The Melee of Quarrytown

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Section One

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name and ID:

Section Two

*Character Name:
Barrett Bean
Brief Summary of Character:
A kind but dimwitted behemoth of a man cared for by the church.
*Character Backstory:

Early life

Born and raised in an Amish community in Kentucky, Barrett appeared to be a completely normal baby boy, it wasn't until a few years later that his above-average height and below-average intelligence were discovered. Despite his abnormalities, Barrett was loved by the community. The religious members of the community viewed his strength as a blessing, Barret was able to make short work of any job the community asked him to do.

The Cascade

Barrett had never seen the rest of the world, he never even left the small town he was born in. After his town was evacuated to a secure location by government forces, Barrett was separated from the people he knew because of his disability. Barrett was put in a place he knew nothing about bunched in with people he never met, it terrified him. Barrett searched in vain for the community that raised him, but never managed to find them.

The War

Already unable to adjust to his new life, the Combine takeover only made things worse. Barrett was found and placed in a Combine city center, and his mental disabilities somehow went unnoticed, perhaps one of the people in charge of documenting new citizens took mercy on him. It didn't take all that long for other people to take notice of his abnormalities, some citizens reported him while others decided to help him escape.

The Town

Barrett managed to escape the city with the help of some good samaritans, he was brought to a mining town where a number of other refugees lived. The church found him and took him in, Barrett felt at home with the church, feeling a sense of community for the first time in years. Barrett promised to keep his new family safe from the monsters that took his old family away, even if the thought of monsters terrified him.


Strong - Barrett is abnormally strong, and the constant work in the Amish community only served to make him even stronger.

Idiot - Barrett has the mind of a ten-year-old, despite being thirty-two.

Xenophobe - Barrett is terrified of all aliens, and he blames the Vortigaunts for the destruction of his old community.

Stubborn - A gift and a curse, once Barrett sets his mind to something, he will do it, and nobody can talk him out of it.

Section Three - Optional, please fill out if you're new.

Tell us about yourself :^) :
I'm ZeroPants, I've been playing HL2 RP since 2017, the first server I played on was Nebulous.
Are you new to Willard Networks?:
I've been here a while now.
Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
I know pretty much everyone I think.
What's your favorite thing about Half Life 2?:
The mystery, not everything is explained and I like that. The mystery in the setting allows you to imagine all sorts of things, its like a huge puzzle.
@Landon @Xushi @Donavin Jones (With reduced vort abilities, also - for your steamID smh...) @Fallizs @wackyTiger @The_Grass_Man @ZeroPants accepted

If you're not in the above list feel free to make another application, though just a reminder that apps are optional and are primarily to get you ingratiated with one of the groups or to give your character some history with the Town.

Content Pack:
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Section One

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: *Discord Name and ID: erja#5676

Section Two

*Character Name:

Harold 'Silent' Limpstone

Character Summary:
A mute resident of Quarrytown with some gun experience. He lives in his own house and rarely interacts with anybody.

*Character Backstory:

Early Life:
No one really knows who Harold is, except that he is a local around Quarrytown, having lived in it before the cascade and war. He had become mute in his young days, when he was exposed to a traumatic event involving his father and his mother. None of them survived. So, at the age of around 15, he was orphaned and taken in by other inhabitants of Quarrytown.


When the Resonance Cascade had happened, Harold had once again witness his foster family being overtaken by crab-like aliens. He decided to hide in a small cabin near the outskirts of the town, which quickly became his new home. Harold had no idea what's to come next.


And then, the War hit. For Harry and other humans, this was a disaster piling up onto another disaster. For once, Harold remained in his home again, praying to god that whatever inter-dimensional force outside his home would go away. Thankfully, he survived.

Harold finally decided to walk out of his home in what felt like ages, saddened by the various destroyed and rotting corpses. He shortly then returned to his dwelling, continuing on normal life as if nothing ever happened.......... until now.

Mute: Harold is mute and prefers to communicate with others via sign language.
Xenophobe: Harold does not know what these weird three arms frogs are in his town, and prefers to steer clear of them.
Selfish: Harold is somewhat selfish, which means he wouldn't dare to rescue anyone or assist them. Every man for himself.
Guns: In the time of staying in his house, Harold had become to find himself acquainted with such weaponry.

Smart: Harold is a local around Quarrytown, so he essentially knows the town inside out.

