- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Brennen​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:199644942​
  • Discord Name & ID: Brennen#4663​
  • Timezone: CDT​
- Section Two -

Character name: Kent "Atlas" WIlliams
Untitled Project.jpg

(Picture taken in Paris, July 2nd 2016)

Character's role during life: Rebel Engineer, Mechanical and Civil Engineer before the war.

How did your character die: Died to Civil Protection, trying to save captured Rebels in i17.

Short (or detailed) character backstory: A member of the Resistance, Atlas became widely known during the events of i17, leading the base known as Camp Hope. He was an extremely good engineer, developing a prototype prosthetic, which he used himself. He was also tasked to build a functional body for the AI known as Flyboy, he died before he could do this.

Character's biggest dream: Saving his friends and family

- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Marco
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:39958603
  • Discord Name & ID: marco.7184
  • Timezone: UTC +01:00
- Section Two -

Character name:

Qin Shi Huang

Character's role during life:
(皇帝, huáng dì)


View attachment 25384
How did your character die:
The wisdom of Qin Shi Huang was eternal and everlasting. The cunning individual avoided all assassination attempts and was ruthless in his punishments.

He died of an illness, July 210 BC

Short (or detailed) character backstory:

How does one describe the success of an emperor? Through their ruthless exploits and tyranny? Through their charity and goodwill?

Qin Shi Huang, formerly known as Zhao Zeng was the creator of the first Chinese Empire. Through his efforts the entirety of China was united. He was the son of a Prince, heir to the Kingdom of Qin. A childhood full of luxury. Enjoying items given to him by Divine right.

Upon the death of the reigning king. He gained control of the throne at the age of Thirteen. Too young to lead as dictated by the laws of his then Kingdom.

The prime minister of the kingdom, Lü Buwei was granted regency by the passed Monarch.
The country was at war with six other states, vying for supremacy and complete conquest over the entire lands of China.

Upon his coming of Age, Qin Shi Huang slowly conquered his way to Emperor, one warlord state after another. One by One. Eventually he achieved his goal, only to be left thirsting for more.

View attachment 25385

Character's biggest dream:

Qin Shi Huang thirsted for immortality. He feared death, and seeked to best it once and for all. Wishing to forever reign supreme over the Qin Empire as the first and only emperor.

This is a character from HISTORY! The same events on earth happened up until (roughly) the 1990s which is approximately when Black Mesa and Aperture Science were in a contest with each other.

View attachment 25386
[Section 1]

Steam Name: DillonVentures

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:100929252

Discord Name: dillonadventures

Timezone: Uncertain. At least 2 hours behind CST.

[Section 2]

Character name: Johnston “Joey” Fairbanks

Character's role during life: South-Side Medical Faculty Nurse

How did your character die: Shot to death by World Corps Guards

Character backstory: Johnston Fairbanks, a middle aged man at the time of his death, was a Nurse at the South-Side Medical Faculty in New York. When he was young, he was involved in a car related accident, resulting in his arm being broken and replaced by a metallic prosthetic. His life was saved by the very same people that he would work with later on in his life. One day he found an odd email on a computer within the hospital, after reading it, he would grow more and more paranoid as the days went on. After a certain amount of time passed, he bought a gun and a car, heading to the World Corps HQ and killing the person he deemed to be responsible for his paranoia. This resulted in his death as well.

Character's biggest dream: To become the SSMF Administrator. [Incomplete]
- Section One -

Steam Name:delo

Steam ID:76561198152565465

Discord Name & ID:delo1127#2681


- Section Two -

Character name: Grimdell Jekins, Rebel name, Pork
View attachment 25466
Character's role during life: Rebel,

How did your character die:
Captured by the Combine in a sewer sweep and was sent to Nova Prospect.

Short (or detailed) character backstory:
Grimdell was born in the U.S. in Montana. Grimdell loved to camp out with his father and mother. He would make trips to his uncle's house, his uncle owned a cabin in the woods. Years later, Grimdell was on vacation with his father in Europe, then the Combine invaded.

His father died during that period of his life. Grimdell eventually ended up in City 8, where he stayed for a few years always avoiding relocation.
He left City 8 with resistance members trying to make a difference, He ended up in Industrial 17, where he worked with black market dealers, and started doing security jobs. Soon after he got picked to help out a dealer outside the city, but weeks before the job Grimdell and a group of resistant members were caught in a sewer sweep a firefight started soon after. The fight ended with him and some others captured, and sent to Nove Prospect where he later perished.

Character's biggest dream:
Go camping with his family one last time

- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Antifurry69​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:593761584​
  • Discord Name & ID: antipoach​
  • Timezone: EST​
- Section Two -

Character name: Minister Avilov

Character's role during life: A low level City Administration Minister in City 72, Moscow, in a different Half Life 2 Universe Timeline.

How did your character die: Shot in the back of the head by an Overwatch Elite upon the decision of the Earth Administrator Dr. Wallace Breen to not take the rest of Earths City Administrators to the Combine Overworld.

Short (or detailed) character backstory:

'Minister Avilov' as he was known to the many had a very cloudy past to the public, but his origins are far from normal.

The now Minister grew up in Kazan, Soviet Russia in the early 70’s. A low life thug at first in the criminal underground with his lover Ana, he soon grew to run his own newspaper company in the growing city of Kazan. Avilov spent years of his life in the journalist business, until the fall of the Soviet Union in December of 1991.

With the fall of the Union, Avilov and his partner lost profits in the newspaper business due to lack of supplies from the Soviet partner states. The shattered business was one of the things that broke his relationship with Ana, along with his crippling alcohol addiction.

The Combine came years later, the gruff man looking to become part of the New Union. He did that by sliding his way up the political sphere, joining the ranks of the loyalist party.

