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Radio Bob Approved



You have lost count of how many days you've spent in the Russian Quarantine Zone. Whether by choice or force, you've fled from the civilization and tried to make ends amidst the infestation and ruins long abandoned by the Combine. Though it wasn't peaceful life at all, and more often than not you were forced to make some questionable decisions to survive - it was nothing compared to what you've heard this morning. Fate waved you into a larger group of scavengers and refugees when a local radio broadcast came to life - announcing the arrival of one of the biggest Portal Storms known to humanity. Within hours, it will engulf the entire region and decimate anything and anyone that won't flee from its grasp. Just as all seemed hopeless, you've remembered rumors about a forgotten facility, hosting a failed Teleportation project developed by the Combine. It's bound to be heavily damaged and in need of several repairs but maybe...just maybe, those uneasy faces of strangers sitting around the same campfire as you could prove helpful? One thing is certain, the clock is ticking and distant thunder heralds the impending doom. Work together, or die together.
Only a handful will see tomorrow.


Scavengers & Refugees (4/∞)
An unorganized lot, having ended up in the Quarantine Zone for countless reasons. They can be anyone, with any beliefs, hopes, and goals. Having been brought together by those unfortunate circumstances, they'll have to trust one another in order to survive as one...or to ensure that when things come crumbling down they will be the first ones to enter the teleporter.

Rogue Units [Max 1 RL] (Whitelist not required) (4/5)
Marked autonomous those units either abandoned their duties or managed to outsmart the Combine before their deservicement. It's unclear whether they know one another or are simply lone veterans trying to find their way through this new reality. One thing is certain, Punishment Outland Operations are nothing in comparison to what they'll have to endure to live another day. For the sake of the story, ranks up to (including) RL are allowed, and MR/MMR is not enforced.

Vortigaunts (Whitelist required) (3/4)
Free Vortigaunts, moving about as a tribe or on their own. They have foreseen the Portal Storm even before it fully formed and chosen to ally with the humans in order to evade it. They are aware that Teleportation is the only way out of this hellhole, for no man-made vehicle will ever outrun the alien rage brought upon this shell of soil and rock. Whether they will escape on their own or ensure that everyone makes it to the other end is unclear.

HERMES Survivors (Only characters from the final encounter in HERMES) (5/3) 💀
A handful who by a miracle survived the previous Portal Storm that came raging through the area, and the bloody shootout that concluded right at its arrival. Just as they managed to get their bearings from the rubble and ruin, they're met with an instant dose of Deja-Vu. Perhaps their previous experiences and knowledge will ensure that the group survives this time around? Or at the very least...that they make it back alive.


- Section One -

  • Steam Name:​
  • Steam ID:​
  • Discord Name & ID:​
  • Timezone:​
- Section Two -

Character Name:
Character Role:
Short (or detailed) character backstory:
Character's favorite food:

- Starting time: June 3 & 4 (7 PM GMT+2) -

The event follows a "one-life" policy. All deaths with IC reasoning will be considered PK.
Your choice afterward is to spectate as the bird role.
*The one-life rule might be overruled if the deaths are too frequent or a certain threshold of participants is not met.
Last edited:
- Section One -
  • Steam Name:
  • Greece #1​
  • Steam ID:
  • STEAM_0:0:93978068
  • Discord Name & ID:
  • Maine™#8574
  • Timezone:
  • GMT+2​
- Section Two -
Character Name
OMEGA-2 / Alexander Miller
Character Role
CP Intention One / HERMES Survivor
Short (or detailed) character backstory:
Alexander Miller was a greedy and overzealous Canadian who had been lured into Civil Protection with promises of various benefits. With his overzealous demeanor, he progressed throughout the ranks until he reached Intention One. He had not gotten close to many functionaries within his time as the dangers of City 59 had many compatriots come and go which resulted in his connection with the city being weak. He was ultimately looking to rise in power, and as such his greed lured him into accepting an offer for the suicidal HERMES PROGRAM.

He had promised himself to be at his best and prove to the higher-ups that he had what was needed to progress, however, his efforts would soon show to result in failure as the workers for the mission he guarded and overwatched had turned on him. The mission of rebuilding the teleporter had failed and a firefight broke out between the remaining Civil Protection and Resistance forces who had come to aid the workers. Explosions, gunfire, and the portal storm crackled as it grew more and more intense until it was all that filled his ears.

The facility was going to be in ruin in but a few moments and his squad had fallen. The only ones who remained were himself and his Rank lead to which he retreated with. A small detachment of the rogue workers was seen deeper in the bunker, however, he could not care to deal with them as the Portal storms had come close to their fullest.

Green flashes of light appeared as the infrastructure inside the Bunker started to wear down. Xenian creatures appeared as Alexander ran for his life. The small detachment of rogues right behind himself.
Once he found himself by the deepest point of the Bunker he turned around to see what was left… Though this was a mistake and he would pay the price for it.

A Green flash of light appeared behind Alexander with a loud ear-piercing crackle and as Alexander turned to face it he was hit by a Hunter Chopper’s tail. It sent him flying and knocked him unconscious.
Alexander later found himself awake covered in rubble. It was a miracle that he had survived at all, though as he dug himself out he’d see that the others had not been so lucky. The area was covered with dead Xenians and Workers alike… It was now up to Alexander on how he’d make it out of this hell.

Character's favorite food: Borsch​
Last edited:

Steam Name:
ᄅ ʇɟᴉɥS ǝnlq

Steam ID:

Discord Name & ID:
The Elites are blind, Arbiter#3873


Accessing Datafile. . .

Malignant Status Applied.

Attention, all Ground Protection Teams.
Malignant Units
operating in your area.
Code: Lock. Cauterize. Sterilize.


<:: ...Shit... Shit... Shit... ::>
<:: Yep... Wasn't supposed to go that bad... ::>
<:: This is all your fucking fault! ::>
<:: Now's not the time for blame, buck... We need to get out of here. ::>
<:: You absolute fuck-- ::>

PATROL-33. Report on biosignal loss.

<:: Come on! We need to go, right NOW! ::>
<:: God fucking-... Damn it! ::>
<:: The ladder, get it moving! ::>

PATROL-33. Report immediately.

<:: This wasn't supposed to happen... ::>
<:: Look, what's done is done. We need to far away from here... ::>
<:: And what then? Did you think about that? ::>
<:: We improvise. I'm good at that, remember? Now keep moving! ::>

Attention. PATROL-33, report to your nearest Protection Team, immediately.

C46:i4.PATROL-33 relocated to Quarantine Zone 4.
C46:i4.PATROL-33 relocated to Quarantine Zone 5.
OVERWATCH has set PATROL-33 as Anti-Citizen.

C46:i4.PATROL-33 relocated to Unknown Location.

All Units deliver terminal verdict immediately.

<:: Same flesh. ::>
Same blood. ::>
Same mind. ::>

<:: We're in this together. ::>
<:: And don't you ever forget that... ::>


Character Name:

Character Role:
Rogue Unit

Short (or detailed) character backstory:

A Civil Protection Unit with a split personality.
Deemed Malignant after deservicing one of their own for unknown reasons.
Managed to evade Overwatch long enough to find himself in the Wastes.
Time will tell if he survives the storm.

