With Fire and Sword

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--- OOC Section ---
Steam Name: 0xNiklas
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:424935776

Discord Name & ID: 0xniklastm

In case, I don't get the Champion role. I'd like to take the House Axe instead, as regular knight

--- IC Section ---


  • Chaplain Ansilo "The Resilient" Litawor
    >- Champion of the Axe -<
  • 1719789686118.png
    "Lord Conard. I, Ansilo vow my loyalty to you and your family until my very last breath!"
The Resilient Commander, the Conard Loyalist - Spirit out of Iron
A tenacious commander who desolately trains his men for the dangers and fosters loyalty for the Conrad family

A warrior, a commander, a nobleman. Ansilo was born into the warrior life. His father"Witahali I" was the previous champion of House Conard and had served him for a long time. Through this friendship, Ansilo quickly managed to become a knight himself. When his father died one day, Ansilo moved up and was named champion. The initial period of his reign as champion, was clearly difficult. A decentralized system was intact and it had to be retired and the local militia were clearly not in a good shape. So Ansilo decided to promote the most competent knights and began to train his men mercilessly. But, not in vain. As a result, Ansilo distinguished himself excellently in military leadership and drill and thus gained the permanent support of the Conrad family. Ansilo is loyal to the Conard Dynasty and would do anything to serve them, even plotting to their advantage.
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--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Merlinsclaw​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:63717084​
  • Discord Name & ID: Merlinsclaw​
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Bishop Brail Strumland
    Character Role:
    Local Priest​
  • Character Backstory (Optional): Included a bit about the church/religion. I would like to do cool stuff, please let me do cool stuff.​

Application format.

--- OOC Section ---

Steam Name: The Sniper
  • Steam ID:
  • Discord Name & ID: Kaisler #3325

--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Richard Warwick, Duke
    Character Role: Head of the Warwick Dynasty (Shields)
  • Character Backstory (Optional):
Born into the prominent Warwick dynasty, Richard Warwick is the fifth in line to hold the title. A powerful and influential vassal and Duke in the King's realm, he is fiercly loyal to the King and an adherent to the principles of Chivalry. A religious man with a good heart, he seeks to atone for his younger life through prayer and goodwill. Rendered by battle of prior wars and engagement has left a bitter taste in Warwick's mouth, but he is a man of duty - and seeks to uphold the King's peace and judgement; whilst also caring for his feudal subjects. His fiefs are vast, but are known to be efficient due to his administrative skills and understanding of the plebs - the commoners. However, something is starting to change in the Kingdom... the rocks that it stands upon have begun to shake and it is unsure what the future holds in store for the Kingdom and House Warwick.

--- House Section ---

House of Warwick


House Name: House of Warwick

House History (Optional):

The history of House Warwick goes back long. The founder of the dynasty, Philip was a low-caste wrestler. His large size and demeanor caught the King's attention and his ability to wrestle large creatures mounted well. It wasn't until an assassination attempt on the King that Philip Warwick stood up and wrestled the assassin to the ground - saving the life of the King. Impressed and greatful, Philip Warwick was granted a position in the court as Master of King's Guard, a position that he solemnly built-up into an effective lifeguard. Through the years of war, Philip Warwick was rewarded for his services with a fief. House Warwick was small, but throughout the years it has built itself up into an influential and important power in the Kingdom - whilst retaining its traditions of the King's personal "Sword and Shield". Extremely loyal to the ruling dynasty, the Warwick's have aided in prior rebellion and revolts against the Crown; never wavering in their oath.

The Warwick dynasty has grown large, with subsequent marriages between other dynasties having strengthened its position and membership of the family. But beneath the polished surface, something has begun to emerge that seems to threaten the Kingdom.. dark rumors of betrayal. These must be swept aside, to allow the House of Warwick to retain its powerbase in the King's court and continue out its duties with diligence...


--- IC Section ---

Character Name: Crown Prince Majorian

Character Role: Crown Prince, eldest son of the King (King's family)
  • Character Backstory (Optional):
The first-born of the King and the subsequent heir apparent.

Crown Prince Majorian lives by a chivalric life and one of study. He is a fair and young man, eager to live up to his father's expectations. He excels in studies, both of the pen and the sword - bestowed upon him by costy tutors by his father. A righteous man of the fate, he is however - one of doubts. Ambitious for both power and knowledge, Crown Prince Majorian has personally interested himself in the management of the Kingdom on behest of his father to prepare him for his eventual succession. Something tears within the young Crown Prince however, he has lived in luxuary and solitude for most of his childhood - only now as he's gotten older and more adventourous he has sought to the outside. To his dismay, poverty, death and sickness alongside conflicts have left him cynical but still with a drive to make it better for his people.

Something... that most likely will cost him his life.​

Steam Name: Eviction Notice
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54479615
Discord Name & ID: evictionnotice


Character Name: Bodomér Folkus
Character Role: House Axes - House of Axes
Character Backstory: Bodomér is talented- talented with a sword, talented with a shield, talented as a tactician. There is however one thing he isn't the most talented at remaining: sober. A drink on the job is but a mere drop into a large bucket of revelry that this officer of the local militia partakes in on the daily and most are uncertain as to what the motive behind such a self harming ritual truly is. One thing is certain though: you'll always find him with a wide grin on his face, his voice making-merry with all those he surrounds himself with. Is it a mere mask one puts on, or has he just truly lost his mind?

Many seem to opt for the second option.

There are many a tale of what this lunatic of a knight has partaken in and came out alive of- one would struggle to find one which isn't completely ludicrous by-design, a majority having been concocted by the man himself. He's tackled otherworldly foes- man-pigs, werewolves, an army of toads on two legs single-handedly! He's travelled from the farthest reaches of the land to the lowest points of the valleys, some even say into the depths of hell itself to wrestle with the demon spawn that lurk beneath, not a scar to be seen as he does not get struck in combat, this is a guarantee!

Let's be frank: nobody knows why he's here or how he's here in such a position- but it works, so it hardly needs fixing, right?
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Steam Name: colserra
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:51384357
Discord Name: colserra
Discord ID: 244800570827866112

The Medicus - Adam Shaw


Character Role: Lowborn
Born to a family of shoemakers in a destitute corner of the realm, Adam was set out to become nothing more than an ordinary craftsman. However, at nine years old, his life took an unexpected turn as his parents fell ill with an unknown disease. Rejected by their community for fear of the disease spreading, the monks of the local monastery took the family in. They had been preserving and studying a number of ancient Roman and Greek scriptures, detailing the works of the great Hippocrates and many of his peers.
Over the following weeks, as his parents health was degrading, young Adam became obsessed with learning everything he could about the ancient wisdom that seemed to exceed the competency of all the local doctors that had fruitlessly tended to his dying parents. In the end, neither the doctors nor the monks were able to stop the progression of the disease that was ravaging Adam’s parents, and soon after, they were laid to rest.

The brothers decided to take care of the young boy, who had set his mind to mastering the ancient arts of medicine. They encouraged him and taught him to read Latin, but made sure to warn him to stay away from a particular stash of scriptures, locked away in the basement. To him they said these texts were sacrilegious, being of no value to any faithful man. But behind closed doors, late at night when Adam was asleep, they would confer about the real reason: These scriptures had been left with the order for safekeeping by a brother versed in the ancient arts of magic, many centuries ago.
Now, the texts themselves did not contain any magical secrets, only honest products of scientific endeavor. But the advanced knowledge in connection with its origin could easily provoke the wrath of the kingdom that was so hell-bent on eradicating any traces of magic from this world.

Of course, it was only a matter of time before the boy could no longer suppress his hunger for knowledge. One fateful evening, shortly before his eighteenth birthday, as the brothers sat in prayer, Adam breached the doors to the basement and uncovered the forbidden scriptures within.
Among these texts, Adam found scrolls describing many kinds of illnesses, many of which common to the people of his time, others never seen before by his eyes. They even included what seemed to be the ailment that befell his parents, and just as with many similar entries, a cure was listed. A fantastical substance that was said to heal many kinds of infections and fevers that would usually kill a man within days, being referred to as the Penicillium.
That night, Adam came to realize that neither the monks that had raised him nor the doctors of the kingdom were willing to embrace these truths, rather seeing them buried and forgotten out of fear. He copied as many of the texts as he could, hastily stuffed them in a bag and left the monastery.

Over the following years, he tried his best to apply his knowledge oartworks-xcNwz0rqBUPnyiir-FWI1YQ-t500x500.jpgf medicine to help the people he came across, but his eccentric practices and behavior caused him to be thrown out of a few towns. Being rather young still, he tries to compensate for his lack of practical experience with his vast theoretical knowledge, oftentimes causing him to clash with local customs and believes. He had also developed quite a few nasty character traits over time, feeling superior to the local medical practitioners and oftentimes seeing the townsfolk as little more than moronic peasants. From his upbringing among the monks, he had picked up the habit of sprinkling Latin phrases into his sentences, making him seem like even more of a pretentious prick.
Behind closed doors, he is still desperately searching for that seemingly almighty cure he learned about in those ancient scriptures. Having learned about the origins of those texts, he is now starting to research what little he can find about the arcane as well, making sure to not let word of those endeavors reach the nobility.​

I would like to have a space for him to practice in, ideally with some basic props (chair, table, shelf). If players will be able to easily obtain that by themselves during the event, disregard this part.
Would also like to have access to basic medical supplies. Given the setting and the character, he of course will not always be able to actually heal people, most of which will be done as roleplay only, using the supplies only for realistic and setting-appropriate treatment. IC reason for this would be that he has been in town for a while, being supplied by the nobility (as long as he doesn't get on their bad side of course).

Steam Name: The Dinkster
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:9373109
Discord Name & ID: Austin & austin4535

Ricard of Silvergarden - "The Foreman"


Ricard, a frugal man of short stature hails from the mining town of Silvergarden, a prosperous establishment on the fringes of the King's border producing silver for the realm's jewelers and blacksmiths. Being the son of the long-time foreman of the town's mine, Ricard established himself as an able miner and respected businessman. An ambitious Ricard secured himself a charter to develop a new iron mine near the King's holding to provide timely and quality material to the Realm's blacksmiths. He aims to have a productive enterprise, earn the respect of the Kingdom's Highborn, and ascend to become a notable lowborn.

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:49300762​
  • Discord Name & ID: fiercestwarrior​
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Samson of the Cyrs (Bastard of House Conrad)
    Character Role:
    House Axe​
  • --Character Backstory--


Samson of the Cyrs

The runt of the litter, Samson was born to the drunkard, Merobaudes Conrad. As with most of Merobaudes' sons, Samson was conceived from a village wench, therefore being a bastard of the lineage. His father was only half-accepting the fact of Samson's blood therefore he kept him in employ to serve the family one way or another. Hard times create strong men as Samson was determined to become exalted amongst his family, he adopted the name 'Samson of the Cyrs', a title referencing his house's warrior ancestry.

Whilst his peers sought to drink themselves into submission or otherwise deliver drink like his bastard brother Malaric, Samson was determined to seek glory. Alas, as if it was divination from God, a crusade has been called to deliver the Foundation's undoing. Taking from his own retinue and sponsorship from his house, he marched south to make a name for himself and perhaps earn an estate or two.

However, Samson's lust for renown and prestige got the better of him. Instead of assembling at Lordsreach, he went straight for the golden goose, heading for Gert within Foundation instead. Reaching the borders of Foundation, Samson's army gained a Pyrrhic victory against his foe. Due to the nature of the victory, he was forced to lay siege to a barony many hills away from Gert. A siege thought to only take a few days, developed into a few weeks. Amidst the boring siege, a courier had delivered notice that Audeon Conrad has ascended in stature and has become Lord of House Conrad, with an invitation back to the Kingdom.

Uncomplacent with his venture, he returns to his home, donning new heraldry to boast his many fake victories within the Crusade.

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: judas​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:82016762​
  • Discord Name & ID: judas​

--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Volkrad Fausta of the Crows
    Character Role:
    Fractist High Shaman​

"Don't mistake my love of life and drink for weakness, boy. I've behead far nastier heretics than you."

  • Character Backstory (Optional):
The current High Shaman of the Fractist sect in the Southlands, and a well respected leader in the Conclave of Crows in the Nordland coast, across the frigid Baford Sea, Volkrad Fausta is a strange man from a strange land.

Despite his height and frame, common amongst the tribesmen of the Nordlands, Volkrad is not a violent man by nature. His sermons are more often than not given over full mugs of ale, and accompanied by a great many personal boasts and stories. Such is the way of the Shamans of the North, where religious tradition is kept orally, and emblazoned on the tattoos crisscrossing the bodies of its holy men. All the same, those around him would do well to remember that Volkrad is no gentle giant, as the Shamans of the North are called to lead raids, sacrifice captive heretics in the name of Clarath, and manage the defense of their people, all while performing their religious duties.

These coastal Nordmen fight a constant battle with the pagan tribes of the far North, safeguarding Modora from heathen raids and invasion with little reward beyond access to Southland traders. This arrangement works fine for them, for the true reward of their struggle is to fight, die, and kill for The-Sun-Divided, the many aspects of Shap.

Born to this struggle, Volkrad Fausta was chosen since birth to join the ranks of the Crows, the honorific title given to the Shamans in the North. Now a man, Volkrad travelled to the Conclave of Crows, where he was chosen to go to the Southlands and represent their religion and people in the South, as many families in Modora still practice Fractism and need guidance.

Leaving behind family, tribe, and his history, Volkrad boarded the sloop with nothing but his tattoos telling the story of Shap and the clothes on his back.

And, of course, his axe. A Shaman's duties often call upon the axe.

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House of the Shield Mega Application
Led by
Lord of House Lupthen (@Asimo1234 )

House History:

The fou1720021644917.pngnder of House Lupthen was once an ancient hero born within the times of the great Empire. Choosing to enter his house into the fight against the socerer-king the Lord set out to ensure the evacuation of many villages whom were no priority to the other nobility. The then Lord of house Lupthen managed to effectively delay the enemy to allow for these evacuations. He had established his militia into a chokepoint and held the line, letting the enemy break themselves upon it charge after charge. Truly the only way that they could have held out this long was through divine intervention! Hence the religious nature of the house. Through this selfless sacrifice, the local inhabitants they had protected named them their leader, thus ensuring the legacy of the house.

Ever since that time the house has been ensuring the safety of the peasantry by routing out wrongdoers, frequent patrols, and mercilessly dealing with criminals.

Over time the house had diverged from a "Martial Protection" to an overall protection. They were willing to destroy personal freedoms if it means collective security. The law is followed to the letter, but in return the hoarding of wealth was discouraged. The house prefers that every peasant has a pike, rather than a small force of men at arms.

Through this, the house has kept a vigil watch over their own lands, as well as the kingdom at large. Through any means necessary.

House's Coat of Arms
An Escutcheon of light vert holding
A Pall of Sable with an Orle of Argent
Damasked at the Chief by an Argent Horn bound in Lines of Gules
At the Sinister Base by a Gauntlet of Argent
And at the Dexter Base by the Lord's Bible.
Surrounded by a Mantling of Vert and Argent.

The Horn represents the unity and call of our house, bound in red, our blood.
The Gauntlet represents our strength, may it never waiver.
The Lord's Bible represents our faith in God, who will bring us fortune.
United they form the Shield of our Kingdom.

