With Fire and Sword

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Steam Name: ramen
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:426186854
Discord Name & ID: @hl2rp

Goes under lowborn i guess? idk.

Steam Name: Eviction Notice
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:54479615
Discord Name & ID: evictionnotice

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Character Name: Bodomér Folkus
Character Role: House Axes - House of Axes
Character Backstory: Bodomér is talented- talented with a sword, talented with a shield, talented as a tactician. There is however one thing he isn't the most talented at remaining: sober. A drink on the job is but a mere drop into a large bucket of revelry that this officer of the local militia partakes in on the daily and most are uncertain as to what the motive behind such a self harming ritual truly is. One thing is certain though: you'll always find him with a wide grin on his face, his voice making-merry with all those he surrounds himself with. Is it a mere mask one puts on, or has he just truly lost his mind?

Many seem to opt for the second option.

There are many a tale of what this lunatic of a knight has partaken in and came out alive of- one would struggle to find one which isn't completely ludicrous by-design, a majority having been concocted by the man himself. He's tackled otherworldly foes- man-pigs, werewolves, an army of toads on two legs single-handedly! He's travelled from the farthest reaches of the land to the lowest points of the valleys, some even say into the depths of hell itself to wrestle with the demon spawn that lurk beneath, not a scar to be seen as he does not get struck in combat, this is a guarantee!

Let's be frank: nobody knows why he's here or how he's here in such a position- but it works, so it hardly needs fixing, right?

Accepted as King's Sword.
I was told after applying that I did not need to make an application to play as a peasant, so doesn't that mean accepted regardless?
I was told after applying that I did not need to make an application to play as a peasant, so doesn't that mean accepted regardless?
Yeah you can just join the server when it's opened. I denied it just because you didn't really ask for anything and I didn't want to add your name to the list of peasants considering there's gonna be 0 extra things for you than if you just join the server normally so I denied it for simplicity.
--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: LyingFox​
  • Steam ID: lyingf0x​
  • Discord Name & ID: lyingfox​
  • Leopold H. Blackwood
    The Young King

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    The larger details.
  • The now king and watcher over the lands, born a mere 16 years ago as the most recent king (Peor Hiat) had been deceased for over half a decade, a man who was the great grandchild of the one who slayed the witch, a large trial taking place amongst the House's to determine out of his three children whom to promote to king.
  • During Leopolds early years, born into a royal family was a blessing by who could only assume The Priest, from the House of Shields.
    as well in his early years he often snuck out between the Guards who now watch over him more directly than anything in his life; soon raising himself to be drawn to the Priest and his Religion, despite the draw between the houses.
  • His childhood was filled with riches and glory, never treated down upon within his secluded life from the outside,
    barely seeing or even knowing there were other people besides the army until he was Seven.

    as he grew up in religion, often praying and speaking the word of god alongside the Priest,
    begging for his uncle’s curse and deformity to cease, as well as for his good health as he had fallen ill.
  • Leopold grew to hate magic from tales of his father when he was still alive, looking down on it’s history despite his extreme-passive behavior.
  • During his young stages, the King’s Champion guided him in his life within the walls of the kingdom, showing him arts and items to do, yet something was off; something out of reach.

  • Seen as a "Kid", Leopold stood barely any threat in his young years, meaning from anyone wanting a nice head of a royal, killing him would be easy, and which it almost was.
    His first assasination attempt was under a Lowborn by the name of
    "Kenit Tow", a harsh battle ensued for the King's offspring to be protected, soon earning Leopolds first few of a near death experience, his pinkie finger slit off completely, this alone could be enough to kill a man from these early times, due to the low amount of medical knowlage.

    Though, if it was a gift from the accident
    magic or from skill, Leopolds finger was sued up.

    The man from the attempt was wounded heavily, the reward? Money.
    Soon, the man ran off to the outskirts of the city, loosing majority of the knights and protectors as he died to his wounds,
  • or only one could guess and assume he was, no body found.

    Soon after, another attack had taken place,
    The king's Champion sent out to guard his injured Child as he was left un-maned.
    Next thing he knew, a man stood infront of the doorway to the king, a bow and arrow in hand as a single let go of the tough string sent a arrow down to the king's frontal lobe, his body going limp in a instant -- as a second later.. second too late the
    King's Champion slayed the offender from behind, a sharp stab through and up the mans back as he pushed him off his sword, looking ahead as the man fell to the ground, bleeding from his wounds as he saw.