Character's favorite food:


- Section One -

  • Steam Name: landon
  • Steam ID:
  • Discord Name & ID: Landon#2591
  • Timezone: CST
- Section Two -

Character Name:
Dr. Makysm Kovalenko
Character Role: HERMES Survivor - Expedition Leader
Short (or detailed) character backstory: A man born in Ukraine, and destined to die in Ukraine. He was allowed an exception of relocation in return for joining the HERMES Project. His job was entry-level and quite frankly he never bothered to pay much attention, even though that would have come in handy in his current predicament. Maksym made it a mission to only do the bare minimum in his science, and reap the bountiful rewards of his wage. The Doctor had everything he wanted, ranging from masses of credits to free food and housing for every day he was on the project. However, his superiors eventually caught wind of this, and he was sent on the HERMES Project as the Expedition Leader.

He was under-prepared for the horrors that would ensue, as prisoners and Civil Protection fought against each other mercilessly. Maksym lost the protection of his Transhuman Delegates and was left vulnerable as he was attacked by vicious shocktroopers. As the rubble came upon them and the portal storm crept its way, Maksym should have died. But he didn't. He fought, and clawed his way out until his nails bled, emerging from the rubble with nothing but the tattered gear on his body and the horrifying wounds he suffered.

A man who was once a glorified coffee boy for the CPRD, now a man struggling to preserve what little life he has left. Even though he was most definitely one of the worst picks for the job, he still knows a lot more about what the facility entailed-- and the teleporter-- than many of the other refugees desperate for survival. However, as the walls threaten to collapse on themselves and the portal storm seems to be coming back for round two, Maksym can't help but feel like he is traversing an entirely unknown and dangerous world.

(Also see: for original character backstory post stuff.)
Character's favorite food: Vegan Pelmeni
Last edited:
- Section One -

  • Steam Name: Mr. Calcium
  • Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:85981754
  • Discord Name & ID: Justanotherguardthatexists #9242
  • Timezone: EST
- Section Two -
Character Name: Jack Spanoza
Character Role: HERMES survivor
Short (or detailed) character backstory: One of the many unfortunate prisoners unlucky enough to have been selected for the ill-fated HERMES project, Jack Spanoza was an ordinary citizen without much to make him stand out, though he had always had a longing for freedom outside of the oppressive combine cities he had called home over the course of his life during the occupation, and it was this yearning for freedom that had landed him his status as a prisoner.

Once he was selected for the program, he had originally intended to simply use the opportunity to ditch his combine captors and live freely, though as fate would have had it, he would find that goal to be quite hard to reach.

Due to the Rank Leader of the Expeditions CP escort providing him with a hazmat suit with which to withstand the acidic rain and sending him out alone; Spanoza was able to roam the nearby area with to impunity, gathering whatever supplies he would need, up to and including a CP uniform. Due to an unfortunate incident with a combine turret he was forced to ditch the hazmat suit and don the Civil Protection uniform. After an opportune meeting with a local resident and several nearby rebels, Jack had a change of heart and elected to support the group in their attempts to free his imprisoned contemporaries. This would prove to lead to his severe wounding during the ensuing shootout.

Due to nothing more than sheer dumb luck however, Spanoza had survived the wounds and subsequent portal storm the area had been subjected to, clambering out of the rubble of the facility, with no equipment on his name other than his uniform and firearm, his goal has changed to what he had always wanted it to be; freedom, at any cost. And this time he won’t let himself get sidetracked by attempts to be a hero, for his own sake.

Character's favorite food: Pretzels
Steam Name: Goose
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:436537142
Discord Name & ID: Goose#8047
Timezone: CST (GMT-6)
Character Name: Alicia Alekseev (DEFENDER-0)
Short (or detailed) character backstory: Once a lazy leader, who'd rather have everyone else do her bidding, now a survivalist. She was forcibly put onto the Hermes expedition, her captains attempt to kill her considering the handful of corrupt activities she'd secretly been partaking in for her own amusement.

As much as she tried to prevent it, the crew she traveled with gave-up and it resulted in blood-shed. As the firefight began, Alicia travelled with them to the surface. In between the gunfire, explosions and biosignal losses, she berated everyone in the valley utilizing the broadcasting device she acquired. Survival was simple, yet, due to no fault of her own (in her eyes), everyone gave up.

Alicia retreated deeper into the facility as the storm hit. Reinvigorated with a feeling she'd never felt before, an intense need to survive. The remnants of the firefight fell around her, yet she just kept running, dodging and shooting. She didn't know she had this in her, this primalistic need to survive. As she hid underneath a table, she felt the table suddenly collapse ontop of her. Perhaps the facility crumbled, and she was alive? That's a good sign right?

What... what is that?

She found herself displaced.. but.. alive. The real question is now, can she find the will to escape this time?
Character's favorite food: Steak
Steam Name: General_Claw36
Steam ID:
Discord Name & ID: Craw419#9525
Timezone: BST





Philip Goggins, an unfortunate soul who ended up in this hellscape of a facility...

Hailing from City 53, Philip is a father to his only daughter and husband to a long deceased wife. Working as a Doctor in the CMU, Philip often send letters to his daughter and in turn got responses back every once in a while. One day however, he sent a letter and got no response, leading to a small investigation where he learned his daughter had been arrested by civil protection and was to be sent somewhere out of the City for a task to earn their reintegration into society.

Philip pleaded with the cities administration, begging to be sent instead of her as she was his only family left...and a deal was struck. Philip was to take his daughters place on the mission and if he was successful his daughter would be pardoned of her crimes and reintigrated into a neighbouring city while Philip himself gained no reward of Tier 4 ascension...however, should he fail the mission his daughter would be amputated for her crimes.

How tragic this tale the facility crumbled and fell, Philip has locked himself in an operating room, arming himself with a pistol as he aimed his sights at the door, readying himself for the worst as he heard his co-workers being torn apart by the alien creatures outside...but his time never came. He waited until it was silent before rushing to the elevator, pushing himself through the debris and piles of corpses left behind as he pushed himself up the elevator and getting to the hellscape outside with only one thought on his mind...

Getting back to her...


Character Name: Dr. Philip Goggins
Character Role: HERMES Survivor - Volunteer
Backstory: Look up smelly
Favourite Food: Pierogi

- Section One -
  • Steam Name:
  • Greece #1​
  • Steam ID:
  • STEAM_0:0:93978068
  • Discord Name & ID:
  • Maine™#8574
  • Timezone:
  • GMT+2​
- Section Two -
Character Name
OMEGA-2 / Alexander Miller
Character Role
CP Intention One / HERMES Survivor
Short (or detailed) character backstory:
Alexander Miller was a greedy and overzealous Canadian who had been lured into Civil Protection with promises of various benefits. With his overzealous demeanor, he progressed throughout the ranks until he reached Intention One. He had not gotten close to many functionaries within his time as the dangers of City 59 had many compatriots come and go which resulted in his connection with the city being weak. He was ultimately looking to rise in power, and as such his greed lured him into accepting an offer for the suicidal HERMES PROGRAM.

He had promised himself to be at his best and prove to the higher-ups that he had what was needed to progress, however, his efforts would soon show to result in failure as the workers for the mission he guarded and overwatched had turned on him. The mission of rebuilding the teleporter had failed and a firefight broke out between the remaining Civil Protection and Resistance forces who had come to aid the workers. Explosions, gunfire, and the portal storm crackled as it grew more and more intense until it was all that filled his ears.

