With Fire and Sword

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--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Gambler_Skeleton​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:119030185​
  • Discord Name & ID: gambler_skeleton

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--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Ser Reynard Lambert
    Character Role:
    Champion of the Axe​
  • Character Backstory (Optional):

    There are few who achieve the height of nobility from the grounds of mud and decay, from the very bottom of the surface, living amongst insects and rodents. Ser Reynard was of no renown from his birth, he was not born of nobility, no significance was found when he first laid eyes upon the world, merely another to tend the fief, another mouth to feed in an already impoverished household. He was born of three brothers, a father, and a mother, holders of the Mill for a local town residing within the domain of the House Conrad. The life of such simplicity was never one so easy lived, the lands became more brutal with every passing day, this much was known by all. His father, the Miller, was known to dabble in a side business, not unlike a majority toiling in such a field, who found themselves typically drawn to the illegal and disloyal in order to supply for their families. Thievery and counterfeiting in the form of coach robbing and the selling of these relinquished goods were what was chosen, or placed, upon his father. In the daylight, the hours of the Mill worked ordinarily, farmers visited and grain was processed, when night came so did other, more unpleasant, figures. The Father stashed these stolen items behind the building, a hole dug in the ground fitting a shallow grave, holding gold bathed in blood. It was a schedule, the rest of the family learned to turn their backs on the killings and robbery that no doubt unintentionally carried on with their father's wishes. All but him, the youngest son.

    Reynard was no stranger to death, he had witnessed his first by the age of five, in the form of a public execution by hanging within the center of the town. It only became more and more present with him while time passed on, his father's dirty work soon had spread to the young mind, by only his fifteenth age had he been following them out on the unsavory tasks that had been chosen by whatever robber baron or brigand had ran the operation. It initially was merely carrying the weight of stolen food, supplies, even trinkets and gold that had been taken to then be hidden and later sold. Soon enough, he was then offered a blade, a small and meek one fitted in his palm and carried to the dirt roads in the forests that surrounded the village. His father detested it, but the more contribution that was made, the more payment they had received, and so this questioning and concern had quickly faded. He was trained from these youthful years to wield his blade by one of these brigands, taught how to properly swing without losing a finger, where to aim to inflict the most pain. It was simple, but enough to deal with the untrained guards following any of the caravans, or so they had thought. In truth, it had mattered little by the end, there was only one fate that was befitting of such a life. It was never going to end well.

    It came in the midst of a successful robbery, one where blood was shed by the weakened peasantry that had held up arms in defiance, the group was looting from the corpses and back of the wagon they had assaulted, only for a pause to break the silence, the sound of galloping on an empty road. Lances, spears, blades dug into the backs and chests of each of the brigands, pierced by a cavalryman no doubt sent from the local garrisons to clear the roads. In the end, it was only he that had remained. Five corpses lay beside him, one including his father, who he did not dare look upon in such a state. He knew not why he survived, but in his young mind in all of its naivety, thought it to be an intervention of fate itself. In reality, it was likely that the militia that had dealt this killing blow took pity on the child, leaving them to their wounds rather than in a ditch on the road like the rest. He returned to the Mill alone, delivering the news to the rest of the family.

    Shock and mourning passed quickly, income became the primary most concern. The eldest brother took up the mantle of the miller, while the rest were to aid him. This however only lasted a few years, and the payment that was gained was never enough to supply them for long. A sickness passed through the town, killing off both the mother and eldest son, leaving only the middle and youngest brothers. They had survived, though were not to live together. The middle son fled the Mill, and was never heard from again by Reynard, who was abandoned, left to grow alone. And so to, without any other options, did he come to leave the home to rot, discarding his previous name and taking up a new one, leaving his own history, all his ancestors and blood behind, leaving left of his past but an unbroken link somewhere in the corners of the land. Reynard Lambert was the adopted name, holding no past, no accomplishments, nothing but a blade sheathed on his hip.

    In the coming days, he traveled to a nearby city, where he was taken in by a local mercenary company in service of the House Conrad. A peasant with no purpose and the decent knowledge of a blade was a rare enough sight, and numbers were needed in the next campaign. He was properly trained, in time he fought battles many of which were against the very people he once dwelled alongside, a purpose was finally found in the way of the blade, in the death and destruction he had known, in the violence and bloodshed. Above all, in the profit that was to be gained from it. His prowess showed true, in only a few years was he given a proper title, a horse to ride with the cavalry, and a lance to skewer an opponent. His name was yet to be known, but it was one he was prideful of.

    In recent years, a tournament hit a local city that the company was garrisoned within. On break in a tavern he heard of the opportunity to participate in a duel, the promise of battling against the very Champion of the Axe himself. He had not known the name, only the title, and that was enough. He was older than him, pale beneath a suit of plated armor, while he was dirtied and battered, draped in only a mail hauberk. He entered the contest, a duel begun with the triumphant echoing of trumpets, both figures approached each other steadily. The blade of the Champion was thrusted out, only to be caught by his own. He wrapped his gloves along the edge of his own blade, halfswording it while the pommel was then rammed back, bashing against the visor of the Champion. He stumbled, winded. A toothy grin was made by Reynard, only to be caught off guard by an incoming swing to his shoulder. The blade slid on the mail, though the impact was heavy, he thought his arm dislocated, and was left defenseless against an incoming charge by the Champion, who rammed him to the dirt. Blows were knocked against his jaw, teeth spat out, blood seeping from his lips. He flipped the grip, both rolling on the ground, an elbow rammed to the neck, while a dagger was unsheathed. The Champion did the same, mustering through the pain, but unprepared for the brutality that he was facing. The dagger plunged into his side, the tip tasting flesh, but he had aimed more vital. The blade was dug into the neck of the Champion, twisted, blood was spat into the visor. The bodies hold went limp. He had won.