Notable House Members

House Lord: @Asimo1234
Family Member: @Appi

Champion of the House: @Tuki
Shield of the House: @Stanford
Shield of the House: @Lucaa

Blacksmith: @Curbalas
Priest: @Kena

Character Backstories and OOC Information

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Florian came from a peasant family belonging to a foreign culture, not of this kingdom. Seeking a better future, they embarked on a long journey to reach the kingdom, where they hoped to find their Glory days. Upon arrival, his father decided to join the House of Axes as a grunt. His family, sharing his ambition, joined the house as auxiliaries. Following his father's way of life, Florian also took up the position his father once held. Not that he had much of a choice.

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Steam Name: Lekoboi
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:491764502

Discord Name & ID: Lekoboi / lekoboi

Please clarify what your character's name is (I can't read that font)
--- OOC Section ---
Steam Name: Chance
Steam ID: 76561198038505656

Discord Name & ID: chance22

Company History: It was formed some six or so years ago by veterans of the northern border. Hardened veterans or even the barbarians of the north themselves, the men of the marches come together as outside threats lessen and the treachery and scheming of rival houses comes ever more so into the folley. An important role is played by the lowborn mercenaries, that of those who do the work nobody else is willing to, rather work that a reputable house wouldn't want to be seen doing.

The company is loose and disorganized, with its founder long forgotten; rather, it is a band of men seeking fortune in acts of inglorious origin acting locally out of taverns or hideouts. Rather than a real mercenary company, they are more of a loose idea of what one should be. Having been sent home from the north en masse, these men now seek to apply their work once more.

Character Name: Alfonzo Arbalaster
Character Role: Hired Thug - Lowborn
Character History:
"What could pass for a shot these days? Shitstains like you belong with the tribals down in that bog and dirt." - Captian Myrill reffering to Alfonzo shooting out a companymates eye.

A crosseyed fool, one of many from the Axe fiefdoms. He was born a lowly stablehand who was pushed to service as the marches grew wild and fell in with the company. Lousy with a sword he was given a crossbow in the hopes of him doing less damage with it and not get his companymates killed in melee due to his unreliable nature. Rather he proved to be just as much of a danger both to his company and the barbarians they were usually after. Eventually he was sent packing and followed a trail back to his homesteads only to find it burnt down by a rival house who raided the lands. He began to roam as a vagrant begging for coin and drink, eventually being called upon by one of his old 'friends' from the company. A favor to be paid for shooting out his eye and work to be had, he had little choice and accepted making his way to a dingy tavern.


The South Baford Trading Company was established nearly a hundred winters ago within the heart of the southern continent. A minor yet humble company under the firm grasp of a well-off family of merchants peddling goods from distant lands. Founded by their ancestor, an unusually well-travelled nomad carrying with him little to nothing of worth beyond his possession of writings. He claimed to have returned to his ancestral lands previously studying within the merchant states of Saffanaida. In a land familiar yet so foreign to him, he amassed a small fortune where work could be found. Nearly every coin found itself funneled into a vision past down. To construct a new beginning of stability for their sons and grandsons after them. And through three generations, the business was handed down, from father to son.

Now, nearly a thousand years since the Sword-Saint put the Witch-King to the sword. The company finds itself under the second generation, soon to pass unto the third. Ran by a balding grey-haired man known as Theoric of Yelufa, their caravan returns home from the Kingdom of Grappa.

What has become of this world? The greed of man knows no bounds, corrupted beyond measure. Irredeemable by all standards. Fighting amongst one another, led astray and made a puppet of Northmen spreading falsehoods across this continent. Man's betrayal was burned into the memories of our kin. We've built them cities, fed them, clothed them, provided for them. Yet, they became drunk with reckless abandon. Referring to us as heretics, demons, spawns of the devil. Persecuting and driving us to near total extinction, what remains of us today is but a slither of what we once were. The blood that once flowed through this family has withered away. The blood of my forebears, a once powerful mighty people. Left but a fraction of what our honor and prestige once was, muddied by generations of humanity's blood until it overtook our own. Our relatives forsaken us, banished to the far reaches of this world where no one may find them. Us few who were left behind sat in silence. Waiting, wondering.

Still, our family is bound to our Imperial oaths. In the footsteps of our ancestors, we dedicate ourselves to the preservation of the Empire's remnants, our history. We were once a family of Imperial Scholars during the days of the Great Empire. We never accepted to simply abandon our oaths as if it meant nothing to us. For it is foretold that one day, our legions rebuilt anew will emerge from the Forbidden Lands, and shall march carrying with them peace and prosperity. Yet, this is all a mere rouse, a fairy tale. I have travelled all across the continent. I've seen what humanity has built, what they aspire to become. The point of no return approaches our people, their inventions and minds will soon eclipse any hope of our return. We must act soon. Unite what remnants remain. To stand in solidarity with Foundation.

If not now, then never. The last moon of our Empire has passed, soon will come the last moon of our dreams.

Steam Name: Furious
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:543970363
Discord Name & ID: furious01​
  • Character Name: Theoric of Yelufa
    Character Role:
    Merchant, Professional Heretic, Imperial Restorationist.​

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--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Purple Knight
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:63227876
  • Discord Name & ID: Purple Knight | _purpleknight
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Rosie Gertrude
    Character Role:
    House of Swords local blacksmith
  • Character Backstory (Optional): A master blacksmith, betraying social norms, as a female, though she strives to empower women across the kingdom, by becoming the king's own blacksmith, showing her extraordinary skills in the art, she remains ever loyal to the king, and to the church.
Rosie began life from the mud, her mother dying shortly after giving birth to her, Rosie's father was left alone to raise her, Darius - Rosie's father, was a blacksmith, as were his family before him, though Darius knew peace would not last long in the kingdom, he knew he had to protect his daughter, Rosie was always a curious type, and she often spent many hours watching her father work the forge, instead of conforming to what social norms would expect of a woman, as she grew up, she spent much of her time helping out in the fields, often challenging herself to perform the same physical tasks the men did, and so her statue grew, she was often shunned, both my men and women, for not conforming to the expectations of society, but she cared not.

Rosie took up the hammer in the forge in her teenage years, and began finally, to learn from her father, the years of his experience being taught to her, the generational knowledge being bestowed upon her. Darius was always supportive of Rosie, after all, he wanted a son, to take his place when he grew too old, so to see such potential come from his daughter, brought him immeasurable comfort.

Rosie's keen eye, and attention to detail added to her work, improving upon the skills and drills her father taught her, so much so that a local lord noticed her work, and asked her to prove her skill to him, and so she did, providing him with a sword befitting of the lord, with fine detailing encrusted onto the hilt, and artistic designs forged into the very metal, but design wasn't enough, she proved the sword's power, by slicing through one of the local butcher's pig carcasses - After agreeing with him to do so of course. The lord was immediately impressed by both the beauty, and power of the sword, he demanded Rosie attend with him to present the sword to the King's Champion, and from there, she was granted access to the greatest forge in the kingdom, the one used to supply the King's men, she had finally made something of herself, after all the ridicule and abuse she'd suffered.

Rosie went on then to prove to the women of the kingdom that social norms were a farce, displaying herself proudly as the King's blacksmith, showing women across the kingdom that they too could be capable of accomplishing whatever they desired, and that a life lived upholding social norms, was not something they had to do.

Rosie continues her adult life working the forge, making friends with those under the king, having finally stopped being shunned for her role, she finds herself quite relaxed, friendly and out-going, she maintains her helpful disposition, often times fixing various things for the locals, should it be in her skillset to do so.

EDIT: Additional stuff:

Rosie's work became synonymous with perfection, though many very talented blacksmiths existed among the realm, her work stood above the rest, the stunning beauty of her decorations merging perfectly with the power and durability of her steel - there was a reason she was considered the master blacksmith, every great sword she'd make, balanced and sharp, strong enough to cut through even chainmail armour, every mace she forged was strong enough to crush even the most robust plate, every spear, capable of felling even the most thoroughly bred war horses, every shield - capable of deflecting even the most powerful of blows, every axe, tempered to cleave through flesh like a hot knife through butter.

Due to her almost unnatural ability to create these perfected weapons of war, she earned the right to charge the obscene amount of gold she does, for those with the money to do so, would line up to buy the strongest weapons in the realm, though her work became inaccessible to those without a healthy amount of gold, it would become legend to them, a goal to reach, that every man wanted to one day earn enough to be able to own her work, the work of the defiant blacksmith.

Rosie worked happily alongside her equal, and opposite, the master armourer, Heinrich. Though she recognised the look in his face at first, seeing a woman working such a prestigious forge? Surely not, but after some time of working together, eventually he'd learn to accept her, she often tests her weapons, and his armour, displaying the feat of the legendary pair as almost a community show, displaying the best weapons of the realm, against the strongest armour the kingdom can produce, and so was born, their friendly rivalry, Rosie always attempts to make weapons capable of breaching Heinrich's armour, as does he, forge plates and chain designed to protect against the lethal capability of her weapons, a rivalry which sparks innovation between the pair, constant improvements, and an ongoing competition, often ending in one or the other having to buy a flagon of ale in the local tavern.

Pride, and defiance, the story of the kingdom's master blacksmith, the attributes she credits into each work of art she produces, the pride of her legacy, and the defiance of being the first woman to work the king's forge.

Though she takes pride in knowing she produces the kingdom's finest works, she remains willing to show amateur and professional blacksmiths her trade, showing them how to improve their blades, she refuses to become complacent and selfish, choosing to become a pillar in the blacksmithing community, perhaps another breach of the social norms expected of her role, she seeks the betterment of the kingdom, not just her purse.

In the most recent days, outside of her regular workload, she can often be found late at night, working on a sword for the king, a personal project, designing and forging a sword worthy of him, something that displays the highest quality she's capable of, something of outstanding beauty, but of equally deadly capability, she pours her blood, sweat and often tears into this sword, constantly scrapping failed attempts, if one could ever think of her work as a failure, she knows she's capable of forging something truly special, and she will not stop until she has it.
--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: cjtn10
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:65155396
  • Discord Name & ID: cjtn10 325702184236744705
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Meredith Lovelace
    Character Role: House of Axes Alchemist
  • Character Backstory (Optional):
A renowned yet friendly and caring alchemist in service to the House of Axess (Name will be updated by whoever takes over), she passes her time day by day producing various concoctions and brews to remedy the ailing and sickly within the house's land. She has since been inducted into House of Axess service for her profession in the field of alchemy and medicine, tending to the wounded warriors of the house.
--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: candmle
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:84468152
  • Discord Name & ID: funksalot
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Carling <Lastname>
    Character Role:
    House of Shields Family Member
  • Character Backstory (Optional):
  • An aide to the Lady or Lord of their tiefdom, they have taken a more 'spymastery' role to assist their head-of-house. Employing subterfuge and sneakcraft to ensure their position remains firm- alongside the position of the lady or lord in the kingdom. ..Should they not seek to usurp them. Some murmurings have been heard of this figure's old ties to witchcraft, or attempts thereof to conjure such powers-- though they're surely unfounded and speculatory.. ..Right?


    Now, I don't want to make a massive or flowery backstory, as I don't want to spoil too much about the character publicly. When this is being judged, please contact me over discord, and I can drop a full exposition that I've written in prep for the character. :)
Accepted as Carling Akarnis
--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Bi-Em
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:116393258
  • Discord Name & ID: Bi-Em / bi-em420
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Eberhardt the Erratic
    Character Role: House of Swords Local Alchemists
  • Character Backstory (Optional):
Eberhardt The Erattic is a well know Alchemist within the territory controlled by King and House of Swords.

His potions are told to bring great results to those that dare to partake in them, but at the same time it has been said that half of em bring "Bizzare" side effects which few suspect aren't accidental.

Eberhard earned his title of "The Erratic" due to his sudden shifts in emotions and actions, know to be calm in one moment and in next throwing a cauldron of failed potion out of window.

Those who dared to listen to his ramblings have also found, that he often can change the topic of his speech within seconds, from talking about why he needs spider eyes, to how flowers of Aliva are best served in Tousant stew.

If you are powerful both in spirit and mind.
If you are calm and collected.

Then you shall get through his trials and earn yourself a reward you so desire, and if lady luck grants you fortune, you shall walk out of his store with nothing but the effect you so wanted to achieve.

But if you wake up with Donkey ears next morning?

Well it was your decision to buy a potion from
Eberhardt the Erratic!.

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Divine
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:63629212
  • Discord Name & ID: ._divine.
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Morgan Falke
    Character Role:
    House of Shields; Priest
  • Character Backstory (Optional):
Pending. Church Rework will be more expansive.

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View attachment 36585
View attachment 36586

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Cengo
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:113942347
  • Discord Name & ID: cengo62
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Roran Brightflame
    Character Role: The Lowborn
  • Character Items -> a Guitar , Bard Cloths, a Longsword

Steam Name: Taliazure
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:67985352

Discord Name & ID: Taliazure
Applying for position:

House Shields
Proven warriors employed by the lord to serve as dedicated soldiers and officers to the local militia.

View attachment 36587
Denied. Still unclear what role you're applying for.
  • Steam Name: villeneuve​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:216239824​
  • Discord Name & ID: villenora - 971116966762913853​


View attachment 36590

An idealized portrait of Carol Strickland the Third.

A bloodline of originally peasant levies turned enrichened nobles as a reward for their loyal service spanning several decades, The Strickland family has long served House Arkanis in its endeavors. When there was a necessity for the clashing of swords and the marching of troops, the Lord called upon the Stricklands for assistance. The call was, of course, unconditionally heeded.

All for the House.

Carol Strickland the Third had become the second member of his bloodline to act as the Champion of the Shield, trailing his long passed father in his footsteps - a warrior with a well earned legacy - in almost every waking moment of his life. Indeed, life as a child of Carol the Second was not merciful. The days were long and the nights were cold, the metallic plate little times having more than stale bread. A form of discipline that the current Champion had never recovered from, instead letting it stew and feed into his already poisonous psyche.

Yet, Carol strives to achieve successes in his life that would make his father finally proud. A thirty something year old man chasing the approval of a person deep within the grave, something he will never achieve. Does he know this? Naturally, but he does not accept it.

At the core of Carol Strickland is an open hedonist with a narcissistic complex. A half competent warrior who unpleasantly boasts many of his achievements - some heavily leaning into the territory of fiction - to those who grant him the time of day. A man so in love in himself that he would rather let the entire world as he knows burn down than admit the truth: that he's flawed and insecure. A delusional fool with illusions of grandeur, someone who hopes to eventually become Lord himself.

Despite his many defects, mental and physical, there exist ounces of positive attributes. His loyalty to House Arkanis and all it stands for is unfeigned and boundless, oftentimes going great lengths to do what he perceives to be right for it. Aside from dedicating his life to the House, Strickland firmly follows Reverend Falke's teachings to a T -- his sentiment against any and all forms of witchcraft something that echoes deeply within the Champion's chest.

So much so that he's willing to kill for it.
Accepted. Demoted to House Shield (Normal Footsoldier) rather than champion.
Application format.

--- OOC Section ---

  • Steam Name: RileyTheRoomba
  • Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:128264964
  • Discord Name & ID: RileyTheRoomba
--- IC Section ---
  • Princess Berenice Hait, Flower of Modora

    View attachment 36589
  • Fair Daughter of Peor Hait, Sister of King Leopold, envy of many

  • It is said that the world and its borders stretch far beyond what the mere imagination can conjure. Surly shores of ashen sands and mountains of black rock. And we, fair people, be fated to see them only through the tales spun by fireside.

Adventures are reserved for the few. The fictitious. Those larger then life, who in their resolve cast doubt upon the very way of nature.

To be as them. To be free.