Unfortunately, he was ousted from his position of power in the loyalist ranks due to a alcohol infused bout of scandals, leaving City 17 in shame. Before the news of his scandal reached the “new” Moscow, City 72, he was offered a position in his former homeland of Russia. He accepted, not missing out on this lucky second chance, and set off to become a simple Minister in Moscow.

His tenure as Minister did not last but a few short years. The Uprising in City 17 spread world wide, the men and women of earth tackling the Combine head to head in the streets of Cities across the land. Just a month into the major Uprising, Dr. Gordon Freeman, the face of the Uprising, met his death in an unknown manner. The Resistance however did not give up, the forces of Lambda descending upon City 17 like flies. Dr. Breen set his plan into motion, to bring him and his close City Administration into the Combine Overworld and in turn, give earth as a gift to the Combine.

In the coming days, the City Administrators around the world that were not chosen by Dr. Breen were killed in cold blood, Minister Avilov included. Earth was fed to the Dyson Sphere of the Combine, the inhabitants of the green dot tucked away to extinction. Thankfully, Avilov never lived to see the day humanity died.

Character's biggest dream: Drink, acquire power, accumulate money, get women. The face of loyalty at its finest.
- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Curbalas
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:97676126
  • Discord Name & ID: curbalas | 691344384364380161
  • Timezone: UTC+3
- Section Two -

Character name: C24:i3.XRAY-90
Character's role during life: Civil Protection unit, store worker and gas station worker.
How did your character die: Killed by an anti-citizen, caught by surprise.
Short (or detailed) character backstory:
Gabriel Klevin had a simple life, growing up in Istanbul, Turkey. He had loving parents just like most of the children in his area, he grew up with military ambitions, as his biggest dream was to join a prestigious officer school within Istanbul, which he succeeded after all. When the portal storms hit Istanbul, he lost his father, his biggest supporter in his dream. He was all alone in Istanbul, as his mother was long gone to the United States, leaving the family split in two with his sister. Gabriel Klevin was doing perfectly well in the officer school, then the invasion happened.

After the ascension he was located in City 50, his living area pre-invasion, he lived there decently, trying to get a living out of everything he could do, then after a while he was forced to relocate to City 24, District 43. After his arrival, he decided to socialize with people to find out about his surroundings, the first person he spoke to was Felix Poelking, he remembered this name until his, eventual death. After searching for a job for weeks, he decided to work in a store called "Siemens", where he worked under Elias Siemens until his enlistment within the Civil Protection was accepted.

The moment he was enlisted, the antlion hordes were attacking the district, and he did not have much time to familiarize himself with the force, he was given a weapon after 3 days of recruitment, then immediately put up to work as a HELIX unit, stabilizing unit continuosly due to the constant antlion attacks to the District, during these attacks, he lost his arm due to an outland biotic attack, which made sure to let him hate vortigaunts until his death.

After the eventual fall of District 43, he was transferred to District 8 (or whatever I forgot), where he was invited to join the XRAY squad, he immediately accepted this offer as he had dreams on catching every single outland biotic he could find, he familiarized himself with interrogations and torture tactics as he was watching his colleagues continuosly.

When he was transferred to Industrial 24, he had mental breakdowns continuosly as he was losing his friends in the force day by day, he wasn't being controlled and it eventually led to his death, he was dealing with the Rhea Ilyava and Dave McAllen case, and wanting to finish the case as fast as possible, he responded to a Dispatch call telling the units there was an anti-citizen in a building, he responded immediately as he thought he could've found a relation to Dave McAllen, then he was ambushed and killed by that anti-citizen, miserably.

Character's biggest dream: Succeed his dreams to become a soldier, enlisting within Overwatch Transhuman Arm, living as much as he can.

- Section One -​

  • Steam Name:
  • Steam ID:
  • Discord Name & ID:
  • Timezone:
- Section Two -

Character name:
Demetrius Demarcus

Character's role during life:
Black Market Dealer associated with the Nightingales, supplying the rebels with weapons and other supplies.

How did your character die:
Demetrius passed away by getting shot in the middle of his forehead during an interrogation after not budging in and giving information to Civil Protection officers.

Short (or detailed) character backstory:
Demetrius was a double agent rebel at first, working for both the Civil Workers Union and the underground, during his time helping people, he eventually got contacted by the Nightingales, to be their middle-man, selling guns and other necessities to the people underground, with a difficult role comes a difficult responsibility.
Then he had met Karl, a Vortigaunt with many ambitions, many plans and a great vision to save the underground resistance to make it organized, efficient, and finally achieve something. Though, these plans were cut short, when the kitchen got raided and Demetrius lost almost all of his friends. When he showed up to the site after the sweep, the bloodbath, seeing all of his comrades dead, or captured, Demetrius' mental state had gone the lowest that it has ever been

After that incident, he wanted to take revenge. He planned an attack with some of his new associates, then ended up getting captured.

Now he could finally be with his family and friends.
Character's biggest dream:

Taking over Industrial 24, and using it as a base of operations.​


If you haven't been added to the Purgatory discord channel on the SS discord server within the next 24 hours, PM me directly.

The final wave of applicants is on Friday! Roughly two days left to apply.
- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Brennen​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:199644942​
  • Discord Name & ID: Brennen#4663​
  • Timezone: CDT​
- Section Two -

Character name: Kent "Atlas" WIlliams
View attachment 25584

(Picture taken in Paris, July 2nd 2016)

Character's role during life: Rebel Engineer, Mechanical and Civil Engineer before the war.

How did your character die: Died to Civil Protection, trying to save captured Rebels in i17.