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Section One


Steam Name:
Bluetter Call Shift

Steam ID:

Discord Name and ID:
The Elites are blind, Arbiter#3873


Section Two


Character Name:
Alexander A. Rebin


Brief Summary of Character:
A drunkard outcast of the town.

Character Backstory:
Everyone heard stories of old recluses, ones that would much rather prefer to stay on the outskirts of civilization, rather than enter and indulge in it. With Quarrytown being a home to many kinds of people, it's no wonder then that it would also find itself holding one of these "old recluses".

"Sanich" was the name of that outcast, not a full one, of course, but rather a nickname - the locals have thought of his birth name as too lengthy for its own good, and the man himself seemingly cared little for such a moniker. Everything else about him, however, would remain a total mystery for the town's inhabitants, except perhaps, his rather obvious drinking addiction.

Sometimes he would come to the town and drink, often he'd sit by himself, in great ignorance of the world surrounding him. After that, he'd just waddle back to his reclusive house on the outskirts, and then, it'd repeat every week or so. "Sanich" rarely, if ever, talked to anyone during his drinking pilgrimage, which begs the question... What exactly happened to this sad old man, that caused him to spiral into this lifestyle?

Perhaps the answer to that question would be found eventually, albeit only in extreme circumstances that would finally force the aging man into leaving his humble abode...


Section One

*Steam Name:
Shimac's Stew
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:97461406
*Discord Name and ID: Shimac's Stew#0330

Section Two

*Character Name:

Emma Green

Brief Summary of Character:
A rebel medic briefly staying in town, tasked with helping out the local doctors

*Character Backstory:

photomania-d14d52cda7e16f9ad5aebd7a416ea8ad (1).jpg
[A Picture taken hours before the Resonance Cascade]

Born in a small community village of Voznesenka, Alaska in the year 1980, Emma Green was the youngest member in a family of five; Her Father was one of the local fishermen who made an honest living of catching then selling all sorts of seafood while Her Mother worked as a Cook in the local diner/pub with two older brothers.

Despite the constant cold weather and isolated location of her village, she loved her home alongside living out the simplicities of life with her family. She is also a bookworm, often found reading various books and magazines as her hobby. For as long as she can remember, she was tasked on taking care and doing first aid on her elder brothers who often get themselves into either fights with the other children or accidentally injuring themselves while exploring the local forest or during one of the trips out to sea with her father. She was even given the role of assistant for the local doctors in the village due to her consistent talent and skill in conducting medical procedures for others.

As she gotten older, her parents realized that her potential will not be achieved at it's highest in their small isolated village. So at the age of 15, they tried convincing her to get further education in the city of Anchorage while living with her relatives there. At first, she refused; Unwilling to leave her already-satisfying and peaceful life in her home but they persisted; Stubborn like their daughter.

After many arguments with her family and advice from her friends, she conceded and accepted the option to pursue a career in Medicine. It was a tearful goodbye for her, seeing not only her family but the rest of the village seeing her off before she left the village for a long time.

During her time in Anchorage, she encountered many situations and experiences that her old life back in the village could've never compared. In the last year of College, she found herself a boyfriend who soon became her future husband in another course different from hers. While walking the path of medicine, she decided to take on the job of a paramedic; With the required mindset and skill set being similar to what she was already doing her whole life. Eventually, she and her husband got married with a child a year later. Everything was good for her and she thanked the Lord for granting her such a blessed life with the people she loved...

That was until the Resonance Cascade happened.

Her life fell apart when the Xen Creatures invaded their world, wrecking havoc and chaos across her home. Destruction and Death was all she could see as she continued to fulfill the role of the paramedic; Get the wounded stabilized and keep them alive. During those chaotic hours, she soon found that her husband was killed during those opening chaotic hours, with third-degree burns on the chest area from his autopsy like some sort projectile was shot at him.

In the aftermath, she desperately tried to find the condition and whereabouts of her family in her home village only for them to pop up as missing. From the news and investigation teams, they could only label them as missing or possibly dead. With her family gone and her husband's dead, she mourned for days with only her son being the only person keeping her fractured soul and psyche together.

It wasn't until the Combine Invasion and Occupation is what truly broke her as after the Seven Hour War, she managed to prepare a safety plan for both her and her son only to be found by Combine Soldiers hours after the peace treaty between Humanity and the Combine. They were herded to one of the under-construction cities that is healing from it's wounds from the invasion, before the local combine took away her son from her using force.