The facility was going to be in ruin in but a few moments and his squad had fallen. The only ones who remained were himself and his Rank lead to which he retreated with. A small detachment of the rogue workers was seen deeper in the bunker, however, he could not care to deal with them as the Portal storms had come close to their fullest.

Green flashes of light appeared as the infrastructure inside the Bunker started to wear down. Xenian creatures appeared as Alexander ran for his life. The small detachment of rogues right behind himself.
Once he found himself by the deepest point of the Bunker he turned around to see what was left… Though this was a mistake and he would pay the price for it.

A Green flash of light appeared behind Alexander with a loud ear-piercing crackle and as Alexander turned to face it he was hit by a Hunter Chopper’s tail. It sent him flying and knocked him unconscious.
Alexander later found himself awake covered in rubble. It was a miracle that he had survived at all, though as he dug himself out he’d see that the others had not been so lucky. The area was covered with dead Xenians and Workers alike… It was now up to Alexander on how he’d make it out of this hell.

Character's favorite food: Borsch​

Steam Name:
ᄅ ʇɟᴉɥS ǝnlq

Steam ID:

Discord Name & ID:
The Elites are blind, Arbiter#3873


Accessing Datafile. . .

Malignant Status Applied.

Attention, all Ground Protection Teams.
Malignant Units
operating in your area.
Code: Lock. Cauterize. Sterilize.

<:: ...Shit... Shit... Shit... ::>
<:: Yep... Wasn't supposed to go that bad... ::>
<:: This is all your fucking fault! ::>
<:: Now's not the time for blame, buck... We need to get out of here. ::>
<:: You absolute fuck-- ::>

PATROL-33. Report on biosignal loss.

<:: Come on! We need to go, right NOW! ::>
<:: God fucking-... Damn it! ::>
<:: The ladder, get it moving! ::>

PATROL-33. Report immediately.

<:: This wasn't supposed to happen... ::>
<:: Look, what's done is done. We need to far away from here... ::>
<:: And what then? Did you think about that? ::>
<:: We improvise. I'm good at that, remember? Now keep moving! ::>

Attention. PATROL-33, report to your nearest Protection Team, immediately.

C46:i4.PATROL-33 relocated to Quarantine Zone 4.
C46:i4.PATROL-33 relocated to Quarantine Zone 5.
OVERWATCH has set PATROL-33 as Anti-Citizen.

C46:i4.PATROL-33 relocated to Unknown Location.

All Units deliver terminal verdict immediately.

<:: Same flesh. ::>
Same blood. ::>
Same mind. ::>

<:: We're in this together. ::>
<:: And don't you ever forget that... ::>

Character Name:

Character Role:
Rogue Unit

Short (or detailed) character backstory:

A Civil Protection Unit with a split personality.
Deemed Malignant after deservicing one of their own for unknown reasons.
Managed to evade Overwatch long enough to find himself in the Wastes.
Time will tell if he survives the storm.

Character's favorite food:


- Section One -

  • Steam Name: landon
  • Steam ID:
  • Discord Name & ID: Landon#2591
  • Timezone: CST
- Section Two -

Character Name:
Dr. Makysm Kovalenko
Character Role: HERMES Survivor - Expedition Leader
Short (or detailed) character backstory: A man born in Ukraine, and destined to die in Ukraine. He was allowed an exception of relocation in return for joining the HERMES Project. His job was entry-level and quite frankly he never bothered to pay much attention, even though that would have come in handy in his current predicament. Maksym made it a mission to only do the bare minimum in his science, and reap the bountiful rewards of his wage. The Doctor had everything he wanted, ranging from masses of credits to free food and housing for every day he was on the project. However, his superiors eventually caught wind of this, and he was sent on the HERMES Project as the Expedition Leader.

He was under-prepared for the horrors that would ensue, as prisoners and Civil Protection fought against each other mercilessly. Maksym lost the protection of his Transhuman Delegates and was left vulnerable as he was attacked by vicious shocktroopers. As the rubble came upon them and the portal storm crept its way, Maksym should have died. But he didn't. He fought, and clawed his way out until his nails bled, emerging from the rubble with nothing but the tattered gear on his body and the horrifying wounds he suffered.

A man who was once a glorified coffee boy for the CPRD, now a man struggling to preserve what little life he has left. Even though he was most definitely one of the worst picks for the job, he still knows a lot more about what the facility entailed-- and the teleporter-- than many of the other refugees desperate for survival. However, as the walls threaten to collapse on themselves and the portal storm seems to be coming back for round two, Maksym can't help but feel like he is traversing an entirely unknown and dangerous world.

(Also see: for original character backstory post stuff.)
Character's favorite food: Vegan Pelmeni
- Section One -

  • Steam Name: Mr. Calcium
  • Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:85981754
  • Discord Name & ID: Justanotherguardthatexists #9242
  • Timezone: EST
- Section Two -
Character Name: Jack Spanoza
Character Role: HERMES survivor
Short (or detailed) character backstory: One of the many unfortunate prisoners unlucky enough to have been selected for the ill-fated HERMES project, Jack Spanoza was an ordinary citizen without much to make him stand out, though he had always had a longing for freedom outside of the oppressive combine cities he had called home over the course of his life during the occupation, and it was this yearning for freedom that had landed him his status as a prisoner.

Once he was selected for the program, he had originally intended to simply use the opportunity to ditch his combine captors and live freely, though as fate would have had it, he would find that goal to be quite hard to reach.

Due to the Rank Leader of the Expeditions CP escort providing him with a hazmat suit with which to withstand the acidic rain and sending him out alone; Spanoza was able to roam the nearby area with to impunity, gathering whatever supplies he would need, up to and including a CP uniform. Due to an unfortunate incident with a combine turret he was forced to ditch the hazmat suit and don the Civil Protection uniform. After an opportune meeting with a local resident and several nearby rebels, Jack had a change of heart and elected to support the group in their attempts to free his imprisoned contemporaries. This would prove to lead to his severe wounding during the ensuing shootout.

Due to nothing more than sheer dumb luck however, Spanoza had survived the wounds and subsequent portal storm the area had been subjected to, clambering out of the rubble of the facility, with no equipment on his name other than his uniform and firearm, his goal has changed to what he had always wanted it to be; freedom, at any cost. And this time he won’t let himself get sidetracked by attempts to be a hero, for his own sake.

Character's favorite food: Pretzels
Steam Name: Goose
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:436537142
Discord Name & ID: Goose#8047
Timezone: CST (GMT-6)
View attachment 22106
Character Name: Alicia Alekseev (DEFENDER-0)
Short (or detailed) character backstory: Once a lazy leader, who'd rather have everyone else do her bidding, now a survivalist. She was forcibly put onto the Hermes expedition, her captains attempt to kill her considering the handful of corrupt activities she'd secretly been partaking in for her own amusement.

As much as she tried to prevent it, the crew she traveled with gave-up and it resulted in blood-shed. As the firefight began, Alicia travelled with them to the surface. In between the gunfire, explosions and biosignal losses, she berated everyone in the valley utilizing the broadcasting device she acquired. Survival was simple, yet, due to no fault of her own (in her eyes), everyone gave up.