- - -

It is said that three midwives had been necessary to deliver her to this world. Or so recounts her maids. Prattlesome things, yet her greatest of friends in a home that offered few. Tremendous pain inflicted upon her Mother, for a creature so small as herself.

A youth spent spinning the wheel and plucking the springs. Lyre and loom a love no different then knight and mare.

Seldom did Father's courtier's prove of much company. Men who think with prick as opposed to heart, and women who wield a smile just as easily as they would stiletto. The vultures she had come to detest.

Dreaded was the hour of departure. That fateful inevitability. When her Father would call upon her to take oaths under God, and let a man take her as his own.

She would not deny him. Not that she could.

But she could outlive him.
--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name:
  • AlexGuinea
  • Steam ID:
  • STEAM_0:0:484840441
  • Discord Name & ID:
  • alexguinea ford_michigan
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name:
  • Johnathon Brownfield the 3rd.
    Character Role:
  • Lowborn (farmer).
  • Character Backstory (Optional):
  • Johnathon is the 3rd generation in his family to continue the farm. It has grown their wealth and position. At first their town was some shacks and mostly serfs slaving away. But by now the town has grown and the family now has a two story house with a cellar which houses their share of the produce. As of current the fields are near harvest time and only about a week remains. And if this harvest goes well Johnathon might be able to grow the family and town once more.

Steam Name: boots
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:194599358
Discord Name & ID: @swaats

  • vL3iBNC.png
Esteemed from a house long known as a symbol of hope and strength. Much like his father and his father before him, duty calls.
A resolute soldier of the militia clad under the blue banner, raised to this lifestyle from young.
Tradition supersedes him. The heirloom rests on his head; a refined iron helmet with several embellishments whom represent his loyalty.

The lineage of the Demont family originates from a silver spoon.​


The youngest member, forced to abide into tradition of enlisting into the militia and to serve under the Lord's banner. Like his father and his grandfather before him, all were members of the city guard and held the city walls when war came. The family heirloom was passed down to Armond; a stellar aegis the size of a grown man, made of refined oak and clad in steel, a painting of the house's azure banner strewn across the front display.

Their roots link back to before the magic sundering. With a tinge of curiosity in the occult and yearning to devolve from his 'forced' conscription bestowed upon him by his father, Armond seeks to find scriptures of old detailing what powers the millenia old deceased Magi once held.

Youngest of his name, the latest addition to the noble family.

Member of a noble family, dragged to the militia by the will of his father, to accompany the family lineage and honor tradition as their bloodline has done since the felling of the Witch King. In eternal servitude to the lord of the house, having amassed unpayable debt in lieu of opulent wealth. Their fortune is nothing but empty promises, which they pay off in their political and military influence, pulling strings among the commonfolk in hopes of gaining their favour and tilt the scales towards the house of shields.

The man is honorful and shy of any deceit, but sometimes difficult situations lead to hard choices. A magic artifact is what he tells himself he needs to clear away the family's debt.


--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Bounter
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:56174230
  • Discord Name & ID: Bounter & bounter_


--- IC Section ---

View attachment 36603

  • Character Name: Sobiemir "Dryg"
    Character Role: The Lowborn - Mercenary
  • Character Backstory (Optional):

    Sobiemir's origins are somewhat of a murky mystery, due to the conflicting stories he, and people who have occasionally encountered him have stated, alongside him not being oversly significant. So because of this, here is the most agreed upon version, that's the most commonly spread.

    Sobiemir, was presumably, and most probably born as a bastard child of a random Feudal Lord, which in certain gossips and tales, is assumed to be the Head, or one of the family members of the House of Axes, however, as of yet, there is no confirmation of it. He was born specifically in the region of one of the Grappa Twin-States, namely Tulizzia, where he had to grow up with only his mother, and her relatives (namely Parents of hers'). Thanks to that, Sobiemir wouldn't starve, but he still had work relatively hard, in numerous jobs, such as a stable-hand, construction worker, courier, and much more until eventually, he's decided to join the Tulizzian army army at an age of 24 in the nation's capital Kent, where recruitment took place, due to the constant warfare against Foundation, and in order to obtain additional savings for his family, to allow for a slightly better situation, as he wasn't planning or staying in the army forever.

    And stay in the army he has not! While he did get into the army, and stayed there for quite a while, fighting off against the constants attacks from the Foundation's army, for quite a while (around 4 years - Causing him to be the age of 28), he, or rather, his fellow soldiers, met and awful end... After a complete loss, at a Battle of ------ , pretty much all of the Tulizzian soldiers, died, or were captured. The few lucky ones, including Sobiemir, ended up basically deserting, as he would rather live, than die. If anything, that was a smart move. If he were to return to his home, he would be murdered, and his family imprisoned, for his desertion, rather than fighting or being killed by the "HERETIC". Instead, his presumed-death, brought his family a slight compensation, and because of it, he essentially took on a new place in his life.

    View attachment 36613View attachment 36612
    (His most common combat equipent - From left to right: A metal Buckler (40-50 cm) and a 1 handed sword)

    Using his military experience, and somewhat of a decent skillset, Sobiemir became a Mercenary, getting paid in gold, coin, and other goods, for fighting for multiple different nations, banners, lords, and leaders. And while he missed his homeland of Tulizzia, he would eventually stop sighing every night he wasn't there. And would keep it as a warm, and good memory, despite the issues he's had with it, which in hindsight, he learned were somewhat noticable. With enough time, and lots of years thought, a more mature Sobiemir (aged 35), earned himself a title of "Dryg" which in his language (or culture is it?), means "being able to do something" or "being talented at someting". Afterwards, he was invited, and eventually joined a mercenary clan called Black Eyes, as one of the "Lost Swords". (Small custom faction by @BrennenW05 )

    View attachment 36640
    JUST - His experience in the army, and also general world-view, makes him a Just person, that always lets the law, reason, or general humanity, decide specific aspects, or outcomes, if need be. Wether it's giving a compensation, proper payment, treatment, rewards, and so on. Always, prefering to keep things fair and justified, rather than not.

    View attachment 36638
    CALM - Level headed and understanding, Sobiemir generally isn't a person that people consider rude, or overly angry, causing him to be a generally liked fellow among his fellow mercenaries, or customers. Rarely "explodes" with anger, or lets rage get the better of him.

    View attachment 36639
    FICKLE - Due to his nature, changing, and his profession as a Mercenary, Sobiemir quite often changes his allegiance, at least when it comes to his "employers" or "Lords", without really having a single God or Master. While, that doesn't mean he is fully disloyal, or a traitor, he is ot going to hold most to heart, unless they're his close kin or fellows.

    View attachment 36642
    GREEDY - His constant need to find work, and earn the coin for his family, alongside his current job, has made Sobiemir... Quite a greedy man. While he won't kill people over money, he is by no way a "saint", and will generally try to keep his own coin and monetary nominals to himself.
Application format.

--- OOC Section ---

  • Steam Name: Peryite
  • Steam ID: 76561197998688490
  • Discord Name & ID: Peryite peryite777
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Johan Saltz
    Character Role: Peasant
  • Character Backstory (Optional):
Uh... Accepted? Denied? You didn't ask for anything so you don't get anything... Which is what you're asking for?

--- OOC Section ---
Steam Name: puritan of videogames
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:129032618
Discord Name & ID: filterfeeder

View attachment 36610
House Name: House Conrad
House History: For as long as the Kingdom has existed, the King has required his most forthright men at all times. House Conrad traces its pedigree not back to the ancient lords and rulers of the Kingdom and its descendant, but rather the outlying barbarians that had once plagued it in its infancy so long ago. Several centuries of concessions to these Goth-likes had lead to intermarriages and eventually the pledge of House Conrad's ancient ancestors to the King, swearing fealty to him. The early House Conrad acted as auxiliary turned full-time border troop, who under a king so long ago fought wars in his name and flying his banner to expand the bounds of the Kingdom. These new nobles fancied themselves their titles, the King's finest daughters, and his most green lands. In return, they would wear his colors and fight for the Kingdom should it be aggressed.

Now, the modern House Conrad has grown to become like any other noble house. The only hints to their former ancestry comes through their martial prowess - following in the footsteps of their forefathers, House Conrad prides itself upon its well-trained and maintained force of retainers, men at arms, and their general disclipine. While their holdings may be smaller compared to the other Great Houses, House Conrad keeps a spread-out set of villages and manors that produce a well-taught and equipped levy troop. House Conrad frequently hosts tourneys and jousts, inviting the other Great Houses to send their sirs and knights as a codpiece-measuring challenge.

Life within a House Conrad hold as an average serf is not too unlike the others within His Majesty's grand kingdom. Most serfs attend to the harvest, working only for the harvest - where collectors of the House Conrad then ensure the King's cut is sent back to him. Other then that, House Conrad does not directly oversee their villages and manors, of which that is the discretion of the village's lord and mayor. The autonomy, albeit heterodox for a house such as Conrad, allows for a body less likely to revolt due to their higher freedoms.

In recent times, House Conrad has begun a small expansion unto the fringes of the Kingdom. The current lord of House Conrad, Audoen Conrad, has grown discontent with the size of his possessions, and opts now to expand outward, perhaps to the dismay of His Majesty as he makes schemes without official sanction.

Character Name: Lord Audoen Conrad
Character Role: Lord, House of Axes
Character Backstory:​
The tenth in a line of successors to the original Conrads (a civilized name of their original people's moniker, the Cyrs), Audoen inherits many of his forefather's characteristics. He has a bushy beard much like them, a set of short cropped hair, and flies the same yellow banner with a black lion and its four-pointed tail upon it. He also sports their same stubborn streak. He is not a pragmatic lord.

Audoen has not met a problem that cannot be solved by sending a garrison of men-at-arms to wave swords at it away, yet. Diplomacy with the House of Conrad to other houses has perhaps been at its worst point yet, for not many lords seek an audience with a blatant warmonger (an irritable and stubborn one) at that. He perhaps takes the legacy of his ancestors to the extreme.

To seek his house's personal glory, he has begun schemes in order to expand the holdings and lands of his House Conrad. There exists fringes beyond the Kingdom that he would like to pacify, subjugate, and make fly the yellow-and-black banner. He has not yet wed, preferring to go on campaigns to pursue his own legend. (There are not many campaigns within the borders of the Kingdom.) Needless to say - a more wise King would be disapproving of his acts, should they turn public.​

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: RedHotGinger
  • Steam ID:
  • Discord Name & ID: redhotginger
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Cador Arkanis
    Character Role: Lord of House of Shields
House Name: House Arkanis (House of Shields)

View attachment 36601Cador Arkanis

Lord of House Arkanis
Keeper of the King's peace
Retainer of the divine Fief

Cador is an aged lord in the same regard the stones of his keep have seen many moons. Once a grand warrior of his house, having put down many bandits (and suspected bandits) in his prime - such winters are long behind him. He now lives at the age of Seventy-seven. Withered he may be, life still stirs within his bones and despite his unmaking at the hands of time - he remains alarmingly sprightly for his age. Far from his sword-spinning tales of glory, but enough to wander the keep at his own pace, and shoulder off the bothering of weaker peasants.

A devout man in his youth, now fervent in his twilight years. His hatred of magic is matched only by his blanketing misogyny, and distrust of all things foreign to his sacred lands. No fool is he however, wisdom has not left his white-knuckled grasp, though blinded by zeal and hate he may be. A warrior's determination and years of experience may just make the difference in the weeks to come.

He bears a traditionalist mindset, regarding religion as his guiding beacon in life, allowing the priesthood to conduct duties with little to no interruption - as such is their divine mandate. Delivered by an equally divine king, to whom his very life and line he owes entire. Yet, perhaps something stirs still?

Secrets have ways of coming back to haunt those who keep them, willingly or not. The omens have been read, and he knows well that hardship is afoot, perhaps war. Perhaps something far less glorious. Though the old empire has fallen, by hands of his ancestors grabbing swathes of glory he could never match, his heart yearns for something more. A burning regret is encased within - as if so much went undone in a life wasted.

Despite all the bitterness he houses for all things magic, and essentially anything unknown (for what cannot be known surely cannot be trusted) he has a more tender regard for his family. Women with his blood are just about the only kind he can muster respect for - and he holds many ambitions for mighty sons be them near or far. This is not to confuse him with an overtly tender soul, even towards kin. Zeal does not abandon him even within familiar halls, and all share the same expectations of service to the King and the Divine.

General traits
View attachment 36607

Defensive: By tradition of house and duty - this man prefers reaction to action.
View attachment 36609

Zealous: All else is second to the Divine and all chosen beneath it.
View attachment 36614

Unforgiving: To defy ones lord, is to invite death.

The House...

The symbol of Arkanis. Said to represent the divine blade that grew from the Earth
to provide a lord anew.
View attachment 36595

House Arkanis is a line descended from mysteries, information blurred and forsaken even by most or perhaps all of its living members. Such ignorance is both curse and blessing, for its absence provides a comfortable purpose and standing in society. Yet so too does it limit and corral them - without ever knowing.

Officially, House Arkanis comes from a common assembly of surviving lords that once fought against the Witch-king's tyranny and wrath. Though it is often agreed this was done under a forgotten name. Records show no mention of the ancient house, inspiring many wondrous tales of how such a state of things came to be. Most assume that a distant daughter of the outer-family was the only survivor of the realms war against the witch-king. Thus, resulting in a slow repopulation of the family's numbers - which eventually overtook the name she was married off to years prior. Internally, it is often cited that the first king [Name TBD] - holy in his selection - cast a ball of spittle upon the bloodied pools of the last dead son of the forgotten family - in which the natural energies congealed, growing a boy to bear the name Arkanis in his service for all time. The child itself plucked from a plant stem that grew as a sword blade, still wielded by the house's champion even today - the most holy relic.

From this point, Arkanis served the line of kings as a faithful house - never rebelling or casting doubt upon his divine mandates. It took little time for them to become not only loyal but pious in their deference towards the high lord. Bandits and rogue man eaters alike were cut down - along with peasants who failed to pay proper reverence towards their king, either in worship or taxes. For decades, this continued, until finally earning their ultimate honor during the Rebellion of Yelkala…
After a failed assault by another house's host, a route ensued which saw Yelkala troops storming towards the borders of The Kingdom in great numbers from the Mountains. A troop of nine knights alone guarded the pass from several hundred soldiers, shields braced for three nights. Eventually, one champion was selected as the ranks finally broke to retreat with the divine blade ‘Loams blessing’, the very same sword rumored to have formed the stem of the spawning plant.

Riding through enemy territory, chased by cavalry while on foot, this champion of war found his way to the borders of the kingdom, his efforts and the efforts of all his now fallen knights buying enough time for a border guard to be established from fresh troops. As such, the tradition of Champion Of The Shield began - often referred to as a shieldmaster internally. Blessed by both priest and lord - the highest martial honor any could hope to hold. It is said that the lords of Arkanis would sooner let their armies leaderless than appropriate an unworthy Shieldmaster.

Given the several instances of their militia going untrained and unwatched by a vacant opening through the years - this seems to be no exaggeration or jest. As such, any champion deemed worthy is treated with great value, spoiled almost as the king's own blood could expect. Though becoming one is far from easy. Champions of the house take pilgrimage to the border of the Forbidden lands, forced to stand sentry while facing its shadows without motion for three days to earn their honor. Fending off terrible beasts or bandits (All of which may or may not be the delusions of the dehydrated). To even partake in this - one must earn the honor of entry from battle valor prior.