No matter amount of begging and pleading, they stayed in apathetic silence - Concluding on knocking her out when she tried to fight the local combine units. Her vision darkened as her boy screamed in the hands of those monsters before blacking out. That was the last time she saw or heard from her son.

Separated, her motivation to escape the Combine's clutches and attempt to get her son back was peaking at it's highest - Leading her to collaborate with newly established rebel and partisan groups before escaping the Combine's Authority. With her medical skills, this led her to becoming a rebel medic fighting for freedom and her life's goal of finding the whereabouts of her son.

Years later, she was sent to a small little town called Quarrytown by her Cell Leader to bolster the population's medical staff. Months passed as she essentially 'lived' in the town for a while. However, duty calls as she was about to be called back into the cell's fold.

Just as she was about to be relieved from her station before being sent back to her cell, she remained oblivious to the event that would befall Quarrytown...

Section Three - Optional, please fill out if you're new.

Tell us about yourself :^) :
Looking back to play HL2RP again after a year of hiatus from Gmod. Also, I love chocolate milk.
Are you new to Willard Networks?: Yes, been here for a few days now.
Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Nope.
What's your favorite thing about Half Life 2?: The Setting and Lore.
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- Section One -

*Steam Name:

*Steam ID:

*Discord Name and ID:

- Section Two -

*Character Name:


Brief Summary of Character:
One of the Remaining Shock-Troopers to inhabit this world, seemingly separated from the rest of their Kind.

*Character Backstory:

Within the vast world lies various flora and fauna alike that have been ushered in from the Terminus-Point of the Black-Mesa Incident, Race-X is no exception to this as many of them crossed through the Borderworld and onto our plane, many of them in-fact still dwell here. While their number has likely decreased in the coming years, their ferocity in combat has not.

This one is no exception to these circumstances. They are separated from their kind for the time being, their resolve has not withered however as they still cling to the old-ways..

Perhaps it will change in the future, even with the presence of humans within these areas.


- Section One -

*Steam Name:

*Steam ID:

*Discord Name and ID:

- Section Two -

*Character Name:


Brief Summary of Character:
One of the Remaining Shock-Troopers to inhabit this world, seemingly separated from the rest of their Kind.

*Character Backstory:

Within the vast world lies various flora and fauna alike that have been ushered in from the Terminus-Point of the Black-Mesa Incident, Race-X is no exception to this as many of them crossed through the Borderworld and onto our plane, many of them in-fact still dwell here. While their number has likely decreased in the coming years, their ferocity in combat has not.

This one is no exception to these circumstances. They are separated from their kind for the time being, their resolve has not withered however as they still cling to the old-ways..

Perhaps it will change in the future, even with the presence of humans within these areas.

View attachment 16013
More shock troopers les goooo

- Section One -

*Steam Name:

*Steam ID:

*Discord Name and ID:

- Section Two -

*Character Name:


Brief Summary of Character:
One of the Remaining Shock-Troopers to inhabit this world, seemingly separated from the rest of their Kind.

*Character Backstory:

Within the vast world lies various flora and fauna alike that have been ushered in from the Terminus-Point of the Black-Mesa Incident, Race-X is no exception to this as many of them crossed through the Borderworld and onto our plane, many of them in-fact still dwell here. While their number has likely decreased in the coming years, their ferocity in combat has not.

This one is no exception to these circumstances. They are separated from their kind for the time being, their resolve has not withered however as they still cling to the old-ways..

Perhaps it will change in the future, even with the presence of humans within these areas.

View attachment 16013 much zased...,



"Dennis 'D-Dog' Wright is the town technician and Radio man of Quarrytown, spending his time tuning the radios across town to his secure frequencies so he can inform the everyday citizens of what is currently going on in town."

"Born to a poor family in he streets of Brooklyn, Dennis often picked at junk piled on the streets or old bikes abandoned in scrap heaps which he began to dismantle and build into workable objects such as clocks or radios, he began to get a knack for this type of stuff, getting a job as a repairman for the rest of his time pre-Unification"

"After the war, Dennis found himself under the Universal Unions jurisdiction as he was moved across the world from City to City, Eventually landing himself in City-16, Boston where he began to grow sick of everyday oppression and the suppression of individual thought as he began to use his old skills in scavenging as he started to build equipment for a secure radio network which he could use to spread Free Speech and fight back against The combine and their Ministry of Enlightenment lapdog."

