Not open for further replies.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: AdamCF

  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:111349071

  • *Discord Name & ID: AdamCF#3066

  • *Timezone: BST/GMT (UK)
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: N

  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): N

  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): N

Edit: I originally had this section as a conscript, but then realised that they’re standard characters

  • --- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Alan Winter

  • *Brief summary of the character: Alan is a 23 year old male from Ellon, Scotland. He's an extrovert, with an endomorphic body type. He's got little experience with weapons, never having held a firearm before his conscription. He has no known mental or physical conditions. He's the scared type, some may describe him as a coward.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I believe I can pull of a conscripted character IC, especially one that's on the verge of going AWOL. Participating in events like this isn't something I usually do. The only similar event was on terranova a few weeks ago. Now, a conscript character with little to no confidence in his ability to complete the mission could be interesting for RP. Maybe, his colleagues would be forced to shoot him as he attempts to escape? I feel like I can add to the character in a good way as the events go on.

  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to): Alan was born on the third of January, 1985. He grew up in a large town called Ellon, in north-eastern Scotland. His parents were Noah and Lily Winter, both born in Scotland. His family were middle class, with his mother working as a teacher's assistant at Meiklemill Primary school. His father worked in tech support for IBM. They earned enough to live and afford basic luxuries. During his childhood, he attended the local primary and secondary schools. His education went smoothly, with a small behavioural record for provoked outbursts toward his classmates. At fifteen, he began working at a local takeaway, earning a little above minimum wage for his age. He made a good amount of money, putting it toward university. Although, the future didn't look too bright for him. At this point, his grades were falling drastically. His behaviour in school, deteriorating. In his exams, his highest grade was a C in maths. He had no chance of progressing into further education with success. His only option at this point was to take up an apprenticeship. He applied for a range of businesses, although he ended up settling with a garage, learning how to repair vehicles. A hands-on job wasn't typically his kind of thing, but he didn't exactly have a choice. His apprenticeship continued for two years, with few notable events occurring.
At the age of 18, with little hope of future success, he enlisted into the British Army. For the next three years, he'd be deploying in and out of Iraq, working smaller jobs in-between said deployments. Although, in 2003, he was discharged from the military. He'd been problematic on numerous occasions, building up a record of reprimands. It got to the point where he was doing much more harm than good. Once discharged, he didn't have much to do with himself. No job, living on his parents' sofa, and with little savings. During this time, not much happened in his life. Until, 2004. At this point, he finally decided to do something with his life. With his savings, he bought a plane ticket to Moscow. There, he intended on finding work. Journalism, construction, anything. Although, this occurred at quite an unfortunate time. During the flight, unbeknownst to everyone, a nuclear bomb had detonated in New Mexico. The black mesa incident had just concluded. He arrived in Russia, oblivious to the events in the US. But that night, he awoke to a blue flash and a loud bang. In the distance was gunfire, sirens, car horns. He turned on the TV, but nothing displayed. his lights wouldn't work either. He took the stairs down to the lobby, finding the place filled with people. Eventually, they were escorted out and onto a bus. He didn't know what was going on, but he knew it was serious. The bus ride seemed to take hours, his brain active with fear throughout the ride. The bus soon arrived at a military base turned to a rushed refugee shelter. He slept there, surviving off of government rations and making friends with other tourists. After a few days of 'alien invasion' and 'earth surrendered' rumours, the news was broken to all at the shelter. As everyone attempted to understand what had just been announced, armed men with clipboards began searching through the crowd, picking out any men they could. One of them was Alan. He was told how he's no longer a British citizen, and he was forced into military work.

--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm 16 and from the UK, I've been playing GMod and HL2RP for about five years now. I used to play guitar, but I gave up and have since forgotten everything. And that's about it. I'm not that interesting, to be honest.

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I guess so. I joined a week or so before the Terranova merge. Although, I've been fully aware of the server's development for about four to six months.

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yeah. I know/recognise a few staff members, including Mulky, Mullin, and Marishi-ten from older communities.

  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?: The Combine in general. The idea of an alien race believably taking over earth in only seven hours is amazing to me. There's not much more to it than that, I just think the Combine are a great concept that was pulled off perfectly.
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I'm just going to nudge this thread again.