House shields are subject to far less scrutiny, but historically have been known to be overburdened with duties due to the lack of any present shieldmaster. In such times, an odd beckoning of politicking has been known to occur by the two officers charged with the militias organization. It was not uncommon in times of a champions absence for house shields - or at least one of them - to take unofficial control of their duties...and thus unofficially hold all their power, save for the divine sword itself.

The common folk expect a fairly just life - provided they walk a very fine line in regards to the houses extreme adherence to religious protocol. Empire sympathy's, blasphemy and general remarks against the king are met with severe punishment at the worst of times. Given the houses proclivity towards heavy equipment, their blacksmiths have a tendency to not only be treated with a degree of respect - but also have been known to be some of the finer tradesmen across The Kingdom. Though, exceptions exist to every rule.

So it has been for many years, the militant defenders of The King stand tall within their keep of zealotry and martial prowess. Their love of battlements surpassed only by devotion to the words of priests given a potentially uncomfortable amount of sway within the lord's ears for generations. But they have remained loyal for centuries - but who can say what comes next.

General tid-bits of information to possibly be expanded on within RP
  1. Arkanis soldiers specialize in defensive measures, wearing heavy armor that protects from the fiercest blows. Each plate blessed and cleansed by the priesthood before battle.
  2. Generally has close ties to the religious elements of The Kingdom - both in history and action
  3. Presents with a questionable history. Where the truth begins and ends can be difficult to discover...perhaps its best not to inquire.
  4. The house Champion is honored to carry a relic of a blade - 'Loams blessing'. It is extremely valuable to the family.
  5. The house does have a behind the scenes secret present. Wont reveal publicly, since it defeats the point.

A minor lord requests permission to make use of his keeps privy
during a Shield occupation, amidst a border conflict.

View attachment 36742Arkanis has a long history of ‘borrowing’ keeps or holdings from smaller houses during times of crisis or war - often in advance of said events coming to pass. True to their doctrine, the house loathes an offensive, and thus will often bargain or coerce their way into the keeps and holdings of minor lordlings which are expected to encounter future hostilities. These arrangements are always temporary, ceasing at the moments a store passes either in peace or fury. This does not prevent a fairly considerable imprint to be formed upon the lesser houses of The Kingdom however.

Though it is the priesthood which enjoys this imprinting of ideals the most. When word of the houses newest nomadic intention comes to pass, a convoy of priests is sure to follow in it's wake. Using the houses extremely generous tolerance of the faith, and newfound temporary control of whatever land they now occupy, the faithful use this as an excellent opportunity to preach the good word. As well as burn suspected witches, repurpose commoner wealth, hold trial of suspected heretics and generally reassert any lost notion of authority more distant, smaller, fiefs may have forgotten.

As for the Arkanis house itself - general improvements to fortifications, local martial training and increased order are all they seem to impose. Benefits that fade quickly in their absence no doubt, after returning home once their objectives have been met. Fortifications and keep improvements are particularly prone to degradation in the following weeks. Many would say its decay is a result of the added structures withering without the presence of the faithful. Some others might suggest the House has no real intention to ‘uplift’ a smaller one with its works in any long term capacity.

Regardless, this practice has been done for generations, nearly since their name was founded upon the stones of their own fiefdom. In this respect, all pay attention to whatever hovel the shield occupies, themselves acting as a sort of compass for upcoming conflicts. Much to the king's chagrin any time subtly would be preferred. As if the Shield is braced towards your land - it can often only mean one thing.

Some permanence has been found within the Yeluka’s abandoned lands however. Given no formal peace agreement was ever founded between the rebels and The Kingdom, the shield has been braced towards the mountain pass for nearly an entire generation. Leaving the home fiefdom to be operated by several smaller houses - entrusted to not attempt any tricks in the main forces absence.

The line of kings has largely tolerated this tradition, if not only because it has resulted in a more secure border in times of crisis. However, it's unlikely to have gone without controversy with the larger houses - who remain immune to these antics due to their increased status. Yet, some may have still viewed such actions as blatant overstepping of charges and possible threats to their own security.

Chronological Drawing of Bardin smith demonstrating the potential of firearms
he forged to Cador Arkanis, as well as Cador's champion beheading him shortly after.
View attachment 36745There is little more in the world that the Shield loathes than firearms. No matter the form, no matter the deployment or measure of grace instilled therein - no such equipment is tolerated by the Shield internally or otherwise. Even in the face of allies can these modern devices stir great controversy amidst the nobility of the house. Blacksmiths are forbidden from working on these trinkets under pain of death - no matter who instills the request. Men-at-arms are effectively barred from ever wielding one.

The House would claim this is due to the magical origin of the weapons. After all, what else could create such harrowing sounds and fiery effects? Any claims of natural chemistry are waved away, as is typical of such issues. The shield's intolerance of magic is nearly unmatched, and firearms more than appear to be mystical to the untrained eye.

Though this may be somewhat misleading. Arkanis has long prided itself on the finest armors, the thickest shields and the most ornate pauldrons. Armor of their house is the envy of war, and it is said entire battles have been won only due to enemies breaking rank in their haste to loot fallen Shield knights. There is no sword or axe that can hope to penetrate or even impose threat to it's users. Even maces can only be swung desperately in the face of house champions, praying a mighty strike chances the perfect angle.

Firearms are known to change this order of battle. Whether the ornate mastercraft of House Arkanis, or the pitiful runoff produced by other armorers, one shot is all it takes for a firearm to smite such warriors. Such a shot need not even come from a trained man - but a peasant with a lack of self-preservation and a trembling hand. To this end…not all loathing may be faithful, but rather practical.

*Certain information is liable to change as other applications are submitted or further lore is revealed for the setting...

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: loy_yodz
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:226483213
  • Discord Name & ID: wakkawonka
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Knight Jometh Hilltop
    Character Role:
    The King's Swords
  • Character Backstory (Optional):
    View attachment 36617

    The once young Nobleman of the Hilltop Family, Jometh, had been charged with sedition to the Crown many years ago. He had once choice, serve the Crown with his life for the rest of his days or be outcasted to the Sea.
    He took his chances under the mercy of the Crown.
    Much time has past since his crimes, and most do not even remember them. The brute, now known as Knight Hilltop, has rebuilt his life and wishes to settle down. He has proven his worth, and most of the Kingdom does not care for his past. But will the Crown be forgiving and let him finally lay rest to start a family before his days end after nearly 40 years of service?

Denied. Suspicious Account.
--- OOC Section ---

  • Steam Name: legendary cornhole caster
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:455782278
  • Discord Name & ID: wacklyy
--- IC Section ---

  • Character Name: Konrad Seusenhofer
    Character Role: Local Armorer - House of Axes
  • Character Backstory (Optional): Konrad Seusenhofer, a skilled armorer in his middle years, the trusted craftsman to the noble House of Axes, notable for his ability to forge armor that balances both strength and efficiency. Konrad was born into a relatively small sized family, having only one sibling. Konrad's skill of metalwork comes from his father, who at that time, was just a regular armorer to the King. Ever since his early days the art of steel is all Konrad has ever known.
--- OOC Section ---

Steam Name:
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:419613166
Discord Name & ID: thinpress

--- IC Section ---

Character Name:
Manuel Seusenhofer
Character Role: Local Blacksmith - House of Axes
Character Backstory (Optional): Manuel Seusenhofer was born of a rough background to a small family, under the influence of his father, he poured his heart into the metalworking profession. Over the years, Manuel became a mighty fine blacksmith after journeying the lands with his sibling to find a place to live out the dream of their late father, his work & skillset was significant for the House of Axes, where they found him & his brother worthy enough to wield the hammer & steel.
--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Gambler_Skeleton​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:119030185​
  • Discord Name & ID: gambler_skeleton

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--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Ser Reynard Lambert
    Character Role:
    Champion of the Axe​
  • Character Backstory (Optional):

    There are few who achieve the height of nobility from the grounds of mud and decay, from the very bottom of the surface, living amongst insects and rodents. Ser Reynard was of no renown from his birth, he was not born of nobility, no significance was found when he first laid eyes upon the world, merely another to tend the fief, another mouth to feed in an already impoverished household. He was born of three brothers, a father, and a mother, holders of the Mill for a local town residing within the domain of the House Conrad. The life of such simplicity was never one so easy lived, the lands became more brutal with every passing day, this much was known by all. His father, the Miller, was known to dabble in a side business, not unlike a majority toiling in such a field, who found themselves typically drawn to the illegal and disloyal in order to supply for their families. Thievery and counterfeiting in the form of coach robbing and the selling of these relinquished goods were what was chosen, or placed, upon his father. In the daylight, the hours of the Mill worked ordinarily, farmers visited and grain was processed, when night came so did other, more unpleasant, figures. The Father stashed these stolen items behind the building, a hole dug in the ground fitting a shallow grave, holding gold bathed in blood. It was a schedule, the rest of the family learned to turn their backs on the killings and robbery that no doubt unintentionally carried on with their father's wishes. All but him, the youngest son.

    Reynard was no stranger to death, he had witnessed his first by the age of five, in the form of a public execution by hanging within the center of the town. It only became more and more present with him while time passed on, his father's dirty work soon had spread to the young mind, by only his fifteenth age had he been following them out on the unsavory tasks that had been chosen by whatever robber baron or brigand had ran the operation. It initially was merely carrying the weight of stolen food, supplies, even trinkets and gold that had been taken to then be hidden and later sold. Soon enough, he was then offered a blade, a small and meek one fitted in his palm and carried to the dirt roads in the forests that surrounded the village. His father detested it, but the more contribution that was made, the more payment they had received, and so this questioning and concern had quickly faded. He was trained from these youthful years to wield his blade by one of these brigands, taught how to properly swing without losing a finger, where to aim to inflict the most pain. It was simple, but enough to deal with the untrained guards following any of the caravans, or so they had thought. In truth, it had mattered little by the end, there was only one fate that was befitting of such a life. It was never going to end well.

    It came in the midst of a successful robbery, one where blood was shed by the weakened peasantry that had held up arms in defiance, the group was looting from the corpses and back of the wagon they had assaulted, only for a pause to break the silence, the sound of galloping on an empty road. Lances, spears, blades dug into the backs and chests of each of the brigands, pierced by a cavalryman no doubt sent from the local garrisons to clear the roads. In the end, it was only he that had remained. Five corpses lay beside him, one including his father, who he did not dare look upon in such a state. He knew not why he survived, but in his young mind in all of its naivety, thought it to be an intervention of fate itself. In reality, it was likely that the militia that had dealt this killing blow took pity on the child, leaving them to their wounds rather than in a ditch on the road like the rest. He returned to the Mill alone, delivering the news to the rest of the family.

    Shock and mourning passed quickly, income became the primary most concern. The eldest brother took up the mantle of the miller, while the rest were to aid him. This however only lasted a few years, and the payment that was gained was never enough to supply them for long. A sickness passed through the town, killing off both the mother and eldest son, leaving only the middle and youngest brothers. They had survived, though were not to live together. The middle son fled the Mill, and was never heard from again by Reynard, who was abandoned, left to grow alone. And so to, without any other options, did he come to leave the home to rot, discarding his previous name and taking up a new one, leaving his own history, all his ancestors and blood behind, leaving left of his past but an unbroken link somewhere in the corners of the land. Reynard Lambert was the adopted name, holding no past, no accomplishments, nothing but a blade sheathed on his hip.

    In the coming days, he traveled to a nearby city, where he was taken in by a local mercenary company in service of the House Conrad. A peasant with no purpose and the decent knowledge of a blade was a rare enough sight, and numbers were needed in the next campaign. He was properly trained, in time he fought battles many of which were against the very people he once dwelled alongside, a purpose was finally found in the way of the blade, in the death and destruction he had known, in the violence and bloodshed. Above all, in the profit that was to be gained from it. His prowess showed true, in only a few years was he given a proper title, a horse to ride with the cavalry, and a lance to skewer an opponent. His name was yet to be known, but it was one he was prideful of.

    In recent years, a tournament hit a local city that the company was garrisoned within. On break in a tavern he heard of the opportunity to participate in a duel, the promise of battling against the very Champion of the Axe himself. He had not known the name, only the title, and that was enough. He was older than him, pale beneath a suit of plated armor, while he was dirtied and battered, draped in only a mail hauberk. He entered the contest, a duel begun with the triumphant echoing of trumpets, both figures approached each other steadily. The blade of the Champion was thrusted out, only to be caught by his own. He wrapped his gloves along the edge of his own blade, halfswording it while the pommel was then rammed back, bashing against the visor of the Champion. He stumbled, winded. A toothy grin was made by Reynard, only to be caught off guard by an incoming swing to his shoulder. The blade slid on the mail, though the impact was heavy, he thought his arm dislocated, and was left defenseless against an incoming charge by the Champion, who rammed him to the dirt. Blows were knocked against his jaw, teeth spat out, blood seeping from his lips. He flipped the grip, both rolling on the ground, an elbow rammed to the neck, while a dagger was unsheathed. The Champion did the same, mustering through the pain, but unprepared for the brutality that he was facing. The dagger plunged into his side, the tip tasting flesh, but he had aimed more vital. The blade was dug into the neck of the Champion, twisted, blood was spat into the visor. The bodies hold went limp. He had won.

    For his efforts and prowess, Conrad himself had named him the new Champion of the Axe from a mere man at arms. Service and loyalty was a new concept for him, but it was a promising proposition, one only a fool will neglect. He hardly even spent the time to offer his farewells to his former allies in the company, to the manors of the capitol he rode. An outcast in the lines of nobility, those who had earned a position through birthright, his had been gained in blood. While he is older now, more experienced, those days of his youth had never left him. Always a creeping burden, a weight pressed on the back of his mind. A past that was left a stain on his very name, his position, and a brother who still yet lives, with the potential to spoil all he has gained.

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--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Stationrush
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:60277174
  • Discord Name & ID: stationrush
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Ser Alaric Armitage
    Character Role:
    The King's Champion​
  • Character Backstory (Optional):

Ser Alaric Armitage
The Knight, The Devil and Death

Alaric bursts awake once more in his bed in a cold sweat, heart pounding from his chest. The candle by his bedside cast shadows on the walls of his chamber, morphing into the figures of the fallen from past victories and past defeats. He covers his ears, hearing sounds of battle trying to engulf him within his chamber, eventually fading into silence. For months, Alaric has been tormented by dreams and nightmares of past battles, clutching a sword and only feeling empty space. He is convinced he is possessed by the devil.

Long ago, Alaric once believed he was the greatest soldier on the continent, his reputation was forged in the fires of countless skirmishes and epic battles. From Lendanschmidt Castle to Yelufa, his experience from fighting all over the Kingdom has evolved into military strategy of unparalleled cunning and decisive tactical knowledge. He closes his eyes and recalls when he was young, his greatest victory at the Battle of St. Augustus. Luring the pretenders' forces into the cold icy river with his men-at-arms, while his cavalry crashed into their backside. The river running red with blood marked his triumph for the Kingdom and his own personal glory. His name was synonymous was victory, but that was a long time ago. With the arrival of peace, victory has only left him with horrors.

