the nickname "The Snake" was one of the few to escape inner Africa after the Dominator's reign of terror. The Combine fled the African region, leaving hundreds of thousands of people left to suffer under the horrors that the Dominator spread throughout the region.

The Fog of Death spread through the Congo, showing indiscriminate death to the survivors of the Combine regime, loyalist and Revolutionary members alike. Fighting the Fog was useless, for even The Snake knew he had to ability to overtake the Dominator. He did the only thing he could do. Run.

Using the smugglings systems The Snake built over the course of his Revolution, he and a few hundred of his men escaped the inner regions of the now African Wastes to land in Europe. As the years have passed, The Snake has lost most of his men, supplies have dwindled, and unfortunately for him

The Dominator has followed.

25TH MARCH, 7:30pm GMT.
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:50764615​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Jak#9400​
  • *Timezone: PST​

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NaQuian 'The Snake' Boone

A man of little words.
A man of much action.

NaQuian Boone, formally known as the leader of the Congo Revolutionary Front by the nickname "The Snake" was one of the few to escape inner Africa after the Dominator's reign of terror. The Combine fled the African region, leaving hundreds of thousands of people left to suffer under the horrors that the Dominator spread throughout the region.

The Fog of Death spread through the Congo, showing indiscriminate death to the survivors of the Combine regime, loyalist and Revolutionary members alike. Fighting the Fog was useless, for even The Snake knew he had to ability to overtake the Dominator. He did the only thing he could do. Run.

Using the smugglings systems The Snake built over the course of his Revolution, he and a few hundred of his men escaped the inner regions of the now African Wastes to land in Europe. As the years have passed, The Snake has lost most of his men, supplies have dwindled, and unfortunately for him

The Dominator has followed.
You think this guy used child soldiers?
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