    The king had fallen, and the King's Champion had Failed.

    The King's Champion was marked as a temporal leader, due to the offspring being too young.
    Soon, when Leopold turned the ripe age of 16 from 11, he was marked up as
    King, the two other siblings of his residing
    around his age and marked under him to be next in line, unless the King had offspring.

    And there he was, Leopold the King on his throne, overlooking where he father sat with the now

    trusted advisor (King's Champion) guiding the semi-knowledgeable Kid, who was now King.

    The smaller details.
  • Majority of his physical attributes were hidden, taking insight and inspiration from his Uncle, he decided to as well wear a mask, not one that was steel plated, but one of a golden metal with a large holy cross down down from the frontal lobe; his height stays average at around 5’8” with a soft voice following overhead.

    In his life, Leopold grew to adore music, it being one of the few things he enjoyed the most in his secluded life in the castle, often asking his father for musical performances to be hosted, it was a slim chance this would be granted; but when it was? He had the time of his life.

    Leopold also grew to have a more energetic personality, eager to meet and do.
    This of course had it's up's and down's, but Leopold saw life as a experience to save.

    The boy also heavily depends on the King's Champion due to his shy nature, large meetings and gathering
  • for war are often a struggle for him, often having the King's Champion speak for him, though in time his shy nature may change.

    Leopold also had some other aspects in his life, he also grew to love Pastry's, mainly Apple Fritter's,
  • a creation made only in his kingdom by bakers in the area. A simple recipe that Leopold grew to love.

    His bond with his sister;
    Berence Hiat was strong, being one of the only people he could talk to on a basis on nearly anything, the day that she
    was promised and sent off to a separate house was a tough month for Leopold, the remaining two years feeling like a lone hell without his sister's bond.

    The boy also learned to love nature and it's aspects it brought into his life, gaining a love for scents and flowers.
    Strangely enough as well, the boy yearned for the color Purple, always fascinated in anything with the color on it.
    In all, the boy was calm at mind, what was there to fear anyways for himself? His life was filled with riches and barely any harm, what's another finger going to do?

    Though, he also was trained to defend himself by the King's Champion, barely learning how to directly fight however.
    Despite now being king, it seems he isn't fully fit, at least as of yet.

  • As read in his Journal.

    "Sometimes, I wish I was stronger, like uncle and My Fathers Champion."
    "I'm too weak.. I hate this feeling, whatever shall I do?"

    Leopold's physical body is slightly skinny, barely any muscle is built to him either.
    This of course, add's onto his attributes listed below.
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    Trusting : By heart and faith, Leopold is trusting to many, even when he shouldn't.
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    Extreme Pacifist : Only protect yourself, you should never attack first.
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    Forgiving : There's always a chance for everyone, even the worst.

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    Shy : Not used to large amounts of folk or people, whenever a crowd gathers, he hides.

    This as well, leads onto his birth and sub-traits.

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    Pensive : Often lost in thought and scared by the people around him, he prefers to rely on books and systems.
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    Weak : Not willing to directly fight, his attacks are lowered significantly whilst his defense grows large.
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    Stuttering : Finishing a quick sentence in a panic is a hassle for Leopold.

--- House Section ---

Kingdom Name:
Modora Dynasty
House Name: House of Blackwood

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During the Witch time of magic and healing, the one who slayed the Witch was a man by the name of Nardson Hiat, a fighter amongst the people and the one to bring some peace to the lands.

Nardson had a almost perfect knowlage of Magic, stepping down the knowledge or attempting to, to his offspring.
This of course and confused them, the knowledge passed by a book written by the man.. Soon lost by time in bookshelves below the kingdoms soil, magic long forgotten.

Though, one thing still remained, a new kingdom that had rose between nations.
From the beginning, they had large routes for trading across-water with boats and much early tech than other nations, setting a VERY large trading market throughout the surrounding nations, often marking off treaties with nations whom had little relations.

This opened a large market for all supplies, even rare meats like Turkey or a poor mans food at the time like Lobster.. Man was there lobster, at times it did get boring for many of the Citizens, yet they ate well, the general nation they settled in was always high in food and well fed due to it's history in the past.