If any TN Guys are looking for HL2RP at Willard before the main server launches in a a few weeks then you've got it right here.

The * symbol represents a required filling, below.
Please DO NOT put your answers in bold, as to make the entry easier to read. Failure to do so will only result in me angrily staring at you from across the screen.

--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Dej
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:68827315
  • *Discord Name & ID: ShockyC#0978
  • *Timezone: Singapore/West-Australia/GMT+8
--- Section Two ---

  • *Are you applying for an event character?: No
--- Section Three ---

  • *Character Name: Malcolm Decker
  • *Brief summary of the character: An original inhabitant of City 17's Industrial Sector, Malcolm was caught by Overwatch during their several incursions into the Quarantine Zone. The fact that he had a gas mask and a pistol didn't help his case, sentenced to be a Union Conscript in Western Russia to combat the ongoing revolution, but found an opportunity to defect, and took it. He now resides in the Revolutionary Army as one of the many CCCP Strelki. Until he escapes to District 47, and then to City 24. Malcolm is an American at 6'0", sometimes acting a bit too enthusiastic about things that shouldn't be good. But despite his participation in the rebellions, he maintains a Conformist attitude to those that preside over him, and an un-caring attitude to those he presides over, unless it directly impacts him.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: With the official shutdown of TerraNova that came too early, I want to just continue playing HL2RP wherever I can, the Revolution scenario is very interesting to me and Malcolm Decker was my Rebel char in TerraNova. I'd like to see what Willard has to offer before the official server goes up.
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to):
  • Malcolm was born 14 years before the Black Mesa incident to an average American family in Arizona, the subsequent portal storms forced his family to evacuate Eastwards to Europe along with hundreds of thousands of refugees. Being forced to live the remaining years of his life as a downtrodden refugee, Malcolm was forced to put up with the horrible conditions he and his family had, said family consisted of himself, and his parents. But the Seven-Hour war came around, absolutely obliterating every military force in the world. Forced into a Union Camp, separated from his family and never seeing them again, he was relocated from the camp after a short stay to City 17, then to his fateful short rebellion and relocation to Western Russia, where he once again rebelled, and is now in the hands of the Russians and their revolution. He later moves on to District 47, and shortly after to City 24. Assuming he makes it.
--- Section Four (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: I like playing gmod, I like playing Combine.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Yes, I'm from TerraNova and as of making this post, TerraNova officially shut down per-emptively last night.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Only the people I know from TerraNova.
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?: The Combine as a faction overall holds my interest when it comes to Half Life, the authoritarian fist of the Overwatch keeps all their enemies in check, while Civil Protection keep the population in line. And yet they are consistently undermined by typical guerrilla warfare by the Resistance despite their overwhelming power. Though, they always could just kill everyone.
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Seems neat, if my monkey brain was able to figure out what it was, I'd surely apply.
Event series that takes place between the SHW and the main server. C4 it is set ~1 year after the SHW. Any character that survives until after C6 get to transfer to the main server.
Event series that takes place between the SHW and the main server. C4 it is set ~1 year after the SHW. Any character that survives until after C6 get to transfer to the main server.
Right. Its just text then?
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: araskes

  • *Steam ID: 76561198985576943/STEAM_0:1:512655607

  • *Discord Name & ID: araskes#2639

  • *Timezone: BST/GMT.
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: N.

  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): N/A.

  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): N/A.
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Igor Morozov.

  • *Brief summary of the character: Igor Morozov is a Combat-Medic and veteran from the Soviet–Afghan War. He is forty five years old at the time the event takes place. He is hardened, and has PTSD, due to his time in the war, and his tough and abusive childhood. He can have angry outbursts but is overall a good person who can indeed follow orders. Igor is Lev Morozov's uncle and the person who raised him and his sister, after taking them both in from their previous abusive home.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I wrote his nephew on TerraNova, but would love to give him a more solid background by participating in this event and such, as I plan on bringing him to Willard, also improve my med RP. Plus, I miss HL2RP and I am having withdrawals.
--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: My name is Araskes, I am 19 years old. I like to game and RP.