"One day however, while scavenging for supplies one day he came across a Lone Unshackled Vortigaunt roaming the scrapyard of Boston whom he spoke to and told of his plan to help spread and promote Free Speech and rebellion in Boston, The creature liked the idea and introduced itself as "Gung'Tah" and agreed to help Dennis by powering his equipment so he could spread his message to other districts as Dennis's current methods of powering caused..Constant power failings and too many close calls with The Combine than there should be...for the following Months, both beings began to make a small difference in City 16 before ultimately being tracked down by The Combine and Dennis was BOL'ed, resulting in him and Gung'Tah to have to flee to the outlands as to avoid capture...eventually finding their way to a little settlement which was called "Quarrytown"

"And this is where the duo remained to this day, living in the growing community as Dennis made a secure network and channel, continuing his work as a Radio man, informing the town of the truth alongside his Alien friend just as they had before..."


Section One

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: 76561199149030942
*Discord Name and ID:

Section Two

*Character Name:
Dennis "D-Dog" Wright

Brief Summary of Character:
A Charismatic black guy with an eye for Technology. Dennis is a young, slim and tall guy with bright Hazel eyes. He is a firm believer in Freedom of Speech as he dedicates his life alongside his Vortigaunt friend "Gung'Tah" who he needed in order for his idea to survive. Now he spends his time informing the citizens of Quarrytown of what's new in his secure radio comes.

*Character Backstory:
See above smelly

Section One

*Steam Name:Freudeka
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:59565902
*Discord Name and ID: Freudeka#8428

Section Two

*Character Name:Gung’Tah
Brief Summary of Character: A freed vortigaunt who functions as local handyman, was previously the co-host of a resistance radio program with Dennis Wright. The two came to Quarrytown after Dennis was put on BOL in City 16. They continue their counterculture broadcasts amongst more likeminded kin.
*Character Backstory:

1 Year ago…

“Are we nearly ready to go Gung?” A voice from across the room called. The vortigaunt let out a vague rumble which might be interpreted as frustration.
“Patience, human.” He had known Dennis months at this point, he was still ‘Human’. The vortigaunt moved his clawed hand up to one of the thin aluminum boxes that currently had a green LCD display of a soundwave in flux. Its resonance entirely unfamiliar to the vortigaunt who squinted his gigantic eye.. “Hummm….”

“Come on, I’m itching here! D-Dog and Gung, on the waves.” The same voice called after the vortigaunt, who didn’t even bother to grace him with a response at this point. His large keratinous claw flipped a switch, and he watched as the oscilloscope fluxed promisingly. Static hissed out at the alien who nodded at the machine encouragingly. “
“It seems that the… device.. Is feeling more co-operative, human.” he said, though, as if to jinx him, the incandescent light bulb that lit the closet of broadcasting equipment began to flicker, eventually dying entirely. Next, it was the electronic equipment. He watched as one by one the transmitters that had been plugged into the wall faded back to an offline mode as power was cut to the entire region of City 16.
“FUCK!” Dennis yelled.
“It seems that we are anticipated. Had I not warned you of this when you went around telling slummers of our broadcast to come?” The vortigaunt asked across the room. He didn’t look as panicked as the human, as he slowly started to tug the racks of heavy equipment away from the wall, exposing the cord. He casually began to slice through the rubber and insulation with his razor-sharp claw, exposing thickly corded copper.
“What are you doing?” the human asked, looking real alarmed at the casual destruction of vital equipment. He pushed up off his seat, but stopped as his hairs stood on end. They always did just before.. Green. A thick green light bathed the well-lit studio, emanating from the vortigaunt’s palm. All of his eyes were now closed, and his head was bowed in concentration. The bundle of cables was held into the center of his palm. There was a sudden, violent crack as green energy arced from the center of his palm across the cables. For a moment, the transmitter began to hiss, but as the arc broke, so did the static. The sensation of tingles across Dennis’ skin became more intense as his hair became frizzy, as if he had been charged with static electricity. The arc that jumped from Gung’s hand next latched onto the metal cables and stabilized. A bridge of vortal energy that brought the whole studio’s lights on. Long enough for Dennis to lean into the microphone and rumble.