The Nation was often seen by traders and people with exotic items.. Letting the shops around the Kingdom flourish.
Many tech of boats also led to the mass-selling of Fish, and soon the nation grew and houses needed to form..
And so one did.

The House of Blackwood was trained as the main offense and F.O.B house for what many may call The House of The Swords and general central guards for more chosen areas, though this could not stop attempts or attacks to the king and his off-spring, despite the High wealth the King and nation attempted to give out to the LowBorn, yet there was never enough, majority filled with greed from whatever they were given.

Time after time, attempt after attempt the King was slain, not by a man but by the Common Cold during the Winter.
Soon, down the set's of kings after time and years, a King by the name of Pior Hiat was put into position, by far the most liked and wealthy king that had shown within the years, often spreading such wealth to The House of Axes and The House of Shields, giving them room to buy more material for armor and more to defend.

Though, in a battle outside of the castle his oldest son of five years old was attacked and nearly killed, sending off his trusted advisor to support his offspring, not thinking rationally at all, prioritizing the others safety over him.

Soon after, another attack had taken place,
The king's Champion sent out to guard his injured Child as he was left un-maned.
Next thing he knew, a man stood infront of the doorway to the king, a bow and arrow in hand as a single let go of the tough string sent a arrow down to the king's frontal lobe, his body going limp in a instant -- as a second later.. second too late the
King's Champion slayed the offender from behind, a sharp stab through and up the mans back as he pushed him off his sword, looking ahead as the man fell to the ground, bleeding from his wounds as he saw.

The king had fallen, and the King's Champion had Failed.
This brought a general Dispute amongst all houses on whom to represent as the new king, none of the offspring were old enough to represent as king,
so they chose the one who Slayed said attacker, The King's Champion as a temporal King.
Later down the line, several years later as Leopold, the oldest son who had just turned 16 had been marked as king, now ruling over.

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Steam Name: Lord Cutler Beckett
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:65545159
Discord Name & ID: Lord Beckett / lordbeckett.

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His Sovereign Majesty, King Basil IV, Blessed be His Name, Most Puissant and Most Resplendent Archlord of Illystria, High Duke of Sorrowton, Grand Prince of the Green River Valley, Archpalatine of the Cawold Plains, Defender of the Church and Vanquisher of the Heathen.

Character Name: King Basil IV of House Elderhold
Character Role: The King
Character Backstory (Optional):

Born the eldest son of King Louis II, Basil IV (previously known as William before he inherited the crown from his father) was raised in a household of utter privilege and prestige. Serving as the heir apparent for the first half of his life, William held a position of immense importance from the day he was born. Accustomed to a life of giving orders and receiving total obedience, the transition to King was only natural when his father was finally laid to rest below Sorrowton Abbey. Both a deeply religious and martial-oriented man, Basil IV held the Church in particularly high regard, using them to hunt down the many heretics and pagans within the kingdom, most of whom just so happened to be political rivals of the newly-crowned king. Since then, Basil IV has ruled over the kingdom for almost three decades, his word treated as divine mandate by his numerous subjects.

Having grown up in a realm of relative prosperity, the king has had little experience of managing crises or political upheavals. A strong relationship with the Church and a legion of loyal soldiers has ensured the king and his household have little to worry in terms of factional intrigues. Whispers abound, however, of a prophesized return of the Witch King to the realm. Such rumors have been explicitly forbidden by the king, who will not suffer to even have the words "Witch King" mentioned in his presence. Complacency has held the kingdom steady for decades, so little reason exists for the monarch to labor over an issue that surely shall never come to pass.

The king himself is mostly preoccupied with maintaining law and order throughout his realm, and ensuring strict adherence to religious virtues among all of his subjects. Church attendance has become mandatory for much of the countryside over the past several years, and every few years an inquisition is ordered to root out any traces of heretical corruption from the lands, although most seem to think this is just a tactic to keep the peasantry from growing agitated. A crusade has even been called against the Foundation, the last bastion of pagan beliefs in the known world. Rumors have circulated that the king may lead a crusading army himself, though such an action may mean major instability for a kingless kingdom back home.