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Yes. I am a TerraNova refugee.

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes, a few people.

  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?: I like the setting a lot. Have been a fan for a very long time.
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--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: bill!
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:22418533
  • *Discord Name & ID: outlander#7690
  • *Timezone: US Central (GMT -6)
--- Section Two ---
  • *Event Character?: N
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Duncan Whittaker
  • *Summary: Whittaker is an author / University drop-out from Manchester, UK, aged 25. His life thrown into chaos without meaning, he's searching for some sort of meaning in all of the upheaval that now surrounds him. Viewing his life as now having little meaning, he's on a tour to see what's left of the world and document it -- in one way or another -- before it's all ground down to dust.
  • *Motivation: I've seen plenty of people playing 'journalist' characters on HL2 servers before, and I'm willing to take a stab at it myself. Try to make something more interesting out of it, be it a carry over to some sort of publication / writing on the server when it comes up or something similar. Give a foundation for it all.
--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: University student from Texas. Quarantine's got me with not much else to do besides my job and school.
  • Are you new to WN: Yes.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around WN: I "know" plenty of the people who are involved. They would have little reason to remember me, however.
  • Favorite thing about Half Life: Dystopia of a different kind. Not all driven by tech/corporations. Humanity tends to win: what happens when they don't?
Due to a couple of the staff members expressing great interest and zeal in having this happen this weekend.

It will happen this weekend (and the following week)

Additionally I've modified the application post slightly to account for changes made:

1. It is now possible to sign up for a non-conscript as a refugee in the general area (Zaton) of Chapter 4. You will be spawned on the ship with the bar in the center of the map with basic equipment. If you encounter the Reclamation Front they will likely attempt to conscript you.

2. The CCCP is now named the Soviet Reclamation Front.
--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Appiiii
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:204002917
  • *Discord Name & ID: Appi#9339
  • *Timezone: EET (Eastern Europe Time)
--- Section Two ---

  • *Are you applying for an event character?: N
--- Section Three ---

  • *Character Name: Andrus Mets
  • *Brief summary of the character: Andrus is a 24-year old estonian man. He is 6.6 feet tall and has brown eyes and hair. He has no known mental or physical conditions. He also doesn’t like russians, because of the history between them and estonians, so he tries to avoid them.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: First of all, I am estonian myself, so it is easy for me to actually play an estonian character and it also is interesting. I think there could be a lot of great roleplay between estonian characters and russian characters.
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to):
--- Section Four (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: Nothing much to tell, I am from estonia and I enjoy playing HL2RP
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Yes, I came from Terranova
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Not really
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?: Vortigaunts, definitely vortigaunts.
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Jackie
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:419593788
  • *Discord Name & ID: 𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚎 ♡#6969
  • *Timezone: MST
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: No
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): N/A
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): N/A
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Lia Yahontov.

  • *Brief summary of the character: Drafted in the beginning of the portal storms, Lia was one of the "Lucky" few that got past the initial invasion. Her few months of training have left her rather capable, although not incredibly so. She can handle a gun alright, that's for damn sure.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I'd like to take part in the event in a very basic level to not only get used to willard, but further my experience and skill.