    For his efforts and prowess, Conrad himself had named him the new Champion of the Axe from a mere man at arms. Service and loyalty was a new concept for him, but it was a promising proposition, one only a fool will neglect. He hardly even spent the time to offer his farewells to his former allies in the company, to the manors of the capitol he rode. An outcast in the lines of nobility, those who had earned a position through birthright, his had been gained in blood. While he is older now, more experienced, those days of his youth had never left him. Always a creeping burden, a weight pressed on the back of his mind. A past that was left a stain on his very name, his position, and a brother who still yet lives, with the potential to spoil all he has gained.

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Stationrush
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:60277174
  • Discord Name & ID: stationrush
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Ser Alaric Armitage
    Character Role:
    The King's Champion​
  • Character Backstory (Optional):

Ser Alaric Armitage
  • House of Swords
  • Marshal of The King
  • The King's Champion
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The Knight, The Devil and Death

Alaric bursts awake once more in his bed in a cold sweat, heart pounding from his chest. The candle by his bedside cast shadows on the walls of his chamber, morphing into the figures of the fallen from past victories and past defeats. He covers his ears, hearing sounds of battle trying to engulf him within his chamber, eventually fading into silence. For months, Alaric has been tormented by dreams and nightmares of past battles, clutching a sword and only feeling empty space. He is convinced he is possessed by the devil.

Long ago, Alaric once believed he was the greatest soldier on the continent, his reputation was forged in the fires of countless skirmishes and epic battles. From Lendanschmidt Castle to Yelufa, his experience from fighting all over the Kingdom has evolved into military strategy of unparalleled cunning and decisive tactical knowledge. He closes his eyes and recalls when he was young, his greatest victory at the Battle of St. Augustus. Luring the pretenders' forces into the cold icy river with his men-at-arms, while his cavalry crashed into their backside. The river running red with blood marked his triumph for the Kingdom and his own personal glory. His name was synonymous was victory, but that was a long time ago. With the arrival of peace, victory has only left him with horrors.

Battle of St. Augustus, Slaughter at the River

He awakes once more shouting for mercy. He is in front the doorway that he has dreamt of his years now, seeing the same assailant before him. The arrows phases through him and pierces into the man that he swore to protect. The former King's cold eyes look upon Alaric with disappointment and sadness. No failure has ever scorched his resolve, until now. Before he can even mourn, he is proclaimed the Kingdom's monarch, temporary as it may. Leopold, too young to be at the helm, shifted the Kingdom's responsibility to Alaric. He learned quickly in statecraft and wrangling the court's politics and all its levers of power. Always more to be done, always someone else to appease. Days felt like years; years feeling like decades. All the while, guilt of the old King's death hanged like a noose around his neck. Alas, his skills in statecraft and domestic diplomacy proved to keep the realm in content, and build connections with the lords of the realm. Despite his youth, Alaric was more than glad to step aside and pledge allegiance to the new King.

His "possession" is impacting his life on every level, and attempts to look to The Church and harness piety to resolve his internal dismay. However, the path is long and requires a patient man's will, something he has never been too fond of. Faith is not something completely foreign to Alaric, but rather a path unexplored. Still, he seeks to grow closer with God, rid him of his demons and looks to find people who will help him devote himself more to his faith. May the Lord send someone to help guide him through his journey.

But as his pious devotion deepened, so did his paranoia. Although peace remains as the status quo, the enemies of Christ are everywhere. The Pagan heathens in the south, the traitorous pretenders in the east and rumors of a new 'Khan' in faraway lands greatly raises suspicion of all forces, both foreign and domestic. He has helped guide the
King through the years and acted as his trusted advisor through all military matters. As the temporary monarch, with all its enemies both outside and inside the Kingdom, his patience has already been run into the ground. Trust is a limited resource; none which he gives to the foreign agents that seek to destroy this Kingdom. His paranoia has elevated a new thought; that to secure a future, aggression and projecting power across the continent is the only guarantee. To Alaric, warmongering and blind loyalty are impossible; there are only 'pre-emptive strikes' and absolute devotion to the King.

Suspected enemies of Christ begging for their lives, only execution will ease the Court's worries.

Alaric awakens a final time tonight, from a dream of him in front of an abandoned bridge, cloaked in thick fog. His desire to reach the other side is being beaten by his fears and woes of his past. He must tread carefully, he should seek more connection with the Lord, favor his sound strategy and seasoned diplomacy in all conflicts, or else be consumed by paranoia and doubt of his friends and enemies and be destroyed by the Devil's works. For the King, he will undertake this transformative journey and take upon all burdens.

Let all the Kingdom hope he overcomes this malaise, reveal his warrior spirit once more, before it is too late.

The 'Temporal King' looks out to the vastness of what was his domain- now the young King's domain. Despite his youth, he must succeed.