As for the king's vassals, he seems to have maintained an iron grip on those he has named custodians of his fiefdoms. A strict hierarchical establishment governs the lands, with the king and his household at the top and the nobility just below them; lowborn filth are kept at arms-length, for it is unbecoming of highborn individuals to allow the unwashed masses to associate with their betters. Feudal society is despotic and unsympathetic, and it is something that Basil IV keenly supports. As the king often says, once the blood of royalty becomes tainted by those of the peasantry will the kingdom be led to ruin. Needless to say, maintaining tradition and conformity is paramount to the monarch, a notion that has been routinely instilled in his vassals.

For now, the king maintains near-total control over a realm that has seen relative prosperity define its character throughout all of living memory. As an absolute monarch, Basil IV has little tolerance for those who mean to upset the natural order. A burning hatred for heathens and an incessant paranoia of political detractors has created an atmosphere of fear and suspicion, something that may serve as a detriment were a crisis to erupt. However, such talk of crises are misplaced in the king's eyes. We have lived in peace for almost a century: what could possibly cause that peace to falter now?

--- House Section ---

House Name: House Elderhold
House History (Optional):
Hailing from the holdings of Green River Valley, the Elderhold family has held immense sway within the region of Illystria for over a millennium. With their near-total control over the farmlands within the fertile valley, the Elderhold house has held something of a monopoly on local food production, and as a result they have been able to field and support the largest armies over the centuries. Through an entrenched system of draconian peasant labor, the Elderhold house have proven themselves to be vicious taskmasters, working their tenants to exhaustion as they constantly plant and harvest the crops on the expansive Elderhold fields.

The peasantry have been kept in line through a strong religious tradition, which features an intrusive and wide-ranging system of parishes that keep tabs on their members and report any signs of dissent straight to the Elderhold house. The bond between the Elderholds and the Church has therefore spanned hundreds of years, with the Elderholds even being the ones to originally commission the construction of Sorrowton Abbey as a show of support. The relationship between the house and the Church is mutually beneficial and wholly inseparable—one cannot survive without the other.

While the Elderhold house has always been a noble one, they did not always hold the throne of Illystria. Factional intrigues throughout the centuries saw members of their house attain and lose the throne on numerous occasions. Their power was at its lowest during the time of the Great Empire, which saw a rival house hold the emperorship for an extended period of time. Although the circumstances surrounding the end of the Empire are not entirely clear, its end began a long climb of Elderhold power to its eventual zenith in the modern period. At the current time, Elderhold influence has never been stronger, although complacency and decadence have begun to appear within many members of the royal household.

Being an ancient and noble house, the Elderhold name carries with it an aura of both prestige and trepidation. Members of the family are known for using any means necessary to both maximize production in their fields and maintain control over the kingdom at large. Their relationship with the Church has ensured a level of legitimacy other houses can only dream about. Maintaining this relationship is vital toward warding off any threats that may affect the house. As the head of the household, Basil IV can point to a long and expansive line of predecessors, many of whom have become almost mythical figures in Illystrian culture. A sense exists among the population, however, that a series of great changes are soon to begin. Whether the ancient house can weather these changes remains to be seen.

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--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: FungletheBungle
  • Steam ID: FungletheBungle
  • Discord Name & ID: FungletheBungle


Very difficult choice for me. Ultimately decided that a young king would make for the most interesting politics in the event. Good show from all of you, there were times were I decided on each of you for the role before changing my mind as I was writing the acceptation message.
--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: vertix​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:58254963​
  • Discord Name & ID: vertix (formerly vertix#9343)​


1720392849092.pngCharacter Name: Cassyon Cauthier

Character Role: House Conrad, Armourer

Character Backstory (Optional): The fire rages. The steel heats. A thousand meters of wire. Wind. Cut. Join. Wind. Cut. Join. The armourer sleeps not, the sound of metal clangs a bump in the night. Wind. Cut. Join. Weave. Double the thickness. Cut. Join. Weave. Sixteen thousand rings. A war is coming. Weave. Join. Wind. Join. The mail takes shape. Serpentine. Braid. Box. The rings protect the warrior. Wind. Cut. Join. Weave. Braid.

The furnace pops. The steel cools. One ingot, then two, then three. Swing, crack, clang. The plate takes shape. The hammer swings. Children jolt awake at the sound. Swing, crack, clang. The armourer is not to be disturbed. A war is coming. The leather-worker arrives. Measure. Cut. Stitch. Tie. The plate protects the warrior. Swing. Crack. Cut. Stitch. Tie.