“Hello City Sixteen! I’m D-Dog! Despite the best efforts of our administration, some uncensored voices are actually getting through to your commercial receivers! Fuck you, MoE! Haha!” Dennis laughed, but the two could already hear a distant blare and the sound of city scanners accelerating into the slums of City 16 like a plague of locusts.
“Focus.” The vortigaunt’s voice was audible through the broadcast.
“And that’s my ever-cheerful helper! We’re currently here to broadcast some important announcements. Firstly, the fight for freedom relies on the support of every citizen. If you can hear this, you can help contribute, in a material way. Take up arms. Visit the slums. Befriend the people there and ask how you can help. You’ll find how you can help.”

Gung looked like he was so exerted that he could almost break a sweat despite his physiology forbidding it. His words sound pained as he leant into D-Dog’s microphone, his lips retracting to reveal his teeth as he spoke, eyes still shut tightly. “The great enslavers are familiar to us, and no monolith is without its flaws. Thisss… ‘Superstructure’. It feeds on your collaboration. Starve them of it.”

The vortal arc broke. The entire studio was plunged into darkness just in time to camouflage them from a scanner as it passed through the streets, aperture focusing on the homeless citizens below. Dennis turned, grinning. Gung tried to mimic it, but his lip-flaps rising looked more like him baring his teeth.

“Damn, big buddy! Next time I gotta put you on the microphone!” Dennis chuckled, clapping the vort on the shoulder, causing only a slight flinch, a trained-down instinct the vort had mastered to be more sociable with humans.
“But then… Who would power the transmitter?” Gung responded, wry grin on his face.

1 year later…

“BOL?” Gung responded, apparently completely uncomprehending.
“Fuckin’ combine speak for you’re fucked!” Dennis was hurriedly pulling shit from their hideout into several large luggage cases. “Oh fuck.. Where could we even go?”

“Dennis.” Gung said. He placed a claw on the man’s shoulder, and he was forced to stop, and look up to the vortigaunt, who loomed over him. “Once your posessions are in hand, you will follow us. We know of somewhere we could go. Somewhere we could be safe.”

Quarrytown obtained two new builders shortly after. One of them had enough transmission equipment to occasionally play broadcasts for local quarrytown residents, with the help of his vortal comrade, of course…

Section Three - Optional, please fill out if you're new.

Tell us about yourself :^) : im pretty based and epic, but i had to cut the backstory short because i was afraid of missing the deadline, that was unfortunate. I wasnt originally planning to participate but withdrawal is getting to me
Are you new to Willard Networks?: not really ive been in a few events and everybody knows me at this point
Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: sure
What's your favorite thing about Half Life 2?: half-life 2? stinky
Section One

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: *Discord Name and ID: Omega#5347

Section Two

*Character Name:
Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch Constantine VII

Brief Summary of Character: An elderly Greek Orthodox Patriarch and one of the founders of Quarrytown, Constantine VII is a kind elderly man there to preach the word of God. Allowing everyone of any denomination or background to take refuge in the town, the only proper rule he had set is to be kind and help one another. Though the town continues to have it’s problems, especially with the looming threat of the Combine, the old Patriarch continues to live day by day, continuing to pray to the Lord with his fellow church members.

*Character Backstory:
Born on the Island of Crete under the name Romanos Athanopoulos, Constantine was raised by nuns in a monastery. For as long as he can remember Constantine felt as if he were to preach the word of the Lord, reading the Bible day and night, everyday for his entire life, finding meaning in each day through the passages he would read. To him, this was his way of communicating with Christ. Though he would still pray when the time came, he found that most of the answers he sought were already within the Bible, just waiting to be read and deciphered. His habit of reading not only the Bible, but even other religious texts earned Constantine the nickname of “The Scholar” amongst his peers. Some supporting his search for knowledge and others looking down on the fact he’d even look at other scriptures. However, Constantine knew his love for the Lord was there through it all, and he knew that in some way, this would pay off in the future.

A day before the invasion by the Combine, Constantine warned his fellow priests and worshippers of a premonition delivered to him by Christ himself in a dream. He said Christ warned him of an impending danger, and for them to survive, they must hide in a very specific cave on the coast of Athens. Sadly, his peers didn’t listen. Constantine was the only one to hide in the cave, waiting three days, just as the Lord had with his own son, before exiting to see the newly conquered world. Knowing where to go from his supposed premonition, Constantine walked north, through the wasteland that was the Balkans, with nothing on him but his cross and Bible. After traveling on foot for 50 days and 50 nights, as Moses did to the Jews of the Old Testament, Constantine VII had found his New Canaan. A place that would soon be known as Quarrytown. A refuge for all wishing to escape the tyranny of the Combine, the Archbishop welcomes all who wander in with open arms.
Section One