Alicia retreated deeper into the facility as the storm hit. Reinvigorated with a feeling she'd never felt before, an intense need to survive. The remnants of the firefight fell around her, yet she just kept running, dodging and shooting. She didn't know she had this in her, this primalistic need to survive. As she hid underneath a table, she felt the table suddenly collapse ontop of her. Perhaps the facility crumbled, and she was alive? That's a good sign right?

What... what is that?

She found herself displaced.. but.. alive. The real question is now, can she find the will to escape this time?
Character's favorite food: Steak
Steam Name: General_Claw36
Steam ID:
Discord Name & ID: Craw419#9525
Timezone: BST


View attachment 22129



Philip Goggins, an unfortunate soul who ended up in this hellscape of a facility...

Hailing from City 53, Philip is a father to his only daughter and husband to a long deceased wife. Working as a Doctor in the CMU, Philip often send letters to his daughter and in turn got responses back every once in a while. One day however, he sent a letter and got no response, leading to a small investigation where he learned his daughter had been arrested by civil protection and was to be sent somewhere out of the City for a task to earn their reintegration into society.

Philip pleaded with the cities administration, begging to be sent instead of her as she was his only family left...and a deal was struck. Philip was to take his daughters place on the mission and if he was successful his daughter would be pardoned of her crimes and reintigrated into a neighbouring city while Philip himself gained no reward of Tier 4 ascension...however, should he fail the mission his daughter would be amputated for her crimes.

How tragic this tale the facility crumbled and fell, Philip has locked himself in an operating room, arming himself with a pistol as he aimed his sights at the door, readying himself for the worst as he heard his co-workers being torn apart by the alien creatures outside...but his time never came. He waited until it was silent before rushing to the elevator, pushing himself through the debris and piles of corpses left behind as he pushed himself up the elevator and getting to the hellscape outside with only one thought on his mind...

Getting back to her...


Character Name: Dr. Philip Goggins
Character Role: HERMES Survivor - Volunteer
Backstory: Look up smelly
Favourite Food: Pierogi

The first wave of applications concluded.

The last slot for HERMES Survivor was put on hold to give a chance for other people that may be seeking this role, if someone doesn't pass onto the survivor role but still has a valid application then they will be granted an alternative faction respective to their original character. However, this means that they will have to change their name/tagline and act as a different person. No further application will be required.​

- Section One -

Steam Name: quest
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:628296807
Discord Name & ID: eight#1240
Timezone: PST


"The cold night air was thick with the stench of poverty and desperation. It was a familiar smell in District 3, the part of Fifty-Three that nobody wanted to be in. The rain was coming down in sheets as I trudged through the murky streets. My partners XRAY-02 and 6 were trailing behind me, their footsteps echoing in the darkness. As a Unit apart of the XRAY squad, I was the designated detective in this godforsaken place, hunting a serial killer that had been on the loose from the Combines grasp for weeks, a rare thing these days. Command was breathing down my neck to solve the case, but they didn't care about the people in this district. To them, we were just disposable assets in their grand scheme of things. I had my partners, 2 and 6, but they were just as disillusioned as I was. It wasn't until I stumbled upon a key piece of evidence that the pieces began to fall into place. A Loyalist woman, one of our own, was behind the killings. I confronted her, demanding answers. But I was met with silence. And then, the order came down from above to sweep it all under the rug. I knew then that this case was bigger than just a few murders.

I couldn't just let it go. I wanted justice, and I was willing to take matters into my own hands. I knew the risks, but I had to do what was right. I tracked down the killer and executed her out of uniform, hoping that this would bring an end to the murders. But I soon realized that justice wasn't so simple in this world. I thought I had covered my tracks, but it wasn't long before I was found out. My partners were captured, interrogated, and labelled anti-citizen before being amputated. I got them killed. Meanwhile, I hid in the sewers, making a few friends down there where I could. I heard there was a bounty on me, so I knew I had to flee Fifty-Three and head East. I packed my Kevlar vest and whatever firearm I had left and made my way through unused paths and tunnels. The rain was still pouring down, but I hardly noticed. My thoughts were consumed by the injustice of it all. I had been trying to do the right thing, but in the end, I had only brought more pain and suffering to those around me.

As I hopped on the back of a train going East, I couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead. Would I find redemption? Or would I be hunted down like a dog and punished for my crimes? Only time would tell, but one thing was certain: I was a Rogue Unit, with no home and no allies. I would have to rely on my wits and my instincts if I wanted to survive in this harsh new world."

- Section Two -
Character Name: Piotr “Detective” Wojtysiak - XRAY-08
Character Role: Rogue Unit
Short (or detailed) character backstory: Disgruntled, chain-smoking, jaded rogue unit.
Character's favourite food: Pierogies

- Section One -

  • Steam Name: Nagi​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:194311906​
  • Discord Name & ID: ItsLiam#5680 (990392823574589490)​
  • Timezone: GMT+2​
- Section Two -

Character Name:

Aleksandr Volkov
Character Role:

Short (or detailed) character backstory:

Aleksandr Volkov is a resilient survivor in the harsh and unforgiving landscape of the Russian quarantine zone. Born and raised in a small town near the affected area, he witnessed the devastating consequences of a mysterious outbreak that led to the zone's isolation from the outside world. With his rugged appearance and piercing gaze, Aleksandr embodies the spirit of resilience in the face of adversity.

Before the outbreak, Aleksandr led a simple life as a factory worker, content with the familiarity of his daily routine. However, when the quarantine measures were enforced, his world was turned upside down. Forced to adapt to the chaotic environment, he honed his skills as a scavenger, venturing into the desolate remnants of cities and towns, searching for resources to survive.

Aleksandr's experiences within the quarantine zone have made him a cunning and resourceful individual. He has become adept at navigating treacherous terrain, evading threats, and finding hidden caches of supplies. He possesses an uncanny ability to scavenge and repurpose items, making the most of limited resources to ensure his survival.

Although solitude has become his constant companion, Aleksandr's strong sense of duty and compassion have not waned. He has encountered other survivors during his scavenging missions and often assists those in need, even at great personal risk. His understanding of the harsh realities of the quarantine zone fuels his determination to help others survive in this hostile environment.

Aleksandr's background reflects the resilience and indomitable spirit of those who have found themselves trapped within the Russian quarantine zone. He has witnessed the best and worst of humanity in these desperate circumstances, and his experiences have shaped him into a survivor driven by compassion and a will to endure. With each passing day, Aleksandr navigates the dangers of the zone, searching for a glimmer of hope and a way to restore normalcy to a world that has been forever changed.

Character's favorite food:


- Section One -

  • Steam Name:
    The Milkman​
  • Steam ID:
  • STEAM_0:1:104895897​
  • Discord Name & ID:
  • Milkman#1598​
  • Timezone:
  • EST​
- Section Two -
Character Name:


Character Role:

Short (or detailed) character backstory:

⏁⊑⟒ ☍⍀⏃⊑'⏃⎍⍀'⋏⎍⍀
⏁⊑⟒ ⏁⊑⍀⟒⟒ ⌿⟟⌰⌰⏃⍀⌇


More than a year ago, the Krah'Aur'Nur created a permanent settlement in the Iberian peninsula. Since then, they have sent out many expedition teams to venture across the globe to recruit humans and Vortigaunts alike to bolster their manpower.