Short (or detailed) character backstory: A member of the Resistance, Atlas became widely known during the events of i17, leading the base known as Camp Hope. He was an extremely good engineer, developing a prototype prosthetic, which he used himself. He was also tasked to build a functional body for the AI known as Flyboy, he died before he could do this.

Character's biggest dream: Saving his friends and family

(I forgor)
- Section One -
Steam Name: Purple Knight
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:63227876
Discord Name & ID: Purple Knight (ID: _purpleknight)
Timezone: GMT+0
- Section Two -

Character name: C24.i3:HELIX-57
Character's role during life: Civil Protection Officer
How did your character die: Bled to death following a shoot-out with rebels
Short (or detailed) character backstory:

H-57 started life as a CWU worker, plagued by mental illness, due to his birth, however his height and strength played to his advantage as it allowed him to be noticed by the powers above. Eventually he would join a recruitment drive, and join Civil Protection, during his career he entered a civil partnership with H-29, which quickly turned sour as H-57 found her lack of discipline was ruining his career, receiving two blackmarks as a result of his partner's actions, eventually he would beg MCP to nullify the partnership, upon being called into a meeting with MCP, the Captaincy and the Rank Leaders, he was presented a choice, end his partner's life, or remain with her. The unit's mental health had taken a toll as a result of her actions, and so, without hesitation, he picked up one of the Rank Leader's weapons, and shot his partner in the head. His mental health would continue to deteriorate until eventually he received a Memory Replacement, one that worked a little *too* well, causing him to become less than human, discipline and order, becoming the only things he was capable of.

Not long after, H-57 would become involved in an attack, aimed at capturing Dave McAllen, only to die painfully in the aftermath.

Character's biggest dream: To become a Rank Leader, or alternatively, ascend and be transhumanised.
Last edited:
- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Cocohop
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:45979100
  • Discord Name & ID: Cocohop
  • Timezone: BST
- Section Two -

Character name: Lex Denovo - The Paladin
Character's role during life: Professional Rebel & Anti Citizen
How did your character die: Engaged the Civil Protection during Vortigaunt freeing as his friends retreated.
Short (or detailed) character backstory:

Born to a regular family in London, now city two, Lex grew up under Combine rule. His family was a loving one, and his childhood was normal. He was taught how to be good a person, as he was raised by a religious family. He was taught right from wrong, and why doing good is it's own reward, and how you should help others even if there is no reward for doing so, simply because it's the right thing to do.

Lex's teenage years were less normal. When he was thirteen, his dad came back from work with a busted nose from re-education. When he was fourteen, same thing with his mother. Friends & family being re-educated, beat up, and downright left for dead by civil protection officers. Lex would do what he can to help, but at some point, the trauma was too much for his mind to handle.

At some point, which Lex couldn't even remember, his empathy completely shut off. He became what society refers to as a sociopath. On the spectrum, he would rank as high functioning & self aware. Lex knew this, and he hated it about himself.

Feeling no empathy, not being able to feel what others feel, Lex refuses to let this disorder define him, and instead use it as a tool to do good for others. That's what the right thing to do would be, right?

He now finds himself in City 24, after the city 2 evacuations led him here. After mixing in with the resistance, he found himself losing friends and people left, right, and center. An encounter which he does not talk about often changed his life, and re-ignited his passion for religion, to the point where he is considered a religious zealot now.

Friends with notable rebels at the time, including Laura Pamlova - Whom others know as Pathfinder - and Gustavo Baldo - Referred to as The Gypsy - Lex's loyalties were beyond question. When the chance to die fighting for his friends came: He took it.

Character's biggest dream: Serve the Lord's will, which includes taking down the Combine.
- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Moses​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:63629212​
  • Discord Name & ID: ._divine.​
  • Timezone: EST​
- Section Two -

Character name: Keith Ross
Character's role during life:
(Pre-War) Auto-mechanic
(Post-war) CWU worker
(Final days) Resistance member, turncoat, snitch.
How did your character die: Execution by pro-combine Civil Protection units during the Industrial 17 counter-coup of corrupt Administrator Reyes Vuente.

Short (or detailed) character backstory: Born and raised in a poor family. Keith Ross was a middle-aged man during the Seven Hour War, and only grew in age as the occupation continued. He eventually found himself in employment of the Civil Workers' Union under Cadance Wattmuff - Ultimately being fired after calling her... Obscene things. Months later, Keith Ross found himself in City 24 again, and attempted to join the CWU a second time, except some things had changed... Now a man named Jack Knight led the CWU. Keith Ross utilized his position in a corrupt manner for personal gain for only days before being discovered by Knight, and he was sent to Industrial 17 as a punishment.

Keith Ross served in the CWU, but not for the combine. Instead, he was serving Reyes Vuente, a man who managed to become an administrator behind the combine's back... After discovering a plot against Vuente, Ross attempted to warn him but was too late - Being executed by the civil protection only moments before OTA were deployed from City 17 to quell the corrupt administration.

Character's biggest dream:
To live luxuriously, regardless of who suffered to make his dream happen - Whether his goal was achieved under the combine or not, he also did not care.
- Section One -
  • Steam Name:
  • Profiler
  • Steam ID:
  • STEAM_0:0:38898235
  • Discord Name & ID:
  • profiler
  • Timezone:
  • +1 GMT
- Section Two -

Character name:
Erkan Sadik Yavuz

Character's role during life:
Hailing from the far reaches of Eastern Turkey, Erkan was a formidable force.
His towering presence and frequent misinterpretations due to the language barrier often led to a fiery fuse and fisticuffs before you could say “misunderstanding”.
With eyes that bore into souls, he was no people-watcher; he was sizing up friend or foe.
You were either with Erkan or against him – there was no in-between. If you found favour, his loyalty was unmatched:
But cross him, and his tempestuous nature would unleash with no remorse. Not the guy for sophisitcated worCk, but if there was a rough job or a bone to be broken, Erkan was the first one on it . All in all, a rough gem in the gritty world he inhabited.