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: 76561198064271328
*Discord Name and ID: Otizem#6957

Section Two

*Character Name:
Ari Naftali
Brief Summary of Character: A devout mutilated and skeptical jewish man, who has a hard time trusting others.
*Character Backstory:


Ari was born in the small coastal town of Palmahim in 1978 to a poor family with six other siblings. Aris childhood was a rather peaceful one. Him being the oldest of the siblings, he would help out his dad with work in the early morning and would go home the same time his dad was done. If he was lucky and got off earlier he would play with the other kids his age on the street, but Ari never got to go to school due to it, so his mom and dad would home school him themselves, teaching him some rather basic stuff, such as how to count and plus, read, spell, so on. But if there was a thing he did go to it was to the synagogue to pray everyday and this lead Ari to become a devout man.

Later in his life, Ari was conscripted when he had reached adulthood and was fully trained as very normally done. He had to only serve for 32 months, But conflict after conflict kept on happening so, Ari served more than the 32 months. He was fine doing so though, as it was good pay and he still got to see his family, friends and keep his country safe.

Come 2001 and Ari is 23 years old, still serving in the army fighting, but on this day Ari was in his barrack when suddanly a loud sound could be heard from the other room next door, followed by screams and banging. Ari thinking an enemy had gotten into the base somehow, grabbed his newly issued tar-21 exited the room and slowly made his way over to the next door room with his gun raised, he opened the door slowly and what he was met with was straight out of a horror movie.

The whole room was covered in blood, with bodies strewed around the room, furniture smashed and flipped over, but in the middel of the room was a huge figure of muscel and bone, with three arms and many small red eyes and covered in blue ish armor. The creature hadn't noticed Ari opening the door, as it was too busy examining one of Aris comrades corpses.

Ari being shocked at what stood before him, slowly closed the door before slowly walking away to get backup and as soon as he got outside of the barracks building he was met with a sight of horror. Smoke stacks rising from the city, creatures he had never seen before flying through the skies. He would snap out of the shock and return back into the barrack building, gearing up and head out to fight the new invaders.

Later on after non stop fighting the new enemies who were invading his home land, a new enemy would appear out of nowhere, but this new foe was different from the ones they had been fighting for so long now. They were more advanced and far greater. They slaugthered Aris comrades and fellow man in a mere seven hours, before the world gave up to them. Ari was furious that the world had surrendered to the invaders for he knew that nothing good would come of this but he was powerless to do anything.

Many years later and being relocated from city to city, Ari ended up in city 17. He lived there for some time up until one day he got bunched in with some trouble makers on the streets. He was arrested but was not beaten and set free like usual, no he was taken far away and knocked out. He was being sent to be turned into a stalker.

When he awoken again after god knows how long, he found himself in an unfamiliar place that seemed like a hospital like before the war but makeshift, Ari tried to get up, so he grabbed the blanket over him with his right hand and when he removed it from himself he was met with the sight of his mutilated body.

His lower legs and his left hand had been amputated, his lower region had been mutilated as well and he now had a small food port on the left side of his ribcage. Days later of being in the hospital which he found out to be in a city called ravenholm, a doctor came to him and gave him two blade prosthetic legs and a two hook prosthetic hand. Finally Ari could walk again but the new limbs took some time to get used to, but he got the hang of it in the end and so Ari continued living in his new home of Ravenholm were he was offered a small apartment to live in. And so Ari lived happliy in Ravenholm, until the Combine reared its ugly head again.

Section One

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID:

*Discord Name and ID:

Section Two
*Character Name:
S8/OWS.HAMMER-43, also known as ''Jimothy''

Brief Summary of Character:
A captured and re-programmed OTA unit who has taken an interest in Gardening and nature, he is a bit of a controversial topic inside of the village. But in the end, he's just an empty husk who loves his flowers. He's anti-social and apathetic, but pretty defensive about his beloved garden.

*Character Backstory:


Once a man, now just another combine super-soldier. Jimothy's past was lost once he was stripped of his humanity and turned into a soulless killer cyborg. All that is known about him is that he was found injured by a villager and then taken back home, the man that once rescued our ''hero'' was an ex-IT expert, one of the best in the world some may dare say.