...If his youth proves incapable, The Temporal King's subtle hand will shape the kingdom from the shadows.

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Steam Name: Lord Cutler Beckett
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:65545159
Discord Name & ID: Lord Beckett / lordbeckett.


His Sovereign Majesty, King Basil IV, Blessed be His Name, Most Puissant and Most Resplendent Archlord of Illystria, High Duke of Sorrowton, Grand Prince of the Green River Valley, Archpalatine of the Cawold Plains, Defender of the Church and Vanquisher of the Heathen.

Character Name: King Basil IV of House Elderhold
Character Role:
The King
Character Backstory (Optional):


Born the eldest son of King Louis II, Basil IV (previously known as William before he inherited the crown from his father) was raised in a household of utter privilege and prestige. Serving as the heir apparent for the first half of his life, William held a position of immense importance from the day he was born. Accustomed to a life of giving orders and receiving total obedience, the transition to King was only natural when his father was finally laid to rest below Sorrowton Abbey. Both a deeply religious and martial-oriented man, Basil IV held the Church in particularly high regard, using them to hunt down the many heretics and pagans within the kingdom, most of whom just so happened to be political rivals of the newly-crowned king. Since then, Basil IV has ruled over the kingdom for almost three decades, his word treated as divine mandate by his numerous subjects.

Having grown up in a realm of relative prosperity, the king has had little experience of managing crises or political upheavals. A strong relationship with the Church and a legion of loyal soldiers has ensured the king and his household have little to worry in terms of factional intrigues. Whispers abound, however, of a prophesized return of the Witch King to the realm. Such rumors have been explicitly forbidden by the king, who will not suffer to even have the words "Witch King" mentioned in his presence. Complacency has held the kingdom steady for decades, so little reason exists for the monarch to labor over an issue that surely shall never come to pass.

The king himself is mostly preoccupied with maintaining law and order throughout his realm, and ensuring strict adherence to religious virtues among all of his subjects. Church attendance has become mandatory for much of the countryside over the past several years, and every few years an inquisition is ordered to root out any traces of heretical corruption from the lands, although most seem to think this is just a tactic to keep the peasantry from growing agitated. A crusade has even been called against the Foundation, the last bastion of pagan beliefs in the known world. Rumors have circulated that the king may lead a crusading army himself, though such an action may mean major instability for a kingless kingdom back home.

As for the king's vassals, he seems to have maintained an iron grip on those he has named custodians of his fiefdoms. A strict hierarchical establishment governs the lands, with the king and his household at the top and the nobility just below them; lowborn filth are kept at arms-length, for it is unbecoming of highborn individuals to allow the unwashed masses to associate with their betters. Feudal society is despotic and unsympathetic, and it is something that Basil IV keenly supports. As the king often says, once the blood of royalty becomes tainted by those of the peasantry will the kingdom be led to ruin. Needless to say, maintaining tradition and conformity is paramount to the monarch, a notion that has been routinely instilled in his vassals.

For now, the king maintains near-total control over a realm that has seen relative prosperity define its character throughout all of living memory. As an absolute monarch, Basil IV has little tolerance for those who mean to upset the natural order. A burning hatred for heathens and an incessant paranoia of political detractors has created an atmosphere of fear and suspicion, something that may serve as a detriment were a crisis to erupt. However, such talk of crises are misplaced in the king's eyes. We have lived in peace for almost a century: what could possibly cause that peace to falter now?


--- House Section ---

House Name: House Elderhold
House History (Optional):
Hailing from the holdings of Green River Valley, the Elderhold family has held immense sway within the region of Illystria for over a millennium. With their near-total control over the farmlands within the fertile valley, the Elderhold house has held something of a monopoly on local food production, and as a result they have been able to field and support the largest armies over the centuries. Through an entrenched system of draconian peasant labor, the Elderhold house have proven themselves to be vicious taskmasters, working their tenants to exhaustion as they constantly plant and harvest the crops on the expansive Elderhold fields.

The peasantry have been kept in line through a strong religious tradition, which features an intrusive and wide-ranging system of parishes that keep tabs on their members and report any signs of dissent straight to the Elderhold house. The bond between the Elderholds and the Church has therefore spanned hundreds of years, with the Elderholds even being the ones to originally commission the construction of Sorrowton Abbey as a show of support. The relationship between the house and the Church is mutually beneficial and wholly inseparable—one cannot survive without the other.

While the Elderhold house has always been a noble one, they did not always hold the throne of Illystria. Factional intrigues throughout the centuries saw members of their house attain and lose the throne on numerous occasions. Their power was at its lowest during the time of the Great Empire, which saw a rival house hold the emperorship for an extended period of time. Although the circumstances surrounding the end of the Empire are not entirely clear, its end began a long climb of Elderhold power to its eventual zenith in the modern period. At the current time, Elderhold influence has never been stronger, although complacency and decadence have begun to appear within many members of the royal household.

Being an ancient and noble house, the Elderhold name carries with it an aura of both prestige and trepidation. Members of the family are known for using any means necessary to both maximize production in their fields and maintain control over the kingdom at large. Their relationship with the Church has ensured a level of legitimacy other houses can only dream about. Maintaining this relationship is vital toward warding off any threats that may affect the house. As the head of the household, Basil IV can point to a long and expansive line of predecessors, many of whom have become almost mythical figures in Illystrian culture. A sense exists among the population, however, that a series of great changes are soon to begin. Whether the ancient house can weather these changes remains to be seen.