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Battle of St. Augustus, Slaughter at the River

He awakes once more shouting for mercy. He is in front the doorway that he has dreamt of his years now, seeing the same assailant before him. The arrows phases through him and pierces into the man that he swore to protect. The former King's cold eyes look upon Alaric with disappointment and sadness. No failure has ever scorched his resolve, until now. Before he can even mourn, he is proclaimed the Kingdom's monarch, temporary as it may. Leopold, too young to be at the helm, shifted the Kingdom's responsibility to Alaric. He learned quickly in statecraft and wrangling the court's politics and all its levers of power. Always more to be done, always someone else to appease. Days felt like years; years feeling like decades. All the while, guilt of the old King's death hanged like a noose around his neck. Alas, his skills in statecraft and domestic diplomacy proved to keep the realm in content, and build connections with the lords of the realm. Despite his youth, Alaric was more than glad to step aside and pledge allegiance to the new King.

His "possession" is impacting his life on every level, and attempts to look to The Church and harness piety to resolve his internal dismay. However, the path is long and requires a patient man's will, something he has never been too fond of. Faith is not something completely foreign to Alaric, but rather a path unexplored. Still, he seeks to grow closer with God, rid him of his demons and looks to find people who will help him devote himself more to his faith. May the Lord send someone to help guide him through his journey.

But as his pious devotion deepened, so did his paranoia. Although peace remains as the status quo, the enemies of Christ are everywhere. The Pagan heathens in the south, the traitorous pretenders in the east and rumors of a new 'Khan' in faraway lands greatly raises suspicion of all forces, both foreign and domestic. He has helped guide the
King through the years and acted as his trusted advisor through all military matters. As the temporary monarch, with all its enemies both outside and inside the Kingdom, his patience has already been run into the ground. Trust is a limited resource; none which he gives to the foreign agents that seek to destroy this Kingdom. His paranoia has elevated a new thought; that to secure a future, aggression and projecting power across the continent is the only guarantee. To Alaric, warmongering and blind loyalty are impossible; there are only 'pre-emptive strikes' and absolute devotion to the King.

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Suspected enemies of Christ begging for their lives, only execution will ease the Court's worries.

Alaric awakens a final time tonight, from a dream of him in front of an abandoned bridge, cloaked in thick fog. His desire to reach the other side is being beaten by his fears and woes of his past. He must tread carefully, he should seek more connection with the Lord, favor his sound strategy and seasoned diplomacy in all conflicts, or else be consumed by paranoia and doubt of his friends and enemies and be destroyed by the Devil's works. For the King, he will undertake this transformative journey and take upon all burdens.

Let all the Kingdom hope he overcomes this malaise, reveal his warrior spirit once more, before it is too late.

The 'Temporal King' looks out to the vastness of what was his domain- now the young King's domain. Despite his youth, he must succeed.

...If his youth proves incapable, The Temporal King's subtle hand will shape the kingdom from the shadows.

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--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Gun_O
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:443280635
  • Discord Name & ID: @sealus
--- IC Section ---

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Heinrich the Armourer
Armoursmith for the King and the House of Swords

An old geezer simply known as Heinrich or Henry to the commoners. His clothes are usually dirty, stained and smell of smoke, but the locals don't seem to mind. People know and respect him for his calm and collected demeanor. One of his favorite pastimes is going to the local Inn in the evening to drink beer and play dice until he gets sent home by the Innkeeper or City Garrison.

Skilled in making and repairing various types of armour, he spends most of his days at a forge with his apprentice. Having shared a large workshop with the previous blacksmith Darius, he now frequently collaborates with the former blacksmith's daughter, Rosie, to produce armour and weapon kits for the King and his soldiers. Despite initially being skeptical of the girl, he grew to trust her and her work.

Having access to more advanced materials and tools than other smiths, he can offer more services to the locals. Heinrich is no cheapskate, his plate armor is exquisite and expensive, but he also offers mail armor and brigandines for the less fortunate men-at-arms for reasonable prices.

--- OOC Section ---

--- IC Section ---



"Be at ease, we are all friends here, are we not?"

  • Character Name: Marquis Nekran Blackwood

    Character Role:
    House Blackwood Family Member (Brother of the deceased King), Spymaster

  • Character Backstory (Optional):

    Nekran Blackwood was born slightly after King Peor, failing to secure himself the position of a King. At first, during his childhood nothing was off, yet as time moved forward, Nekran began manifesting worrying characteristics both mental and physical.

    He fell ill at the age of 12, suffering from leprosy, and skin deformation which caused him to become physically unattractive. Shortly after, he was found uncannily attracted to the tales of old, mentioning magic and creatures that sprung forth from its manifestation.

    The King's scholar began investigating this strange phenomenon, tying it back to the times of the Witch-King. During those ancient times, it was found that he had uttered a curse on the King's bloodline, dooming each eighth child to suffer from such thoughts and various physical illnesses.
Thanks to his brother's intervention, such stories kept to being mere rumors - and roughly three years later fell even more silent when the scholar who insisted on informing the church disappeared mysteriously. It was at that time, when Nekran was 15 that he had discovered the art of plotting, scheming, and ultimately silencing individuals who crossed him.

Aware that his chances of taking the throne were slim, he turned all of his attention to hiding his true intentions from both public view, other lords, and most importantly - the church. Missing out on the pleasures of love he instead opted to master his web of influence, mastery over his own body, and mind.

Whenever possible he attended secret training, studied alchemy, and pursued forbidden knowledge of magic. Though unfruitful in the latter, he had never given up - his fervor even more sparked when Leopold was born thus reassuring him that the throne would be passed on to someone else.

Many an unsavory individual knows Nekran, the syndicate often relying on this secret connection to find mutual agreements in questionable deals. Hidden under the cloak of a Royal Spymaster, he acts both inside and outside of the castle. Oftentimes he stands on top of the highest tower, gazing deeply towards the mist-ridden Forbidden Lands...


In excitement...



  • Steam Name:
  • Dazor
  • Steam ID:
  • Discord Name & ID: Dazor/dazors
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Lord Cedric
    Character Role: King's Family Member


Lord Cedric
Brother to the King

"Strength is forged in the crucible of adversity. Those defiant shall learn that only through fire can true power be wielded."

Lord Cedric, the current King’s brother and next in line, was an imposing young man in his late teens with piercing grey eyes—a peculiarity that fueled rumours of him being cursed His dark hair, often falling over his face, and the scar running from his left eyebrow to his cheek spoke of a violent childhood. Unlike his forebears, known for their honourable and straightforward nature, Cedric was stern, manipulative, and cunning. He valued his house above all else, believing only its strength could keep the kingdom prosperous. Anyone who stood against the House of Swords met their fate by the sword. This ruthless dedication earned him a reputation as a manic, dangerous boy since his youth, a sentiment that only deepened with time.

Despite his cold and unyielding demeanour, the King recognised his brother's potential. Cedric’s intelligence and ruthless efficiency made him a valuable asset. While the King ruled with a measure of justice and diplomacy, Cedric served as his iron grip over the lesser houses, ensuring their loyalty through fear and strategic intimidation. His actions, though controversial, were undeniably effective. Cedric's unrelenting commitment to the house's dominance and the kingdom's stability positioned him as a formidable force, one that even his enemies could not easily dismiss. As tensions within the kingdom and beyond its borders rose, Cedric stood ready, a beacon of enduring strength and unyielding resolve.



Decieptful Wrathful Content
Accepted. As said in DMs, I am expanding the "King's Family" role and decreasing the "King's Swords" to fit you in.

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: MazuzaM
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:520927466
  • Discord Name & ID: MazuzaM 770284971557650472
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Ecgberht Æthelthryth
    Character Role: House of Shields, Local Blacksmith
  • Character Backstory (Optional):

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Florian came from a peasant family belonging to a foreign culture, not of this kingdom. Seeking a better future, they embarked on a long journey to reach the kingdom, where they hoped to find their Glory days. Upon arrival, his father decided to join the House of Axes as a grunt. His family, sharing his ambition, joined the house as auxiliaries. Following his father's way of life, Florian also took up the position his father once held. Not that he had much of a choice.

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Steam Name: Lekoboi
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:491764502

Discord Name & ID: Lekoboi / lekoboi
Accepted as House Sword.

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: ItsLiam
  • Steam ID: idk
  • Discord Name & ID: itsliam010
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Jeremiah von Auger
    Character Role:
  • Character Backstory (Optional):
Born to an illegitimate relation. A disgrace to this world, a piece of fucking shit, someone who doesn't deserve to be breathing.​

A child of a noble, and a slave. The child of a whore of a mother, someone using him as a tool to progress further in life. Once the noble got note of this, the only person you ever loved in your life got murdered in cold blood.

Only the noble knows this, the others see you as a lowborn. Jeremiah von Auger, you're the one destined to be the opposition, destined to be the one to end your father's reign. From sticks and stones, to iron and silver, you will make your way up the ladder, one day... Being able to end what your father started.

You must do what is right, what is right in -your- mind. You know your own story, you know the end of it. You're ready to sacrifice it all, hoping to gain it all.
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Steam Name: Jumbi-sama
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:123018325

Discord Name & ID: jumbisama & 543470101895053333

"Fuck the King's Army. Fuck the Kingdom. Fuck the King."

Efran once a Honorable Sergeant in the King's Army, now a shameful deserter, a coward in the eyes of the King and his army.

Now he makes his bread by being a wayfarer, a thug, bandit, robbing and killing.

He has no empathy, he was born into this world seeing its cruelty, if someone is weak they are better off dead.

Efran, godless and dishonorable. Only thinks of himself, gold and survival. He had enough of doing the works of nobles who sees him only as a meatshield, if he is destined to die he'd rather die for himself.

Personality traits:
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Vengeful: Efran is not as forgiving as others. He did not forget the lords and nobles that did him wrong. If he is to to take rertibution against them he would do it in a heardbeat.
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Greedy: Money and Gold. That's his only care. If you are not willing to give it to him then he'll take it off your body.
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Cynical: Religion is the tool of the king and nobles. Something to fight for but in reality it is for their own interests. It is nothing but lies.
Lifestyle and Education traits:
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Tough soldier: Reliable prowess in martial matters.

Confident Knight: Familiar with the ways of their culture's traditional combat.

Physical traits:
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One-eyed: Lost an eye from the end of a sword, now he wears an eye patch.
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His body trained and formed as fit for a once soldier.
--- OOC Section ---

Steam Name:
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:105803156
Discord Name & ID: serhan#6219

--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Michel
    Character Role:
    Tavern Master (Lowborn)​
  • Character Backstory:

--- House Section ---
House History:
Bamforth, C. W. (2023). A brief history of beer. In Oxford University Press eBooks (pp. 20-C2N14). https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780199996742.003.0002
Ancient Origins
Beer is generally considered to have originated approximately 8,000 years ago in Sumeria, within the Fertile Crescent (which would include countries like modern-day Syria and Iraq) although Patrick McGovern, a renowned archaeologist who has long focused on alcoholic beverages, points out that there is evidence for beer-brewing at a Chinese site, Jiahu, a good thousand years earlier. It seems that this beer was produced from rice, wild grapes or hawthorn fruit, and honey. It is poignant that this location is also where the first Chinese written characters are to be found.

The reality is that beer probably emerged as a beverage by happenstance in more than just a couple of locations. There is evidence for the domestication of corn in the New World 8,700 years ago, and the stalks may have been used to make a brew.

Beer was consumed throughout the Middle East but, as a drink, it would hardly have borne much resemblance to what most of the world today regards as beer (with the exception of many indigenous brews still to be found in villages in Africa and Central and South America). According to Delwen Samuel, a distinguished researcher from the University of Cambridge, England: Beer, together with bread, was the most important item in the diet of the ancient Egyptians. Everyone, from Pharaoh to farmer, drank beer and no meal was complete without it. Beer was much more than just a foodstuff. In a cashless society it was used as a unit of exchange, its value fluctuating just as currencies do today. Furthermore, beer played a central role in religious belief and ritual practice. Offerings to the gods or funerary provisions included beer, either real or magical.

Samuel’s archaeological pursuits have unveiled the remains of beer solids crusted to the inside of ancient vessels, and among these solids were found fragments of grain. She has painstakingly examined these remains using techniques such as scanning electron microscopy and has made proposals as to how beer was brewed in Egypt 3,000 years ago from malted barley and a primitive type of wheat called emmer, a process that the Egyptians adopted from the original brewmasters of Sumeria and Babylon. Indeed, the original Sumerian approach, as written down in the ancient Hymn to Ninkasi, was taken by Fritz Maytag, collaborating with historian Solomon Katz, in the production of such a beer at Anchor Brewing Company in San Francisco. (I asked Fritz once how it tasted. “Not very good” he replied, “but we had great fun doing it.”).

The techniques applied in the brewing of beer by the Egyptians seem to have been quite refined. Quite how the first beer was developed several thousand years prior to this is unclear, but it might be anticipated that its origins were founded on serendipity and were linked to the baking of bread. Most commentators suggest that batches of barley must have gotten wet through inadequate storage (rain was more plentiful thereabouts than it is now) and, as a result, they started to germinate. Presumably, it was found that drying stopped this germination and, logically, the ancients would have discovered that this “cooking” improved the taste of the grain. Neither would it have taken them long to realize that malt is more nutritionally advantageous than raw barley: those eating malt would have been healthier than those whose diet included barley, and, for certain, they would have found their meals to be tastier.

It is supposed that the sprouted barley (forerunner to today’s malt) was made into dough before bread making, and then batches of the dough spontaneously fermented through the action of yeasts living in cracks and crevices in vessels (brewing yeast is not naturally found living on grain itself). Soon,
the ancient brewers will have realized that the dough could be thinned with water and strained as a precursor to fermentation and that the process could be accelerated by the addition of a proportion of the previous “brew.”

A range of plants will have been used to impart flavors, among them the mandrake, which has a flavor much like leek. The use of hops came much, much later. The work of archaeologists has suggested that in Mesopotamia and Egypt the characteristic tool of the brewer was an earthen vat. Certainly, hieroglyphics depict people stooped over such vessels in pursuit of their craft.

It has been suggested that the Pharaoh Ramses had a brewery that furnished 10,000 hectoliters of beer each year free of charge to those employed in the temple. Beer was staple stuff: the Code of Hammurabi, 1,800 years before the birth of Christ, decreed that those overcharging customers for their beer were to be drowned. It has even been claimed that modern civilization has its origins in the brewing of beer and that the urge to domesticate barley and cultivate it in a controlled manner for the production of beer was the justification for our ancient forebears settling in communities rather than pursuing a nomadic existence. It is said that the builders of the pyramids were paid in beer, bread, and onions. One suggestion has been that the word “cash” derives from the Egyptian word for beer, kash.

The Egyptians passed on their brewery techniques to the Greeks and Romans. However, in ancient Greece and Rome wine was the drink of the privileged classes, with beer consumed by the rest. Beer was not foremost among the developments bestowed by the Romans in the lands that they conquered. Pliny the Elder (23–79 ad), a Roman author, was almost contemptuous in his view that:
"People who live in the west have their own form of intoxicating drink. There are different techniques used in the various districts of Gaul and Spain, and the drink goes by different names, but the basic principle is the same: grain is steeped in water. . . . God knows, we used to think that Egypt produced grain for bread; but men’s vices are wonderfully resourceful, and a way has been found to make even water intoxicating!"

It seems that it was through a more northerly route that the Celts brought westward their ability to brew. Perhaps this related to the mastery over wood of the people of Northern and Central Europe, and their ability to fashion it into brewing vessels and barrels. Whereas the Greeks and others in the South were drinking wine from pottery, the German tribes were drinking barley or wheat-based drinks out of wood. Pliny encountered cerevisia in Gaul and ceria (ceres) in Spain, hence the brewing yeast named Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

In the first century ad there is mention of Britons and Hiberni (Irish) making courni from barley, which had probably been cultivated in England since 3000 bc. The Old Irish name for ale was coirm.