One of these expeditions have found their way to the Russian Quarantine Zone at an unfortunate time. A trio of Krah'Aur'Nur adherents find themselves in the fire. Their leader, Nalah'Ba, seeks to make a hastened retreat from the place, but not before convincing whom they can to join them in their settlement. 1685644445682.png

These Vortigaunts seek survival first and foremost, the recruitment of newcomers second, and the destruction of all Combine traitors third. Nalah'Ba, his pillar of Spirit toppled, seeks to redeem himself as he attempts to lead his gaggle of 'gaunts to victory.

Failure is not an option.

Character's favorite food:
Antlion soup w/ Xenian herbs and spices​
- Section I -

Steam Name: Raptorian
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:419522897
Discord Name: Raptorian#3138
Timezone: EST

- Section II -

Character Name: Vonn-Der'Alaas
Character Role: Vortigaunt
Favorite Food: Spiced Poison Headcrab



⏃⏚⍜⎐⟒ ⏃⌰⌰ ⟒⌰⌇⟒ ⎐⟟☊⏁⍜⍀⊬
- Vonn's Spear Inscription

Life has not been kind to Vonn-Der'Alaas. Spawned in the dark ages of his kin's history, during their enslavement at the hands of the Nihilanth, he inherited naught but the suffering of vortalkind. Ruthlessly forced to work long hours of labour in the bio-factories of Xen, his upbringing was mostly devoid of influence from his Elders, and his development was stunted all the more for it. As centuries passed by he was little more than a menial worker, his head forced down as he followed the orders of his superiors mindlessly.

The invasion of Earth came and passed in the blink of an eye. Vonn-Der'Alaas was left destitute in a remote forest of Iberia, having leapt into a rogue portal to escape once the Puppet God laid defeated. Abandoned by his masters and separated from his kin, for the first time, he was free to do as he pleased. Yet he had no direction. It wasn't long before this brief respite was interrupted by the 7 Hour War.

The Vortigaunt was captured soon after Earth fell to the might of the interdimensional Empire. Shoved into a city erected from the corpse of Madrid, his life had swiftly returned to as it was before. Only now with new masters. He could not bear this any longer. After years of torture, enslavement, and suffering- his resentment had finally reached its apex. When an opportunity presented itself, he took decisive action.

There's little memory of what happened then left in Vonn-Der'Alaas' mind, but it was of little important compared to what had occurred next. Demons flooded the storm system as he bounded through the decrepit waste-works. It wasn't long before he ran out of places to flee, and he was cornered. But it was not just the attention of the Combine he drew; vortal energy ripped through the air and severed the coils of the demons, one by one, until he was freed. His saviors descended upon him, liberating him from his shackles and bringing them to their stronghold nearby.

There he was inducted into the Krah'Aur'Nur. Finally, he was given guidance, and for once in his life he was given the ability to choose. Graciously accepting the training of his new-found brothers, he became a warrior, being gifted a spear forged from materials left in the old mining town they had elected to make their stronghold.

Loyally following Nalah'Ba into the Russian Quarantine Zone, Vonn-Der'Alaas seeks to defend his brothers above all else.
- Section One -
  • Steam Name:
  • Greece #1​
  • Steam ID:
  • STEAM_0:0:93978068
  • Discord Name & ID:
  • Maine™#8574
  • Timezone:
  • GMT+2​
- Section Two -
Character Name
OMEGA-2 / Alexander Miller
Character Role
CP Intention One / HERMES Survivor
Short (or detailed) character backstory:
Alexander Miller was a greedy and overzealous Canadian who had been lured into Civil Protection with promises of various benefits. With his overzealous demeanor, he progressed throughout the ranks until he reached Intention One. He had not gotten close to many functionaries within his time as the dangers of City 59 had many compatriots come and go which resulted in his connection with the city being weak. He was ultimately looking to rise in power, and as such his greed lured him into accepting an offer for the suicidal HERMES PROGRAM.

He had promised himself to be at his best and prove to the higher-ups that he had what was needed to progress, however, his efforts would soon show to result in failure as the workers for the mission he guarded and overwatched had turned on him. The mission of rebuilding the teleporter had failed and a firefight broke out between the remaining Civil Protection and Resistance forces who had come to aid the workers. Explosions, gunfire, and the portal storm crackled as it grew more and more intense until it was all that filled his ears.

The facility was going to be in ruin in but a few moments and his squad had fallen. The only ones who remained were himself and his Rank lead to which he retreated with. A small detachment of the rogue workers was seen deeper in the bunker, however, he could not care to deal with them as the Portal storms had come close to their fullest.

Green flashes of light appeared as the infrastructure inside the Bunker started to wear down. Xenian creatures appeared as Alexander ran for his life. The small detachment of rogues right behind himself.
Once he found himself by the deepest point of the Bunker he turned around to see what was left… Though this was a mistake and he would pay the price for it.

A Green flash of light appeared behind Alexander with a loud ear-piercing crackle and as Alexander turned to face it he was hit by a Hunter Chopper’s tail. It sent him flying and knocked him unconscious.
Alexander later found himself awake covered in rubble. It was a miracle that he had survived at all, though as he dug himself out he’d see that the others had not been so lucky. The area was covered with dead Xenians and Workers alike… It was now up to Alexander on how he’d make it out of this hell.

Character's favorite food: Borsch​
- Section One -

  • Steam Name: Mr. Calcium
  • Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:85981754
  • Discord Name & ID: Justanotherguardthatexists #9242
  • Timezone: EST
- Section Two -
Character Name: Jack Spanoza
Character Role: HERMES survivor
Short (or detailed) character backstory: One of the many unfortunate prisoners unlucky enough to have been selected for the ill-fated HERMES project, Jack Spanoza was an ordinary citizen without much to make him stand out, though he had always had a longing for freedom outside of the oppressive combine cities he had called home over the course of his life during the occupation, and it was this yearning for freedom that had landed him his status as a prisoner.

Once he was selected for the program, he had originally intended to simply use the opportunity to ditch his combine captors and live freely, though as fate would have had it, he would find that goal to be quite hard to reach.

Due to the Rank Leader of the Expeditions CP escort providing him with a hazmat suit with which to withstand the acidic rain and sending him out alone; Spanoza was able to roam the nearby area with to impunity, gathering whatever supplies he would need, up to and including a CP uniform. Due to an unfortunate incident with a combine turret he was forced to ditch the hazmat suit and don the Civil Protection uniform. After an opportune meeting with a local resident and several nearby rebels, Jack had a change of heart and elected to support the group in their attempts to free his imprisoned contemporaries. This would prove to lead to his severe wounding during the ensuing shootout.

Due to nothing more than sheer dumb luck however, Spanoza had survived the wounds and subsequent portal storm the area had been subjected to, clambering out of the rubble of the facility, with no equipment on his name other than his uniform and firearm, his goal has changed to what he had always wanted it to be; freedom, at any cost. And this time he won’t let himself get sidetracked by attempts to be a hero, for his own sake.

Character's favorite food: Pretzels
(You may go with any idea or a similar one but without the previous HERMES knowledge)
Steam Name: General_Claw36
Steam ID:
Discord Name & ID: Craw419#9525
Timezone: BST


View attachment 22129



Philip Goggins, an unfortunate soul who ended up in this hellscape of a facility...