How did your character die:
During a heated raid on a Combine outpost, Erkan's heart skipped a beat seeing his best friend wounded and shot down. Without thinking, he bolted after the escaping rebels, hoping to get them to help.
But Erkan, the hulking giant he was, wasn't exactly built for sprinting.
As he stumbled through alleyways trying to keep up, the chilling sight of an Elite Combine OTA unit met his eyes.
He tried to duck behind a house, hoping to go unnoticed. But because of his unmistakable size, they saw him.
Before he could plead or run, they had him. And just like that, Erkan was no more.

Short (or detailed) character backstory:
Erkan grew up in a small village in Eastern Turkey, where life was simple and the stars at night were endless. But a nasty dispute forced his family to flee to the big city. Here, his huge size and limited city-speak made him an easy target. One brawl changed that. Three men underestimated him, and he quickly gained a fierce reputation.
Soon, a local gang spotted his raw power. They gave him purpose and a place to belong. While Erkan became their loyal muscle, deep down he missed his village's simpler times.

Character's biggest dream:
In the vast tapestry of life's dreams and desires, Erkan was a blank canvas. He didn't chase dreams; he simply existed. With every rise and fall of the sun, his purpose remained unwavering: loyalty. No grand aspirations, no hidden desires. For him, life was about serving those to whom he pledged his unwavering allegiance. In a world filled with complexities, Erkan's simplicity was both his strength and his enigma.

- Section One -
  • Steam Name: -「 Light 」-
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:33353517
  • Discord Name & ID: lightsde
  • Timezone: BST
- Section Two -
Character name:
Kadeen Al'Aoufi / DEFENDER-4 / DEFENDER-0
Character's role during life: Civil Protection Rank Leader in City 24.
How did your character die: Executed by Civil Protection leadership for compromising anonymity
Short (or detailed) character backstory: Kadeen was born in Morocco, only a few years prior to the Black Mesa incident. After the war he was transferred over to City 40, where he applied to join the newly formed Civil Protection as soon as he was of-age.

After getting in, he was transferred over to City 24 as an i5, taking part in the ASPERA raids, where he received a head injury that almost killed him, resulting in him getting a permanent migraine and a titanium plate implanted in his skull.
Over a long period of time he had acquired the role of Rank Leader, designated DEFENDER-0.

He served in this role until, in a split second decision, he decided to take off his uniform in an effort to bait out a resistance organisation. He failed in this operation and as a result of his compromised anonymity he was deserviced before his fellow functionaries.

Character's biggest dream: To make an impact, bad or good, on society that would be remembered. He never quite got there.
- Section One -
  • Steam Name: ⚜M!lky♠
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:171171206
  • Discord Name & ID: M!lkyStar#3707
  • Timezone: GMT
- Section Two -

Character name: Cameron Huffman

Character's role during life: Rogue Loyalist

How did your character die: Civil Protection raid on the kitchen
Short (or detailed) character backstory: Cameron was at first pro-combine, he had zero issues with CPs being the way they are, beating people and other due to this loyalty status which made him greedy and high in his boots, almost every beating he got away without a scratch. After the antlion arc cameron snapped as CPs started to use citizens are meat shields, including loyalists, which made him think twice about his position and current trail he followed, he went into slums and after some sociolising he found a home. He escaped to metro and lived through the hell-like darkness meeting his brother like friend 'Abdul'. Living through the hell they reached district eleven and then industrial twenty four he suffered mental damage after another one of his brother in arms "Dusk Rider" has died to CP sweep, his trail of pacifict thought turned into avengence, unfortunetly he has suffered stalkerization but failed the surgery and died in the process [Stalker whitelist was revoked due to OOC reasons].

Character's biggest dream: Being remembered as the helpful hand.
- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Tuki
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:147382627
  • Discord Name & ID: Ezequiel | ezequiel4661
  • Timezone: GMT-3
- Section Two -
Character name: Michael Jackson
Character's role during life: Singer
How did your character die: Cardiac Arrest
Short (or detailed) character backstory:
Michael Jackson was born on August 29, 1958, in Gary, Indiana. He was a kid in a big family, and they all loved music. He and his older brothers made a group called The Jackson 5 and sang really well, becoming famous.When he grew up, Michael went solo and released albums like "Off the Wall" and "Thriller." "Thriller" was super popular and had a famous dance in its music video.
He wasn't just about music - he wanted to help people too. He gave money to help children. But sometimes, he had problems in the news.He kept making music like the albums "Bad" and "Dangerous." He was famous for his singing, dancing, and cool music videos.Sadly, passing away on June 25, 2009, when he was 50 years old.

Character's biggest dream:Use his music and influence to make a positive impact on the world.

- Section One -
  • Steam Name: 0xNiklas
  • Steam ID: (get it later)
  • Discord Name & ID: 0xNiklas™#5967
  • Timezone: GMT +1
- Section Two -

Character name: Sven Aalto
Character's role during life: Commander of the MAA, later on Conscript
How did your character die: Executed by the Combine Captain
Short (or detailed) character backstory:
Finnish man, who found his unfortunate way in City 24, becoming member of the Political Militia and seeing his Life decrease.
Character's biggest dream: Becoming a member of the Upper Party
- Section One -
Steam Name: Purple Knight
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:63227876
Discord Name & ID: Purple Knight (ID: _purpleknight)
Timezone: GMT+0
- Section Two -

Character name: C24.i3:HELIX-57
Character's role during life: Civil Protection Officer
How did your character die: Bled to death following a shoot-out with rebels
Short (or detailed) character backstory:

H-57 started life as a CWU worker, plagued by mental illness, due to his birth, however his height and strength played to his advantage as it allowed him to be noticed by the powers above. Eventually he would join a recruitment drive, and join Civil Protection, during his career he entered a civil partnership with H-29, which quickly turned sour as H-57 found her lack of discipline was ruining his career, receiving two blackmarks as a result of his partner's actions, eventually he would beg MCP to nullify the partnership, upon being called into a meeting with MCP, the Captaincy and the Rank Leaders, he was presented a choice, end his partner's life, or remain with her. The unit's mental health had taken a toll as a result of her actions, and so, without hesitation, he picked up one of the Rank Leader's weapons, and shot his partner in the head. His mental health would continue to deteriorate until eventually he received a Memory Replacement, one that worked a little *too* well, causing him to become less than human, discipline and order, becoming the only things he was capable of.