Your second and last chance. You will not fail your Lord. How long? Five years. Ten. Twenty. You've grown complacent, Cassyon. Rusty. It cannot happen again.

Wind. Cut. Join. Weave. Braid. Swing. Crack. Clang. Measure. Cut. Stitch. Tie. Rust.

Scour the rust. Fortify the plate. A war is coming.


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--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Brennen
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:199644942
  • Discord Name & ID: brennenw05

--- IC Section ---

  • Character Name: Destrin the Black
    Designer (3).png
    Character Role: Lowborn - Mercenary Captain

    Black Eyes - Destrin was born with dark grey almost black eyes. Something never seen in his family's history.
    Loyal - extremely loyal to his comrades in arms, and to the company.
    Greedy - seeks wealth over all else, why else risk your life fighting but for coin
    Honor - Seeks to be honorable, especially when doing business.

  • Character Backstory:
    Born not but 30 years ago, Destrin was once a part of a long line of merchants. Based in city of YeluFa, his family had long run many a caravan from that eastern city. Once holding what is considered a fortune among the lowborn of the kingdom. However, growing up Destrin loathed his family. With his father pushing for him to take upon his legacy. For Destrin wanted to adventure, to battle, to seek riches not in some warehouse but on the road, and in the battlefield. From the time he could talk, he had studied his family trade. How to read and write. How to make a contract, how to strike a deal. He also learned to fight. The caravan guards that would come to his father for employ would teach him, after offering them coin picked off from his father. Over the years his father has slowly squandered most of the family fortune. With the death of his mother at the age of 17, and his father sick, and on his death bed. Destrin set out on his own.

    Over the next 10 years Destin moved from town to town, taking any job he could find. traveling with and guarding the same caravan his had been trained most of his life to manage. He learned his new trade well. Becoming skilled in the art of fighting. After years of being alone on the road. and getting a decent amount of coin in his purse, Destrin decided to finally return to his home city with a plan. When he returned, he found his family's business on its last legs. His father had died, and with him gone all those years, his uncle had taken control. His uncle being an old fool. Destrin "convinced" him to hand over what was left, which was very little. Destrin than transformed the dying merchant businesses, into a new company of honorably mercenary.

    Designer (4).png

    The company under the leadership Destrin has slowly grown over the past 3 years. With the Black Eyes being a cut above other sell-swords of the kingdom. For they are not a ravaging band of criminals, and ruffians. Instead, they are professionals in their craft.
    Lost Swords.

    The Tenants of the Eyes

    The Sacred Contract
    The company works though contracts signed between the captain, and the client. These contracts are the foundation of the company. Under no terms will a contract ever be broken by the company. Or its clients. Those members who do break the terms of a signed contract shall be removed from their position, violently if need be. If a client breaks the terms of a contract, the company will hold them accountable, either by word, or steel.

    Suffer No Banditry
    Members of the company shall not engage in any criminal activity whatsoever. If caught, your position in the company is forfeit. And you will be turned over to the kingdom for punishment.

    Profession of War and Coin
    Members of the company are mandated to keep the skills of the trade sharp. They must train to fight, and to deal. Those caught lacking in the skills will be punished.

    All are Welcome
    The company accepts all who wish to join, as long as they have knowledge to fight or the knowledge of trade. Anyone above the age of 17, men or women. Those who commit acts of heresy against the church are not welcome and will be turned into the church.

    Over the years a rumor, a whisper has spread in the streets, and in the halls. About a mysterious benefactor. A shadow who supports the company. Some threads trace to the east, but how far?
    No evidence of this has ever been found, but the whispers keep spreading.


Accepted as Carling Akarnis


Pending. Church Rework will be more expansive.


Denied. Still unclear what role you're applying for.

Accepted. Demoted to House Shield (Normal Footsoldier) rather than champion.





Uh... Accepted? Denied? You didn't ask for anything so you don't get anything... Which is what you're asking for?



Denied. Suspicious Account.







Accepted. As said in DMs, I am expanding the "King's Family" role and decreasing the "King's Swords" to fit you in.


Accepted as House Sword.



Accepted. House 'God I Love Beer' will receive some light retconning.




Denied. Suspicious Account.

Pending. Church Rework will be more expansive.


Pending. Church Rework will be more expansive.


Pending. Check DMs cuh!!!




Pending. Church Rework will be more expansive.

