Silenced City


Radio Bob Approved
Creative Team
<:: Solidarity may yet arrest this collapse... ::>


The Wolves

The Silenced City is a third entry from the Artifacts series. Following the events of Nightfall and Frozen Tears, the surviving group of rogue civil protection units are guided by the vortigaunts from frozen wastes into the regions of City 62. Their newfound mission is to find and destroy 'artifacts', anomalous objects of great corruptive potential. With previous horrors and hardships on their backs, the group will have to face new challenges - both mental and physical.

The Lambs

City Sixty-Two is undergoing a major crisis after twisted and half-human creatures poured onto the streets overnight. The defenses have long since collapsed, pushing the scattered survivors onto the outskirts of safety. With Overwatch deeming the city lost, the remaining citizens, civil protection officers, and conscripts will have to muster all their remaining strength and willpower to somehow put an end to this apocalypse. Luckily, a group of strangers from far away have joined them - perhaps shedding some light on this entire macabre.


The Veterans (7/

(Characters that survived Nightfall/Frozen Tears only)
Battle-worn group of survivors, familiar with the horrors spawned forth by the artifacts. Along with their new vortigaunt guides, they have arrived in City Sixty-Two to aid the remaining people and put an end to the endless horde of abominations that flooded the city. Their main objective is to seek out and destroy an artifact, ancient relics seized or lost by the Combine - corrupting everything and everyone around them.

The Vortigaunts (3/3)

(Additional pre-event information will be provided)
Vortigaunts from all around the World that came together to guide and rally anyone who would join their cause against the otherworldly corruption. Led by a greater calling, they are aware of the true nature of artifacts, and what may ultimately happen after the last one is destroyed. This particular group is leading the veterans from frozen wastes, after helping them destroy an artifact that crashed there.

Civil Protection - 'Viimeinen hengenveto' Platoon (6/7)
RL Slots [Whitelist Required]: (1/1)
i1 Slots [Whitelist Required]: (1/1)
i2 Slots [Whitelist not Required]: (0/1)
i3 Slots [Whitelist not required]: (1/1)
i4 Slots [Whitelist not required]: (1/1)
i5 Slots [Whitelist not required]: (2/2)

A group of civil protection officers that survived the initial onslaught and managed to regroup, led by a singular Rank Leader. They have been abandoned by Overwatch and left to die in the falling city. Along with armed citizens and the remnants of conscripts, they are tasked with facing an impossible horror that destroyed their home. Perhaps if everyone works together, there may still be hope for City Sixty-Two?

The Finnish Reserve (7/7)

(Whitelist not required, Junior Command and below only)
A handful of conscripts, unlucky enough to be in the city when all hell was let loose. With no surviving leader and doubtful allies at their side, they must do all they can to see another day. Despair is first to set in, when you know there's no way but forward into the darkness.

The Citizens (7/)

(Resistance members are allowed, though expect to cooperate with all other factions event-start)
Like lambs for slaughter, those men and women have been armed with whatever scraps they could salvage. With nothing but their own cunning to help them, like everyone else they must somehow find a way through this nightmare. The question is, who will be the real monsters when supplies and sanity finally run out?

During the initial event set-up, all players will be given a certain amount of chips corresponding to their position within the storyline. You will then be able to spend those chips at a vendor to purchase equipment. Every 'faction' will have its own vendor to buy things from (sorry citizens, you won't get an AK47). Certain characters will be given additional gear outside of this criteria.


- Section One -

  • Steam Name:
  • Steam ID:
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]:

- Section Two -

  • Character name / Tagline:
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/CCR):
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory:
  • Name your character's favorite activity:

- Starting time: Day 1 (7 PM GMT+2, 27th) Day 2 (7 PM GMT+2, 29th) -

This is a NON-CANON event.
This event follows a "one-life" policy. All deaths with IC reasoning will be considered PK.
Your choice afterward is to play as a special passive role.
Bleedout Godmode turned ON.
Healing mid-combat is ALLOWED.
Whitelist restrictions may be lifted if the Event Host deems the individual capable of Roleplaying in sufficient fashion throughout the event.
Repairing armor mid-combat is NOT ALLOWED.
Thirst/Hunger damage may be turned on at a very slow rate to give admins a signal when someone is starving. Better pack up some rations!
Memory replacement procedure doesn't apply here for the sake of the event, unless voluntary. All units above i3 may act as everyone else and are not forced to obey the Combine.
*The one-life rule might be overruled if the deaths are too frequent or a certain threshold of participants is not met. That also means creating an entirely new character if need be.
**Repairing and healing rules can be overruled if the character is considered covered and in a safe spot.
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"He left us all. He left us all for dead. Betrayed, forgotten, abandoned. Like we were disposable."
"Some survived, the rest... Not so fortunate."
"Funny isn't it? Straight from the frying pan and into another fire up in that frozen hellhole, once again me being one of the few survivors."
"Cursed? Nah, I don't think so."

