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Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

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  1. Man Blue Trousers

    Ammunition and you!

    Getting shot hurts
  2. Man Blue Trousers

    Ammunition and you!

    I have seen something similar done on Lemonpunch or Shockcore in the past. It’s a good idea, to add a bit of a subgroup for how much a bullet hurts or what place a shot lands and how damaging it could be.
  3. Man Blue Trousers

    Ammunition and you!

  4. Man Blue Trousers

    Ammunition and you!

    AMMO AND YOU! So, you are a aspiring Rebel or CP character, and you look at the ammo boxes in your magazines and inventory and think. Hm- I wonder what these rounds do during flight, trajectory, impact, and post impact. Adding some flavor to roleplay scenarios and immersioness. Well my...
  5. Man Blue Trousers

    [V3] Полк «Молот» 'The Hammer Regiments’ Conscripts

    Полк «Молот» Brief Description: The Hammer Regiments are a primarily Eastern Slavic (Ukrainian and Russian) Conscript Regiment drawn up from the remnants of the Russian and Ukrainian Militaries shortly after Unification. With most of its Ranking Soldiers forcefully turned over to the...
  6. Man Blue Trousers


    I got schwacked by a Gonome hiding in a bush, one shotted by a piece of flying gut Loved it. ❤️
  7. Man Blue Trousers

    RUINS The Workers Expeditionary Force DAY 1 FEEDBACK

    Music went p hard in the last ten minutes.
  8. Man Blue Trousers

    Denied Formation HAZOP 'SHIELD'

    Fixes and rewrites in progress :smug:
  9. Man Blue Trousers

    Denied Formation HAZOP 'SHIELD'

    I have updated and /extremely/ streamlined this in accordance with lead advice, and Rad-X's proposal and deduction. Have a look!
  10. Man Blue Trousers

    Denied Formation HAZOP 'SHIELD'

    Thanks Rad for a clear consice breakdown and anaylsis. With your two cents, I got a generalized idea going here that could fit within server narrative… Canal Duty CP Team would be a interesting approach to getting rid of the admittedly dumbtruck Elite bullshit. I will redefine this and...
  11. Man Blue Trousers

    Denied Formation HAZOP 'SHIELD'

    My point is, Civil Protection potentially lacks any sort of development besides choosing between the good cop, or the bad cop. The human, or the inhuman. I am suggesting this in conjunction with the leads because CPs should find the ingame opportunity to learn new things or have a new reward to...
  12. Man Blue Trousers

    Denied Formation HAZOP 'SHIELD'

    There would exist Veterans because they have invaluable skills to teach to the new cops who would obviously lack experience and well, Basic skills. We already have an in lore reward for legitimate retirement which is implied to not happen in actual hl2 lore. So I believe without a shadow of a...
  13. Man Blue Trousers

    Denied Formation HAZOP 'SHIELD'

    Added a few things, Such as Troop Schools for all of Civil Protection. Ave a ganda
  14. Man Blue Trousers

    Denied Formation HAZOP 'SHIELD'

    Thanks bruv for giving an /actual non meme response/ As I have stated before. This is ultimarely the end game for CP characters. Veterans of the force. There is zero conversation on a hypothetical “elite” force that will be better than OTA since there is a clear line that was outlined to me by...
  15. Man Blue Trousers

    Denied Formation HAZOP 'SHIELD'

    it started a means to give CP characters an end goal besides retirement, death, or otherwise. I do have a rehash in order that lets units in squads to spec into sub specialties within their parent squad. To get “tabbed” in a sense and recognized for their personal abilities and accomplishments...
  16. Man Blue Trousers

    Denied Formation HAZOP 'SHIELD'

    The Org will exist as a squad within Civil Protection that exists a reward elective. As an alternative to Workforce Emancipation or OTA Transfer. Its a means to reward people who stay in and don't take the easy way out. Its the metaphorical, "Final" award to everyone within Civil Protection. I...
  17. Man Blue Trousers

    Denied Formation HAZOP 'SHIELD'

    I can't really do anything to change that from where I'm at. That would be a question for the leads, I'm just proposing a potential solution to the problem that they are working with me to eventually put into effect I'm sorry that you see it that way, you could give me a pointer to how you...
  18. Man Blue Trousers

    Denied Formation HAZOP 'SHIELD'

    Thanks man for the pointers, I'll collaborate with the CP leads with implementing this in a practical sense... I will send an up here once complete. But again, this is also intended as a end-game objective for CPs to acquire aswell.
  19. Man Blue Trousers

    Denied Formation HAZOP 'SHIELD'

    Think of it as a uncompressing the i3s and giving them a place where they could continue their characters progression and to give them an end goal to CP to that isnt a Command Unit, a OTA or a Citizen. Command Units are few and far between because there only exist like 9 of them. Especially...