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Imperator RAD-X

The Supreme Marshal
Staff Member
Server Council

The Void had beckoned, and upon a very hefty sacrifice of a now lost soul: "Khal'Reegar the Vortigaunt" has been claimed by the vicious and unrelenting entities and creatures that lived within. In that moment, The Long Haulers were given the right of passage through the Great Darkness. With a successful landing back onto Earth, they breathed in the freshness of the air and felt the wind brush against their warm faces - a cold breeze shivered by them. A sigh of relief, but not quite... landing somewhere in Western Russia, it has occurred that they are within the middle of a warzone. With Eastern Europe engulfed in the fires of the Red Revolution that has been lasting various months, the final pieces of a grand scheme are inches away from its Final Dawn.

Will the Long Haulers survive the ordeal of The Darkest Interval? Or will they succumb to their gravest challenge that would put their longest running heroes that awaits to smite?



Hello, Willard Networks.
[Slots 44/48 taken.]
5 GMs

(@Imperator RAD-X)

29 Standard Players
10 Reserved Players


(Yes, this will be our first week long event arc which is fully going to test the integrity of our ability to provide a thorough roleplay experience. GMs that are wishing to take part should ultimately adhere to our Community Guidelines. Thank you.)

Character signups are now going to be in process for Chapter Four of "The Long Haul." Here on this thread is the location where you can apply to take part by commenting with the following criteria wanted below. Due to the circumstances of potential limited slots on the server (up to 40), we ask that you put effort into your entries if you wish to have a reserved slot on the server. Remember that applying for an event character will be setting you in a preordained position and /may/ slightly limit your autonomy as you are a counted as someone required to ensure success of the event. Only apply for an event character if you truly wish to do.

Here is the following information on event characters that will be taking part throughout the chapter. If you are applying for an event character, there is a far wider selection of choice this time.

Event Characters:

The Marshal of the Leningrad Front
The days of the Soviet Union may have long passed, but this old (65s-80s) relic still bears insignia from that era even after his commission had ended along with the Soviet Union. Retirement would not last long however, as after the Seven Hour War he is now a high ranking commander of the Reclamation Front Resistance and acts as the head of operations for all resistance activities in City Fifty-Two. The Combine wants this man dead, but at the same time he has continued to elude them in a hidden and highly secretive bunker near St. Petersburg - (Reserved for @Spine)
The Marshal's Command Staff
These are two former officers from the Russian Federation who follow this relic. Opting to stay with the marshal during a very specific retrieval operation, these officers may head operations to other locations with the Long Haulers. (Reserved for: @Vice & @DanteeZe .)
The Commissar
Loves to drink, will inspire much bravery. Don't get on the end of his boltgun Makarov. (Reserved for @Bling)

The Overwatch Transhuman Arm (OTA faction members only)
The war between the Combine and the Russians has reached a point of no return. Day and Night their forces clash with infantry and armour deployed onto the battlefield... and now at long last the Sectorial Administration has spoken, authorising the release and testing phase of the newest asset of their forces... The Overwatch Transhuman Arm. Early variants wearing heavy kevlar, augmented gear and the newest set of tech the Combine has to offer in the current time. Fast... deadly and almost unstoppable. (Reserved for any and all OTA faction members)

Pre-Existing Characters:

The Soldiers (Any-Or)
If there are any soldiers in the group they continue their journey with the rest of the survivors. (C1+)

The Patriots (Any-Or)
If there are any patriots in the group (including the leader if alive) they continue their journey with the group. (C2+)

The Misplaced Recipients (Any-Or)
If there are any recipients in the group that managed to survive the ordeal within the Void and "off-world", they continue their journey with the group (C3.5 tag exclusive)

Standard Characters For Applying:

Reclamation Front Conscripts (Strekli's)
  • The uprising has been lasting for months since the beginning of March, 2005. It has been a year since the end of the Seven Hour War... encroached around City Fifty Two, the city of St. Petersburg (known as Leningrad by the Reds) is a battleground. These characters will spawn with the marshal and will be ordered by one of the Command Officers that they are permitted to mingle or even escort the Long Haulers if needed.
Choice One
The HUMAN Conscripts are literally anyone they can get their hands on. These are people originating from Russia and many parts of the Pre-Warsaw Pact nations and regions the Combine have subjugated. How did you partake in the revolution? Human Conscripts are able to endlessly respawn under NLR conditions until just before the ending part of Chapter 4. This is to represent the fact that this is a rather large force and a death in the Reclamation Front is rather meaningless.
Choice Two
The VORTIGAUNT Conscripts are beings that have been forced to fight for the human cause. Despite the Reclamation Front's discomforting treatment of Vortigaunts; they have either escaped the clutches of their Combine captors or have been "liberated" by their rebellious brethren. Either way, they have a common enemy. Vortigaunt Conscripts cannot respawn endlessly and follow the "two life rule". However the Reclamation Front is unlikely to just charge them into combat and will be used as field medics in the most probable outcome (ensure that you have actually read the Vortigaunt Guide before applying for Vortigaunt and try to write a decent backstory as well).
Refugee (Zaton)
The Uprising in City Fifty Two has resulted in a lot of individuals being displaced from the city. This represents the individuals whom have been displaced without also being conscripted into the Reclamation Front. They may either be Human or with enough application effort- a Vortigaunt.