Pending. You may be given your own house.


Updated as per request.
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House of the Shield Mega Application
Led by
Lord of House Lupthen (@Asimo1234 )

House History:

The fouView attachment 36822nder of House Lupthen was once an ancient hero born within the times of the great Empire. Choosing to enter his house into the fight against the socerer-king the Lord set out to ensure the evacuation of many villages whom were no priority to the other nobility. The then Lord of house Lupthen managed to effectively delay the enemy to allow for these evacuations. He had established his militia into a chokepoint and held the line, letting the enemy break themselves upon it charge after charge. Truly the only way that they could have held out this long was through divine intervention! Hence the religious nature of the house. Through this selfless sacrifice, the local inhabitants they had protected named them their leader, thus ensuring the legacy of the house.

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Ever since that time the house has been ensuring the safety of the peasantry by routing out wrongdoers, frequent patrols, and mercilessly dealing with criminals.

Over time the house had diverged from a "Martial Protection" to an overall protection. They were willing to destroy personal freedoms if it means collective security. The law is followed to the letter, but in return the hoarding of wealth was discouraged. The house prefers that every peasant has a pike, rather than a small force of men at arms.

Through this, the house has kept a vigil watch over their own lands, as well as the kingdom at large. Through any means necessary.

House's Coat of Arms
An Escutcheon of light vert holding
A Pall of Sable with an Orle of Argent
Damasked at the Chief by an Argent Horn bound in Lines of Gules
At the Sinister Base by a Gauntlet of Argent
And at the Dexter Base by the Lord's Bible.
Surrounded by a Mantling of Vert and Argent.

The Horn represents the unity and call of our house, bound in red, our blood.
The Gauntlet represents our strength, may it never waiver.
The Lord's Bible represents our faith in God, who will bring us fortune.
United they form the Shield of our Kingdom.
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Notable House Members

House Lord: @Asimo1234
Family Member: @Appi

Champion of the House: @Tuki
Shield of the House: @Stanford
Shield of the House: @Lucaa

Blacksmith: @Curbalas
Priest: @Kena

Character Backstories and OOC Information

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You will start as a travelling band rather than as an independent House with it's own castle. You will start apart from others, and will have to rely on the other houses for residency.
--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: ItsLiam
  • Steam ID: idk
  • Discord Name & ID: itsliam010
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Jeremiah von Auger
    Character Role:
  • Character Backstory (Optional):
Born to an illegitimate relation. A disgrace to this world, a piece of fucking shit, someone who doesn't deserve to be breathing.​

A child of a noble, and a slave. The child of a whore of a mother, someone using him as a tool to progress further in life. Once the noble got note of this, the only person you ever loved in your life got murdered in cold blood.

Only the noble knows this, the others see you as a lowborn. Jeremiah von Auger, you're the one destined to be the opposition, destined to be the one to end your father's reign. From sticks and stones, to iron and silver, you will make your way up the ladder, one day... Being able to end what your father started.

You must do what is right, what is right in -your- mind. You know your own story, you know the end of it. You're ready to sacrifice it all, hoping to gain it all.
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--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Hayden
  • Steam ID: You know who I am.
  • Discord Name & ID: Hayden/Haydeon
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Aldous Alaric
    Character Role:
    Tanner & Hunter for house Lupthen
  • Character Backstory (Optional):
  • "You don't need a backstory, I don't mind." - Alessio
Aldous has been with the house for years now, borne from a Tanner family, continuing the family tradition and role. Avoiding the intricacies of politics within the Kingdom and preferring to stick to himself and his House, he has lived a relatively simple life, away from any sort of battles. Despite other houses likely providing better living standards and equipment, Aldous is devoutly loyal to his lord, recognising the great deeds and selfless nature he and the house have committed themselves to in times past.
Steam Name: Paxxosgravato
Steam ID: Discord Name & ID: papo4846

--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name:
  • Marius Squartalepri

  • Character Role:

    Tanner & Hunter, any house is good enough for me
  • Character Backstory (Optional):
  • Marius is a simple man, he wakes up in the morning, grabs his trusty crossbow, goes to hunt a couple of elk, and then sells their pelts and carcasses at the market for a fairly reasonable price. He is well known around his community, and his reputation as a trust-worthy tanner makes him well-liked by the people of the village.