-Section One-

Steam Name: cjtn10
Steam ID: 76561198090576520
Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: cjtn10#0309

- Section Two -
Character name / Tagline: C-31:i3:HELIX-03
Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/CCR): Veteran
Short (or detailed) character backstory: Abandoned for dead in the C-53 QZ, HELIX-03 has shown resilience through several trials and tribulations deemed unfathomable.
Name your character's favorite activity: Medicine.

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A creature with a grey skin and piercing blue eyes watches through the snowstorm at an encampment below. It is occupied by a group of Protectors, led by two soldiers of the Ulathoi. The creature watches as both meet their demise by the hands of those that they were meant to lead.

"It would seem that the Earth-Walkers have chosen the path of knowledge kindred... Allow us to provide them guidance and knowledge."

- Section One -
Steam Name: Stanford
Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:41852222
Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: stanford5039

- Section Two -

Character name / Tagline: Gaka'Yirh'Vas
Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/CCR): Vortigaunt
Short (or detailed) character backstory: Gaka'Yirh'Vas was in the frozen wastes alongside the remnants of his tribe. Together he sought to achieve the goals of his tribe and ensure the artifacts were found. He watched the group of Protectors as they searched through the icey lands, destined to perish if it weren't for some very brave functionaries who had decided to go against their overlords. Now he guides them across the wasteland alongside his kin, onwards to their next target within the regions of city 62.
Name your character's favorite activity: Hunting
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- Section One -
Steam Name: Taliazure
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:67985352
Discord Name & ID: Taliazure

- Section Two -
Full Tagline (City 31): C31:i5.UNION-20

Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/CCR): Intention 5

First forcefully, assigned onto Dropship 2, sent out to a cold blanket of a landscape to die, left to rot along the few that survived.
Now pushed onto a rubble of what was once a city, filled with things that would make any men question reality, how can one withstand such suffering?

Short (or detailed) character backstory:
U-20 was a arrogant loyalist before all this, having climbed her way up the ladder she felt as if she had done enough to those around her and she was /owed/ now. But that behaviour got the best of the worst person you could get to, rank leaders.
She found herself not long being taken away and forcefully conscripted, the now seemingly well dressed clean loyalist finds herself in muddy boots and shattered armor, amidst the scraps of a dropship along with other doomed souls. She was sent out to the cold landscape, her dropship failed and crashed, killing some of the units within, she was able to survive alongside the others and make her way through the dead lands now onto a hellish hole of unimaginable anomalies.

Name your character's favorite activity: Painting and drawing.​

"And here you stand, forsaken, doomed to this frozen waste."
"We shall provide you succour, and sequester you within our den."


An ochre-skinned beast, with piercing sapphire eyes.

-Section One-
  • Steam Name: BBL Drizzy
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:113000235
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: Kena? / kena8826

- Section Two -

  • Character name / Tagline: T'vah'Shur
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/CCR): Vortigaunt
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: T'vah's past is just as any other vortigaunt. Albeit a young specimen of its kind, it was in equal measure forced from the Xenian borderworld to earth. It, however, was collected, processed, and sent to the place formerly known as Finland. Particularly- City Sixty-two. The resistance was strong, then, and less likely to be so easily stamped out. Summarily, T'vah had been released, unshackled, and taken within a non descript group that fought the Combine's encroaching, tightening grip. This, however, proved too much, and so T'vah was made to flee with remnants scattering to the winds. It was picked up by a small tribe, taught their ways of survival within the wastelands. It was at this time, they had found a few deserted functionaries of the Civil Protection. So, they watched, and waited for the correct time to act.
  • Name your character's favorite activity: Ice-fishing during the winter, regular fishing during the summer.
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- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Wraygun
  • Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:168504023
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: wraygun

- Section Two
  • Character name / Tagline: Jean Villeroy-Bosch
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/CCR): CCR, junior command.
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: A young Frenchman that was barely enlisted. Ambitious higher than the Eiffel tower he was used to see on a daily basis. His story will end in death, or with a much-needed career boost.
  • Name your character's favorite activity: Cussing out people for dumb reasons.