For the Danes and the Anglo-Saxons, ale was a favorite beverage, for grapes could not be readily cultivated in the colder northern climes. Beer was deemed the perfect beverage of heroes, and Norse seafarers were fortified in battle by the thought that, should they perish, they would go to drink ale in Valhalla. The Scandinavian word bjor is related to English beer.
Accepted. House 'God I Love Beer' will receive some light retconning.

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name:
  • Steam ID:
  • STEAM_0:0:39958603​
  • Discord Name & ID:

Character Name:

Arthur Lionheart

Character Role:

Champion of the Shield

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Shieldmaster of House Arkanis
The Champion of the Shield
Bearer of "Luam's Blessing"
Lionheart the Bulwark, a towering battlemaster, A devout follower of the Church and Arkanis. Wielding the holy blade of "Luam's Blessing". His title, and blade, earned at the Second Battle of Yelkala, the galloping of horses echoed over the hill, and a detatchment of a hundred soldiers having held the battlements of Yelkala, himself personally slaying dozens of soldiers with a swing of his blade. Towering over the herectics of all, breaking their morale as he wields a longsword like a toy. He routed the eastern raiders across the Yelkala mountain-range. The few heretics that remained in Yelkala were publicly executed, alongside the accused within the region, as the Lord decreed.

Thirty four years old, eighteen years of service, the first Champion since the reign of "Leopold the Steadfast", twenty years ago. The second Shieldmaster of his lineage, last recorded sixty years ago, his great grandfather. His loyalty tied to the word of God and Arkanis, his father, desperate for a son of which to regain the legacy of the Lionhearts, trained Arthur to wield his blade against the Heretics of the Kingdom on Behalf of Arankis. Indoctrinated to wield his blade in the name of his lord, and the lord of heaven. However, his loyalty wasn't completely blind, it was earnt.

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It was not the first time Arthur marched onto the Holdings of Yelkala, rain poured onto the muddy floor, and still. Lord Arkanis stepped confidently. The City rebelled, and the King demanded it quelled, and so that is what they did. The rain was the blessing of the lord, their arrows missed their mark. The gates fell, and the Lord Arkanis stepped forward, clad in plate armor and chainmail with "Laum's Blessing". With the blade, the enemies before Arthur fell, protected by his Lord, of whom he viewed as more than just man. Indoctrinated by his Father, nevertheless the Priests. His loyalty is placed on the anvil, and the trails ahead shall test his ideals.

General Traits
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Devout: The lord and house are one - Their word is decree.

Bulwark: A beacon of security - Nothing can pass.
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Giant: A towering figure - A foot taller than the tallest.

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Terence​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:37513070​
  • Discord Name & ID: Terence / .terence​

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--- IC Section ---

  • Character Name: 'Redbeard' Merobaudes Conrad
    Character Role:
    Family Member
    -- Character Backstory --

  • The Redbeard Merobaudes, the Drunken Axe - the Giant Clad in Steel.
  • An intimidating figure, standing heads above even tall men. His face is pockmarked with red, his nose is swollen and lumpy - greasy and spirits-eaten.
    Look upon him, and know the price of vice and sin. And, know, that he loves every godsforsaken moment of it.
  • -​
View attachment 36677"I've yet to meet a man who can outdrink me, View attachment 36679for it is quite hard to drink without a gullet for the spirits to travel. Tell me, do you feel different? Come, grab a cup - let us get you sloshed."

If there are words to describe Merobaudes, it is these five - vain, slovenly, brutish, stubborn, and lush. There exist no better words to describe the Drunken Axe, the Redbeard Merobaudes, a man who exists solely to drink, fuck and slay his way across the world. Lucky it be for him that he was born to a blueblooded dynasty, and not to pigstickers and farmers. He was born to noble men of great impiety, of bloodshed and death; truly, a kindred sort linked tightly with his soul.

War runs in his veins, as much does animosity and a crafty, savage and base mind. Much like his ancestors, even like his brother, he values the axe more than he does the written word, and takes to the bottom of his cups as readily as he may to a whore's bosom, or his axe to a man's head in the event he is slighted. He is a master of war, on horseback he is feared, and across the land many know him as the 'Red Beard', a man who's face is often slaked in blood. Many stories are spread of him as night terrors, to spook children into bed. A man of evil, of malice.

The eldest of the lineage still remaining of the Conrad dynasty, he gave up his claims to the throne in favor of his younger brother Audoen. He does not wish to rule, but to lead men into battle and die on the end of a sword. His purpose in life, his sole given duty by the Gods, is to fight and die for his people; for his family. Of all of the rumors, none know a guarded truth- his only love is his family. He would drop everything to fight for his ancestral folk, his blood.

If only he could drag himself from his cups, for the world would shudder in his wake.

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--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: big man on campus​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:33251082​
  • Discord Name & ID: big man on campus, bigmanoncampus.​
View attachment 36689

--- IC Section ---

  • Character Name: Brocard Conrad
    Character Role:
    Family Member
    -- Character Backstory --

    View attachment 36688
Ser Brocard Conrad, the Gambler

Brocard is many things: a tall man, a leader of men, somebody who knows their way around managing a village and its people, and a sometimes quick-witted individual. Those were the more generous descriptions applied to him.

The more scathing remarks?

A recalcitrant, hopeless addict to the roll of the dice. Hopelessly impulsive. A braggart in the company of his behemoth of a brother, Merobaudes, who towered over even him, but tellingly muted by his lonesome. A lazy halfwit, too occupied with spending his lineage's coin on pointless games and scams than to follow his real calling to lord over his land's subjects.

He was a man absolutely best suited for the luxury of a noble's life. From a young age, the lanky figure restlessly stalked the world outside; watching how the serfs toiled for their lords, learning the day-to-day life of the peasantry that hold up his family's magnanimous wealth. For much of his time as a young adult, this was seen as a chore. Something he had to do to make himself not look like a completely worthless lout in the eyes of his peers and family. That is, until he clued in on the activities of his titan of a brother. All it took was one off-handed comment from the peasantry, a snide remark, and soon enough his own curiosity began to pique.

The vices consumed him near whole. While his brother drank the tavern empty, Brocard was across the room, slouched over a table, dealing cards and rolling the dice in games of chance. What took his infatuation of gambling to the extreme was his first time trying it out; enchanted by the prospect of rolling in some extra money for himself, even if it was all but meaningless, he gave it a chance. His first night out, he cashed in a fat bag of coin by the end of it, charmed by an incredible streak of luck. That was all it took. Every night, while his brother set out to the towns on his mission to pillage the stockades of ale in their villages, Brocard more subtly avoided his responsibilities to indulge in his own fun, the same as his kin did.

Brocard is the youngest of his lineage. He stands in contrast with his two brothers, in that besides some basic, simple training, he lacks much of the commanding or militaristic prowess they do. He lacks quite the quick-thinking or sheer smarts of a suitable leader like Audoen, but enough so that the mind-numbing logistics of the day-to-day affairs of their land that are below their lord reach his governance.
OOC Section
Steam Name: Johnny Roleplay
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:44365118
Discord Name & ID: johnnyroleplay

Tymerlan, the Heathen
View attachment 36690

with hardship, there is relief. Tymerlan's life is perhaps no more then a tribute to this. Born as one of the mighty Kisti in the far southeast of His Grace's lands, a life of riding and horse-archery was his destiny. The untamed steppe was filled with the flow of silks, the plunder of raids, and prayers to a foreign prophet. Damned though he may be by the righteous king, Tymerlan has lived a life both of debaucheries and spiritual gnosis.

A sworn rider in service of his family, Tymerlan raided down into pious lands with his host until a wandering
Sufi came into his warband. A dancing man, speaking of forgotten mystical gnosis and the Prophet's words. This savage warrior was entrapped by a man both pious and mighty, yet would see the man slain by an ignoble Horselord whom did not take kindly to his revelry's critic.

With a noble holyman's corpse burried did Tymerlan journey west, lending his service as an archer to all those who would pay. Eventually, his services would find themselves in service of
the Lazic Free Company in their wars against the Northen pagans.

Perhaps these men of the West care little for the Heathen's words. But, they do care when his bow finds it's mark and his falcon their eye.

View attachment 36691
Denied. Suspicious Account.
Steam Name: Brother Shiftius II
Steam ID: 76561198155988671
Discord Name & ID: the_elites_are_blind_arbiter


View attachment 36694

Once my eyes were clouded, but now that they can see,
I weep with paradise that Thee have shown to me.

Once my ears were deafened, but now that they can hear,
I listen to Thine message whole whatever it may be.

Once my hands were idle, but now that they are free,

Forever shall I carve Thine work for all to feel and fear.

"...And fear they shall."
Pending. Church Rework will be more expansive.

--- OOC Section ---
Steam Name: 0xNiklas
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:424935776

Discord Name & ID: 0xniklastm

In case, I don't get the Champion role. I'd like to take the House Axe instead, as regular knight

--- IC Section ---

View attachment 36702
  • Chaplain Ansilo "The Resilient" Litawor
    >- Champion of the Axe -<
  • View attachment 36704
    "Lord Conard. I, Ansilo vow my loyalty to you and your family until my very last breath!"
The Resilient Commander, the Conard Loyalist - Spirit out of Iron
A tenacious commander who desolately trains his men for the dangers and fosters loyalty for the Conrad family

A warrior, a commander, a nobleman. Ansilo was born into the warrior life. His father"Witahali I" was the previous champion of House Conard and had served him for a long time. Through this friendship, Ansilo quickly managed to become a knight himself. When his father died one day, Ansilo moved up and was named champion. The initial period of his reign as champion, was clearly difficult. A decentralized system was intact and it had to be retired and the local militia were clearly not in a good shape. So Ansilo decided to promote the most competent knights and began to train his men mercilessly. But, not in vain. As a result, Ansilo distinguished himself excellently in military leadership and drill and thus gained the permanent support of the Conrad family. Ansilo is loyal to the Conard Dynasty and would do anything to serve them, even plotting to their advantage.


--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Merlinsclaw​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:63717084​
  • Discord Name & ID: Merlinsclaw​
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Bishop Brail Strumland
    Character Role:
    Local Priest​
  • Character Backstory (Optional): Included a bit about the church/religion. I would like to do cool stuff, please let me do cool stuff.​
Pending. Church Rework will be more expansive.

Application format.

--- OOC Section ---

Steam Name: The Sniper
  • Steam ID:
  • Discord Name & ID: Kaisler #3325

--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Richard Warwick, Duke
    Character Role: Head of the Warwick Dynasty (Shields)
  • Character Backstory (Optional):
Born into the prominent Warwick dynasty, Richard Warwick is the fifth in line to hold the title. A powerful and influential vassal and Duke in the King's realm, he is fiercly loyal to the King and an adherent to the principles of Chivalry. A religious man with a good heart, he seeks to atone for his younger life through prayer and goodwill. Rendered by battle of prior wars and engagement has left a bitter taste in Warwick's mouth, but he is a man of duty - and seeks to uphold the King's peace and judgement; whilst also caring for his feudal subjects. His fiefs are vast, but are known to be efficient due to his administrative skills and understanding of the plebs - the commoners. However, something is starting to change in the Kingdom... the rocks that it stands upon have begun to shake and it is unsure what the future holds in store for the Kingdom and House Warwick.

--- House Section ---

House of Warwick


House Name: House of Warwick

House History (Optional):

The history of House Warwick goes back long. The founder of the dynasty, Philip was a low-caste wrestler. His large size and demeanor caught the King's attention and his ability to wrestle large creatures mounted well. It wasn't until an assassination attempt on the King that Philip Warwick stood up and wrestled the assassin to the ground - saving the life of the King. Impressed and greatful, Philip Warwick was granted a position in the court as Master of King's Guard, a position that he solemnly built-up into an effective lifeguard. Through the years of war, Philip Warwick was rewarded for his services with a fief. House Warwick was small, but throughout the years it has built itself up into an influential and important power in the Kingdom - whilst retaining its traditions of the King's personal "Sword and Shield". Extremely loyal to the ruling dynasty, the Warwick's have aided in prior rebellion and revolts against the Crown; never wavering in their oath.

The Warwick dynasty has grown large, with subsequent marriages between other dynasties having strengthened its position and membership of the family. But beneath the polished surface, something has begun to emerge that seems to threaten the Kingdom.. dark rumors of betrayal. These must be swept aside, to allow the House of Warwick to retain its powerbase in the King's court and continue out its duties with diligence...


--- IC Section ---

Character Name: Crown Prince Majorian

Character Role: Crown Prince, eldest son of the King (King's family)
  • Character Backstory (Optional):
The first-born of the King and the subsequent heir apparent.

Crown Prince Majorian lives by a chivalric life and one of study. He is a fair and young man, eager to live up to his father's expectations. He excels in studies, both of the pen and the sword - bestowed upon him by costy tutors by his father. A righteous man of the fate, he is however - one of doubts. Ambitious for both power and knowledge, Crown Prince Majorian has personally interested himself in the management of the Kingdom on behest of his father to prepare him for his eventual succession. Something tears within the young Crown Prince however, he has lived in luxuary and solitude for most of his childhood - only now as he's gotten older and more adventourous he has sought to the outside. To his dismay, poverty, death and sickness alongside conflicts have left him cynical but still with a drive to make it better for his people.

Something... that most likely will cost him his life.​

Steam Name: Eviction Notice
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54479615
Discord Name & ID: evictionnotice

View attachment 36746

Character Name: Bodomér Folkus
Character Role: House Axes - House of Axes
Character Backstory: Bodomér is talented- talented with a sword, talented with a shield, talented as a tactician. There is however one thing he isn't the most talented at remaining: sober. A drink on the job is but a mere drop into a large bucket of revelry that this officer of the local militia partakes in on the daily and most are uncertain as to what the motive behind such a self harming ritual truly is. One thing is certain though: you'll always find him with a wide grin on his face, his voice making-merry with all those he surrounds himself with. Is it a mere mask one puts on, or has he just truly lost his mind?

Many seem to opt for the second option.

There are many a tale of what this lunatic of a knight has partaken in and came out alive of- one would struggle to find one which isn't completely ludicrous by-design, a majority having been concocted by the man himself. He's tackled otherworldly foes- man-pigs, werewolves, an army of toads on two legs single-handedly! He's travelled from the farthest reaches of the land to the lowest points of the valleys, some even say into the depths of hell itself to wrestle with the demon spawn that lurk beneath, not a scar to be seen as he does not get struck in combat, this is a guarantee!

Let's be frank: nobody knows why he's here or how he's here in such a position- but it works, so it hardly needs fixing, right?
Pending. Check DMs cuh!!!
Steam Name: colserra
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:51384357
Discord Name: colserra
Discord ID: 244800570827866112

The Medicus - Adam Shaw

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Character Role: Lowborn
Born to a family of shoemakers in a destitute corner of the realm, Adam was set out to become nothing more than an ordinary craftsman. However, at nine years old, his life took an unexpected turn as his parents fell ill with an unknown disease. Rejected by their community for fear of the disease spreading, the monks of the local monastery took the family in. They had been preserving and studying a number of ancient Roman and Greek scriptures, detailing the works of the great Hippocrates and many of his peers.
Over the following weeks, as his parents health was degrading, young Adam became obsessed with learning everything he could about the ancient wisdom that seemed to exceed the competency of all the local doctors that had fruitlessly tended to his dying parents. In the end, neither the doctors nor the monks were able to stop the progression of the disease that was ravaging Adam’s parents, and soon after, they were laid to rest.