    He learned everything he knew about tanning and hunting from his mother, Rayla, she was one of the kingdom's most prestiged huntresses. She was a very prideful woman, sometimes even putting her work in front of her family; Not that it made her a bad mother, in fact, Marius and her were very close. So close, that he learned how to skin and tan rabbits by the age of five.

    These days Marius has been up to his usual business, always waking up at around six to go hunt animals... During one of the many trips to the market to sell his merchandise, he has over-heard a couple of folks talk about some weird creature roaming around the woods; Thing that has struck Marius' curiosity. So our hunter has set himself a simple goal, investigate this creature, and tan the fuck out of it.
--- OOC Section ---

  • Steam Name: legendary cornhole caster
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:455782278
  • Discord Name & ID: wacklyy
--- IC Section ---

  • Character Name: Konrad Seusenhofer
    Character Role: Local Armorer - House of Axes
  • Character Backstory (Optional): Konrad Seusenhofer, a skilled armorer in his middle years, the trusted craftsman to the noble House of Axes, notable for his ability to forge armor that balances both strength and efficiency. Konrad was born into a relatively small sized family, having only one sibling. Konrad's skill of metalwork comes from his father, who at that time, was just a regular armorer to the King. Ever since his early days the art of steel is all Konrad has ever known.
--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: judas​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:82016762​
  • Discord Name & ID: judas​

--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Volkrad Fausta 'The Firebrand'
    Character Role:
    Local Priest of the House of Shields​

"Burn the wicked. Burn the heretic. Burn the sorcerer. That the Lord may sift through the ashes and cast down their souls."

View attachment 36811
  • Character Backstory (Optional):

Lies, and deceit. Treachery, heresy, worst of all, sorcery. Volkrad sees them everywhere, these destroyers of kingdoms and slayers of kings. Little is known of Volkrad Fausta's past, those who would recognize him from youth have all either perished in flames, or long since fled to lands far away from his baleful gaze.

Those who do know would speak of a young man, born to a poor family of a name since forgotten, in a small village, seemingly destined for plodding regularity. The only notable feature of this mud sunken village being the presence of a small church. Volkrad, owing to his scathing intelligence and dislike for the games and distractions of his fellow adolescents, spent most of his time in this small church. The priest of this church, a quite lonely man, was more than happy to teach Volkrad the history of their world and of the Church, especially given Volkrad's eloquence and charm around the adults of his village.

Volkrad found himself enamored by the power of the church, and the stories of the destruction of magic. The more time he spent with the priest, the more he learned of the Witch-King, the greater his paranoia grew. Why does this lowly priest, in the boonies of the kingdom, know so much of the Witch-King and his magics? Why was he so willing to share them with such a young, impressionable, man?

Volkrad swore the fire that claimed the church and its priest was not of his making, that perhaps it was judgement from on High. All the same, the people of his village could not allow him to remain within their midst. Exiled, Volkrad made for the nearest city, where his skill in oratory and inflaming the passions of the people caught the eye of the Church at large. Sponsoring his formal education, the leaders of the Church forged themselves a new weapon.

Today, Volkrad travels through the land of the House of Shields, speaking to the common people of the threat of outside kingdoms, of their attempts to consort with demons, their sorcerous ambitions, and spreading the word of the Church. When the flames of war burn, it will be Volkrad Fausta holding the tinder.



--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Merlinsclaw​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:63717084​
  • Discord Name & ID: Merlinsclaw​
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Bishop Brail Strumland
    Character Role:
    Local Priest​
  • Character Backstory (Optional): Included a bit about the church/religion. I would like to do cool stuff, please let me do cool stuff.​

--- OOC Section ---
  • Steam Name: Divine
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:63629212
  • Discord Name & ID: ._divine.
--- IC Section ---
  • Character Name: Morgan Falke
    Character Role:
    House of Shields; Priest
  • Character Backstory (Optional):
Steam Name: Brother Shiftius II
Steam ID: 76561198155988671
Discord Name & ID: the_elites_are_blind_arbiter


View attachment 36694

Once my eyes were clouded, but now that they can see,
I weep with paradise that Thee have shown to me.

Once my ears were deafened, but now that they can hear,
I listen to Thine message whole whatever it may be.

Once my hands were idle, but now that they are free,

Forever shall I carve Thine work for all to feel and fear.

"...And fear they shall."
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