--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Gun_O
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:443280635
  • Discord Name & ID: @sealus
--- IC Section ---


Heinrich the Armourer
Armoursmith for the King and the House of Swords

An old geezer simply known as Heinrich or Henry to the commoners. His clothes are usually dirty, stained and smell of smoke, but the locals don't seem to mind. People know and respect him for his calm and collected demeanor. One of his favorite pastimes is going to the local Inn in the evening to drink beer and play dice until he gets sent home by the Innkeeper or City Garrison.

Skilled in making and repairing various types of armour, he spends most of his days at a forge with his apprentice. Having shared a large workshop with the previous blacksmith Darius, he now frequently collaborates with the former blacksmith's daughter, Rosie, to produce armour and weapon kits for the King and his soldiers. Despite initially being skeptical of the girl, he grew to trust her and her work.

Having access to more advanced materials and tools than other smiths, he can offer more services to the locals. Heinrich is no cheapskate, his plate armor is exquisite and expensive, but he also offers mail armor and brigandines for the less fortunate men-at-arms for reasonable prices.
--- OOC Section ---

--- IC Section ---



"Be at ease, we are all friends here, are we not?"

  • Character Name: Marquis Nekran Blackwood

    Character Role:
    House Blackwood Family Member (Brother of the deceased King), Spymaster

  • Character Backstory (Optional):

    Nekran Blackwood was born slightly after King Peor, failing to secure himself the position of a King. At first, during his childhood nothing was off, yet as time moved forward, Nekran began manifesting worrying characteristics both mental and physical.

    He fell ill at the age of 12, suffering from leprosy, and skin deformation which caused him to become physically unattractive. Shortly after, he was found uncannily attracted to the tales of old, mentioning magic and creatures that sprung forth from its manifestation.

    The King's scholar began investigating this strange phenomenon, tying it back to the times of the Witch-King. During those ancient times, it was found that he had uttered a curse on the King's bloodline, dooming each eighth child to suffer from such thoughts and various physical illnesses.
Thanks to his brother's intervention, such stories kept to being mere rumors - and roughly three years later fell even more silent when the scholar who insisted on informing the church disappeared mysteriously. It was at that time, when Nekran was 15 that he had discovered the art of plotting, scheming, and ultimately silencing individuals who crossed him.

Aware that his chances of taking the throne were slim, he turned all of his attention to hiding his true intentions from both public view, other lords, and most importantly - the church. Missing out on the pleasures of love he instead opted to master his web of influence, mastery over his own body, and mind.

Whenever possible he attended secret training, studied alchemy, and pursued forbidden knowledge of magic. Though unfruitful in the latter, he had never given up - his fervor even more sparked when Leopold was born thus reassuring him that the throne would be passed on to someone else.

Many an unsavory individual knows Nekran, the syndicate often relying on this secret connection to find mutual agreements in questionable deals. Hidden under the cloak of a Royal Spymaster, he acts both inside and outside of the castle. Oftentimes he stands on top of the highest tower, gazing deeply towards the mist-ridden Forbidden Lands...


In excitement...


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  • Steam Name:
  • Dazor
  • Steam ID:
  • Discord Name & ID: Dazor/dazors
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Lord Cedric
    Character Role: King's Family Member


Lord Cedric
Brother to the King

"Strength is forged in the crucible of adversity. Those defiant shall learn that only through fire can true power be wielded."

Lord Cedric, the current King’s brother and next in line, was an imposing young man in his late teens with piercing grey eyes—a peculiarity that fueled rumours of him being cursed His dark hair, often falling over his face, and the scar running from his left eyebrow to his cheek spoke of a violent childhood. Unlike his forebears, known for their honourable and straightforward nature, Cedric was stern, manipulative, and cunning. He valued his house above all else, believing only its strength could keep the kingdom prosperous. Anyone who stood against the House of Swords met their fate by the sword. This ruthless dedication earned him a reputation as a manic, dangerous boy since his youth, a sentiment that only deepened with time.

Despite his cold and unyielding demeanour, the King recognised his brother's potential. Cedric’s intelligence and ruthless efficiency made him a valuable asset. While the King ruled with a measure of justice and diplomacy, Cedric served as his iron grip over the lesser houses, ensuring their loyalty through fear and strategic intimidation. His actions, though controversial, were undeniably effective. Cedric's unrelenting commitment to the house's dominance and the kingdom's stability positioned him as a formidable force, one that even his enemies could not easily dismiss. As tensions within the kingdom and beyond its borders rose, Cedric stood ready, a beacon of enduring strength and unyielding resolve.



Decieptful Wrathful Content
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--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: MazuzaM
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:520927466
  • Discord Name & ID: MazuzaM 770284971557650472
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Ecgberht Æthelthryth
    Character Role: House of Shields, Local Blacksmith
  • Character Backstory (Optional):





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Florian came from a peasant family belonging to a foreign culture, not of this kingdom. Seeking a better future, they embarked on a long journey to reach the kingdom, where they hoped to find their Glory days. Upon arrival, his father decided to join the House of Axes as a grunt. His family, sharing his ambition, joined the house as auxiliaries. Following his father's way of life, Florian also took up the position his father once held. Not that he had much of a choice.


