Under Red Skies - Day 2/3 Feedback thread!


Day Two and Three are now done! Let us know what you think, and what we can improve on!

Previous discussion was about creating things for citizens to do, which we then created the CWU. What else do you think would be good for the event?

See you tomorrow!

The OTA need to be nerfed i saw an OTA be shot 7 times by a vortigaunt and not die or flinch. I think its highly unfair for the vortigaunts to be fighting litteral end game bosses and then have citizens vote for S2K and even further fuck the vorts over...
Committed a tad bit of trolling, having a lot of fun as the CWU Director here too so far actually
today was pretty fun
The shop I was the Vice-Chairman in and wanted to turn into a flourishing restaurant was burnt down by the Triad.

I can't understand what people are saying because I don't speak Chinese.

Joined the Triad expecting a decent wage and management position, found out gang membership isn't exactly stable employment.

Came up with an idea to scam everyone, get scammed by the Triad and Banking Clan 51 in turn.

Eventually snapped and went on a racist rant in Japanese towards half the Triad outside their bar, no-one understood a word so I didn't die.

I hate this City.

-The Matsuzawa Yasuda experience

Solid 8/10, very fun event so far.
As a combine player i hope that the vorts are able to quickly and easily auth for another! It'd suck if we lost the 'big guns' who can actually pose a threat to units. hopefully the threat will keep ramping up! Sorry about the lack of GMing stuff today guys, realised one of my exams is coming up way sooner than expected lmao
As a combine player i hope that the vorts are able to quickly and easily auth for another! It'd suck if we lost the 'big guns' who can actually pose a threat to units. hopefully the threat will keep ramping up! Sorry about the lack of GMing stuff today guys, realised one of my exams is coming up way sooner than expected lmao
Don't worry, I'll allow them to come back. They serve as a good weapon and purpose as an opposing force.
As a combine player i hope that the vorts are able to quickly and easily auth for another! It'd suck if we lost the 'big guns' who can actually pose a threat to units. hopefully the threat will keep ramping up! Sorry about the lack of GMing stuff today guys, realised one of my exams is coming up way sooner than expected lmao
No, because not even CPs get new chars
Don't worry, I'll allow them to come back. They serve as a good weapon and purpose as an opposing force.
Don't you think that's unfair, cause when combine dies, they are dead.

A CP gets ambushed in the city and dies, he gets permanent death.

A vort rushes into the city and starts attacking the combine, they get a excuse to make a new char?
Don't worry, I'll allow them to come back. They serve as a good weapon and purpose as an opposing force.
This is unfair. Astro doesn't get a new CP because he was cornered alone and TBC'd (which tbf was his fault), but these Vortigaunts ran out into main street, attacked Civil Protection, not even Overwatch, and even ended up injuring a civilian. Why should they get special privilege's on coming back?
Pros : RP, cool vortigaunt battle.
Cons : Outlands is boring af, same with sewer.
Me and goose got killed by a single OTA after 10 or more vort hits (including kaffee's event vort thing.) due to a bunch of blue suit minges activating S2K.
Not a lot is happening.
Ideas : Add a rave.
This is unfair. Astro doesn't get a new CP because he was cornered alone and TBC'd (which tbf was his fault), but these Vortigaunts ran out into main street, attacked Civil Protection, not even Overwatch, and even ended up injuring a civilian. Why should they get special privilege's on coming back?
and to answer this, OTA in events are buffed.
They have 300 HP and 150 armor, and due to the fact that armor can withstand vortibolts, it makes them tanks.
Now, the fact that CP's on the main server can get a new cop at a reseted rank, but cant on the beijing event seems rather retarded.
The OTA need to be nerfed i saw an OTA be shot 7 times by a vortigaunt and not die or flinch. I think its highly unfair for the vortigaunts to be fighting litteral end game bosses and then have citizens vote for S2K and even further fuck the vorts over...
no idea where you got the number seven from, it was three hits leaving the ota close to death