Not long after, H-57 would become involved in an attack, aimed at capturing Dave McAllen, only to die painfully in the aftermath.

Character's biggest dream: To become a Rank Leader, or alternatively, ascend and be transhumanised.
- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Cocohop
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:45979100
  • Discord Name & ID: Cocohop
  • Timezone: BST
- Section Two -

View attachment 25593
Character name: Lex Denovo - The Paladin
Character's role during life: Professional Rebel & Anti Citizen
How did your character die: Engaged the Civil Protection during Vortigaunt freeing as his friends retreated.
Short (or detailed) character backstory:

Born to a regular family in London, now city two, Lex grew up under Combine rule. His family was a loving one, and his childhood was normal. He was taught how to be good a person, as he was raised by a religious family. He was taught right from wrong, and why doing good is it's own reward, and how you should help others even if there is no reward for doing so, simply because it's the right thing to do.

Lex's teenage years were less normal. When he was thirteen, his dad came back from work with a busted nose from re-education. When he was fourteen, same thing with his mother. Friends & family being re-educated, beat up, and downright left for dead by civil protection officers. Lex would do what he can to help, but at some point, the trauma was too much for his mind to handle.

At some point, which Lex couldn't even remember, his empathy completely shut off. He became what society refers to as a sociopath. On the spectrum, he would rank as high functioning & self aware. Lex knew this, and he hated it about himself.

Feeling no empathy, not being able to feel what others feel, Lex refuses to let this disorder define him, and instead use it as a tool to do good for others. That's what the right thing to do would be, right?

He now finds himself in City 24, after the city 2 evacuations led him here. After mixing in with the resistance, he found himself losing friends and people left, right, and center. An encounter which he does not talk about often changed his life, and re-ignited his passion for religion, to the point where he is considered a religious zealot now.

Friends with notable rebels at the time, including Laura Pamlova - Whom others know as Pathfinder - and Gustavo Baldo - Referred to as The Gypsy - Lex's loyalties were beyond question. When the chance to die fighting for his friends came: He took it.

Character's biggest dream: Serve the Lord's will, which includes taking down the Combine.
- APPROVED++++++++ My man died freeing Xov'Ariss, my first Vort -
- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Moses​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:63629212​
  • Discord Name & ID: ._divine.​
  • Timezone: EST​
- Section Two -

Character name: Keith Ross
Character's role during life:
(Pre-War) Auto-mechanic
(Post-war) CWU worker
(Final days) Resistance member, turncoat, snitch.
How did your character die: Execution by pro-combine Civil Protection units during the Industrial 17 counter-coup of corrupt Administrator Reyes Vuente.

Short (or detailed) character backstory: Born and raised in a poor family. Keith Ross was a middle-aged man during the Seven Hour War, and only grew in age as the occupation continued. He eventually found himself in employment of the Civil Workers' Union under Cadance Wattmuff - Ultimately being fired after calling her... Obscene things. Months later, Keith Ross found himself in City 24 again, and attempted to join the CWU a second time, except some things had changed... Now a man named Jack Knight led the CWU. Keith Ross utilized his position in a corrupt manner for personal gain for only days before being discovered by Knight, and he was sent to Industrial 17 as a punishment.

Keith Ross served in the CWU, but not for the combine. Instead, he was serving Reyes Vuente, a man who managed to become an administrator behind the combine's back... After discovering a plot against Vuente, Ross attempted to warn him but was too late - Being executed by the civil protection only moments before OTA were deployed from City 17 to quell the corrupt administration.

Character's biggest dream: To live luxuriously, regardless of who suffered to make his dream happen - Whether his goal was achieved under the combine or not, he also did not care.
- Section One -
  • Steam Name:
  • Profiler
  • Steam ID:
  • STEAM_0:0:38898235
  • Discord Name & ID:
  • profiler
  • Timezone:
  • +1 GMT
- Section Two -

Character name:
Erkan Sadik Yavuz

Character's role during life:
Hailing from the far reaches of Eastern Turkey, Erkan was a formidable force.
His towering presence and frequent misinterpretations due to the language barrier often led to a fiery fuse and fisticuffs before you could say “misunderstanding”.
With eyes that bore into souls, he was no people-watcher; he was sizing up friend or foe.
You were either with Erkan or against him – there was no in-between. If you found favour, his loyalty was unmatched:
But cross him, and his tempestuous nature would unleash with no remorse. Not the guy for sophisitcated worCk, but if there was a rough job or a bone to be broken, Erkan was the first one on it . All in all, a rough gem in the gritty world he inhabited.

How did your character die:
During a heated raid on a Combine outpost, Erkan's heart skipped a beat seeing his best friend wounded and shot down. Without thinking, he bolted after the escaping rebels, hoping to get them to help.
But Erkan, the hulking giant he was, wasn't exactly built for sprinting.
As he stumbled through alleyways trying to keep up, the chilling sight of an Elite Combine OTA unit met his eyes.
He tried to duck behind a house, hoping to go unnoticed. But because of his unmistakable size, they saw him.
Before he could plead or run, they had him. And just like that, Erkan was no more.