Steam Name: Lekoboi
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:491764502

Discord Name & ID: Lekoboi / lekoboi
--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: ItsLiam
  • Steam ID: idk
  • Discord Name & ID: itsliam010
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Jeremiah von Auger
    Character Role:
  • Character Backstory (Optional):
Born to an illegitimate relation. A disgrace to this world, a piece of fucking shit, someone who doesn't deserve to be breathing.​

A child of a noble, and a slave. The child of a whore of a mother, someone using him as a tool to progress further in life. Once the noble got note of this, the only person you ever loved in your life got murdered in cold blood.

Only the noble knows this, the others see you as a lowborn. Jeremiah von Auger, you're the one destined to be the opposition, destined to be the one to end your father's reign. From sticks and stones, to iron and silver, you will make your way up the ladder, one day... Being able to end what your father started.

You must do what is right, what is right in -your- mind. You know your own story, you know the end of it. You're ready to sacrifice it all, hoping to gain it all.
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Steam Name: Jumbi-sama
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:123018325

Discord Name & ID: jumbisama & 543470101895053333

  • Efran Half-eyed
    The Deserter [Lowborn]​
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"Fuck the King's Army. Fuck the Kingdom. Fuck the King."

Efran once a Honorable Sergeant in the King's Army, now a shameful deserter, a coward in the eyes of the King and his army.

Now he makes his bread by being a wayfarer, a thug, bandit, robbing and killing.

He has no empathy, he was born into this world seeing its cruelty, if someone is weak they are better off dead.

Efran, godless and dishonorable. Only thinks of himself, gold and survival. He had enough of doing the works of nobles who sees him only as a meatshield, if he is destined to die he'd rather die for himself.

Personality traits:

Vengeful: Efran is not as forgiving as others. He did not forget the lords and nobles that did him wrong. If he is to to take rertibution against them he would do it in a heardbeat.

Greedy: Money and Gold. That's his only care. If you are not willing to give it to him then he'll take it off your body.

Cynical: Religion is the tool of the king and nobles. Something to fight for but in reality it is for their own interests. It is nothing but lies.
Lifestyle and Education traits:

Tough soldier: Reliable prowess in martial matters.

Confident Knight: Familiar with the ways of their culture's traditional combat.

Physical traits:
One-eyed: Lost an eye from the end of a sword, now he wears an eye patch.
His body trained and formed as fit for a once soldier.
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--- OOC Section ---

Steam Name:
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:105803156
Discord Name & ID: serhan#6219

--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Michel
    Character Role:
    Tavern Master (Lowborn)​
  • Character Backstory:
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--- House Section ---
House History:
Bamforth, C. W. (2023). A brief history of beer. In Oxford University Press eBooks (pp. 20-C2N14). https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780199996742.003.0002
Ancient Origins
Beer is generally considered to have originated approximately 8,000 years ago in Sumeria, within the Fertile Crescent (which would include countries like modern-day Syria and Iraq) although Patrick McGovern, a renowned archaeologist who has long focused on alcoholic beverages, points out that there is evidence for beer-brewing at a Chinese site, Jiahu, a good thousand years earlier. It seems that this beer was produced from rice, wild grapes or hawthorn fruit, and honey. It is poignant that this location is also where the first Chinese written characters are to be found.

The reality is that beer probably emerged as a beverage by happenstance in more than just a couple of locations. There is evidence for the domestication of corn in the New World 8,700 years ago, and the stalks may have been used to make a brew.

Beer was consumed throughout the Middle East but, as a drink, it would hardly have borne much resemblance to what most of the world today regards as beer (with the exception of many indigenous brews still to be found in villages in Africa and Central and South America). According to Delwen Samuel, a distinguished researcher from the University of Cambridge, England: Beer, together with bread, was the most important item in the diet of the ancient Egyptians. Everyone, from Pharaoh to farmer, drank beer and no meal was complete without it. Beer was much more than just a foodstuff. In a cashless society it was used as a unit of exchange, its value fluctuating just as currencies do today. Furthermore, beer played a central role in religious belief and ritual practice. Offerings to the gods or funerary provisions included beer, either real or magical.

Samuel’s archaeological pursuits have unveiled the remains of beer solids crusted to the inside of ancient vessels, and among these solids were found fragments of grain. She has painstakingly examined these remains using techniques such as scanning electron microscopy and has made proposals as to how beer was brewed in Egypt 3,000 years ago from malted barley and a primitive type of wheat called emmer, a process that the Egyptians adopted from the original brewmasters of Sumeria and Babylon. Indeed, the original Sumerian approach, as written down in the ancient Hymn to Ninkasi, was taken by Fritz Maytag, collaborating with historian Solomon Katz, in the production of such a beer at Anchor Brewing Company in San Francisco. (I asked Fritz once how it tasted. “Not very good” he replied, “but we had great fun doing it.”).