- Section One -

  • Steam Name: Garlic
  • Steam ID: 0:0:511615842
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: Short Stories Discord Name: Garlic. Discord: garlic5067

- Section Two -

  • Character name / Tagline: Ki'Lor
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/CCR): Vortigaunt
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: Ki'Lor, a Vortigaunt that had heard of the remnants of what had transpired in Frozen Tears. He had received information about one of his kindred dying trying to destroy the sacred item; "The Artifact". Hearing this news Ki'Lor decided to tag along, as his previous kindred who we're very close to Ki'Lor had also tried to destroy it, But we're also killed by the Combine. Maybe in this story, Ki'Lor will be able to avenge all of his fallen brothers by finally destroying "The Artifact" and finally proving their legacy had mean't something in his eyes.
  • Name your character's favorite activity: Adventures.

    Extra Notes: I wanted to keep this application short. Main reason is I already see two Vortigaunt applications that are likely to be accepted and didn't wanna be left out from this SS event, as this might be the first time i'm ever a Vortigaunt in a SS event and also because Frozen Tears was pretty good, so I thought this would be too, since they're resuming the story from there.

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- Section One -

Steam Name: John Francis
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:104817329
Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: John Turkïye

- Section Two -

Character name / Tagline: Viktor Volinski

Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/CCR): Stafflain Grade 1 / Junior Command

Short (or detailed) character backstory:
Not much is known about the man's history prior to conscription, outside of him surviving in notable insurgencies against the combine. At the border between Finland and Russia. Later captured, and forced into conscription. He was posted within the Finnish Reserves, into an endless role of being cannon fodder. Though to survive is to live, survive he did. Becoming a well off Stafflain in a role where the young die early.

Upon the fall of City 62, dependent on the leadership of the MCP Overseer and Colonel responsible for his unit. He is the remaining few to have survived the onslaught of these vile, indiscriminate monsters that came above. Taking charge of his small squad, and in turn seeking for their survival. Even when abandoned. Calling himself the new commanding officer of his squad.

Name your character's favorite activity:
- Bird Hunting
- Killing Ukrainians
- Killing Georgians
- Killing Finnish
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Steam Name: Brennen
Steam ID: 76561198359555613
Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: brennenw05, 466333885983358976

Character Name: Father Joseph White
Role: Citizen - Resistance Pastor and Medic
Short (or detailed) character backstory: Faith. Faith is at the center of the man before you. Joseph has always been a man of the church. After the war, he delved more in the Lord's word. Even as the world itself broke down on faith, he sought to teach the gospel. He found himself leading the people of revolt in prayer. Eventually aiding them in combat, healing their wounds, and their spirts.
Even now, as he aids both his people, and his former enemies, fighting demons untold. He still preaches the holy word. For faith is Humanities greatest tool. Though a shotgun never hurt either.

Ephesians 6:11

"Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil."

Name your character's favorite activity: Preaching the good word.


<:: LINE taught me to fight and we were the ones to put him down. ::>
<:: I've killed our own, ones that just want to get to their family. ::>

<:: Yet, I was just following orders. ::>
<:: . . That's
all I am, Just a soldier. ::>

<:: I regret EVERYTHING. ::>
<:: I couldn't just let them live their life. ::>

<:: -- I'm sorry, H-19. ::>
<:: I wish I could have saved you. ::>

<:: . . We live and die by your orders, Three. ::>
<:: Even if I live with guilt. ::>




- Section One -

  • Steam Name: lyingfox
  • Steam ID: lyingf0x
  • Discord Name & ID : lyingfox ///// 636561864976760876

- Section Two -

  • Character name / Tagline: HERO-04
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/CCR): Veteran (i4/i3 i think..?)

  • Character's favorite activity: Trapping, marksmanship, lock picking.
  • Character's weaknesses: Guilt, lying, following orders first;asking questions later.
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- Section One -

  • Steam Name: ThomasK
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:120901350
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: thomask110

- Section Two -
  • Character name / Tagline: Jaakko Pielinen
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/CCR): Conscript, CG-1
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: A criminal in the eyes of the Combine and pretty much anybody he’s encountered. He was arrested 5 years ago for murder and sent to the CCR after grassing up about half a dozen resistance figures. When he got there, he stopped his criminal ways… For about a month until he realised that nobody gave a shit, so long as he could follow orders, not be a cunt towards his comrades, and not draw too much attention to them.