Hailing from City 53, Philip is a father to his only daughter and husband to a long deceased wife. Working as a Doctor in the CMU, Philip often send letters to his daughter and in turn got responses back every once in a while. One day however, he sent a letter and got no response, leading to a small investigation where he learned his daughter had been arrested by civil protection and was to be sent somewhere out of the City for a task to earn their reintegration into society.

Philip pleaded with the cities administration, begging to be sent instead of her as she was his only family left...and a deal was struck. Philip was to take his daughters place on the mission and if he was successful his daughter would be pardoned of her crimes and reintigrated into a neighbouring city while Philip himself gained no reward of Tier 4 ascension...however, should he fail the mission his daughter would be amputated for her crimes.

How tragic this tale the facility crumbled and fell, Philip has locked himself in an operating room, arming himself with a pistol as he aimed his sights at the door, readying himself for the worst as he heard his co-workers being torn apart by the alien creatures outside...but his time never came. He waited until it was silent before rushing to the elevator, pushing himself through the debris and piles of corpses left behind as he pushed himself up the elevator and getting to the hellscape outside with only one thought on his mind...

Getting back to her...


Character Name: Dr. Philip Goggins
Character Role: HERMES Survivor - Volunteer
Backstory: Look up smelly
Favourite Food: Pierogi

- Section One -

Steam Name: quest
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:628296807
Discord Name & ID: eight#1240
Timezone: PST

View attachment 22386

"The cold night air was thick with the stench of poverty and desperation. It was a familiar smell in District 3, the part of Fifty-Three that nobody wanted to be in. The rain was coming down in sheets as I trudged through the murky streets. My partners XRAY-02 and 6 were trailing behind me, their footsteps echoing in the darkness. As a Unit apart of the XRAY squad, I was the designated detective in this godforsaken place, hunting a serial killer that had been on the loose from the Combines grasp for weeks, a rare thing these days. Command was breathing down my neck to solve the case, but they didn't care about the people in this district. To them, we were just disposable assets in their grand scheme of things. I had my partners, 2 and 6, but they were just as disillusioned as I was. It wasn't until I stumbled upon a key piece of evidence that the pieces began to fall into place. A Loyalist woman, one of our own, was behind the killings. I confronted her, demanding answers. But I was met with silence. And then, the order came down from above to sweep it all under the rug. I knew then that this case was bigger than just a few murders.

I couldn't just let it go. I wanted justice, and I was willing to take matters into my own hands. I knew the risks, but I had to do what was right. I tracked down the killer and executed her out of uniform, hoping that this would bring an end to the murders. But I soon realized that justice wasn't so simple in this world. I thought I had covered my tracks, but it wasn't long before I was found out. My partners were captured, interrogated, and labelled anti-citizen before being amputated. I got them killed. Meanwhile, I hid in the sewers, making a few friends down there where I could. I heard there was a bounty on me, so I knew I had to flee Fifty-Three and head East. I packed my Kevlar vest and whatever firearm I had left and made my way through unused paths and tunnels. The rain was still pouring down, but I hardly noticed. My thoughts were consumed by the injustice of it all. I had been trying to do the right thing, but in the end, I had only brought more pain and suffering to those around me.

As I hopped on the back of a train going East, I couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead. Would I find redemption? Or would I be hunted down like a dog and punished for my crimes? Only time would tell, but one thing was certain: I was a Rogue Unit, with no home and no allies. I would have to rely on my wits and my instincts if I wanted to survive in this harsh new world."

- Section Two -
Character Name: Piotr “Detective” Wojtysiak - XRAY-08
Character Role: Rogue Unit
Short (or detailed) character backstory: Disgruntled, chain-smoking, jaded rogue unit.
Character's favourite food: Pierogies

- Section One -

  • Steam Name: Nagi​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:194311906​
  • Discord Name & ID: ItsLiam#5680 (990392823574589490)​
  • Timezone: GMT+2​
- Section Two -

Character Name:

Aleksandr Volkov
Character Role:
Short (or detailed) character backstory:
Aleksandr Volkov is a resilient survivor in the harsh and unforgiving landscape of the Russian quarantine zone. Born and raised in a small town near the affected area, he witnessed the devastating consequences of a mysterious outbreak that led to the zone's isolation from the outside world. With his rugged appearance and piercing gaze, Aleksandr embodies the spirit of resilience in the face of adversity.

Before the outbreak, Aleksandr led a simple life as a factory worker, content with the familiarity of his daily routine. However, when the quarantine measures were enforced, his world was turned upside down. Forced to adapt to the chaotic environment, he honed his skills as a scavenger, venturing into the desolate remnants of cities and towns, searching for resources to survive.

Aleksandr's experiences within the quarantine zone have made him a cunning and resourceful individual. He has become adept at navigating treacherous terrain, evading threats, and finding hidden caches of supplies. He possesses an uncanny ability to scavenge and repurpose items, making the most of limited resources to ensure his survival.

Although solitude has become his constant companion, Aleksandr's strong sense of duty and compassion have not waned. He has encountered other survivors during his scavenging missions and often assists those in need, even at great personal risk. His understanding of the harsh realities of the quarantine zone fuels his determination to help others survive in this hostile environment.

Aleksandr's background reflects the resilience and indomitable spirit of those who have found themselves trapped within the Russian quarantine zone. He has witnessed the best and worst of humanity in these desperate circumstances, and his experiences have shaped him into a survivor driven by compassion and a will to endure. With each passing day, Aleksandr navigates the dangers of the zone, searching for a glimmer of hope and a way to restore normalcy to a world that has been forever changed.

Character's favorite food:

- Section One -

  • Steam Name:
    The Milkman​
  • Steam ID:
  • STEAM_0:1:104895897​
  • Discord Name & ID:
  • Milkman#1598​
  • Timezone:
  • EST​
- Section Two -
Character Name:


Character Role:

Short (or detailed) character backstory:

View attachment 23064
⏁⊑⟒ ☍⍀⏃⊑'⏃⎍⍀'⋏⎍⍀
⏁⊑⟒ ⏁⊑⍀⟒⟒ ⌿⟟⌰⌰⏃⍀⌇

View attachment 23065

More than a year ago, the Krah'Aur'Nur created a permanent settlement in the Iberian peninsula. Since then, they have sent out many expedition teams to venture across the globe to recruit humans and Vortigaunts alike to bolster their manpower.

One of these expeditions have found their way to the Russian Quarantine Zone at an unfortunate time. A trio of Krah'Aur'Nur adherents find themselves in the fire. Their leader, Nalah'Ba, seeks to make a hastened retreat from the place, but not before convincing whom they can to join them in their settlement. View attachment 23066

These Vortigaunts seek survival first and foremost, the recruitment of newcomers second, and the destruction of all Combine traitors third. Nalah'Ba, his pillar of Spirit toppled, seeks to redeem himself as he attempts to lead his gaggle of 'gaunts to victory.

Failure is not an option.

Character's favorite food:
Antlion soup w/ Xenian herbs and spices​
- Section I -

Steam Name: Raptorian
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:419522897
Discord Name: Raptorian#3138
Timezone: EST

- Section II -

Character Name: Vonn-Der'Alaas
Character Role: Vortigaunt
Favorite Food: Spiced Poison Headcrab


View attachment 23067

⏃⏚⍜⎐⟒ ⏃⌰⌰ ⟒⌰⌇⟒ ⎐⟟☊⏁⍜⍀⊬
- Vonn's Spear Inscription

Life has not been kind to Vonn-Der'Alaas. Spawned in the dark ages of his kin's history, during their enslavement at the hands of the Nihilanth, he inherited naught but the suffering of vortalkind. Ruthlessly forced to work long hours of labour in the bio-factories of Xen, his upbringing was mostly devoid of influence from his Elders, and his development was stunted all the more for it. As centuries passed by he was little more than a menial worker, his head forced down as he followed the orders of his superiors mindlessly.