The techniques applied in the brewing of beer by the Egyptians seem to have been quite refined. Quite how the first beer was developed several thousand years prior to this is unclear, but it might be anticipated that its origins were founded on serendipity and were linked to the baking of bread. Most commentators suggest that batches of barley must have gotten wet through inadequate storage (rain was more plentiful thereabouts than it is now) and, as a result, they started to germinate. Presumably, it was found that drying stopped this germination and, logically, the ancients would have discovered that this “cooking” improved the taste of the grain. Neither would it have taken them long to realize that malt is more nutritionally advantageous than raw barley: those eating malt would have been healthier than those whose diet included barley, and, for certain, they would have found their meals to be tastier.

It is supposed that the sprouted barley (forerunner to today’s malt) was made into dough before bread making, and then batches of the dough spontaneously fermented through the action of yeasts living in cracks and crevices in vessels (brewing yeast is not naturally found living on grain itself). Soon,
the ancient brewers will have realized that the dough could be thinned with water and strained as a precursor to fermentation and that the process could be accelerated by the addition of a proportion of the previous “brew.”

A range of plants will have been used to impart flavors, among them the mandrake, which has a flavor much like leek. The use of hops came much, much later. The work of archaeologists has suggested that in Mesopotamia and Egypt the characteristic tool of the brewer was an earthen vat. Certainly, hieroglyphics depict people stooped over such vessels in pursuit of their craft.

It has been suggested that the Pharaoh Ramses had a brewery that furnished 10,000 hectoliters of beer each year free of charge to those employed in the temple. Beer was staple stuff: the Code of Hammurabi, 1,800 years before the birth of Christ, decreed that those overcharging customers for their beer were to be drowned. It has even been claimed that modern civilization has its origins in the brewing of beer and that the urge to domesticate barley and cultivate it in a controlled manner for the production of beer was the justification for our ancient forebears settling in communities rather than pursuing a nomadic existence. It is said that the builders of the pyramids were paid in beer, bread, and onions. One suggestion has been that the word “cash” derives from the Egyptian word for beer, kash.

The Egyptians passed on their brewery techniques to the Greeks and Romans. However, in ancient Greece and Rome wine was the drink of the privileged classes, with beer consumed by the rest. Beer was not foremost among the developments bestowed by the Romans in the lands that they conquered. Pliny the Elder (23–79 ad), a Roman author, was almost contemptuous in his view that:
"People who live in the west have their own form of intoxicating drink. There are different techniques used in the various districts of Gaul and Spain, and the drink goes by different names, but the basic principle is the same: grain is steeped in water. . . . God knows, we used to think that Egypt produced grain for bread; but men’s vices are wonderfully resourceful, and a way has been found to make even water intoxicating!"

It seems that it was through a more northerly route that the Celts brought westward their ability to brew. Perhaps this related to the mastery over wood of the people of Northern and Central Europe, and their ability to fashion it into brewing vessels and barrels. Whereas the Greeks and others in the South were drinking wine from pottery, the German tribes were drinking barley or wheat-based drinks out of wood. Pliny encountered cerevisia in Gaul and ceria (ceres) in Spain, hence the brewing yeast named Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

In the first century ad there is mention of Britons and Hiberni (Irish) making courni from barley, which had probably been cultivated in England since 3000 bc. The Old Irish name for ale was coirm.

For the Danes and the Anglo-Saxons, ale was a favorite beverage, for grapes could not be readily cultivated in the colder northern climes. Beer was deemed the perfect beverage of heroes, and Norse seafarers were fortified in battle by the thought that, should they perish, they would go to drink ale in Valhalla. The Scandinavian word bjor is related to English beer.

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name:
  • Steam ID:
  • STEAM_0:0:39958603​
  • Discord Name & ID:

Character Name:

Arthur Lionheart

Character Role:

Champion of the Shield

Shieldmaster of House Arkanis
The Champion of the Shield
Bearer of "Luam's Blessing"
Lionheart the Bulwark, a towering battlemaster, A devout follower of the Church and Arkanis. Wielding the holy blade of "Luam's Blessing". His title, and blade, earned at the Second Battle of Yelkala, the galloping of horses echoed over the hill, and a detatchment of a hundred soldiers having held the battlements of Yelkala, himself personally slaying dozens of soldiers with a swing of his blade. Towering over the herectics of all, breaking their morale as he wields a longsword like a toy. He routed the eastern raiders across the Yelkala mountain-range. The few heretics that remained in Yelkala were publicly executed, alongside the accused within the region, as the Lord decreed.

Thirty four years old, eighteen years of service, the first Champion since the reign of "Leopold the Steadfast", twenty years ago. The second Shieldmaster of his lineage, last recorded sixty years ago, his great grandfather. His loyalty tied to the word of God and Arkanis, his father, desperate for a son of which to regain the legacy of the Lionhearts, trained Arthur to wield his blade against the Heretics of the Kingdom on Behalf of Arankis. Indoctrinated to wield his blade in the name of his lord, and the lord of heaven. However, his loyalty wasn't completely blind, it was earnt.


It was not the first time Arthur marched onto the Holdings of Yelkala, rain poured onto the muddy floor, and still. Lord Arkanis stepped confidently. The City rebelled, and the King demanded it quelled, and so that is what they did. The rain was the blessing of the lord, their arrows missed their mark. The gates fell, and the Lord Arkanis stepped forward, clad in plate armor and chainmail with "Laum's Blessing". With the blade, the enemies before Arthur fell, protected by his Lord, of whom he viewed as more than just man. Indoctrinated by his Father, nevertheless the Priests. His loyalty is placed on the anvil, and the trails ahead shall test his ideals.