  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to):
--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm rather new to seriousRP, specifically Half Life 2 of that, my first real experience was terranova for the few weeks before it pulled a hindenburg. Aside from that, I enjoy volleyball and tennis, and spend way too much time inside.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I'd say so, yes.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Maroon, (Possibly spine, depending on the day of the week)
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?: I really enjoy the bio-engineered feeling of everything. Even mechanical stuff somehow feels alive.
--- Section One ---
  • Steam Name: Metz
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:5596908
  • Discord Name & ID: Metz#0001
  • Timezone: EST (Eastern Standard Time)
--- Section Two ---
  • Are you applying for an event character?: No
--- Section Three ---
  • Character Name: Dima Pavel
  • Brief summary of the character: Dima is a fresh University graduate from Columbus, Ohio, age 22. He suddenly finds his fresh four year degree useless, and gets transported to europe to be a Union Conscript in Western Russia to combat the still raging revolution, but finds a lucky opportunity to defect. He is far away from home now, in the Revolutionary Army as one of the CCCP Strelki.
  • Why do you want to play this character?: I just joined TerraNova and was starting to get used to it, only for it to close, but it unfortunately had a premature death. I am ready now though to try my luck again in HL2RP, and to have a good time. as for why I want to play a grunt like this? Well, mostly because I love being a 'background' character, and passive RP is super fun for me.
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to): N/A
--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Heyo!~ Nice to meet you, I am a guy from Ohio (Super boring place) and I love building PC's and Laptops.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: You bet! I love it already though ;)
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yeah! I talk to a lot of people on the discord (very nice admins btw)
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?: Combine Tech, its just so... Alien and... efficient, I love it.
--- Section One ---
  • Steam Name: PyroBiscuit
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:438965295
  • Discord Name & ID: PyroBiscuit#2024
  • Timezone: EST
--- Section Two ---
  • Are you applying for an event character?: N
--- Section Three ---
  • Character Name: Dmitri Smirnov
  • Brief summary of the character: A strapping man from Nizhny Novgorod in the former Soviet Union. The 42 year old Red Army veteran stands at 6,1 with a scruffy brown beard. His hair grows short, the same color as his beard, and he has dark brown eyes. The hard working, hard fighting, ideal Soviet man. Behind his tired eyes is an honest, God fearing person, who ponders much and says little. He cares not for his oppressive rulers, past or present; he cares only for his family, friends, and the Lord. These things he will defend.
  • Why do you want to play this character?: I want to play this character because conscript RP is a new concept to me, and I would like to experience it in an authentic way.
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to): Raised in the Russian countryside, Dmitri served in the army during the end of the Afghan war. Upon his return to his family farm outside Novgorod, he started to work with local land development; clearing forests, selling timber, slashing and burning to make way for new housing. The mild, hard working man lived peacefully with his family until the portal storms began. Xenian invasion scoured the land, and not long after, the Combine arrived. Now, separated from his family, he had nothing. He is now a conscript for the Reclamation Front, and he will take up arms once more.
--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I have been playing hl2rp for a while now, and it is by far my favorite rp experience.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I have been with Willard ever since Terranova shut down.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I am familiar with most of the Terranova staff and many of their players.
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?: My favorite thing about Half Life is its lore, which while left vague, is extremely rich and leaves a lot to speculation and our own creativity.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Memesky
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:91426770
  • *Discord Name & ID: Memesky#21666
  • *Timezone: GMT+1
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: Y / N : N
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): None
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): None
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Wallace Texas
  • *Brief summary of the character: Wallace has barely hidden himself in the shadows of City 52, or what remains of it. He is a rather paranoid individual who is just trying to avoid this mess. He was employed with the Civil Workers Union beforehand, specialized in computer science.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I feel like this would be an interesting character to roleplay in this whole situation, I didn't have much time at my hands to think since the event is starting soon and I just want to attend it really.
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to): None
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Big Bear
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID: Big Bear#6878
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: N
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Ishmael Brovilot
  • *Brief summary of the character: Ishmael is a Ukrainian teenager who got trapped in the middle of a chaotic war during the portal storms. Ishmael just wishes to survive until he can find some form of safety and comfort, now that he is separate from his family.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I only just heard about these events and want to get involved
--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm a university student that does Law. I'm British and have recently returned to HL2RP after a long break
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I played a few times on Terra.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: No
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?: The chaos of everything. The mystery around the Union, the advisors and G-man
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Zyke
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:33127561
  • *Discord Name & ID: shawty dyke#4990
  • *Timezone: BST
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: No
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): N/A
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): N/A
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Rit'Yok
  • *Brief summary of the character: A survivor of the portal storms, sent in as a foot solder by the Nihilanth. Rit'Yok is often wary of other individuals and finds himself struggling with his new-found freedom. Rit'Yok is distrustful of humans due to many negative experiences with the species.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Vortigaunts are more interesting to RP than regular humans are in my opinion. I'd find myself enjoying Vortigaunt RP far more than RPing as your bog-standard shitizen.