The invasion of Earth came and passed in the blink of an eye. Vonn-Der'Alaas was left destitute in a remote forest of Iberia, having leapt into a rogue portal to escape once the Puppet God laid defeated. Abandoned by his masters and separated from his kin, for the first time, he was free to do as he pleased. Yet he had no direction. It wasn't long before this brief respite was interrupted by the 7 Hour War.

The Vortigaunt was captured soon after Earth fell to the might of the interdimensional Empire. Shoved into a city erected from the corpse of Madrid, his life had swiftly returned to as it was before. Only now with new masters. He could not bear this any longer. After years of torture, enslavement, and suffering- his resentment had finally reached its apex. When an opportunity presented itself, he took decisive action.

There's little memory of what happened then left in Vonn-Der'Alaas' mind, but it was of little important compared to what had occurred next. Demons flooded the storm system as he bounded through the decrepit waste-works. It wasn't long before he ran out of places to flee, and he was cornered. But it was not just the attention of the Combine he drew; vortal energy ripped through the air and severed the coils of the demons, one by one, until he was freed. His saviors descended upon him, liberating him from his shackles and bringing them to their stronghold nearby.

There he was inducted into the Krah'Aur'Nur. Finally, he was given guidance, and for once in his life he was given the ability to choose. Graciously accepting the training of his new-found brothers, he became a warrior, being gifted a spear forged from materials left in the old mining town they had elected to make their stronghold.

Loyally following Nalah'Ba into the Russian Quarantine Zone, Vonn-Der'Alaas seeks to defend his brothers above all else.

(I couldn't decide between the two of you for HERMES Survivor so I just increased the limit to 4/4 lmao. No more survivors though.)
- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Petski​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:17461532​
  • Discord Name & ID: Petski#8585​
  • Timezone: CET (Central European Time)​
- Section Two -

Character Name:
Tar'Ul Bahur
Character Role: Vortigaunt
Short (or detailed) character backstory: Tar'Ul, an unruly "youngling", having had the privilege of never having been captured by the combine had roamed free, alone in the wastes of north-eastern Europe. Continually seeking to rekindle his bond physically with those of the vortessense, Tar'Ul Bahur found himself at the doorstep of the Krah'Aur'Nur's outpost in the Iberian Peninsula. As they welcome him as one of their own, Tar'Ul Bahur taken part of the tribes introductory rituals and becoming a member.

As the ever young vortigaunt had wanting to prove himself in the eyes of the Tribe, he had volunteered to participate in one of the expeditions into the Russian quarantine zone, led by Nalah'Ba.

Tar'Ul Bahur will prove himself or find his demise trying.

Character's favorite food: Pit Drone Lasagne​
Last edited:
- Section One -
  • Steam Name: MCGSCEFFAAWHETJH55555
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:33130062
    Discord Name & ID: MCG#8709
    Timezone: GMT+10
- Section Two -

Character Name: Christopher Millermen
Character Role: Scavengers & Refugees
Short (or detailed) character backstory: Chris made the most of a relatively aimless life away from the Combine, simply trying to work hard to make it through to the next day and not much else. He didn't entirely know how he ended up in this position, but he knew that the difficulties of surviving in the quarantine zone were preferable to living under Combine rule. Not that it mattered when that announcement blared over the radio next to him, a final message before it shorted out, sparking into uselessness. He knew he had to pack his things and bail, just for the chance to survive another day.
Character's favorite food: Hash browns.
  • - Section One -
  • Steam Name:
  • YungJenkins​
  • Steam ID:
  • STEAM_0:0:506620259​
  • Discord Name & ID:
  • YungJenkins#1001​
  • Timezone:
  • EST​
- Section Two -
Character Name:

Sam Beagle

Character Role:
Rogue Unit

Short (or detailed) character backstory:
Born in the heaps of California and growing up to be a troubled child, he was a broken boy destined to help others instead of himself. Despite of his rough childhood and the horrendous state of affairs, he had a glimpse of salvation in his later years. Moving out of California at the age of 18, he decided to drop out of college and enlist in the U.S Army. Surprisingly, by the end of his bootcamp training, the Seven Hour War was just beginning. He was one of the many platoons sent to New York City to battle the Combine, however he stayed mostly with his squad in the back of the battlefield, away from all of the bloodshed and terror.
We all know how it ends now. The Combine takes over Earth, and most of his platoon was killed with him and a few of his squad mates being an exception. They were dished out as civilians, where Sam laid dormant for the next few years. Never could he have predicted that he would serve under the very same army he swore against so many years ago. But now here he is, an i3 just sitting on the brink of a promotion to the second highest rank in his protection team. He’s proven to be an exceptional fighter and proved his loyalty to the Combine, so much so that he volunteered to have his memories wiped just to get rid of all the bad memories he sustained over the years. It’s all made it harder to work for the Combine, and he wants it all gone… but the portal storm stopped this chance from happening. His loyalty to the Combine is too much of a liability in case things get severely dire, and may even be the death of any remaining survivors left in the quarantine zone.

Character's favorite food:


COMBINE COMBAT REPORT: SUBJECT - Tagline DEFIANT-3 (Designation: Jackhammer)

Designation: Tagline DEFIANT-3 Rank: I1 Nickname: Jackhammer Operational Status: Independent Rogue Unit


Designation: Tagline DEFIANT-3, also known as Jackhammer, holds the esteemed rank of I1 within the rogue units of the Russian Quarantine Zone. Standing at a height of six feet four inches, Jackhammer possesses a rugged and imposing physical profile, reflecting an unwavering commitment to self-reliance and individuality. His piercing gray ocular sensors project an aura of defiance, indicative of a distinct proclivity for independent action and rebellion against established authority.

Operational Style: Jackhammer operates outside the confines of traditional command structures, embodying complete independence and self-reliance. Lacking affiliations or alliances, he exhibits exceptional adaptability and versatility in combat scenarios, enabling him to accomplish objectives autonomously.

Weaponry and Tactics: Jackhammer favors a distinctive sledgehammer as his primary weapon, showcasing extraordinary skill and precision in its utilization. Acting as an extension of his formidable physical prowess, this devastating implement serves as a potent instrument of destruction. Engaging in guerrilla warfare tactics and maintaining acute situational awareness, Jackhammer maneuvers with unparalleled proficiency within the Russian Quarantine Zone.

Engagement Behavior: Demonstrating relentless determination and unmatched combat proficiency, Jackhammer operates as an individual entity, unburdened by the constraints of cooperative dynamics. Reliant solely on his instincts and resourcefulness, he navigates hostile environments with unparalleled skill. It is imperative to acknowledge that his independent nature may introduce challenges during collaborative efforts, necessitating careful consideration when engaging with other units.