Short (or detailed) character backstory:
Erkan grew up in a small village in Eastern Turkey, where life was simple and the stars at night were endless. But a nasty dispute forced his family to flee to the big city. Here, his huge size and limited city-speak made him an easy target. One brawl changed that. Three men underestimated him, and he quickly gained a fierce reputation.
Soon, a local gang spotted his raw power. They gave him purpose and a place to belong. While Erkan became their loyal muscle, deep down he missed his village's simpler times.

Character's biggest dream:
In the vast tapestry of life's dreams and desires, Erkan was a blank canvas. He didn't chase dreams; he simply existed. With every rise and fall of the sun, his purpose remained unwavering: loyalty. No grand aspirations, no hidden desires. For him, life was about serving those to whom he pledged his unwavering allegiance. In a world filled with complexities, Erkan's simplicity was both his strength and his enigma.

View attachment 25637
- Section One -
  • Steam Name: -「 Light 」-
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:33353517
  • Discord Name & ID: lightsde
  • Timezone: BST
- Section Two -
Character name:
Kadeen Al'Aoufi / DEFENDER-4 / DEFENDER-0
Character's role during life: Civil Protection Rank Leader in City 24.
How did your character die: Executed by Civil Protection leadership for compromising anonymity
Short (or detailed) character backstory: Kadeen was born in Morocco, only a few years prior to the Black Mesa incident. After the war he was transferred over to City 40, where he applied to join the newly formed Civil Protection as soon as he was of-age.

After getting in, he was transferred over to City 24 as an i5, taking part in the ASPERA raids, where he received a head injury that almost killed him, resulting in him getting a permanent migraine and a titanium plate implanted in his skull.
Over a long period of time he had acquired the role of Rank Leader, designated DEFENDER-0.

He served in this role until, in a split second decision, he decided to take off his uniform in an effort to bait out a resistance organisation. He failed in this operation and as a result of his compromised anonymity he was deserviced before his fellow functionaries.

Character's biggest dream: To make an impact, bad or good, on society that would be remembered. He never quite got there.

- Section One -
  • Steam Name: ⚜M!lky♠
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:171171206
  • Discord Name & ID: M!lkyStar#3707
  • Timezone: GMT
- Section Two -

Character name: Cameron Huffman

Character's role during life: Rogue Loyalist

How did your character die: Civil Protection raid on the kitchen
Short (or detailed) character backstory: Cameron was at first pro-combine, he had zero issues with CPs being the way they are, beating people and other due to this loyalty status which made him greedy and high in his boots, almost every beating he got away without a scratch. After the antlion arc cameron snapped as CPs started to use citizens are meat shields, including loyalists, which made him think twice about his position and current trail he followed, he went into slums and after some sociolising he found a home. He escaped to metro and lived through the hell-like darkness meeting his brother like friend 'Abdul'. Living through the hell they reached district eleven and then industrial twenty four he suffered mental damage after another one of his brother in arms "Dusk Rider" has died to CP sweep, his trail of pacifict thought turned into avengence, unfortunetly he has suffered stalkerization but failed the surgery and died in the process [Stalker whitelist was revoked due to OOC reasons].

Character's biggest dream: Being remembered as the helpful hand.
- Section One -
  • Steam Name: Tuki
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:147382627
  • Discord Name & ID: Ezequiel | ezequiel4661
  • Timezone: GMT-3
- Section Two -
Character name: Michael Jackson
Character's role during life: Singer
How did your character die: Cardiac Arrest
Short (or detailed) character backstory:
Michael Jackson was born on August 29, 1958, in Gary, Indiana. He was a kid in a big family, and they all loved music. He and his older brothers made a group called The Jackson 5 and sang really well, becoming famous.When he grew up, Michael went solo and released albums like "Off the Wall" and "Thriller." "Thriller" was super popular and had a famous dance in its music video.
He wasn't just about music - he wanted to help people too. He gave money to help children. But sometimes, he had problems in the news.He kept making music like the albums "Bad" and "Dangerous." He was famous for his singing, dancing, and cool music videos.Sadly, passing away on June 25, 2009, when he was 50 years old.

Character's biggest dream:Use his music and influence to make a positive impact on the world.

- Section One -
  • Steam Name: 0xNiklas
  • Steam ID: (get it later)
  • Discord Name & ID: 0xNiklas™#5967
  • Timezone: GMT +1
- Section Two -

Character name: Sven Aalto
Character's role during life: Commander of the MAA, later on Conscript
How did your character die: Executed by the Combine Captain
Short (or detailed) character backstory:
Finnish man, who found his unfortunate way in City 24, becoming member of the Political Militia and seeing his Life decrease.
Character's biggest dream: Becoming a member of the Upper Party

- The stragglers have time till mid-day GMT+2 Friday -
- Official starting time is FRIDAY/SATURDAY 7:30 PM GMT+2 with some time beforehand for setup -

- Section One -
Steam Name:
Processed Grain
Steam ID:
Discord Name & ID:
processedgrain / Processed Grain#7433
CDT United States

- Section Two -

Character name:
Yevgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin - - "Putin's Chef"

Character's role during life:
Founder and leader of Wagner Orchestra -- Hero of the Russian Federation -- Entrepreneur

How did your character die:
Plane crash after being shot down by Russian AA turbulence on August 24th, 2023.