  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to):
  • Rit'Yok was spawned on the Vortigaunt's homeworld, many centuries before the destruction of their homeworld that would force the Vortigaunt's to flee under the Nihilanth's control. Rit'Yok's physical stature meant that he was destined to accept the role of being a hunter for his tribe, instead of being destined to explore the wider, more thoughtful teachings through the Vortessense. Unlike other Vortigaunts his age, however, Rit'Yok was mature and thought of his actions. Every hunt he undertook was a means of sustenance - he did not take pride in taking the life of other beings. Among those of similar age, Rit'Yok was respected. After a spell of time, Rit'Yok saw fit to undertake the duties of a Weaver in order to learn about the other aspects of the Vortessense, and what the Vortal energies could achieve. This would surely see him up towards the rank of a Sage, despite him being around seven-hundred years old at the time.
Rit'Yok's destiny did not unfold as he had believed it would. The Combine invaded the Vortigaunt's homeworld. Rit'Yok fulfilled his duty of being a weaver. Many of his kin came back in droves fighting against the Combine's war machine. It was constant. None of the Weavers in Rit'Yok's tribe saw a moment of respite. The hunters fought with all of their zeal, however, it wasn't enough for what would come.

The day many foresaw came. The Nihilanth's kind came. The victory was swift against the Vortigaunts. Many of those that lead the Vortigaunts were enslaved, leaving the rest of the Vortigaunts clueless as what to do. Soon the rest would fall under the Nihilanth's dominion. The control of the Nihilanth lasted centuries. Their new overlord forced the Vortigaunts to spawn others, who would soon fall under the control of the Nihilanth.

Rit'Yok was one of the final drafts of Vortigaunts that was flung onto Earth. He didn't find himself in the Black Mesa facility at all, though he was fairly close. Rit'Yok ventured off as soon as he found himself free of the Nihilanth's control. This new world was odd - nothing like Xen, or more importantly, their homeworld. It didn't take too long for Rit'Yok to find some semblance of society afterwards.

Since then, Rit'Yok has been on the run. He hopes to escape the ever-looming presence of the Combine.

--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Just a guy being a dude. I have no life at the minute.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Been around ever since TN got put six feet under.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I guess you could say so. I've been in the discord for a few weeks now so I know of a few folk.
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?: Vortigaunt RP by far. It's my favourite faction to play as.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Sexy Frog
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:31998299
  • *Discord Name & ID: TurtleDerby#0441
  • *Timezone: EST
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: No
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): N/A
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): N/A
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Atlas Strange
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • Professional Photographer who was a War Photographer before and during the 7 Hour War. Despite not really being paid much anymore, he still feels a duty to history to continue to photograph the aftermath to document and capture the moments of humanity still left in the world.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • Seems like a really good character idea and a fantastic way to initiate RP on a passive level that plenty of people, myself included, can get a kick out of.
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to):
    • Atlas obtained his Bachelors in Photography from the University of Central Florida a several years before the 7 Hour War. A professional photographer by trade after that point, he worked for National Geographic for a time taking pictures of various flora and fauna around the world. Shortly before the start of arbitrary conflict in Europe, an interest in war photography rooted itself in him from hours of browsing old colorized World War II photos. Landing a job for an obscure company, he was flown to Europe months before the first of the Portal Storms. After the storms began and the Combine invaded, Atlas was essentially stranded in Europe while capturing images of the 7 Hour War. While he has committed to keeping a self-made scrap book of all his images with organized labels, the state humanity found itself in during the aftermath never sat right with him. Resolving himself, he decided that where others would take up their guns in resistance or fall to their knees in surrender, either way he would be there with camera in hand to capture each and every moment; for history.
--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I do RP when I'm not working or doing school work. I want to RP on something not trash while I wait for the city server.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Sorta, I don't really know the expiration date on being qualified as "new". I came from TN.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I've chatted around a bit. I guess I know a few people.
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?: I mean, it's a solid sci-fi FPS with dystopian undertones. Story is nice, lore is abundant and overall a classic. HL2RP was born from it and is still the survivor of serious Gmod RP.
I'll say that everyone on this page is approved for Short Stories including the Vortigaunt because that's a decent enough app.

@Imperator RAD-X That's 33 correct? Can you confirm?
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