The lad was so good he managed to re-program the beast into a goddamn gardener that had only two objectives: Destroy any pests that would put the garden in danger and keep the man safe. But, well... He failed his secondary objective when an headcrab managed to sneak up on his owner and Jimothy was forced to rip his own ''Father's head off. This thing's existence is an insult towards the feared union, something so unreal that even some villagers still have difficulties believing it.

Jimothy's life inside Quarrytown isn't an easy one... Well, it is easy for him since he doesn't give a fuck about anything else but his garden. But technically speaking, if he would actually feel something, it would be the shittiest life ever. He's bullied by the other townsfolks daily; He faces insults, punches (even though most of the time is the attacker that gets hurt because they're bitch-jabbing a whole ass colonial super-soldier.), pushes (again, extremely ineffective unless you were fucking big Shaq or a bodybuilder.), and spits every day. But well, thankfully he doesn't really care... Because if he would, oh we'd be so fucked man.
*Steam Name: Jacob
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:143759420
*Discord Name and ID: Gravel Eater#0007

Section Two

Character Name: Ernie Freeman

Brief Summary of Character:

Ernie Freeman is an older black gentleman from the south of America living in the "Black Belt" Before the combine took over. Top of his small high school class eventually making it to the big-time college in the area The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill studying Family medicine holding a long and respected career in his field and practicing serving the people of Mississippi



Character Backstory:

Ernie was born in the county of Jefferson Mississipy to a black mother and father in the "Black Belt" of the southern United States. An old-time man born in 1952 the descendent of slaves who took over from god knows where during the 1700s settling down after the civil war his family started a legacy of well-educated black men and women Ernie being no different. He started his career in a small high school in his hometown, graduating as one of the tops in his High School class and second to the valedictorian. Giving him the chance to join his alumni family at the college of Chapple Hill a smart man majoring in the medical field of family medicine more specifically a Home Physician traveling from home to home making a personal connection to the families he has helped for more than 50 years. Joining the all-black Zeti Phi Beta cemented his beliefs as a strong African-American man breaking the cycle so commonly thought of at the time of his upbringing in school and the medical field. Graduating from Chapple hill getting an MD working on his own as a Home Physician freelancing a portfolio of more than 300 families serving them year-round. In his later years of life established himself as a respectable man in his field becoming very religious in the baptist church of the united states growing slower and slower in his older years slowing down taking on fewer and fewer clients and eventually nearly retiring. Then the Combine invasion hit His home town, everyone he knew, the people he loved, and the families he has served for years and years were all wiped out in 7 hours stuck in the limbo of the sweeping combine cities being built up and the rebels still fighting he found himself inside the Meele of Quarrytown

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*Steam Name: Jacob
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:143759420
*Discord Name and ID: Gravel Eater#0007

Section Two

Character Name:
Ernie Freeman

Brief Summary of Character:

Ernie Freeman is an older black gentleman from the south of America living in the "Black Belt" Before the combine took over. Top of his small high school class eventually making it to the big-time college in the area The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill studying Family medicine holding a long and respected career in his field and practicing serving the people of Mississippi

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View attachment 16033

Character Backstory:

Ernie was born in the county of Jefferson Mississipy to a black mother and father in the "Black Belt" of the southern United States. An old-time man born in 1952 the descendent of slaves who took over from god knows where during the 1700s settling down after the civil war his family started a legacy of well-educated black men and women Ernie being no different. He started his career in a small high school in his hometown, graduating as one of the tops in his High School class and second to the valedictorian. Giving him the chance to join his alumni family at the college of Chapple Hill a smart man majoring in the medical field of family medicine more specifically a Home Physician traveling from home to home making a personal connection to the families he has helped for more than 50 years. Joining the all-black Zeti Phi Beta cemented his beliefs as a strong African-American man breaking the cycle so commonly thought of at the time of his upbringing in school and the medical field. Graduating from Chapple hill getting an MD working on his own as a Home Physician freelancing a portfolio of more than 300 families serving them year-round. In his later years of life established himself as a respectable man in his field becoming very religious in the baptist church of the united states growing slower and slower in his older years slowing down taking on fewer and fewer clients and eventually nearly retiring. Then the Combine invasion hit His home town, everyone he knew, the people he loved, and the families he has served for years and years were all wiped out in 7 hours stuck in the limbo of the sweeping combine cities being built up and the rebels still fighting he found himself inside Quarrytown.