Short (or detailed) character backstory:

Former Russian Oligarch in the inner circle of Russian Leadership, who created Private Military Company Wagner after the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014. Two months after openly criticizing the defense ministry of the Russian Federation, he presumably died in a plane crash over the Tver Oblast along with nine others.
Character's biggest dream:
Becoming the next Tsar of Greater Russia.
Last edited:
- Xah Xhanx G'arah U'arah -

- Section One -​
  • Steam Name: Fedora​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:40596937​
  • Discord Name & ID: Fedora (fedoratheharbinger)​
  • Timezone: GMT/BST​
- Section Two -
Character name: Xah Xhanx G'arah U'arah
Character's role during life: Free Vortigaunt
How did your character die: Shot down by a Civil Protection patrol
Short (or detailed) character backstory:
Xah Xhanx G’arah U’arah, was only born as Xah on the Vortigaunt homeworld, many years before the Combine had invaded his home planet. Not much could be said during those years, only that Xah had started his progression into learning much more about the Vortessence and the social connection between each Vortigaunt. He shortly was given the name Xah Xhanx after successfully progressing on with the trials and his quick ability to pick up on the Vortessence. Just like most other Vortigaunts on Earth, he has little to no memory of the events that transpired on his homeworld but that particular memory of the giving of his second name is quite fresh and vivid in his mind.

His tribe, the Chiee-Tabah, was one of the more populated, friendly but wiser tribes on his homeworld. The tribe had a variety of Vortigaunts ranging from younglings to older, wiser Vortigaunts that helped with the teaching of Vortessence. One of the more older Vortigaunts was named G’arah U’arah, and during Xah’s meditation and training of the use of the Vortessence, both he and Xah grew closer and shared a friendship bond together. Shortly after, the Universal Union had invaded his homeworld.

During the invasion of his homeworld, his tribe had been annihilated within a matter of an hour, but fortuantely for Xah Xhanx and G’arah U’arah, they had both managed to escape the massacre of the Chiee-Tabah tribe and just like the rest of his kind, they had managed to escape from their homeworld to Xen. They made a deal with the devil, in order to protect their kind.

The destruction of his homeworld and the death of millions if not billions of Vortigaunts had left Xah Xhanx devastated, the echoes of the dead present in the Vortessence. Their deaths had affected the living through the Vortessence. Unwillingly becoming a mindless drone under the Nihilanth just like the rest of his kind, he could not invest himself in learning more of the Vortessence. Just like his homeworld, Xah could barely remember Xen, he could hardly remember his enslavement underneath the slaver’s army.

What he did remember is waking up on the shores of a strange world, free from the shackles of the slaver; Nihilanth and free from the chains, his priorities shifted towards his own survival and eventually back to his meditation and studies of the Vortessence. During the three years of the calm before the storm, Xah Xhanx had set up nicely in a cave near a city that the inhabitants of the world called; “toki-yoe”. Unfortunately, his isolation did nothing to improve not only his mental state but his connection to the Vortessence. After three years of isolation, he decided that he needed to find the rest of his kin and so took part on a journey to find at least someone.

The Xen storms had covered the whole of Japan, so Xah never knew that the Combine had invaded the strange world. During his journey across the lands, out of many odds, he had reconnected with his old friend; G’arah U’arah. Both wise and old, they took part in their submersion into the Vortessence. Unfortunately, five months after the Seven Hour War, the Combine had started to plague the land’s of Tokyo. In a desperate attempt to escape the potential death of both Xah and G’arah, they had both attempted to escape via the sea. They were spotted and G’arah had attempted to sacrifice his life for Xah - but no good ending was seen for Xah as he was captured by the Combine. His life seemed like it was a cycle, freedom and then enslavement.

Xah had taken up his old bond’s name at the end of his own name after his death, but he was no longer called Xah Xhanx G’arah U’arah by anyone, only a BIOTIC. Over thirteen years, Xah had learnt the human language and stayed enslaved by the Combine. Eventually, he was freed in City 24 and soon found himself fighting the good fight against the Combine. Eventually, he was killed by a Civil Protection patrol within the sewers, left for dead.

Character's biggest dream: The witness the freedom of the Vortigaunt race.

- Section One -​
  • Steam Name: The Sniper​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:6533079​
  • Discord Name & ID: Kaisler#3325​
  • Timezone: GMT+1​

- Section Two -


(Juno, far right)

Character name:

Juno Andersen

Character's role during life:

Anti-Citizen, Leader of an underground Cell

How did your character die:

Thrown into the Nexus Pit

Short (or detailed) character backstory:

Born prior to the otherwordly invasion in the United States of America with a mixed Scandinavian heritage. Not much is known of her life before the Endless War, but more is surely known as an active participant in it decades later. A native to City 24 after her relocation; Juno became acquianted with the harshness of Combine rule throughout the years following the occupation. But it was in Geneva where she met those who would become part of her struggle. Gus, Rice, The Paladin.. Juicy, Finn, Mabre and many, many more were a loyal friends from mixed backgrounds and different views in life. But together they had a purpose.

Not a born fighter, but rather an icon and a leader; she built a network which stretched far-throughout the Indigent and tied into almost every aspect of the slummers life. But it would come crashing down the day she was subsequently arrested, carrying a diary of her journey to Industrial 24. Pushed and beaten in the interrogation room, she did not relent until she was dragged to the pit. Knowing her end, beaten and bloodied with her right eye unable to open. She would accept her fate, bracing herself for death which she had almost longed for.

It was granted to her.

Character's biggest dream:

Living to see the end of the Occupation with her very own eyes.

- Section One -
Steam Name:
Processed Grain
Steam ID:
Discord Name & ID:
processedgrain / Processed Grain#7433
CDT United States

- Section Two -

View attachment 25656
Character name:
Yevgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin - - "Putin's Chef"

Character's role during life:
Founder and leader of Wagner Orchestra -- Hero of the Russian Federation -- Entrepreneur

How did your character die:
Plane crash after being shot down by Russian AA turbulence on August 24th, 2023.