The brothers decided to take care of the young boy, who had set his mind to mastering the ancient arts of medicine. They encouraged him and taught him to read Latin, but made sure to warn him to stay away from a particular stash of scriptures, locked away in the basement. To him they said these texts were sacrilegious, being of no value to any faithful man. But behind closed doors, late at night when Adam was asleep, they would confer about the real reason: These scriptures had been left with the order for safekeeping by a brother versed in the ancient arts of magic, many centuries ago.
Now, the texts themselves did not contain any magical secrets, only honest products of scientific endeavor. But the advanced knowledge in connection with its origin could easily provoke the wrath of the kingdom that was so hell-bent on eradicating any traces of magic from this world.

Of course, it was only a matter of time before the boy could no longer suppress his hunger for knowledge. One fateful evening, shortly before his eighteenth birthday, as the brothers sat in prayer, Adam breached the doors to the basement and uncovered the forbidden scriptures within.
Among these texts, Adam found scrolls describing many kinds of illnesses, many of which common to the people of his time, others never seen before by his eyes. They even included what seemed to be the ailment that befell his parents, and just as with many similar entries, a cure was listed. A fantastical substance that was said to heal many kinds of infections and fevers that would usually kill a man within days, being referred to as the Penicillium.
That night, Adam came to realize that neither the monks that had raised him nor the doctors of the kingdom were willing to embrace these truths, rather seeing them buried and forgotten out of fear. He copied as many of the texts as he could, hastily stuffed them in a bag and left the monastery.

Over the following years, he tried his best to apply his knowledge oView attachment 36754f medicine to help the people he came across, but his eccentric practices and behavior caused him to be thrown out of a few towns. Being rather young still, he tries to compensate for his lack of practical experience with his vast theoretical knowledge, oftentimes causing him to clash with local customs and believes. He had also developed quite a few nasty character traits over time, feeling superior to the local medical practitioners and oftentimes seeing the townsfolk as little more than moronic peasants. From his upbringing among the monks, he had picked up the habit of sprinkling Latin phrases into his sentences, making him seem like even more of a pretentious prick.
Behind closed doors, he is still desperately searching for that seemingly almighty cure he learned about in those ancient scriptures. Having learned about the origins of those texts, he is now starting to research what little he can find about the arcane as well, making sure to not let word of those endeavors reach the nobility.

I would like to have a space for him to practice in, ideally with some basic props (chair, table, shelf). If players will be able to easily obtain that by themselves during the event, disregard this part.
Would also like to have access to basic medical supplies. Given the setting and the character, he of course will not always be able to actually heal people, most of which will be done as roleplay only, using the supplies only for realistic and setting-appropriate treatment. IC reason for this would be that he has been in town for a while, being supplied by the nobility (as long as he doesn't get on their bad side of course).

Steam Name: The Dinkster
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:9373109
Discord Name & ID: Austin & austin4535
Ricard of Silvergarden - "The Foreman"

View attachment 36758

Ricard, a frugal man of short stature hails from the mining town of Silvergarden, a prosperous establishment on the fringes of the King's border producing silver for the realm's jewelers and blacksmiths. Being the son of the long-time foreman of the town's mine, Ricard established himself as an able miner and respected businessman. An ambitious Ricard secured himself a charter to develop a new iron mine near the King's holding to provide timely and quality material to the Realm's blacksmiths. He aims to have a productive enterprise, earn the respect of the Kingdom's Highborn, and ascend to become a notable lowborn.

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:49300762​
  • Discord Name & ID: fiercestwarrior​
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Samson of the Cyrs (Bastard of House Conrad)
    Character Role:
    House Axe​
  • --Character Backstory--

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Samson of the Cyrs

The runt of the litter, Samson was born to the drunkard, Merobaudes Conrad. As with most of Merobaudes' sons, Samson was conceived from a village wench, therefore being a bastard of the lineage. His father was only half-accepting the fact of Samson's blood therefore he kept him in employ to serve the family one way or another. Hard times create strong men as Samson was determined to become exalted amongst his family, he adopted the name 'Samson of the Cyrs', a title referencing his house's warrior ancestry.

Whilst his peers sought to drink themselves into submission or otherwise deliver drink like his bastard brother Malaric, Samson was determined to seek glory. Alas, as if it was divination from God, a crusade has been called to deliver the Foundation's undoing. Taking from his own retinue and sponsorship from his house, he marched south to make a name for himself and perhaps earn an estate or two.

However, Samson's lust for renown and prestige got the better of him. Instead of assembling at Lordsreach, he went straight for the golden goose, heading for Gert within Foundation instead. Reaching the borders of Foundation, Samson's army gained a Pyrrhic victory against his foe. Due to the nature of the victory, he was forced to lay siege to a barony many hills away from Gert. A siege thought to only take a few days, developed into a few weeks. Amidst the boring siege, a courier had delivered notice that Audeon Conrad has ascended in stature and has become Lord of House Conrad, with an invitation back to the Kingdom.

Uncomplacent with his venture, he returns to his home, donning new heraldry to boast his many fake victories within the Crusade.

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--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: judas​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:82016762​
  • Discord Name & ID: judas​

--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Volkrad Fausta 'The Firebrand'
    Character Role:
    Local Priest of the House of Shields​

"Burn the wicked. Burn the heretic. Burn the sorcerer. That the Lord may sift through the ashes and cast down their souls."

View attachment 36811
  • Character Backstory (Optional):

Lies, and deceit. Treachery, heresy, worst of all, sorcery. Volkrad sees them everywhere, these destroyers of kingdoms and slayers of kings. Little is known of Volkrad Fausta's past, those who would recognize him from youth have all either perished in flames, or long since fled to lands far away from his baleful gaze.

Those who do know would speak of a young man, born to a poor family of a name since forgotten, in a small village, seemingly destined for plodding regularity. The only notable feature of this mud sunken village being the presence of a small church. Volkrad, owing to his scathing intelligence and dislike for the games and distractions of his fellow adolescents, spent most of his time in this small church. The priest of this church, a quite lonely man, was more than happy to teach Volkrad the history of their world and of the Church, especially given Volkrad's eloquence and charm around the adults of his village.

Volkrad found himself enamored by the power of the church, and the stories of the destruction of magic. The more time he spent with the priest, the more he learned of the Witch-King, the greater his paranoia grew. Why does this lowly priest, in the boonies of the kingdom, know so much of the Witch-King and his magics? Why was he so willing to share them with such a young, impressionable, man?

Volkrad swore the fire that claimed the church and its priest was not of his making, that perhaps it was judgement from on High. All the same, the people of his village could not allow him to remain within their midst. Exiled, Volkrad made for the nearest city, where his skill in oratory and inflaming the passions of the people caught the eye of the Church at large. Sponsoring his formal education, the leaders of the Church forged themselves a new weapon.

Today, Volkrad travels through the land of the House of Shields, speaking to the common people of the threat of outside kingdoms, of their attempts to consort with demons, their sorcerous ambitions, and spreading the word of the Church. When the flames of war burn, it will be Volkrad Fausta holding the tinder.

Pending. Church Rework will be more expansive.
View attachment 36821

House of the Shield Mega Application
Led by
Lord of House Lupthen (@Asimo1234 )

House History:

The fouView attachment 36822nder of House Lupthen was once an ancient hero born within the times of the great Empire. Choosing to enter his house into the fight against the socerer-king the Lord set out to ensure the evacuation of many villages whom were no priority to the other nobility. The then Lord of house Lupthen managed to effectively delay the enemy to allow for these evacuations. He had established his militia into a chokepoint and held the line, letting the enemy break themselves upon it charge after charge. Truly the only way that they could have held out this long was through divine intervention! Hence the religious nature of the house. Through this selfless sacrifice, the local inhabitants they had protected named them their leader, thus ensuring the legacy of the house.

View attachment 36823
Ever since that time the house has been ensuring the safety of the peasantry by routing out wrongdoers, frequent patrols, and mercilessly dealing with criminals.

Over time the house had diverged from a "Martial Protection" to an overall protection. They were willing to destroy personal freedoms if it means collective security. The law is followed to the letter, but in return the hoarding of wealth was discouraged. The house prefers that every peasant has a pike, rather than a small force of men at arms.

Through this, the house has kept a vigil watch over their own lands, as well as the kingdom at large. Through any means necessary.

House's Coat of Arms
An Escutcheon of light vert holding
A Pall of Sable with an Orle of Argent
Damasked at the Chief by an Argent Horn bound in Lines of Gules
At the Sinister Base by a Gauntlet of Argent
And at the Dexter Base by the Lord's Bible.
Surrounded by a Mantling of Vert and Argent.

The Horn represents the unity and call of our house, bound in red, our blood.
The Gauntlet represents our strength, may it never waiver.
The Lord's Bible represents our faith in God, who will bring us fortune.
United they form the Shield of our Kingdom.
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Notable House Members

House Lord: @Asimo1234
Family Member: @Appi

Champion of the House: @Tuki
Shield of the House: @Stanford
Shield of the House: @Lucaa

Blacksmith: @Curbalas
Priest: @Kena

Character Backstories and OOC Information

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Pending. You may be given your own house.

--- OOC Section ---
Steam Name: Chance
Steam ID: 76561198038505656

Discord Name & ID: chance22

Company History: It was formed some six or so years ago by veterans of the northern border. Hardened veterans or even the barbarians of the north themselves, the men of the marches come together as outside threats lessen and the treachery and scheming of rival houses comes ever more so into the folley. An important role is played by the lowborn mercenaries, that of those who do the work nobody else is willing to, rather work that a reputable house wouldn't want to be seen doing.

The company is loose and disorganized, with its founder long forgotten; rather, it is a band of men seeking fortune in acts of inglorious origin acting locally out of taverns or hideouts. Rather than a real mercenary company, they are more of a loose idea of what one should be. Having been sent home from the north en masse, these men now seek to apply their work once more.

Character Name: Alfonzo Arbalaster
Character Role: Hired Thug - Lowborn
Character History:
"What could pass for a shot these days? Shitstains like you belong with the tribals down in that bog and dirt." - Captian Myrill reffering to Alfonzo shooting out a companymates eye.

A crosseyed fool, one of many from the Axe fiefdoms. He was born a lowly stablehand who was pushed to service as the marches grew wild and fell in with the company. Lousy with a sword he was given a crossbow in the hopes of him doing less damage with it and not get his companymates killed in melee due to his unreliable nature. Rather he proved to be just as much of a danger both to his company and the barbarians they were usually after. Eventually he was sent packing and followed a trail back to his homesteads only to find it burnt down by a rival house who raided the lands. He began to roam as a vagrant begging for coin and drink, eventually being called upon by one of his old 'friends' from the company. A favor to be paid for shooting out his eye and work to be had, he had little choice and accepted making his way to a dingy tavern.

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View attachment 36841

The South Baford Trading Company was established nearly a hundred winters ago within the heart of the southern continent. A minor yet humble company under the firm grasp of a well-off family of merchants peddling goods from distant lands. Founded by their ancestor, an unusually well-travelled nomad carrying with him little to nothing of worth beyond his possession of writings. He claimed to have returned to his ancestral lands previously studying within the merchant states of Saffanaida. In a land familiar yet so foreign to him, he amassed a small fortune where work could be found. Nearly every coin found itself funneled into a vision past down. To construct a new beginning of stability for their sons and grandsons after them. And through three generations, the business was handed down, from father to son.

Now, nearly a thousand years since the Sword-Saint put the Witch-King to the sword. The company finds itself under the second generation, soon to pass unto the third. Ran by a balding grey-haired man known as Theoric of Yelufa, their caravan returns home from the Kingdom of Grappa.

What has become of this world? The greed of man knows no bounds, corrupted beyond measure. Irredeemable by all standards. Fighting amongst one another, led astray and made a puppet of Northmen spreading falsehoods across this continent. Man's betrayal was burned into the memories of our kin. We've built them cities, fed them, clothed them, provided for them. Yet, they became drunk with reckless abandon. Referring to us as heretics, demons, spawns of the devil. Persecuting and driving us to near total extinction, what remains of us today is but a slither of what we once were. The blood that once flowed through this family has withered away. The blood of my forebears, a once powerful mighty people. Left but a fraction of what our honor and prestige once was, muddied by generations of humanity's blood until it overtook our own. Our relatives forsaken us, banished to the far reaches of this world where no one may find them. Us few who were left behind sat in silence. Waiting, wondering.

Still, our family is bound to our Imperial oaths. In the footsteps of our ancestors, we dedicate ourselves to the preservation of the Empire's remnants, our history. We were once a family of Imperial Scholars during the days of the Great Empire. We never accepted to simply abandon our oaths as if it meant nothing to us. For it is foretold that one day, our legions rebuilt anew will emerge from the Forbidden Lands, and shall march carrying with them peace and prosperity. Yet, this is all a mere rouse, a fairy tale. I have travelled all across the continent. I've seen what humanity has built, what they aspire to become. The point of no return approaches our people, their inventions and minds will soon eclipse any hope of our return. We must act soon. Unite what remnants remain. To stand in solidarity with Foundation.

If not now, then never. The last moon of our Empire has passed, soon will come the last moon of our dreams.

Steam Name: Furious
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:543970363
Discord Name & ID: furious01​
  • Character Name: Theoric of Yelufa
    Character Role:
    Merchant, Professional Heretic, Imperial Restorationist.​

Steam Name: Lord Cutler Beckett
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:65545159
Discord Name & ID: Lord Beckett / lordbeckett.

View attachment 36622

His Sovereign Majesty, King Basil IV, Blessed be His Name, Most Puissant and Most Resplendent Archlord of Illystria, High Duke of Sorrowton, Grand Prince of the Green River Valley, Archpalatine of the Cawold Plains, Defender of the Church and Vanquisher of the Heathen.

Character Name: King Basil IV of House Elderhold
Character Role: The King
Character Backstory (Optional):

Born the eldest son of King Louis II, Basil IV (previously known as William before he inherited the crown from his father) was raised in a household of utter privilege and prestige. Serving as the heir apparent for the first half of his life, William held a position of immense importance from the day he was born. Accustomed to a life of giving orders and receiving total obedience, the transition to King was only natural when his father was finally laid to rest below Sorrowton Abbey. Both a deeply religious and martial-oriented man, Basil IV held the Church in particularly high regard, using them to hunt down the many heretics and pagans within the kingdom, most of whom just so happened to be political rivals of the newly-crowned king. Since then, Basil IV has ruled over the kingdom for almost three decades, his word treated as divine mandate by his numerous subjects.

Having grown up in a realm of relative prosperity, the king has had little experience of managing crises or political upheavals. A strong relationship with the Church and a legion of loyal soldiers has ensured the king and his household have little to worry in terms of factional intrigues. Whispers abound, however, of a prophesized return of the Witch King to the realm. Such rumors have been explicitly forbidden by the king, who will not suffer to even have the words "Witch King" mentioned in his presence. Complacency has held the kingdom steady for decades, so little reason exists for the monarch to labor over an issue that surely shall never come to pass.

The king himself is mostly preoccupied with maintaining law and order throughout his realm, and ensuring strict adherence to religious virtues among all of his subjects. Church attendance has become mandatory for much of the countryside over the past several years, and every few years an inquisition is ordered to root out any traces of heretical corruption from the lands, although most seem to think this is just a tactic to keep the peasantry from growing agitated. A crusade has even been called against the Foundation, the last bastion of pagan beliefs in the known world. Rumors have circulated that the king may lead a crusading army himself, though such an action may mean major instability for a kingless kingdom back home.