General Traits

Devout: The lord and house are one - Their word is decree.

Bulwark: A beacon of security - Nothing can pass.
Giant: A towering figure - A foot taller than the tallest.

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--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Terence​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:37513070​
  • Discord Name & ID: Terence / .terence​


--- IC Section ---

  • Character Name: 'Redbeard' Merobaudes Conrad
    Character Role:
    Family Member
    -- Character Backstory --

  • The Redbeard Merobaudes, the Drunken Axe - the Giant Clad in Steel.
  • An intimidating figure, standing heads above even tall men. His face is pockmarked with red, his nose is swollen and lumpy - greasy and spirits-eaten.
    Look upon him, and know the price of vice and sin. And, know, that he loves every godsforsaken moment of it.
  • -​
robard.png"I've yet to meet a man who can outdrink me, horseback.pngfor it is quite hard to drink without a gullet for the spirits to travel. Tell me, do you feel different? Come, grab a cup - let us get you sloshed."

If there are words to describe Merobaudes, it is these five - vain, slovenly, brutish, stubborn, and lush. There exist no better words to describe the Drunken Axe, the Redbeard Merobaudes, a man who exists solely to drink, fuck and slay his way across the world. Lucky it be for him that he was born to a blueblooded dynasty, and not to pigstickers and farmers. He was born to noble men of great impiety, of bloodshed and death; truly, a kindred sort linked tightly with his soul.

War runs in his veins, as much does animosity and a crafty, savage and base mind. Much like his ancestors, even like his brother, he values the axe more than he does the written word, and takes to the bottom of his cups as readily as he may to a whore's bosom, or his axe to a man's head in the event he is slighted. He is a master of war, on horseback he is feared, and across the land many know him as the 'Red Beard', a man who's face is often slaked in blood. Many stories are spread of him as night terrors, to spook children into bed. A man of evil, of malice.

The eldest of the lineage still remaining of the Conrad dynasty, he gave up his claims to the throne in favor of his younger brother Audoen. He does not wish to rule, but to lead men into battle and die on the end of a sword. His purpose in life, his sole given duty by the Gods, is to fight and die for his people; for his family. Of all of the rumors, none know a guarded truth- his only love is his family. He would drop everything to fight for his ancestral folk, his blood.

If only he could drag himself from his cups, for the world would shudder in his wake.

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Application format.

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: masterjamie9​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:32551049​
  • Discord Name & ID: AAAAA - masterjamie9​
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Godwin Adalbrand
    Character Role:
    House Axe​
  • Character Backstory (Optional):
    • 1719720152201.pngGodwin's youth was one granted to him as a lesser noble of a village baron. Unlike the peasantry, a lot of things came granted to him. Shelter, food, water. He may not have lived a rich life, but he certainly didn't live in squalor. As the last in line to his family's inheritance, a large family of 5 siblings, he grew jealous of his own family. What he had was not enough. He wanted more.

      As he came of age, he would sow deceit amongst his brethren, seeking to turn them against eachother. It was the typical noble squabbles of inheritance, but Godwin was no silver tongue. Rather, he roughed up his older siblings. Threatening them with violence. Jumping them when they're alone. In some cases their fights were public and broken apart by the local guard. His parents were none the wiser, for all of the brothers were too proud to turn to them. His actions culminated in a fight with his eldest brother at the dinner table. An eye scooped out with a fork later and his own father kicked him out of the house.But the axes of House Conrad had taken a notice of him during one of his many tavern brawls. And so, it was that Godwin met the former Champion of The Axe. Left with no place to go, the Champion offered him a place amongst his men. In his own words, he was short on tough bastards that didn't back down. And Godwin was known to never back down.

      His time amongst the House Axes was of great success. He was practically the right hand of the Champion, who grew old and tired. It almost seemed like he would simply take the position as the old Champion would retire. But he would just not retire, to Godwins frustration. Time would pass and the Champion stayed in position... until he was slain in a duel by a man named Reynard Lambert. To Godwin's own dismay, this man was now lifted up to the position he believed he would. And that by the Lord himself as well! Disgruntled, dismayed, disillusioned. Life goes on. Time will tell whether he will see recognition or whether he will take it.
--- OOC Section ---
Steam Name: Rinambam
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:157618671
Discord Name & ID: Rin

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Company History: It was formed some six or so years ago by veterans of the northern border. Hardened veterans or even the barbarians of the north themselves, the men of the marches come together as outside threats lessen and the treachery and scheming of rival houses comes ever more so into the folley. An important role is played by the lowborn mercenaries, that of those who do the work nobody else is willing to, rather work that a reputable house wouldn't want to be seen doing.

The company is loose and disorganized, with its founder long forgotten; rather, it is a band of men seeking fortune in acts of inglorious origin acting locally out of taverns or hideouts. Rather than a real mercenary company, they are more of a loose idea of what one should be. Having been sent home from the north en masse, these men now seek to apply their work once more.