Short (or detailed) character backstory:

Former Russian Oligarch in the inner circle of Russian Leadership, who created Private Military Company Wagner after the Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014. Two months after openly criticizing the defense ministry of the Russian Federation, he presumably died in a plane crash over the Tver Oblast along with nine others.
Character's biggest dream:
Becoming the next Tsar of Greater Russia.

- APPROVED (Remember to Roleplay Seriously.) -
- Xah Xhanx G'arah U'arah -

- Section One -​
  • Steam Name: Fedora​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:40596937​
  • Discord Name & ID: Fedora (fedoratheharbinger)​
  • Timezone: GMT/BST​
- Section Two -
Character name: Xah Xhanx G'arah U'arah
Character's role during life: Free Vortigaunt
How did your character die: Shot down by a Civil Protection patrol
Short (or detailed) character backstory:
Xah Xhanx G’arah U’arah, was only born as Xah on the Vortigaunt homeworld, many years before the Combine had invaded his home planet. Not much could be said during those years, only that Xah had started his progression into learning much more about the Vortessence and the social connection between each Vortigaunt. He shortly was given the name Xah Xhanx after successfully progressing on with the trials and his quick ability to pick up on the Vortessence. Just like most other Vortigaunts on Earth, he has little to no memory of the events that transpired on his homeworld but that particular memory of the giving of his second name is quite fresh and vivid in his mind.

His tribe, the Chiee-Tabah, was one of the more populated, friendly but wiser tribes on his homeworld. The tribe had a variety of Vortigaunts ranging from younglings to older, wiser Vortigaunts that helped with the teaching of Vortessence. One of the more older Vortigaunts was named G’arah U’arah, and during Xah’s meditation and training of the use of the Vortessence, both he and Xah grew closer and shared a friendship bond together. Shortly after, the Universal Union had invaded his homeworld.

During the invasion of his homeworld, his tribe had been annihilated within a matter of an hour, but fortuantely for Xah Xhanx and G’arah U’arah, they had both managed to escape the massacre of the Chiee-Tabah tribe and just like the rest of his kind, they had managed to escape from their homeworld to Xen. They made a deal with the devil, in order to protect their kind.

The destruction of his homeworld and the death of millions if not billions of Vortigaunts had left Xah Xhanx devastated, the echoes of the dead present in the Vortessence. Their deaths had affected the living through the Vortessence. Unwillingly becoming a mindless drone under the Nihilanth just like the rest of his kind, he could not invest himself in learning more of the Vortessence. Just like his homeworld, Xah could barely remember Xen, he could hardly remember his enslavement underneath the slaver’s army.

What he did remember is waking up on the shores of a strange world, free from the shackles of the slaver; Nihilanth and free from the chains, his priorities shifted towards his own survival and eventually back to his meditation and studies of the Vortessence. During the three years of the calm before the storm, Xah Xhanx had set up nicely in a cave near a city that the inhabitants of the world called; “toki-yoe”. Unfortunately, his isolation did nothing to improve not only his mental state but his connection to the Vortessence. After three years of isolation, he decided that he needed to find the rest of his kin and so took part on a journey to find at least someone.

The Xen storms had covered the whole of Japan, so Xah never knew that the Combine had invaded the strange world. During his journey across the lands, out of many odds, he had reconnected with his old friend; G’arah U’arah. Both wise and old, they took part in their submersion into the Vortessence. Unfortunately, five months after the Seven Hour War, the Combine had started to plague the land’s of Tokyo. In a desperate attempt to escape the potential death of both Xah and G’arah, they had both attempted to escape via the sea. They were spotted and G’arah had attempted to sacrifice his life for Xah - but no good ending was seen for Xah as he was captured by the Combine. His life seemed like it was a cycle, freedom and then enslavement.

Xah had taken up his old bond’s name at the end of his own name after his death, but he was no longer called Xah Xhanx G’arah U’arah by anyone, only a BIOTIC. Over thirteen years, Xah had learnt the human language and stayed enslaved by the Combine. Eventually, he was freed in City 24 and soon found himself fighting the good fight against the Combine. Eventually, he was killed by a Civil Protection patrol within the sewers, left for dead.

Character's biggest dream: The witness the freedom of the Vortigaunt race.

- Section One -​
  • Steam Name: The Sniper​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:6533079​
  • Discord Name & ID: Kaisler#3325​
  • Timezone: GMT+1​

- Section Two -


(Juno, far right)

Character name:

Juno Andersen

Character's role during life:

Anti-Citizen, Leader of an underground Cell

How did your character die:

Thrown into the Nexus Pit

Short (or detailed) character backstory:

Born prior to the otherwordly invasion in the United States of America with a mixed Scandinavian heritage. Not much is known of her life before the Endless War, but more is surely known as an active participant in it decades later. A native to City 24 after her relocation; Juno became acquianted with the harshness of Combine rule throughout the years following the occupation. But it was in Geneva where she met those who would become part of her struggle. Gus, Rice, The Paladin.. Juicy, Finn, Mabre and many, many more were a loyal friends from mixed backgrounds and different views in life. But together they had a purpose.

Not a born fighter, but rather an icon and a leader; she built a network which stretched far-throughout the Indigent and tied into almost every aspect of the slummers life. But it would come crashing down the day she was subsequently arrested, carrying a diary of her journey to Industrial 24. Pushed and beaten in the interrogation room, she did not relent until she was dragged to the pit. Knowing her end, beaten and bloodied with her right eye unable to open. She would accept her fate, bracing herself for death which she had almost longed for.

It was granted to her.

Character's biggest dream:

Living to see the end of the Occupation with her very own eyes.



Check the Discord for those who got in for the password and content pack.