As for the king's vassals, he seems to have maintained an iron grip on those he has named custodians of his fiefdoms. A strict hierarchical establishment governs the lands, with the king and his household at the top and the nobility just below them; lowborn filth are kept at arms-length, for it is unbecoming of highborn individuals to allow the unwashed masses to associate with their betters. Feudal society is despotic and unsympathetic, and it is something that Basil IV keenly supports. As the king often says, once the blood of royalty becomes tainted by those of the peasantry will the kingdom be led to ruin. Needless to say, maintaining tradition and conformity is paramount to the monarch, a notion that has been routinely instilled in his vassals.

For now, the king maintains near-total control over a realm that has seen relative prosperity define its character throughout all of living memory. As an absolute monarch, Basil IV has little tolerance for those who mean to upset the natural order. A burning hatred for heathens and an incessant paranoia of political detractors has created an atmosphere of fear and suspicion, something that may serve as a detriment were a crisis to erupt. However, such talk of crises are misplaced in the king's eyes. We have lived in peace for almost a century: what could possibly cause that peace to falter now?

--- House Section ---

House Name: House Elderhold
House History (Optional):
Hailing from the holdings of Green River Valley, the Elderhold family has held immense sway within the region of Illystria for over a millennium. With their near-total control over the farmlands within the fertile valley, the Elderhold house has held something of a monopoly on local food production, and as a result they have been able to field and support the largest armies over the centuries. Through an entrenched system of draconian peasant labor, the Elderhold house have proven themselves to be vicious taskmasters, working their tenants to exhaustion as they constantly plant and harvest the crops on the expansive Elderhold fields.

The peasantry have been kept in line through a strong religious tradition, which features an intrusive and wide-ranging system of parishes that keep tabs on their members and report any signs of dissent straight to the Elderhold house. The bond between the Elderholds and the Church has therefore spanned hundreds of years, with the Elderholds even being the ones to originally commission the construction of Sorrowton Abbey as a show of support. The relationship between the house and the Church is mutually beneficial and wholly inseparable—one cannot survive without the other.

While the Elderhold house has always been a noble one, they did not always hold the throne of Illystria. Factional intrigues throughout the centuries saw members of their house attain and lose the throne on numerous occasions. Their power was at its lowest during the time of the Great Empire, which saw a rival house hold the emperorship for an extended period of time. Although the circumstances surrounding the end of the Empire are not entirely clear, its end began a long climb of Elderhold power to its eventual zenith in the modern period. At the current time, Elderhold influence has never been stronger, although complacency and decadence have begun to appear within many members of the royal household.

Being an ancient and noble house, the Elderhold name carries with it an aura of both prestige and trepidation. Members of the family are known for using any means necessary to both maximize production in their fields and maintain control over the kingdom at large. Their relationship with the Church has ensured a level of legitimacy other houses can only dream about. Maintaining this relationship is vital toward warding off any threats that may affect the house. As the head of the household, Basil IV can point to a long and expansive line of predecessors, many of whom have become almost mythical figures in Illystrian culture. A sense exists among the population, however, that a series of great changes are soon to begin. Whether the ancient house can weather these changes remains to be seen.

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--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: LyingFox​
  • Steam ID: lyingf0x​
  • Discord Name & ID: lyingfox​
  • Leopold H. Blackwood
    The Young King

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  • View attachment 36727

    The larger details.
  • The now king and watcher over the lands, born a mere 16 years ago as the most recent king (Peor Hiat) had been deceased for over half a decade, a man who was the great grandchild of the one who slayed the witch, a large trial taking place amongst the House's to determine out of his three children whom to promote to king.
  • During Leopolds early years, born into a royal family was a blessing by who could only assume The Priest, from the House of Shields.
    as well in his early years he often snuck out between the Guards who now watch over him more directly than anything in his life; soon raising himself to be drawn to the Priest and his Religion, despite the draw between the houses.
  • His childhood was filled with riches and glory, never treated down upon within his secluded life from the outside,
    barely seeing or even knowing there were other people besides the army until he was Seven.

    as he grew up in religion, often praying and speaking the word of god alongside the Priest,
    begging for his uncle’s curse and deformity to cease, as well as for his good health as he had fallen ill.
  • Leopold grew to hate magic from tales of his father when he was still alive, looking down on it’s history despite his extreme-passive behavior.
  • During his young stages, the King’s Champion guided him in his life within the walls of the kingdom, showing him arts and items to do, yet something was off; something out of reach.

  • Seen as a "Kid", Leopold stood barely any threat in his young years, meaning from anyone wanting a nice head of a royal, killing him would be easy, and which it almost was.
    His first assasination attempt was under a Lowborn by the name of
    "Kenit Tow", a harsh battle ensued for the King's offspring to be protected, soon earning Leopolds first few of a near death experience, his pinkie finger slit off completely, this alone could be enough to kill a man from these early times, due to the low amount of medical knowlage.

    Though, if it was a gift from the accident
    magic or from skill, Leopolds finger was sued up.

    The man from the attempt was wounded heavily, the reward? Money.
    Soon, the man ran off to the outskirts of the city, loosing majority of the knights and protectors as he died to his wounds,
  • or only one could guess and assume he was, no body found.

    Soon after, another attack had taken place,
    The king's Champion sent out to guard his injured Child as he was left un-maned.
    Next thing he knew, a man stood infront of the doorway to the king, a bow and arrow in hand as a single let go of the tough string sent a arrow down to the king's frontal lobe, his body going limp in a instant -- as a second later.. second too late the
    King's Champion slayed the offender from behind, a sharp stab through and up the mans back as he pushed him off his sword, looking ahead as the man fell to the ground, bleeding from his wounds as he saw.

    The king had fallen, and the King's Champion had Failed.

    The King's Champion was marked as a temporal leader, due to the offspring being too young.
    Soon, when Leopold turned the ripe age of 16 from 11, he was marked up as
    King, the two other siblings of his residing
    around his age and marked under him to be next in line, unless the King had offspring.

    And there he was, Leopold the King on his throne, overlooking where he father sat with the now

    trusted advisor (King's Champion) guiding the semi-knowledgeable Kid, who was now King.

    The smaller details.
  • Majority of his physical attributes were hidden, taking insight and inspiration from his Uncle, he decided to as well wear a mask, not one that was steel plated, but one of a golden metal with a large holy cross down down from the frontal lobe; his height stays average at around 5’8” with a soft voice following overhead.

    In his life, Leopold grew to adore music, it being one of the few things he enjoyed the most in his secluded life in the castle, often asking his father for musical performances to be hosted, it was a slim chance this would be granted; but when it was? He had the time of his life.

    Leopold also grew to have a more energetic personality, eager to meet and do.
    This of course had it's up's and down's, but Leopold saw life as a experience to save.

    The boy also heavily depends on the King's Champion due to his shy nature, large meetings and gathering
  • for war are often a struggle for him, often having the King's Champion speak for him, though in time his shy nature may change.

    Leopold also had some other aspects in his life, he also grew to love Pastry's, mainly Apple Fritter's,
  • a creation made only in his kingdom by bakers in the area. A simple recipe that Leopold grew to love.

    His bond with his sister;
    Berence Hiat was strong, being one of the only people he could talk to on a basis on nearly anything, the day that she
    was promised and sent off to a separate house was a tough month for Leopold, the remaining two years feeling like a lone hell without his sister's bond.

    The boy also learned to love nature and it's aspects it brought into his life, gaining a love for scents and flowers.
    Strangely enough as well, the boy yearned for the color Purple, always fascinated in anything with the color on it.
    In all, the boy was calm at mind, what was there to fear anyways for himself? His life was filled with riches and barely any harm, what's another finger going to do?

    Though, he also was trained to defend himself by the King's Champion, barely learning how to directly fight however.
    Despite now being king, it seems he isn't fully fit, at least as of yet.

  • As read in his Journal.

    "Sometimes, I wish I was stronger, like uncle and My Fathers Champion."
    "I'm too weak.. I hate this feeling, whatever shall I do?"

    Leopold's physical body is slightly skinny, barely any muscle is built to him either.
    This of course, add's onto his attributes listed below.
    View attachment 36735
    Trusting : By heart and faith, Leopold is trusting to many, even when he shouldn't.
    View attachment 36733
    Extreme Pacifist : Only protect yourself, you should never attack first.
    View attachment 36734
    Forgiving : There's always a chance for everyone, even the worst.

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    Shy : Not used to large amounts of folk or people, whenever a crowd gathers, he hides.

    This as well, leads onto his birth and sub-traits.

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    Pensive : Often lost in thought and scared by the people around him, he prefers to rely on books and systems.
    View attachment 36737
    Weak : Not willing to directly fight, his attacks are lowered significantly whilst his defense grows large.
    View attachment 36738
    Stuttering : Finishing a quick sentence in a panic is a hassle for Leopold.

--- House Section ---

Kingdom Name:
Modora Dynasty
House Name: House of Blackwood

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During the Witch time of magic and healing, the one who slayed the Witch was a man by the name of Nardson Hiat, a fighter amongst the people and the one to bring some peace to the lands.

Nardson had a almost perfect knowlage of Magic, stepping down the knowledge or attempting to, to his offspring.
This of course and confused them, the knowledge passed by a book written by the man.. Soon lost by time in bookshelves below the kingdoms soil, magic long forgotten.

Though, one thing still remained, a new kingdom that had rose between nations.
From the beginning, they had large routes for trading across-water with boats and much early tech than other nations, setting a VERY large trading market throughout the surrounding nations, often marking off treaties with nations whom had little relations.

This opened a large market for all supplies, even rare meats like Turkey or a poor mans food at the time like Lobster.. Man was there lobster, at times it did get boring for many of the Citizens, yet they ate well, the general nation they settled in was always high in food and well fed due to it's history in the past.

The Nation was often seen by traders and people with exotic items.. Letting the shops around the Kingdom flourish.
Many tech of boats also led to the mass-selling of Fish, and soon the nation grew and houses needed to form..
And so one did.

The House of Blackwood was trained as the main offense and F.O.B house for what many may call The House of The Swords and general central guards for more chosen areas, though this could not stop attempts or attacks to the king and his off-spring, despite the High wealth the King and nation attempted to give out to the LowBorn, yet there was never enough, majority filled with greed from whatever they were given.

Time after time, attempt after attempt the King was slain, not by a man but by the Common Cold during the Winter.
Soon, down the set's of kings after time and years, a King by the name of Pior Hiat was put into position, by far the most liked and wealthy king that had shown within the years, often spreading such wealth to The House of Axes and The House of Shields, giving them room to buy more material for armor and more to defend.

Though, in a battle outside of the castle his oldest son of five years old was attacked and nearly killed, sending off his trusted advisor to support his offspring, not thinking rationally at all, prioritizing the others safety over him.

Soon after, another attack had taken place,
The king's Champion sent out to guard his injured Child as he was left un-maned.
Next thing he knew, a man stood infront of the doorway to the king, a bow and arrow in hand as a single let go of the tough string sent a arrow down to the king's frontal lobe, his body going limp in a instant -- as a second later.. second too late the
King's Champion slayed the offender from behind, a sharp stab through and up the mans back as he pushed him off his sword, looking ahead as the man fell to the ground, bleeding from his wounds as he saw.

The king had fallen, and the King's Champion had Failed.
This brought a general Dispute amongst all houses on whom to represent as the new king, none of the offspring were old enough to represent as king,
so they chose the one who Slayed said attacker, The King's Champion as a temporal King.
Later down the line, several years later as Leopold, the oldest son who had just turned 16 had been marked as king, now ruling over.

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--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: FungletheBungle
  • Steam ID: FungletheBungle
  • Discord Name & ID: FungletheBungle

Pending. Having trouble with this one... Very good apps...
Application format.

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: masterjamie9​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:32551049​
  • Discord Name & ID: AAAAA - masterjamie9​
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Godwin Adalbrand
    Character Role:
    House Axe​
  • Character Backstory (Optional):
    • View attachment 36682Godwin's youth was one granted to him as a lesser noble of a village baron. Unlike the peasantry, a lot of things came granted to him. Shelter, food, water. He may not have lived a rich life, but he certainly didn't live in squalor. As the last in line to his family's inheritance, a large family of 5 siblings, he grew jealous of his own family. What he had was not enough. He wanted more.

      As he came of age, he would sow deceit amongst his brethren, seeking to turn them against eachother. It was the typical noble squabbles of inheritance, but Godwin was no silver tongue. Rather, he roughed up his older siblings. Threatening them with violence. Jumping them when they're alone. In some cases their fights were public and broken apart by the local guard. His parents were none the wiser, for all of the brothers were too proud to turn to them. His actions culminated in a fight with his eldest brother at the dinner table. An eye scooped out with a fork later and his own father kicked him out of the house.But the axes of House Conrad had taken a notice of him during one of his many tavern brawls. And so, it was that Godwin met the former Champion of The Axe. Left with no place to go, the Champion offered him a place amongst his men. In his own words, he was short on tough bastards that didn't back down. And Godwin was known to never back down.

      His time amongst the House Axes was of great success. He was practically the right hand of the Champion, who grew old and tired. It almost seemed like he would simply take the position as the old Champion would retire. But he would just not retire, to Godwins frustration. Time would pass and the Champion stayed in position... until he was slain in a duel by a man named Reynard Lambert. To Godwin's own dismay, this man was now lifted up to the position he believed he would. And that by the Lord himself as well! Disgruntled, dismayed, disillusioned. Life goes on. Time will tell whether he will see recognition or whether he will take it.
  • Steam Name: villeneuve​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:216239824​
  • Discord Name & ID: villenora - 971116966762913853​


View attachment 36590

An idealized portrait of Carol Strickland the Third.

A bloodline of originally peasant levies turned enrichened nobles as a reward for their loyal service spanning several decades, The Strickland family has long served House Arkanis in its endeavors. When there was a necessity for the clashing of swords and the marching of troops, the Lord called upon the Stricklands for assistance. The call was, of course, unconditionally heeded.

All for the House.

Carol Strickland the Third had become the second member of his bloodline to act as the Champion of the Shield, trailing his long passed father in his footsteps - a warrior with a well earned legacy - in almost every waking moment of his life. Indeed, life as a child of Carol the Second was not merciful. The days were long and the nights were cold, the metallic plate little times having more than stale bread. A form of discipline that the current Champion had never recovered from, instead letting it stew and feed into his already poisonous psyche.

Yet, Carol strives to achieve successes in his life that would make his father finally proud. A thirty something year old man chasing the approval of a person deep within the grave, something he will never achieve. Does he know this? Naturally, but he does not accept it.

At the core of Carol Strickland is an open hedonist with a narcissistic complex. A half competent warrior who unpleasantly boasts many of his achievements - some heavily leaning into the territory of fiction - to those who grant him the time of day. A man so in love in himself that he would rather let the entire world as he knows burn down than admit the truth: that he's flawed and insecure. A delusional fool with illusions of grandeur, someone who hopes to eventually become Lord himself.

Despite his many defects, mental and physical, there exist ounces of positive attributes. His loyalty to House Arkanis and all it stands for is unfeigned and boundless, oftentimes going great lengths to do what he perceives to be right for it. Aside from dedicating his life to the House, Strickland firmly follows Reverend Falke's teachings to a T -- his sentiment against any and all forms of witchcraft something that echoes deeply within the Champion's chest.

So much so that he's willing to kill for it.
Switched from House Shield to House of Shields Family Member after request in DMs.
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