Dear Mom and Dad,

I miss burgers, I miss chicken, I miss anything you guys put on my plate. It was growing tough when I left, with Sara the baby, and all but I still thought I made the right choice. A long way from you guys, that Canada place wasn't the best choice for me. Everything fell over with the club. Tried coming back to you guys. The lights, teleporting. It call came down with the invasion, 'War of worlds' the folks say around here. Most of them are religious fanatics. Talking about - all sorts of things. It just sucks, if the last letter got to you guys you know what happened with Sara. Wanted to name the baby after dad.

'Quarry' is where I am. Better than the Bocca Ration place, Florida, you guys wanted to retire to. Folk around here are nice - stumbled me onto a construction effort crew. This is too much just...

Will write to you guys later. Can't think.



Steam Profile: Ani
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:468510009
Discord#0000: Fatter77#3651

*Character Name: Mikal Dupont
Brief Summary of Character:
Former outlaw, fled Canada on a warrant. Left behind things. Low IQ
*Character Backstory: Above
Section One

*Steam Name:
Astro |
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:86837969
*Discord Name and ID: Astro#2165

Section Two

*Character Name:
Brief Summary of Character:
A young Vortigaunt with extensive knowledge of the human anatomy and how to manipulate it to save lives. One of the many medically sound residents of this forsaken "utopia".
*Character Backstory:

"For as we wish to learn, that of which we lack."


Ska'Ruualla is one of many who had been put forth onto this cold, unforgiving rock. As lucky as they were to be glossed over from the watchful eye of Overwatch, they know nothing of the Vortigaunt Culture, and its substantial history. The slaughter, enslavement, and being driven to near extinction are all but foggy to this young Vortigaunt. All he has known are the stories passed down from Humanity and those of his kin. This being a young, naive Vortigaunt with little experience, his ability to submerge himself into the Vortessence isn't strengthened to a high degree. While yes, he has familiarized himself with his abilities none of them are as strong as the rest of his kin, nor does he possess the experience to conjure most other abilities.

Under Their Noses

His time in existence has been relatively short compared to his kin, each and every year having been spent on Earth just outside the various Urban Centers and Combine Establishments. He had been a part of a tribe for as long as he's been alive, being materialized into this plane of existence just twelve years ago. While Ska'Ruualla's elders had taught him much of the Shaman way, he had much to learn... however this knowledge he sought would soon become impossible to seek out.


Flying Too Close to the Sun

This tribe walked too close to the sleeping bear, waking it in its entirety. The almost full weight of the Combine's Transhuman Arm fell onto the tribe, slaughtering all but Ska, who just barely escaped by the absolute skin of his teeth. Mortally wounded, they had barely begun to heal themselves until he had been stumbled upon by a band of Resistance Fighters in this icy hell. Whomever they were associated with was out of the question, having only been focused on getting out of dodge and patched up.


A Place to call... Home?

And thus, this band of Resistance Fighters and the singular Vortigaunt traveled and traveled. They had picked up many along the way and lost many as well. During this time of endless journey, Ska'Ruualla found himself reading what he could find of the human anatomy and how it all worked, how it worked together. Circulatory systems, how each organ functioned and how to fix them the human way, how to fix them the Vortigaunt way. Regardless, like many others, they eventually landed in The Quarrytown. With his extensive knowledge of medicine, it didn't take him long to be convinced to stay there and to be recruited amongst the many Doctors and Physicians dedicated to the residents of The Quarrytown.

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Section One

*Steam Name: Mikey.
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:112147538
*Discord Name and ID: MikeyMoe#4010

Section Two

*Character Name:
Raphaël Belliveau

Brief Summary of Character: Old-timer army veteran. His service throughout his earlier years taught this man valuable lessons. His right leg was crushed by a falling piece of debris and rendered him in crutches for a while. He can walk now, but a limp is present, going through day to day life seems to be struggle now.

*Character Backstory: Second generation French-Canadian, filled with determination to pursue goals instilled into him by his parents, Raphaël wasn't the smartest man though, so he ended joining up with the Royal Canadian Armed Forces and served during the Gulf War, after being discharged for exceeding the age limit. Raphaël thought being a soldier would bring honor to his family's name but he didn't feel filled. Once back home he lived off his military pension and started riding. After the combine invasion, he ended up in Quarrytown sooner or later.
I miss everything really, but really I miss riding. Quarrytown ain't bad though, the folks around here ain't too shabby themselves. Told the priest I'd swing by and hear him out on his religion or whatever the hell he was talkin' 'bout. Going to put my hands to work and get them dirty around the town, start to chip in.
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