Threat Assessment: Jackhammer, holding the rank of I1, presents a significant threat to Combine interests within the Russian Quarantine Zone. His autonomous nature, coupled with his unparalleled combat capabilities, renders him a formidable adversary capable of inflicting substantial damage on Combine forces. Furthermore, his unpredictable behavior and contempt for authority pose unique challenges, warranting a strategic and adaptive approach when countering his presence.

Conclusion: Designation: Tagline DEFIANT-3, known as Jackhammer, an I1-ranked rogue unit, stands as a potent and autonomous force within the Russian Quarantine Zone. His unwavering commitment to independence, coupled with his formidable combat skills, elevates him to a prominent threat against Combine control and operations. Exercise caution and deploy appropriate strategies when engaging this rogue unit.

Note: It has been reported that Jackhammer possesses an unusual fondness for fruit salad, a curious detail that might serve as a potential point of connection or diversion during engagements. Further analysis of this behavior is recommended.

Last edited:
View attachment 23072
- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Petski​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:17461532​
  • Discord Name & ID: Petski#8585​
  • Timezone: CET (Central European Time)​
- Section Two -

Character Name:
Tar'Ul Bahur
Character Role: Vortigaunt
Short (or detailed) character backstory: Tar'Ul, an unruly "youngling", having had the privilege of never having been captured by the combine had roamed free, alone in the wastes of north-eastern Europe. Continually seeking to rekindle his bond physically with those of the vortessense, Tar'Ul Bahur found himself at the doorstep of the Krah'Aur'Nur's outpost in the Iberian Peninsula. As they welcome him as one of their own, Tar'Ul Bahur taken part of the tribes introductory rituals and becoming a member.

As the ever young vortigaunt had wanting to prove himself in the eyes of the Tribe, he had volunteered to participate in one of the expeditions into the Russian quarantine zone, led by Nalah'Ba.

Tar'Ul Bahur will prove himself or find his demise trying.

Character's favorite food: Pit Drone Lasagne​
- Section One -
  • Steam Name: MCGSCEFFAAWHETJH55555
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:33130062
    Discord Name & ID: MCG#8709
    Timezone: GMT+10
- Section Two -

Character Name: Christopher Millermen
Character Role: Scavengers & Refugees
Short (or detailed) character backstory: Chris made the most of a relatively aimless life away from the Combine, simply trying to work hard to make it through to the next day and not much else. He didn't entirely know how he ended up in this position, but he knew that the difficulties of surviving in the quarantine zone were preferable to living under Combine rule. Not that it mattered when that announcement blared over the radio next to him, a final message before it shorted out, sparking into uselessness. He knew he had to pack his things and bail, just for the chance to survive another day.
Character's favorite food: Hash browns.​
  • - Section One -
  • Steam Name:
  • YungJenkins​
  • Steam ID:
  • STEAM_0:0:506620259​
  • Discord Name & ID:
  • YungJenkins#1001​
  • Timezone:
  • EST​
- Section Two -
Character Name:

Sam Beagle

Character Role:
Rogue Unit

Short (or detailed) character backstory:
Born in the heaps of California and growing up to be a troubled child, he was a broken boy destined to help others instead of himself. Despite of his rough childhood and the horrendous state of affairs, he had a glimpse of salvation in his later years. Moving out of California at the age of 18, he decided to drop out of college and enlist in the U.S Army. Surprisingly, by the end of his bootcamp training, the Seven Hour War was just beginning. He was one of the many platoons sent to New York City to battle the Combine, however he stayed mostly with his squad in the back of the battlefield, away from all of the bloodshed and terror.
We all know how it ends now. The Combine takes over Earth, and most of his platoon was killed with him and a few of his squad mates being an exception. They were dished out as civilians, where Sam laid dormant for the next few years. Never could he have predicted that he would serve under the very same army he swore against so many years ago. But now here he is, an i3 just sitting on the brink of a promotion to the second highest rank in his protection team. He’s proven to be an exceptional fighter and proved his loyalty to the Combine, so much so that he volunteered to have his memories wiped just to get rid of all the bad memories he sustained over the years. It’s all made it harder to work for the Combine, and he wants it all gone… but the portal storm stopped this chance from happening. His loyalty to the Combine is too much of a liability in case things get severely dire, and may even be the death of any remaining survivors left in the quarantine zone.

Character's favorite food:
(I'm going to be honest I didn't understand your story fully but I know you know your way around RP so just make sure you understood the event idea correctly!)​


COMBINE COMBAT REPORT: SUBJECT - Tagline DEFIANT-3 (Designation: Jackhammer)

Designation: Tagline DEFIANT-3 Rank: I1 Nickname: Jackhammer Operational Status: Independent Rogue Unit


Designation: Tagline DEFIANT-3, also known as Jackhammer, holds the esteemed rank of I1 within the rogue units of the Russian Quarantine Zone. Standing at a height of six feet four inches, Jackhammer possesses a rugged and imposing physical profile, reflecting an unwavering commitment to self-reliance and individuality. His piercing gray ocular sensors project an aura of defiance, indicative of a distinct proclivity for independent action and rebellion against established authority.

Operational Style: Jackhammer operates outside the confines of traditional command structures, embodying complete independence and self-reliance. Lacking affiliations or alliances, he exhibits exceptional adaptability and versatility in combat scenarios, enabling him to accomplish objectives autonomously.

Weaponry and Tactics: Jackhammer favors a distinctive sledgehammer as his primary weapon, showcasing extraordinary skill and precision in its utilization. Acting as an extension of his formidable physical prowess, this devastating implement serves as a potent instrument of destruction. Engaging in guerrilla warfare tactics and maintaining acute situational awareness, Jackhammer maneuvers with unparalleled proficiency within the Russian Quarantine Zone.

Engagement Behavior: Demonstrating relentless determination and unmatched combat proficiency, Jackhammer operates as an individual entity, unburdened by the constraints of cooperative dynamics. Reliant solely on his instincts and resourcefulness, he navigates hostile environments with unparalleled skill. It is imperative to acknowledge that his independent nature may introduce challenges during collaborative efforts, necessitating careful consideration when engaging with other units.

Threat Assessment: Jackhammer, holding the rank of I1, presents a significant threat to Combine interests within the Russian Quarantine Zone. His autonomous nature, coupled with his unparalleled combat capabilities, renders him a formidable adversary capable of inflicting substantial damage on Combine forces. Furthermore, his unpredictable behavior and contempt for authority pose unique challenges, warranting a strategic and adaptive approach when countering his presence.

Conclusion: Designation: Tagline DEFIANT-3, known as Jackhammer, an I1-ranked rogue unit, stands as a potent and autonomous force within the Russian Quarantine Zone. His unwavering commitment to independence, coupled with his formidable combat skills, elevates him to a prominent threat against Combine control and operations. Exercise caution and deploy appropriate strategies when engaging this rogue unit.

Note: It has been reported that Jackhammer possesses an unusual fondness for fruit salad, a curious detail that might serve as a potential point of connection or diversion during engagements. Further analysis of this behavior is recommended.

(Terminator vibes)

- Around 25 hours left for any remaining applicants! -
- Section One -
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  • Steam ID:
    ye idk​
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- Section Two -
Character Name:
Bruce Bungey Smith

Character Role:

Short (or detailed) character backstory:

Born in Australia and left to roam the desolate wastelands left behind by storms; now endlessly wandering the Quarantine Zone in search of his mindless survival that he wants.

Character's favorite food:
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