    Now, his modest soldiering skills are being put to the test, with City 62 being turned from a safe haven to a hellhole, and Jaakko left with his rifle and comrades to try and stay alive, at least they're not entirely incompetent.

  • Name your character's favourite activity: Drinking, reading, robbing civilians of anything he likes the look of.
blast from the past baby you know what time it is

- Section One -

Steam Name: fallizs
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:512853308
Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: fallizs

- Section Two -

Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/CCR):
Conscript, CG-3

Short (or detailed) character backstory:
A young long-haired Finnish man who wanted to be in a black metal band, but was conscripted for his criminal activities and association with a rebel cell, snitching on 1/3 of the people he knew. He is the most recent conscript, and the lowest rank of them all, but can understand a basic order despite his language handicap - only knowing basic english but fluent in Finnish; only surviving from the care of the other doomed Conscripts alongside him.

Name your character's favorite activity:
Collecting CDs
Ice Baths​
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Steam Name: Cengo
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:113942347
Discord Name & ID : cengo62

- Section Two -

Character name / Tagline: Gerhard Hartmann


Short (or detailed) character backstory:
Gerhardt Hartmann was once a man of quiet ambitions, content to live within the grinding machinery of the city’s bureaucracy. A senior member of the Civil Workers Union, he spent his days ensuring that the endless paperwork flowed smoothly, all while subtly skimming supplies from the system. He was meticulous, stealing just enough to avoid suspicion, and selling the goods on the black market. With each sale, he came a step closer to his dream: a life far away from the choking smog and the ever-watchful eyes of the authorities.

His plan was simple—save enough to buy equipment, bribe the right officials, and vanish into the wilderness beyond the city walls. The city, with its towering buildings and labyrinthine streets, had always seemed impenetrable, both a fortress and a prison. But for Gerhardt, escape was not just a possibility; it was a certainty.

Until the creatures came.

One night, without warning, the city’s alarms blared, and strange, otherworldly beasts began pouring through the once-impenetrable defenses. No one knew where they came from or what they wanted. Panic spread like wildfire, and the city's orderly existence descended into chaos. Gerhardt's well-laid plans crumbled in an instant.

Now, trapped within the walls he once longed to escape, Gerhardt must find another way out. His old life as a bureaucrat and a thief means nothing in this new reality. The only thing that matters now is survival. The city is no longer just a cage—it’s a battleground. And Gerhardt Hartmann, once a man who lived in the shadows, must navigate a world overrun by horrors if he ever hopes to see the world beyond the city walls.

Name your character's favorite activity:

"In the shadows I stride, where darkness is wide, with silence as guide, I in stealth abide"
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- Section One -

Steam Name: Kryzys
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:63649991
Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: kryzys90

- Section Two -

Character name / Tagline: Aleksander Kurowski.
Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/CCR): Conscript, CG-3
Short (or detailed) character backstory: A former member of the Polish 25th Air Cavalry Brigade. Resistance fighter, and a weapons smuggler that ended in Finland during one of his many journeys and whom was caught after a deal gone wrong. Pressganged into the CCR after taking a deal with his captors that assured his survival.
Name your character's favorite activity: Reading, and hand-sewing.
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The bonfire's haze eludes me, the shattered dreams elude you
The words "You are under arrest!" Have long since deafened your senses
The priest we hired told us your confession -- we didn't much need it anyway,
But the thought helped, didn't it?
That bloodied nose doesn't bode well for your looks, my dear girl,
But what the Hell should I care? I'm dancing! We're dancing!
The band of policemen circle around the fire, kicking our feet,
The loot practically singing along,
The outlaws sound their cheer!
The KGB Border Guards sends her re-guards!
To that liberal Gorbachev?
To the Combine? Does it even matter anymore?
No, no.
It doesn't.

The frogs lead us forward, through the abyss,
To 'Sixty-Two'. Damn these numbers,
Helsinki? Turku? Tallinn? Leningrad?
Only God or the learned knows!

They want us to destroy these artifacts,
I say fuck them! These aliens are liars, sent to us by the freemasons! I want one for my own!
Maybe we can become immortal? Maybe we can change time?
Bring back the old days! Bring back the Apparatchiki, bring back Stalin!
No more Wreckers, no more rebels, no more whores!
Eternal peace!
Maybe I can bring you back from the dead, my bloodied dear? Would you like that?
And YES, we shall dance again!