Character Name: Malaric Lywellin
Character Role: Tavern Keep - Lowborn
Character History: A bastard, veteran and most importantly booze slinger. He was born to some impovrished bar wench when Merobaudes, the whoring womanizer that he is, barged through his village and proceeded to do what Axe nobles usually do. Fuck, maim and drink their way till the next town. In the nobles wake was left an empty tavern and several bastards, most of which when of age were sent to the marches in fear of potential plots against the Axes. Malaric being one of them, he fought well in the north, under a captian lost to the tides of time he raided villages, caravans and whatever else needed be done in order to protect the kingdom... or line their pockets.

Eventually the north was tamed. The barbarians left or integrated into the kingdom. There was no longer a border to defend, no pagans to slaughter and raid, no merchants to scam and rob... so the company was ordered to be disolved, the men returned to their villages of origin. Some refused, those were put to the sword as outlaws, the others fell in line and left for their homes. Malaric left back for his home, the fief of the Axes... he found a struggling village when he returned. And at his back a company of other bastards who felt disgruntled and most importantly still had a burning thrist for coin and blood that their time in the marches planted in them. Malaric came back half the man he was, literally, as an eye had been taken out during a raid by a stray bolt. He hung up his blade and came to the tavern his mother worked at to find it derelict. There he began to ply his work, he saw the state of the land. Maybe the borderlands were tamed but the hearth of it all? The houses bickered, the kings and lords grew fatty and weak. There was need of men who would do work no 'upstanding' man would do, and what would you know? A company of such men sat at his bar every night drinking their sorrows away. So he began talking, making connections, getting some real work done... soon enough he'd have his boys ready for proper operations to begin... just like back up north.
--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: big man on campus​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:33251082​
  • Discord Name & ID: big man on campus, bigmanoncampus.​

--- IC Section ---

  • Character Name: Brocard Conrad
    Character Role:
    Family Member
    -- Character Backstory --

Ser Brocard Conrad, the Gambler

Brocard is many things: a tall man, a leader of men, somebody who knows their way around managing a village and its people, and a sometimes quick-witted individual. Those were the more generous descriptions applied to him.

The more scathing remarks?

A recalcitrant, hopeless addict to the roll of the dice. Hopelessly impulsive. A braggart in the company of his behemoth of a brother, Merobaudes, who towered over even him, but tellingly muted by his lonesome. A lazy halfwit, too occupied with spending his lineage's coin on pointless games and scams than to follow his real calling to lord over his land's subjects.

He was a man absolutely best suited for the luxury of a noble's life. From a young age, the lanky figure restlessly stalked the world outside; watching how the serfs toiled for their lords, learning the day-to-day life of the peasantry that hold up his family's magnanimous wealth. For much of his time as a young adult, this was seen as a chore. Something he had to do to make himself not look like a completely worthless lout in the eyes of his peers and family. That is, until he clued in on the activities of his titan of a brother. All it took was one off-handed comment from the peasantry, a snide remark, and soon enough his own curiosity began to pique.

The vices consumed him near whole. While his brother drank the tavern empty, Brocard was across the room, slouched over a table, dealing cards and rolling the dice in games of chance. What took his infatuation of gambling to the extreme was his first time trying it out; enchanted by the prospect of rolling in some extra money for himself, even if it was all but meaningless, he gave it a chance. His first night out, he cashed in a fat bag of coin by the end of it, charmed by an incredible streak of luck. That was all it took. Every night, while his brother set out to the towns on his mission to pillage the stockades of ale in their villages, Brocard more subtly avoided his responsibilities to indulge in his own fun, the same as his kin did.

Brocard is the youngest of his lineage. He stands in contrast with his two brothers, in that besides some basic, simple training, he lacks much of the commanding or militaristic prowess they do. He lacks quite the quick-thinking or sheer smarts of a suitable leader like Audoen, but enough so that the mind-numbing logistics of the day-to-day affairs of their land that are below their lord reach his governance.
OOC Section
Steam Name: Johnny Roleplay
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:44365118
Discord Name & ID: johnnyroleplay

Tymerlan, the Heathen

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with hardship, there is relief. Tymerlan's life is perhaps no more then a tribute to this. Born as one of the mighty Kisti in the far southeast of His Grace's lands, a life of riding and horse-archery was his destiny. The untamed steppe was filled with the flow of silks, the plunder of raids, and prayers to a foreign prophet. Damned though he may be by the righteous king, Tymerlan has lived a life both of debaucheries and spiritual gnosis.

A sworn rider in service of his family, Tymerlan raided down into pious lands with his host until a wandering
Sufi came into his warband. A dancing man, speaking of forgotten mystical gnosis and the Prophet's words. This savage warrior was entrapped by a man both pious and mighty, yet would see the man slain by an ignoble Horselord whom did not take kindly to his revelry's critic.

With a noble holyman's corpse burried did Tymerlan journey west, lending his service as an archer to all those who would pay. Eventually, his services would find themselves in service of
the Lazic Free Company in their wars against the Northen pagans.

Perhaps these men of the West care little for the Heathen's words. But, they do care when his bow finds it's mark and his falcon their eye.

Steam Name: Brother Shiftius II
Steam ID: 76561198155988671
Discord Name & ID: the_elites_are_blind_arbiter



Once my eyes were clouded, but now that they can see,
I weep with paradise that Thee have shown to me.

Once my ears were deafened, but now that they can hear,
I listen to Thine message whole whatever it may be.

Once my hands were idle, but now that they are free,
Forever shall I carve Thine work for all to feel and fear.

"...And fear they shall."
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