You will be spawned near the ship with a "bar" inside it. Try not to encounter the Soviets directly if you don't want to be conscripted.

Individuals applying are best noted to:
  • Have never taken part in our events before.
  • Have lost their character in the previous chapter and wish to make a new one (so long as you can keep this person alive.)
  • Have taken part in previous chapter.
    • Unless you're a Vortigaunt... in which case you just adhere to normal Vortigaunt Roleplay within Half Life 2: RolePlay.


The * symbol represents a required filling, below.
Please DO NOT put your answers in bold, as to make the entry easier to read. Failure to do so will only result in me angrily staring at you from across the screen.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • *Timezone:
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: Y / N
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character):
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character):
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name:
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to):
--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?:
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Hi everyone.

Incase you haven't seen the announcement on the discord, the event's start date has been moved to the 3rd October. I apologise for any conveniences however under certain circumstances related to the event, I need an additional week to ensure total preparation. Feel free to see the amended dates above.

Cheers, hope to see you all there.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: ﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:52038966
  • *Discord Name & ID: ﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽#7048
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: Y / N Y
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): Conscript
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): Vortigaunt Conscript

  • --- Section Three ---

  • *Character Name: Zelenyy Drug
  • *Brief summary of the character: A vortigaunt who has been quickly been vetted in fights and gained a disliking towards human through his personal experiences with them
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: A vort who went through the trials of slavery in xen only to end up on earth after the whole black mesa kerfuffle, through trials of tribulations of the OSHA mess that is black mesa and his first encounter with a human being an angry jarhead he never quite liked them. Scavenging the wasteland of modern day new mexico (not like ruined or anything just new mexico) he began to settle in to this new life before our favourite inter dimensional overlords set in. Through several misadventures he arrived in the Russian geography as he began his new looter life but colder up until some weird ass looking guy informed him that danger was coming and he should join some soldier group, the whole food aspect was cool enough up until he soon learned the actual definition of the word "Soldier" he felt lied to despite never being lied to in the first, that only further grew his disliking of human, up until now as he angrily follows the man that used to browse r/dankleft for 23 hours a day with a man that threatens his life for not standing up straight, despite the fact he can't
--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: No
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: eh
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I know myself
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?: It's subtle, unlike hl2rp
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A vort who went through the trials of slavery in xen only to end up on earth after the whole black mesa kerfuffle, through trials of tribulations of the OSHA mess that is black mesa and his first encounter with a human being an angry jarhead he never quite liked them. Scavenging the wasteland of modern day new mexico (not like ruined or anything just new mexico) he began to settle in to this new life before our favourite inter dimensional overlords set in. Through several misadventures he arrived in the Russian geography as he began his new looter life but colder up until some weird ass looking guy informed him that danger was coming and he should join some soldier group, the whole food aspect was cool enough up until he soon learned the actual definition of the word "Soldier" he felt lied to despite never being lied to in the first, that only further grew his disliking of human, up until now as he angrily follows the man that used to browse r/dankleft for 23 hours a day with a man that threatens his life for not standing up straight, despite the fact he can't
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Zelenyy Drug
  • *Brief summary of the character: A vortigaunt who has been quickly been vetted in fights and gained a disliking towards human through his personal experiences with them
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: A vort who went through the trials of slavery in xen only to end up on earth after the whole black mesa kerfuffle, through trials of tribulations of the OSHA mess that is black mesa and his first encounter with a human being an angry jarhead he never quite liked them. Scavenging the wasteland of modern day new mexico (not like ruined or anything just new mexico) he began to settle in to this new life before our favourite inter dimensional overlords set in. Through several misadventures he arrived in the Russian geography as he began his new looter life but colder up until some weird ass looking guy informed him that danger was coming and he should join some soldier group, the whole food aspect was cool enough up until he soon learned the actual definition of the word "Soldier" he felt lied to despite never being lied to in the first, that only further grew his disliking of human, up until now as he angrily follows the man that used to browse r/dankleft for 23 hours a day with a man that threatens his life for not standing up straight, despite the fact he can't

Thanks for applying but this particular part of your character application is not within the standards of an acceptance rating to take part in the upcoming event. This is all over the place and doesn't feel an ounce serious. You may re-edit the character or make a new one. Thank you.
Swift bump reminder for the new guys to apply here. Do it or else :angrycop:

Also I am not sure if Striker will be available on everyday of the event, might as well meet up later with the group.
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