- Section One -

  • Steam Name: Botulism City
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:47312124
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: Deathinthemidwest

- Section Two -

  • Character name / Tagline: Gor Davtyan, VICE-01
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/CCR): RL, if not, I1-I2.
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory: Presented above. Some rather deranged Armenian-Russian Rank Lead in his 50s. He's going to be rogue, I presume, like the rest, but instead of a goody-two-shoes he's just a corrupt thug and a bandit. Went on this journey just to amass a fortune for himself, and has an inkling that he can obtain all that and more from a supernatural..Source. He believes that he alone can harness an artifact for his own power. Imagine how that'll go.
  • Name your character's favorite activity: Winter Swimming


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I barely survived the last time I got involved with an artefact...Oh-Three dragged me out last second--heard her yelling. Vorts did their magic, bada-beem bada-boom. Here I am...alive and kickin', when others aren't...God knows what happened to my family after the last debacle.

Suppose I ought to fight for them and lay down my life--That'd be the noble thing to do, right? But to tell you the truth...I don't wanna die. I ain't gonna die.

What was it Four said? "We live and die by your orders, Three"?
Nah...I'll live by them, for sure. But I ain't dying, not just yet. Not till I find her.

"The new guy"

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<:: LOADING... ::>


<:: UNIT TAGLINE: C31:i5.HELIX-15 ::>
<:: CLOSING... ::>

DOWN (1).png

Name: BantaMan
Steam ID: 76561198123085445
Discord name/ID: BantaMan

Character Name / Tagline: Christopher Davies / C31:i5.HELIX-15
Role: Veteran
Short (or detailed) character backstory: Sent as part of the "Wolf Regiment", left for dead in a frozen wasteland. Brought back from the brink of death by Vortessence, brought back to fight once more.
Name your character's favorite activity: Living. Alternatively, reading old medical journals.


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- Section One -

  • Steam Name: Bounter
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:56174230
  • Discord Name & ID: Bounter & bounter_

- Section Two -


  • Character name: Antioch Karlin
  • Role: Citizen - Resistance Demolitionist / Engineer
  • Character backstory: Antioch, is a man around his 30s, whose roots originally hail from what was known as Levant. Not much is known about his past sadly, or his family however, aside from the fact, that he has been living in City 62 for quite a while, before shit hit the fan. Until it did, he was a demolitionist and a workshopper for the resistance in the area, makeshifting bombs, breaching changes, nades, alongside creating or repairing other basic goods. After the mysterious situation occured however, he has been holding onto what he has, and seeks out ways to make things, to assist any survivors he can, in all ways he may. Of course, if he has to.
  • Name your character's favorite activity: Making and using explosives, and other goods.
  • Steam Name: 0xNiklas
  • Steam ID: idk
  • Discord Name & ID [On Short Stories Discord (You are required to join it to participate)]: 0xNiklastm

    Character name / Tagline:
    Enni Johannson
  • Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/CCR):
    Conscript Grade One
  • Short (or detailed) character backstory:
    An early Finnish adult, scared from battle. This Veteran served the Conscripts a long time in numerous operations. Prior to his conscription, he was a slummer most of the time. He had no purpose, as his prior record was too tarnished for any service. So, he opted to join the Conscripts. He redeemed himself via valour in combat and got himself rehabilitated. And kept to continue his service to the force.
  • Name your character's favorite activity:
Steam Name: Fiddu
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:575373877
Discord Name & ID Fiddu - Cool7064

Character name / Tagline: Juho Väätäinen
Role (+Rank if Civil Protection/CCR): Junior Command


Juho, a soldier, with a clear straight posture he's a man clearly over 180 cm. His commands are delivered in a loud voice, leaving no room for idle chatter. At 49 years old, he's no longer much of a boy. From Upper Finland, he had already experienced war, having commanded troops during the Combine invasion. In just a few hours, he had faced hard times.

Juho gently flicked the ash from the tip of his cigarette, tapping his foot on the ground looking over the scratched and bloody map tooken from a fallen soldier, he points with his middle finger onto the map "We hold our ground here and regroup, we're moving forward once this blizzard clears up." Juho added in a worried and somewhat uncertain voice to the small group of soldier's left under his command. Juho gave a wave to the group before turning back to his cigarette, taking another cloud of smoke.
Name your character's favorite activity: Craftsmanship
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